talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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So despite my best efforts, I am late for Graces Anniversary Week, which Hubert would likely be none too pleased with me with, but on the other hand I kinda overachieved by doing art and writing, which he would probably mostly approve of. But then I didn’t get to overachieve as much as I wanted because the thing I wrote was meant to be a podfic (hence the particular quirks of the piece) and that definitely didn’t happen, so ultimately…I guess I’m a disappointment to Little Bro??? Well, a lot of things disappoint him, so that’s nothing new.
Lessons Learned — There were many things your father taught you. Your only father, of course, for what other father did you have? What other father mattered?
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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New artwork of Asbel and Sophie drawn by character designer Mutsumi Inomata for the Tales of Graces Anniversary Party. This image was included in the event pamphlet (3000 yen) available from the Asobi store.
I know I’m a bit late, but Happy Anniversary, Tales of Graces! I will be posting a few other scans from the event pamphlet of the new costume designs for each of the characters and hope to do a post about the event itself once the bluray discs ship out.
What I do know about the event is that Daisuke Namikawa (Richard) was a surprise guest (which was a welcome surprise, as he is completely absent from the event pamphlet!), so the seiyuu for all of the Graces party members except for Malik, with the addition of Lambda, were all in attendance. Hiroki Tochi (Malik) was still able to participate in a pre-recorded video that was shown to guests.
In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me if there is any (official) Tales of Graces character/content you would like for me to scan for translation purposes, etc. My library is open to anyone who’d like to make use of it.
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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The king watched the celebration of his people from above, leaned over the balcony of the ballroom’s second tier. He watched as they sang and danced with one another, an unwelcome feeling lurking in his heart as such joyous sound filled his mind. Behind him he could hear his friend’s voices, each one bleeding into the resounding chorus from below in an indistinguishable melody.
And in a grand finale, It’s Richard time!!!!! I put my heart and soul into this one so I really hope yall enjoy his chapter, and happy Graces Week!!!! I’m so glad I participated in this, it’s been a blast!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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Last but definitely not least, Day Seven with King Richard!!!!!!!!!
This is my fav pic of the batch, and he’s one of my fav characters of all time. He really comes alive in the F arc but he’s an icon. I need to give him more attention in my fanworks, so I hope to fix that for next year
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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The girl snuck along the edge of Pascal’s vision, and in due time her goal came into sight. She trotted over to the great fountain at the center of the plaza, her big bright eyes locked onto the spouts of chocolate that flowed down its tiers and into the pool below. That moment gave Pascal a spare second to catch up, but it wasn’t enough. She could only watch as the girl put one foot up against the polished marble, then another, and climbed up the side of the fountain, out of reach and powerless to stop her.
Day 6 of Graces Week, for Pascal & Exuberance!!
I really wanted Pascal to interact with some small children and by god I have the power to make that a reality!!!!! I absolutely adore her and you should too!!!
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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Day Six!!!!! Pascal time!!!! Her design is one of my favorites in Tales. So colorful and fun! I can’t fight as her for the life of me tho lol
She singlehandedly carries the game in terms of Good Vibes. Can’t believe this week is almost done!!!
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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“Every gald goes straight to the equipment budget!”
Tales of Graces Week: Hubert Oswell (Diligence)
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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Day Five y’all!!!!! Another fav of mine who’s underrated is the good Captain!!!!!! It’s said in side materials that Malik is Asbel’s idea of “the ideal man“
quite frankly he’s MY ideal man too 😘 oh captain my captain
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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“Lighten up a little, Asbel.” Malik leaned in towards his former cadet and bumped his glass of ale against his. The clank and sloshing liquid in his mug gave Asbel the start he was looking for, a simple disturbance to wrest the boy from his shackles of thought. When he finally raised his eyes to his companion, Malik gestured towards the bar. “I didn’t bring you here just so you could drag your worries out for a change of scenery, you know.”
Day 5 of Graces Week, for Malik & Guidance!!
There’s an abundance of Asbel in this one because I REALLY don’t know how to write Malik but hey!! At least Malik is here to save the day with his words of wisdom 👊
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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I could lovemail forever about her. She’s been my favorite Tales character for so long !! In 2018 I tried to draw a picture of her a month so iI didn’t even have to look for a reference for this: I Know What She Looks Like lol
i want to say more but i’ve said so much in the past i can only yell my affections….. mrs. lhant thank you for everything
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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There was a flash, and the light dissipated. The knight’s weary eyes trailed down his form to the scar left in place of the wound that had oozed such violent red just moments ago. “You’re… an angel…” It was a delirious whisper, carried by a fading voice as the knight’s eyes fell shut and his ragged breaths steadied. He was far too weak to remain conscious, but he would survive. A small smile lifted her lips, but above that her brows were knit together in a line of thought.
Day 4 of Graces Week, for Cheria & Compassion!!
Gosh I love Cheria so much she’s so pretty and lovely and she has so!!! Much great potential!!!! I really wanted to try showing off that and all her strength today!!!! 🌟
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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I could lovemail forever about her. She’s been my favorite Tales character for so long !! In 2018 I tried to draw a picture of her a month so iI didn’t even have to look for a reference for this: I Know What She Looks Like lol
i want to say more but i’ve said so much in the past i can only yell my affections….. mrs. lhant thank you for everything
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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Tales of Graces 10th Anniversary today! Thank you for all the years and memories!
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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This place was not his home, these people not his family, but still he made his place in the chair that had belonged to his birth father. If no one else would take up the mantle, Hubert would make these duties his own. Long held alliances were at stake and a war was creeping up along their border. Lhant would surely fall if such important matters remained in the hands of a boy so inexperienced, so utterly irresponsible for a moment longer.
Day 3 of Graces Week, for Hubert & Diligence!!
I’m not huge enough on Hubert to have had much of an idea where to go with this prompt but at least I know I can always fall back on family drama!!! Hope I did you at least a little bit of justice Hu…. 😔
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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I gave up on drawing details on his dualblade, and how on earth do you do his hair? anyway Hubert’s a badly-dressed beast, no matter how many times he died in battle i STILL played as him whenever i could!
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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So I was working on a TOTES SUPER SRS Hubert piece for Graces Anniversary Week, but then I tried to make a joke about Richard’s Lambda-given abs being “Lambdabs” and then I got the mental image of Asbel trying to teach Lambda how to dab and I asked myself who the hell let me in this goddamn fandom — 
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talesofgracesweek · 4 years
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Day 2 of Graces Week!!! Sophie’s turn for the spotlight!
Truly the heart of Graces’s story. Her character growth is so sweet and powerful, just like she is. She’s also a beast to play as: I love speedy brawlers!
I’m going for a different theme for my drawings of the girls vs the boys!!
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