taketherake · 4 years
works at blinkinc: https://blinkink.co.uk/
1. personal work 
2. paid work 
3. worst work ( drawing penises for £5 on fiverr)
‘holy shit this is a job”
Loopdeloop monthly, given a theme, create a loop animation 
^ his animation was picked up by cartoon network
satisfying art style, even though he says he doesnt really have one 
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I was inspired by “into the void” :
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I really liked Alex’s presentation, I wish to attain a work flow and consistent enjoyment Alex seems to have working in animation. 
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taketherake · 4 years
Olivia Ahmed
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Artist and editor of Varoom - a magazine that showcases new interesting illustration.  Aswell as a curator at the house of illustration. 
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Sounds like a good job where you can review and select submitted artwork. 
Curating at house of illustration involves doing temporary exhibitions. Look at themes and ideas, figure out budget, speak to the council and even paint the gallery space. 
Keep illustration open to the public 
ensure everyones voice is heard 
interested in art that explores sociopolitical concepts 
passionate about activism, first edit by her for varoom was ‘activism ‘ theme 
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likes ‘ugly’ illjstration not clean and symmetrical overdone edited art
degree -> working/volunteering in museums -> curating small exhibitions -> job at house of illustration and editor of varoom
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the issue is sold in 4 different colours to make it a bit more unique for the user 
nice lady, interesting to learn about behind the scenes of exhibitions and what it is like to be an editor.
opens the doors of possibilities. 
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taketherake · 4 years
Factual Animation Film Festival
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A festival set up 6 years ago by Alex and Daniel that showcases animation documentaries and factual animations.
Their website opens on to a submit here and will take and review any factual animated originals you have to share.
Cornered a gap in the market of animation festivals, realised no one was showcasing documentary.
Have a good eye for what makes a strong documentary, won’t except any old thing.
Their website is lower down on google https://factualanimation.com/
aside from the submit button, thats basically all that is on the website.
They should have an area showing the old animations shown or thumbnails or something. Otherwise there is no evidence they have been doing this for 6 years.
Good documentaries:
PRIVATE PARTS https://vimeo.com/185711393
one of the talkers, Alex Widdowson made an animation called “Music & Clowns” showcasing an interview with a relative who has down syndrome
I love animated interviews and would be interested in creating one myself.
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taketherake · 4 years
Viv Shwartz
Went to Falmouth uni, is an artist and author. Primarily is involved in BOARD GAMES. 
showed me how easy it is to create games and how fun they can be. 
being creative and coming up with plots and characters, can produce really fun games.
Wrote a book on how to make games 
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Overall nice website, markets her work. She is very active on social media and keeps her website up to date. 
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taketherake · 4 years
Peter Millard
ANIMATOR & Tutor at Kingston university 
Grew up in Great Malvern
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Personally really like this sort of childlike style 
Pete tends to produce short animated films with bizzare plot lines accompanied with somewhat trippy audio and visuals. 
Produced loads of work that seemed fun to make
- Have fun with art 
- Mess about 
inspired to make weird animations
Pete realised he wanted to become an animator when watching a David Shrigley animation about a boy called pete who lives in the forest naked. 
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taketherake · 4 years
Charlotte Ager
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Build up a solid reference in your mind, through life drawing things you don’t already have a mental reference for. Draw what you find hard. 
Draw the world as you see it, shows people what the world is like through your eyes. 
interperate the world, realistic isn’t unique. 
Drawing is therapeutic, draw a shit ton, doesn’t matter the outcome. That’s what sketchbooks are for. To experiment, make mistakes, practice and LEARN. 
Don’t be precious about sketching
Look at a space, use colour and details that YOU pick up. 
“Artists take a space from life and make it digestible and emotive”
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Your doodles will give you ideas. 
I love her website, its user friendly and you can see her style and what you would expect as someone looking to commission. I want a website similar to hers. 
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Overall, when she spoke I was too tired to really take it in. She gave good advice, seemed slightly nervous speaker. But I like her use of colour and the idea of making a real life space, digestible. 
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taketherake · 4 years
Ollie MacDonald
A recent graduate from Kingston, went to royal drawing school for a year after. 
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Works in a bookshop - “I’m not there yet and got to pay the bills somehow”
Observes park near his house, through all the seasons 
Love his use of colour, he said it is more realistic than you think when you first look. 
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Be conscious of your style, let it come from your gut. Develop by constantly experimenting. 
How can i mix up reality to give it a fresh perspective through a piece of art. 
Do pieces of the same composition with different material. 
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He went around and drew people while interviewing them, I love his use of colour for skin tone. Really lovely observational drawings. 
Ballsy for going to a foreign country and asking locals to be drawn. 
Trying to capture the life is witnessed in Jamaica, through drawing. 
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Dujaun demanded to be drawn, when Ollie had finished. Dujaun was gassing his drawing. I was inspired to take a trip like this of my own, as he gained really good memories from this trip. 
I really like his style of sketching, I want to be able to life draw this well and apply colour strategically to get more depth and direction in my pieces. 
One thing: Ollie should make a website holding his artwork, I saw he has an instagram, but I feel he’s missing opportunity without an official website. (Unless i’m just being dumb and not finding it)
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taketherake · 4 years
Jonny Hannah
Freelance Illustrator for 21 years 
Scottish man, friendly, enthusiastic about art. 
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I quite enjoy his style as its heavily detailed. I like his vibrant use of colour. 
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Love how he painted his car. Came across like he was having fun with his artwork. Mentioned how he doesn’t make much money off it. It’s about joy, not money. 
I felt inspired to paint random objects, he painted on top of old vinyls. Guitars, books, his car. 
Works with nice clients. 
Has a studio in his garden, is always creating something new. Draws while listening to music. I like how his presentation finished off with a song and montage of some of his work, was uplifting. 
Lives on rue zig zag. I just like that he lives on street zigzag. 
Does a lot of screen printing, building everything up layer by layer. Experimenting, which I like. 
Dresses up in painted suits, ‘if in doubt just dress up’ - Liked his attitude. 
- if in doubt dress up 
-paint of random objects 
- have fun with it 
- contact galleries and ask if they want to display an exhibition
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Overall, enjoyed his talk and his attitude to making art. Made me want to create, have fun. 
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taketherake · 5 years
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Laura fitton tuesday talk 
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taketherake · 5 years
Joey Yu
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Joey was the first Tuesday Talk I attended. I sat at the back so I could not see most of the presentation. 
I appreciated some of her drawings and art. Her use of colour - visually appealing.
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I really appreciated what she said about tending to your creativity like a gardener, nourish the land and let the crops grow. AKA practice drawing a lot but don’t burnout.
Artists should travel and draw just like how chefs travel and find new cuisine.
Her stop motions were cool; in the gallery and on the train. The narration was too poncy for me to understand what it was trying to say.
i learnt: 
- EXPERIMENT !! while at uni, experiment.
- Don’t take things personally in art if someone doesn’t like what you have produced.
- Reach out and talk to artists and galleries to hold exhibits and expand your network of artists. 
She made me believe that you can make a living off being an illustrator. Her freelancing and her murals, I personally was not fussed over her work, as in usually when i like art I can stare at it for a long time. Whereas with her work it was easy to take it all in at once and move on in a sense. 
She seemed nice, nervous or a touch insecure but talking to so many people is intimidating. Was endearing to have her say riGHT?! alot. I related.  
Overall, cool artist but personally her work is not my favourite. 
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