taiinted · 1 year
OOC.  Happy New Year. Tomorrow is a fresh start for all of us and I have decided to make a new blog for Morgan. Here is the URL https://hellwolfie.tumblr.com/ So far everything is under construction and I have yet to post anything on there. Cher, Morgan’s sister is a secondary oc rp character. I will be moving threads and asks over there. Please feel free to follow me over there
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taiinted · 1 year
OOC.  Happy New Year. Tomorrow is a fresh start for all of us and I have decided to make a new blog for Morgan. Here is the URL https://hellwolfie.tumblr.com/ So far everything is under construction and I have yet to post anything on there. Cher, Morgan’s sister is a secondary oc rp character. I will be moving threads and asks over there. Please feel free to follow me over there
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taiinted · 1 year
OOC.  Happy New Year. Tomorrow is a fresh start for all of us and I have decided to make a new blog for Morgan. Here is the URL https://hellwolfie.tumblr.com/ So far everything is under construction and I have yet to post anything on there. Cher, Morgan’s sister is a secondary oc rp character. I will be moving threads and asks over there. Please feel free to follow me over there
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taiinted · 1 year
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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taiinted · 1 year
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A HUNDRED DIFFERENT EMOTIONS TWIST INSIDE THEM, TANGLING LIKE KNOTS that refuse to unravel. Tiny  invisible daggers puncture their heart until it deflates like a flat tire and they find it difficult to breathe. Guilt, frustration, anger, regret, swirls within them that they struggle to control. The pigeon that had been happily cooing  around their feet quickly flies away almost as if it has suddenly became aware that there is a predator in its midst. God’s be damned, how could they have been so stupid to open up to him only to have it slapped back in their face. 
There is a slight tremble running through their hands as they scrunch the brown paper bag into a tight ball. Their brows knit together and their jaw sets tight until their gums start to  ache from the pressure of their teeth grinding together.  ❝Ya know what fuck you. I was jus’ tryin’ to help ya understand me better, but hey continue to be an ass if it makes ya feel better.   ❞ They hiss through gritted teeth and start to shuffle away from him.  ❝Ya are not worth my time and at least Natalia was willin’ to hear me out, the last time we talked, which was the night she left my son on my doorstep Lance? I wanna be your friend. I need a friend, only you would sooner be on your own. Well I have got news for ya bein’ alone isn’t exactly fun. Believe me I know. I’ve been alone nearly all my life and got the scars t’go along with it  ❞ They jump out of their skin  when a  loud canine like bark  echoes  around a  nearby alleyway and catches a glimpse of a foxes tail slinking back into the darkness. 
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They highly doubted it was their brother but they couldn’t resist sticking up their middle finger to it all the same.❝Bloody foxes always stickin’ their noses in when they are not wanted. That includes my brother he’s a fox demon.  ❞
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IT WOULD HAVE LIKELY BROUGHT THEM JOY, RELIEF EVEN TO SEE IT WAS THE HOST and not the demon they were interacting with ( they would always find them slightly unnerving ) for a change, if he hadn’t decided to get cranky with them. They only manage to get halfway towards him  before they are unable to go further and crimson red eyes stare solemnly down at the  flask  in their gloved hand, which contained hot chocolate. They had planned on giving it to him as a type of peace offering, but it seemed pointless now, considering how he was already questioning their motives. 
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They turn slowly on their heels before they move over to the edge of the pavement and sits down on it. They pull a small, brown paper bag full of bird seed  out of their pocket and scatters some of it  onto the pavement. It doesn’t take long for a pigeon to fly down and start pecking at it by their feet, something that instantly brings a smile back upon their lips.  ❝Then ya need t’get some sleep. Ya don’t look… well  — and no that is not me bein a busy body, that’s me showin’ concern. I’ve been told several times by others that my weakness is showin’ compassion to those who don’t  deserve it  — but  it must be a ordeal havin’  that  invasive creature — I mean individual, snatchin your body right from under ya all the time.   ❞ They  lower their head  to look down at the pigeon cooing  by their feet. They know it likely wants more food but they had given the rest of it to the crows and magpies while down at the park just this morning.  ❝I actually used t’be a alcoholic. I got clean when I saw it was playin havoc with my powers and I had a baby to look after, which was another reason why I gave it up. My son Darwin. He turns three in February. I haven’t heard from his mother since she dropped him off at my doorstep and I doubt I will see her again, so I am all he has got. Do ya have family? Anyone close that can help ya deal with your unwanted passenger?  ❞
Well. If that isn’t interesting. He remembers the first time he met the hybrid. Not in charge of his own body at the time but a first meeting regardless. Them, standing over two bodies. Blood everywhere. Talking about how lovely it felt to kill someone, even if prompted by Azathoth. And here they are now, sitting before him. Feeding the birds, smiling.
It’s somewhat perplexing and grotesque to see them like that. So confusing that Lance’s first instinct is not to leave anymore, but to remain standing right here, staring at them with a puzzled, wary look on his face. He chooses to ignore the comment on how tired he looks, because there is no way he’s going to talk about his nightmares and insomnia with a total stranger. Instead, he gives the other a soft snort.
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“Maybe they got a point” he replies in regards to the other’s ‘weakness’, though truth be told, it makes them instantly more likeable in his book. Empathy. Instead of endless sadism and selfishness. Certainly a refreshing change of scenery. “It’s not happening ‘all the time’“ he has to correct Morgan anyway, but it’s more of a mutter, maybe not even aimed at the other, but at himself. As the hybrid talks more about themself, Lance looks right back at them with an indecipherable look on his face, letting them finish what they have to say. Look hardening and getting even more guarded the second he’s asked if he has any family, anyone really, who can help him.
In an instant, there’s a thick, suffocating lump in his throat. His teeth gritting, his eyes growing a bit wider as he battles the onslaught of emotions and grief that his ‘unwanted passenger’ is more than happy to lab right up. Because yeah. Isn’t that always the fun part to realize. That he’s alone with this. That everyone else is either dead or pushed away and kept at a distance. For their safety.
“You’re a bit of an oversharer, aren’t you” is the first thing he says then, the rudeness a defense mechanism to keep everything else at bay. But even he soon realizes that he’s being an utter dick. Especially to someone who might be a better person than him after all. Then, with a deep breath, he decides to move forward instead and sits down next to Morgan, with some generous space between them. He places his elbows on his knees and leans forward a bit so he can move his hand through his hair.
“Can’t imagine what that’s like. Three year old kid. Entirely dependent on you alone. Jesus” he takes them up on the conversation, softer, and finally looks back at the other. “That takes some serious guts.I mean that” the former TV host goes on, only to look away again. He starts fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket for a bit, trying to imagine it but, nope. He knows he couldn’t do something like that. One of the many reasons why he did what he did back when he fucked up in film school.
“I’m more the type of person like that dear mother of his I guess. So, you know. Whatever.” There’s a bitterness in his voice, followed by silence. Until he once again looks back at the other and beams a fake grin at him. “Looks like here you are again. Showing compassion to those who don’t deserve it. You should work on that. For your kid’s sake.”
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taiinted · 1 year
You’re so afraid to tell people how you feel because you fear rejection, so you bury it deep inside yourself where it only destroys you more.
anonymous (via doll)
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taiinted · 1 year
𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of texts prompts. Some have romantic undertones, but not all of them. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)  TW: food & alcohol mention
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[TEXT] - please just call me back.
[TEXT] - i’m sorry.
[TEXT] - so this is my number, but don’t save my name as anything sketchy.
[TEXT] - i’m making dinner tonight, you should come over.
[TEXT] - you’re LATE.
[TEXT] - can we talk? 
[TEXT] - how did it go?
[TEXT] - you’re gonna laugh, but can you pick me up at the police station?
[TEXT] - thinking about you…
[TEXT] - i miss you so much.
[TEXT] - i have an idea, probably gonna get us in trouble though.
[TEXT] - i know you’re awake! pick up the phone! 
[TEXT] - so you’re just gonna ignore me forever? 
[TEXT] - i’m at taco bell you want anything? 
[TEXT] - are you awake?
[TEXT] - i have good news and bad news.
[TEXT] - how are you? 
[TEXT] - new phone, who is this? 
[TEXT] - wanna come over? 
[TEXT] - what’s wrong with you?!
[TEXT] - you only call me when you’re drunk. 
[TEXT] - me, you, a bad movie. you in? 
[TEXT] - wanna bang? [TEXT] - hang* [TEXT] - whatever
[TEXT] - i’ll seduce you with cool scientific facts.
[TEXT] - are you still alive?
[TEXT] - we are sophisticated adults ok?  [TEXT] - last week i purchased a vegetable
[TEXT] - i will not hesitate to strangle you
[TEXT] - what are you doing this weekend? 
[TEXT] - can i come over? [TEXT] - because i’m in your driveway.
[TEXT] - are you seriously leaving me on read right now?
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taiinted · 1 year
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bold what applies.    repost,   don’t reblog.
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smoke escaping a dark alley.   speckled lights up a skyscraper at night.  the business of the morning rush to work.   the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries from bakeries in the early morning.   the crack of dawn walk of shame.   lines of cabs and buses filling the main streets.   sunrise breaking over the skyline.   neons flashing against brick.   lightning bolt cracks in the pavement.   sunset streaming through buildings.   a theatre district full of tourists and performers.   night time rain hitting long glass windows.   activity on every street corner.    shattered glass littering the concrete.   wind tunnels passing through a maze of buildings.   churches nestled within high rises.   breakfast on a small balcony.    sirens echoing and bouncing off the inner city walls.   dirty rivers breaking up the concrete jungle.   season changes:   burnt orange of autumn trees, light white snow of winter,   midday sunshine of summer,   blooming flower bushes in spring.   crystal canals littered with houseboats.  dusk falling and lights flickering on.   lightning striking the tops of skyscrapers.   vague reflections in the water of fountains.   cigarette ashes in the gutter.   darkened and empty side streets.   lines of people and chatter outside of clubs.   fire escapes trailing down the sides of buildings.   high ceilings in industrial studio apartments.   rainbow hues reflected in glass.   cityscape views from monuments.     rain gutters swelling during heavy downpour.  a park oasis in the middle of the city.   new years fireworks lighting up the night sky. airplane trails littering the sky.   polished corner offices.   strip club pamphlets strewn across the damp footpath.  rooftop gardens.   oil pools staining asphalt.   skyscrapers protruding thick cloud.   helicopter spotlights.   litter piles surrounding dumpsters nestled down alleyways.   window displays of designer stores.   streets lined with thin trees.   the contrast of the white paint and asphalt at crossings.  street views from the bathroom windows.   lowlit bars permeating red light.
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TAGGED BY :  @hebled <3 TAGGING :   @blccdharmonyx ( Larkin ) @gretaphasmatosmartin @yetfierce @polyphagist​ @thprofessor​ @richardxoliverxmayhew​ @hellsurvivr​ @elenaloveablekotsala​ ( Elena ) @perfectanguish​ @malka-lisitsa​​   and anyone else who sees this. 
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taiinted · 1 year
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──   Top  5  song  associations, share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire / represent  your  muse  the  most. Bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it.  
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1. Hostage of love  ━━  Razorlight.  I am a sinner And I am a saint I am a devil I am a ghost at the wake I feed the swell and pull Of your tears as they break I am the limit of The load you can take. 
2. Ashes  ━━ Celine Dion.  What's left to say? These prayers ain't working anymore Every word shot down in flames What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor? I'm losing my voice calling on you  Cause I've been shaking I've been bending backwards 'til I'm broke Watching all these dreams go up in smoke.
3. Ride  ━━ Lana del rey.  Don't break me down (Don't break me down) I been traveling too long (I been traveling too long) I been tryin' too hard (I been tryin' too hard) With one pretty song (With one pretty song) I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast I am alone at midnight Been trying hard not to get into trouble, but I I've got a war in my mind I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy I'm tired of driving 'til I see stars in my eyes It's all I've got to keep myself sane, baby So I just ride, I just ride
4. Iris  ━━ Goo goo dolls.  And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't wanna go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life And sooner or later, it's over I just don't wanna miss you tonight And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
5. This night  ━━ Black lab. There are things, I have done There's a place, I have gone There's a beast and I let it run Now it's running my way There are things I regret That you can't forgive, you can't forget There's a gift, that you sent You sent it my way So take this night And wrap it around me like a sheet I know I'm not forgiven But I need a place to sleep
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TAGGED BY. No one. TAGGING.  @demcnsinmymind @demonstigma​ @luposcainus​ @starlyht​ @ofwondersandhares​ ( Sean ) @manneatcr​ @historylived​ @iincantatorum​ ( Devlin ) @itsagentzero​ @spiritsfound​ @korinthiakos​ @rassilcn​ @seesgood​ @hebled​ @blccdharmonyx​ and anyone else who sees this.
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taiinted · 1 year
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@ofwondersandhares​ Continued from here. 
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[ TEXT TO: MY LITTLE HARE 🐇] I didn’t know that, no.  [ TEXT TO: MY LITTLE HARE 🐇] Are you sure it is me you want to accompany you on this trip?  [ TEXT TO: MY LITTLE HARE 🐇] You left your phone unlocked and I saw the unsent message you wrote to me about how you still have feelings for my brother and that you would act upon them if you ever saw him again .  [ TEXT TO: MY LITTLE HARE 🐇] What exactly am I to you Sean? Do you even how genuine romantic feelings for me or am I just a plaything that you callously toss to one side when something better comes along.  [ TEXT TO: MY LITTLE HARE 🐇] I’m gonna go pack a couple of pairs of those scantily clad underwear that you seem to like and book us a flight to the Alps. I hope to see you there, at the airport, but if not then I know where I stand with you. 
Their fingers hover over the keys for a couple of seconds and they couldn’t stop themselves from looking over at the unconscious, dark haired man sleeping inside their bed. They really should change his bandages.  
[ TEXT TO: MY LITTLE HARE 🐇] Speaking of my brother, Lupin is here with me. He’s been badly injured. A dog attacked him. 
They snap a quick picture of their brother’s sleeping form and send it over to Sean. They couldn’t help but grimace when the flash of their phone’s camera causes him to stir and they lean over him to push him back down onto  the mattress before he tries to sit up.  ❝I command ya to fall back asleep.  ❞ Their words are light as sing-song and they let go off  their  brother’s shirt as soon as  they see his eyes start to close Their eyes roll, almost into the back of their head and  they are forced to pinch the bridge of their nose with one hand as he sends Sean another quick text with the other They felt dizzy all of a sudden. 
[ TEXT TO: MY LITTLE HARE 🐇] He’s gonna kill me when he wakes up, but I used my hypnotizing powers to put him in a coma. He needs to sleep to heal. I just forgotten how much it weakens me  to influence someone who has a similar power set as myself. 
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taiinted · 1 year
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🥀Roses falls 🥀
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taiinted · 1 year
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@blccdharmonyx​ CONTINUED FROM HERE. 
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IT IS INSTINCTIVE THE WAY THAT THEY WRAP THEIR ARMS AROUND HIM WHEN THEY are greeted by his presence. They cannot recall the last time they felt something like this, at least not with him ( especially not after they had been at each other’s throats for several, long, grueling weeks  ━━━ they had actually considered filling for divorce once or twice, but had decided against it after talking to their father ) and it feels good being back in his arms ━━━ safe even. 
❝You don’t need to say my name like a question Larkie. M’not gonna bite, well not unless ya want me to.  ❞  They admit quietly. They could hold onto him for hours but they know it still wouldn’t be enough to repair the damage they had inflicted upon each other or the nights they had spent crying themselves to sleep in separate bedrooms, yet they feel that this is a step in the right direction.  
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They find themselves rolling their eyes after hearing their brother Lupin shout at their Dad for having the nerve to play festive music in his presence and for their Dad to shout instantly back well maybe ya shouldn’t be such a bloody Grinch. ❝What do ya think of the presents I got you? ❞ They had left another more expensive gift on Larkin’s bed,  which was a obsidian pendant in the shape of a black wolf with sparkling red ruby eyes. It was their way of saying that no matter what happens to them they would always be by his side. 
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taiinted · 1 year
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by Paul Moody
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taiinted · 1 year
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THEY ARE SILENT AS EVER AS THEY STEP INTO HIS HOME, WHILE LEAVING MUDDY footprints in their wake ( it wouldn’t be hard for him to see that they had been travelling through the forest barefoot ) and they place their leather jacket onto one of the coat hangers by the front door. They try their hardest not to get lost in their memories that they shared with a man who’s face was uncannily similar to this man’s who had just inquired what they wanted from him. Head cants to one side to view him more clearly and they remain quiet for a moment longer before they find enough courage to speak. 
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❝I... I don’t make a habit of doin’ this and truthfully I prefer my council, but I am lookin’ for advice. How do you win back someones heart after ya acted like a mad person around them?  ❞ Their words feel like acid on their tongue, but remarkably they are delivered perfectly and their gaze never falters from his, not even when tears start to build up in their eyes.  ❝I... I fear I may have scared him off ━━Sean O’Hare. My litte hare. He suggested I should go see a psychiatrist to check if my mind is stable because I haven’t been actin’ like myself lately, only I panicked. He doesn’t know I have had bad experience with medical professionals and I may have lost control of my temper. Electrical equipment has a tendency to explode when I am feelin’ agitated, scared or hurt. ❞ They whisper as they dab their eyes with a piece of tissue that they had found in one of their coats pocket.  ❝I haven’t seen him since and I am worried he has come to some harm. He said he was goin to seek out someone called the Oracle.  ❝
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“—– It is not often I get a knock at my door, what is it that you need from an old Fire Knave like me?”
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taiinted · 1 year
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❝Get away from me. How many more times do I have to say it before ya understand? Leave me alone. ❞  
0 notes
taiinted · 1 year
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FOR A MOMENT, ALL MORGAN IS ABLE TO DO IS STARE DUMBLY DOWN AT THEIR doorstep in shock. They had came outside for a quick cigarette break and to admire the fairy lights glinting merrily in the houses over the road before the festivities fully got underway. It takes another second to pick up the gift and read the note that causes their eyes to widen just a little in shock  when they see who it is from ━━ Lance. The man who gave them such a hard time for opening up to them during the last time they spoke on the side of the road. What the hell was happening? They had to look around the street for any signs that this was some kind of  trick or for their boss Desire of the Endless who liked playing pranks on them  but they were completely alone, save for a couple of crows squabbling on the rooftops over a morsel of food ━━ and then they remembered what the note had said, about how Lance was returning the favor for the gift they had given him a couple of nights ago. 
They wished they had Lance’s phone number, just so they could text him thank you but they had departed on such fragile terms they hadn’t thought it wise to ask. Perhaps they should go to his home. It wasn’t far from theirs ( a road or two at best ) and they could use some fresh air, after spending the first few days of Yuletide indoors with their Dad and their  three year old son. They walk slowly down the street, while still clutching tightly onto the package until they arrived at Lance’s front door. 
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They knock on it a couple of times and when it finally swings open they pull the man into a one armed hug.  ❝Sorry for droppin in on ya like this, unannounced. I jus’ wanted to thank ya in person and check on how ya are doin’? How’s... Azathoth? It’s okay for me to ask about them isn’t it?   ❞ A soft murmur, that is only further muffled by their face being pressed against his shoulder.  ❝Your gifts are really thoughtful. I’ve actually been needin’ some more art supplies for awhile now. I... paint in my spare time. Hopefully I am not bein to open with my information by tellin ya that. I remember how tetchy ya got when I told ya snippets of my life story. My past.  ❞     
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@demcnsinmymind​ asked :  🎁 There's a little paperbag on their doorstep, simple, inconspicuous. In it, there's a large pack of cigarettes and some painting supplies, as well as a short note, reading: "Morgan, thanks for the package you left. There was no need to do that, but I appreciate it anyway. Suppose this goes both ways then, so here's a little something in return. Couldn't help but notice the smell of cigarettes on you and some left over paint. If I read the signs wrong then feel free to gift the art supplies to your kid (not the cigarettes!). I'm not really the type to know what to gift in times like these, or if you even celebrate the holidays. If not, then consider this a simple payback for your gift so we're even." / MORGAN RECIEVING CHRISTMAS GIFTS / ACCEPTING! ​
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taiinted · 1 year
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ACCIDENTALLY EVIL. you didn't mean to. it was honestly an accident, but who would believe you? you need to watch your back now, because everyone is after you. why wouldn't they be? for all they know, you did it on purpose. when you die, it's from finally being caught by the wrong people. you die afraid, and still running. unbeknownst to you, you are swiftly avenged. your unnecessary death does not go unpunished.
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tagged by. @strifeincarnate tagging. @demcnsinmymind @monarchdream @darisam ( Damaris ) @ofwondersandhares ( Sean ) @polyphagist @touchedsky ( Karter ) @demonstigma​ @hebled  @haaldyrn​ @korinthiakos​ @sxmebrxs​ ( Alcide ) @seesgood​ @malka-lisitsa​ @iwntmore​ @dieangelo​ and anyone else who sees this. 
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