talkingads-blog · 5 years
An Explanation Why CRM is So Important to Affiliate Campaign Management
Relationship building is an integral part of any sales activity. Affiliate marketing has emerged as a result-oriented and guaranteed method of bringing to your business, high quality referral traffic. In 2018 alone, world famous affiliates BlueHost made a staggering $5 million USD, whereas yet another pioneer, Peerfly boasts of 75,000 active publisher accounts with over 8 million transactions. Healthy affiliate marketing begins with a robust CRM system in place.
How CRM Can Benefit The AM Sector
Affiliate campaign management is a multi-faceted process. New brands can find it difficult to attract and retain affiliates. CRM can help you devise attractive affiliate recruitment programs and assess the track record of each affiliate before joining. Being cloud based, you can run global affiliate campaigns from anywhere you are. Besides recruiting world-class affiliates, you can ensure that each affiliate brings you organic referral traffic.
Managing The Affiliate Database
Continuous and interactive communication can ensure that the affiliates keep sending you best quality leads that are easily convertible. Having established a database of affiliates, performance evaluation is a must. CRM can help you identify and motivate the best performing affiliates, while bringing to notice, the non-performing and dormant affiliates.
Evaluating Quality Of Leads Referred
Referral traffic is always more impactful than self-generated traffic. This is because, the leads come in after being influenced by third party endorsement, namely that of your affiliates. But it is not the percentage of leads transferred that indicates success of your AM campaigns, but the percentage of those converted successfully. CRM can help you keep track of number of leads referred and compare it with number of conversions made.
Planning And Implementing Personalized Offers For Referral Traffic
The job of an affiliate ends with sending you leads, in most cases. However, not every lead can convert into sales, unless, they are met with relevant solutions that they came looking for. CRM can educate you on the demographics of the referral traffic. Deep insights like aspects of your opt-in forms that they liked, number of visits and preferred mode of communication etc can help you create irresistible offers for the,.
Analytics On Your Subscriber-Only Campaigns
Every business spends a lot of time and effort in devising campaigns like mail marketing and SMS broadcasts to bring the subscribers up-to-date with all their marketing activities. As subscribers, affiliates respond to highly influential content in such marketing communication. With CRM in place, never miss out on hard facts like open rates of mails, click-through rates on ads and number of unsubscribe options clicked on etc.
CRM has a very wide usage, not confined to merely tracking sales. It helps in profiling your referral traffic and extends customized offers to them. This results in enhancement of CR (conversion rate). CRM helps in end to end affiliate campaign management and ensures that your affiliate network is kept motivated and incentivized. A CRM helps in the distribution of relevant marketing material for affiliates, that would help them in sending more leads your way. Usage of CRM in affiliate marketing enhances the performance of the strategy and helps in maintaining healthy relationships with both affiliates and customers.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Affiliate Marketing Programs that Can Monetize Your Medium Sized Blog this Year
Looking to understand how you can monetize your blog with affiliate marketing programs? Is your medium-sized blog looking to make it big this year, and you want to tap affiliate marketing channels for it? Learning how to monetize a blog with affiliate marketing requires serious time and effort. The upside is that the profit potential can be really high, with a successfully monetized blog. Use these hacks to monetize your blog using affiliate offers in actionable and simple ways to get the results you seek.
Why Opt for Affiliate Marketing Channels?
Affiliates promote products and services online. So, it makes sense to choose an award-winning blog as a medium to get your point across. On the other hand, affiliate marketing is about getting the right offers in front of the right people, in the correct way.
The individual traffic sources, verticals and marketing strategies may vary, but it is simple logic at its core, which works across cases. Carried out effectively, affiliate marketing can generate the profits you seek. Strategic blogging through affiliate sites involves actively building an audience who know, like and trust the brand based on the high-value content shared.
Bloggers skilled at monetizing their blog through affiliate marketing channels, know how to drive a steady flow of targeted, quality search engine traffic to the blog. It is practically on demand and for zero cost. Monetizing the blog through affiliate marketing is one of the best ways out.
Know Your Audience
The first thing you need to do is know who is the audience for the blog. Additionally, you need to be clear about what motivates them and their specific pain points. Trying to find common characteristics and building up an audience profile matters.
Knowing your audience by examining the relevant value is essential for devising conversion-boosting sales pages, as well as landing pages. If you don’t understand your audience, you could end up chasing the wrong leads, even if you get content creation right.
Ask The Right Questions
Though this sounds simple, it is not. Whether you run a survey on a site or ask relevant questions while communicating with audiences, many tools and plug-ins can permit you to do this. Use analytical tools to understand the behaviour of your audience. Observing the actual behaviour of those visiting the site provide actionable insights into what audiences prefer and don’t prefer, when it comes to blog content.
Learn From Discussions
Visit the places audiences like to frequent, such as niche forums or Facebook groups. Online forums are one of the best sources to get insight into what audiences care for. Comments people leave on the sight can give you insights about the kind of content the affiliate audience seeks. Affiliate marketing programs can also reveal which products are the most popular and how to look for customer reviews.
The majority of the audience look at buying a certain product and what they say about it. Individuals actively buying within a niche are a golden source of information, besides being established buyers. Relevance elicits higher conversions. High-value content based on affiliate marketing analytics can help your medium-sized blog to grow.
Either way, researching affiliate offers before starting a blog is a wonderful way to come up with niche ideas. The blog’s success does not depend on any one product – it should be flexible enough to run multiple products within a given niche. With affiliate marketing channels, content creation has the flexibility and adaptability to appeal and offer value for readers.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Can any Company Really Guarantee Significant Affiliate Marketing Success?
Affiliate marketing remains an essential strategy for selling products, especially online. At its very core, affiliate marketing success is all about effective management. Affiliates are essentially salespersons for your business. A commission is offered for every product affiliates sell. The strategy has gained in popularity as there has been a boom in the number of websites and blogs.
So many options are out there, whether it involves recruiting affiliates or tracking the program. While affiliate marketing success ensures your brand expands its reach, the focus should be on promoting your program using the services of a reputed and professional affiliate agency. This is how market leader talkingAds ensures your affiliate program grows by leaps and bounds.
Communicate Effectively With Affiliates
If your affiliate marketing program needs a makeover, it’s time you hired talkingAds. Whether it’s putting together the perfect affiliate newsletter or sending out news about upcoming opportunities, the focus should be on making the program stand out. Affiliate programs only work well, if channels of communication between affiliate marketers and your company are open. Besides providing tips and guidelines about selling products, communicating effectively can impact the efficacy of training imparted to affiliates.
Craft the Perfect Marketing Messages
Affiliate marketing success is not just about providing affiliates with banners that can be easily added to a website. You need to design the perfect marketing collateral and awesome marketing messages. Most buyers look for images they consider purchasing so ensure your affiliates have plenty of high-resolution pictures to work with. Content should be copy-written for readability and accuracy.
Crafting persuasive marketing messages is as much about understanding your customer as it is about drumming up engaging, catchy tag lines. The point of marketing messages should be to reach different audiences as quickly as possible and ensure the expertise of people working with the audiences. Affiliates have ideas for promoting products to audiences, but these need to be vetted and refined in order to work.
Scale Your Program
A phenomenal affiliate marketing agency ensures you can take your affiliate program to the next level. Identify the best ways to scale your program and meet the needs of a growing business. Train your affiliates about techniques successful sellers use through the professional programs devised by talkingAds. Work on how to systematically grow your affiliate marketing program to meet the needs of an expanding business and newly emerging product lines. Providing affiliates with insights into the industry can make a real difference to sales. Partner talkingAds and have the best in the business train and grow your affiliate network.
Manage Issues and Troubleshoot
Affiliates are going to have questions you never considered before, and ideas you’d want to know more about. No affiliate program can run on autopilot. A premier affiliate marketing agency such as talkingAds ensures you get the best results and outcomes. The talkingAds affiliate managers are multi-functional and they work hand-in-hand with your business to spot problem areas and troubleshoot. Assigning a skilled and talented affiliate management team to turn challenges into opportunities is what differentiates a successful business from one that fails. Affiliate marketing success can be assured by a company such as talkingAds, because they have a proven track record that showcases how valuable their expertise and guidance is. Bank on talkingAds and spell out the perfect strategies for affiliate marketing programs that walk the talk.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Why You Should Allow Your Affiliate Marketing Team to Do the Hard Work for You this Year!
Affiliate marketing is a good way to earn money. You may work a 9 to 5 job and set up an affiliate system that will get you money. You may already have a manufacturing base and products to sell. In this case too an affiliate system will help you sell more and earn money. Affiliate marketing is based on the simple precept of other people’s time and other people’s efforts to help you make money. The question is should you start finding affiliates and set up an affiliate marketing network on your own or should you leave it to an affiliate marketing team? The latter is the better option.
What affiliate marketing teams can do for you
In the normal course of things if you set about building an affiliate network you will have to find affiliate sites and their owners. Then follows a long process that involves both time, effort and considerable expertise. Just leave it to an expert affiliate marketing team. They will do quite a lot for you.
Creating content and strategy: Affiliate marketing involves creation of text links, ads and content that are placed on the affiliate site. In addition, each affiliate is given a code for tracking and performance. When a visitor to their site clicks through and places an order, the code tracks the transaction and help in payments of commissions.
Creation of strategies: Affiliate marketing involves a variety of strategies that your affiliate marketing team can design. One is the pay per click program in which affiliates simply get paid if a visitor clicks on an ad on their site regardless of whether a sale is made or not. Another strategy is pay per lead in which the visitor must provide contact information for further marketing purpose and affiliates get paid per lead. A third strategy is to pay only when a sale is made. Apart from this the affiliate marketing team manages the affiliates, observes their performance and even supports them with right content to improve chances of traffic and sales.
Connecting with a network: You cannot find effective affiliates on your own. Your affiliate marketing team coordinates with a affiliate network that has a database of affiliates and the team selects the most likely candidates and sets up arrangements. The network operator provides tracking and analytics codes. You can find affiliates in various regions through the network, a task best handled by the team.
Test and measurement of performance: One cannot just sign up affiliates and leave it at that. Performance has to be measured and tested on a daily or weekly basis and changes made to bring about improvements.
There are specialized techniques for effective affiliate marketing that you may not be conversant with which is one more convincing reason to leave it to affiliates. You would be better off focusing on your core areas and let affiliate part be handled by the team. You can work better and the team’s efforts brings in more sales, a win-win combination.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Why do Business Marketing Services Need to Include Blogger Outreach in 2019?
The right SEO strategy takes time to implement and show results. Do you have the patience to wait for six months or so for organic seeding to show fruits? Hardly likely given that competition is hotting up and marketers are battling for the same slice of target buyer pie.  There is a better way that gets you right there compared to the slow process of link building and social media farming. That is blogger outreach strategy, a strategy every business marketer should give priority to in 2019.
Jump ahead in the queue
Traditional SEO practices and digital marketing tend to work slowly. You first try to attract audiences. Then you engage in trust building activities. Hopefully, there will be leads. You nurture them and hope to drive them into the sales funnel. A waste of time, money and effort compared to influencer marketing you get through blogger outreach campaigns for 2019. That blogger outreach is effective is undisputed but it does not mean you ignore your standard operating procedures of SEO but give blogger outreach priority in 2019. They get results business marketing services need to satisfy clients.
Your word and their word
Spend a zillion on ad campaigns online and offline but you still find it an uphill task to establish trust. People know that marketers will trumpet their products and all claims need to be taken with a generous measure of salt. Going the blogger outreach way is different. These influencers have worked long and hard to create an unassailable reputation and a huge captive audience. For their clients the influencer’s word is something they can trust. That is why they are known as influencers. Their word carries weight. If they tell their audiences “I like this product and you too can go straight ahead and buy it” their audiences will do so without much second thought. You get orders that convert to cash, not leads that peter out.
Digital marketing is becoming expensive
Even with all the analytics and metrics, digital marketing employed by business marketing services is more of a miss than a hit. It takes sustained effort and money to crawl up search engine rankings. Influencers sort of zap the process and earn higher visibility in a short time and at a lower cost.
Lower cost
Talking about lower cost, influencers offering their services on results are the best since you pay out of earnings, which means you outlay is less. Further, they get faster results in shorter time which translates to more inflows. And you can depend on their audience to recommend your product to others in their circle, in a ripple effect. This is much better than social media ripple creation and hoping for the best.
There are plenty more spinoffs in addition to increased conversions when you use blogger outreach as part of your business marketing services:
●        Improved visibility and rankings in search engines due to creation of better quality backlinks;
●        Improved credibility of your brand and entry to new markets, and
●        Better connection with influencers who will play a significant role in future strategies.
Shift focus to blogger outreach and find out why it will be the best move in 2019.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Has the Internet Levelled the Playing Field for Business to Business Marketing?
As a marketing or communication specialist in the business to business marketing space, one of the prime things to consider in the digital age is: ‘Has the internet levelled the playing field for B2B marketers?’. Considering how revolutionary and massive the impact of the internet on all forms of marketing is, it’s fairly obvious that digital media has served as a game-changer for B2B marketing services. While product, relationship with customers and the pricing model adopted all play a crucial role in business marketing success, so does the digital platform you choose.
After all, you are marketing to companies in the Millennial age that are staffed by digital natives right from the employee to the C-suite executive. Concepts like social media marketing, SEO, clicks, followers and internet marketing hold tremendous value for B2B marketers. In fact, the way products are sold or promoted is undergoing a sea change due to digital media. Earlier, for smooth sailing, all you had to do was rely on traditional marketing channels. Now, it is about (literally) casting the net wider and reeling in big players courtesy the information superhighway.  Companies are now promoting B2B products on the digital and social media channels like never before.
The Power of Promotion Online
Digital channels online have changed the way business to business marketing agencies approach the game. Earlier, the emphasis was on reaching and influencing consumers, bombarding customers with messages without expecting a response. This ‘build it and they’ll come’ mentality works no more. It is easier for customers to interact with one another, write reviews and compare products. Now, it’s all about interaction in the B2B marketing industry, moving to a multidimensional approach.
With increasing interconnectivity and active customer participation, messages are visible and accessible to large audiences, irrespective of whether you’re a small startup or a massive corporate conglomerate.
The Value of Building Trust
As B2B marketers come into the market to foster trust and credibility, the value of online reputation management has necessitated a level playing field for one and all. Less direct marketing styles and increased customer interaction, apart from user-generated content online is important in modern times. Now, it’s all about the democratisation of business marketing solutions as all businesses, irrespective of size, location and industry, gear up to build an authentic brand.
The Emphasis on Personalisation and Analytics
B2B clients can be easily tracked on a bigger scale with the advent of the internet. Clicks, views, calls-to-action – now it’s all about visibility. No company, not even the biggest business to business marketing services player can afford to ignore the digital marketing landscape. It is up to brands to create value and make products and services available and accessible to B2B clients.
Most B2B companies are now deploying digital media channels to build brand identity or enhance brand image. Lead generation and sales can be enhanced through digital channels by working out sound analytical marketing concepts and strategies. With strong messaging and consistent branding, you can change the image of your B2B company online easily. Further, strong analytics and compelling campaigns can be leveraged by companies of any size or spending power. This is precisely why the internet has revolutionised the B2B marketing landscape.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Tie All of Your Promotional Tools Together with Integrated Marketing Services
Providing quality products at great prices means nothing, if you do not market your offerings. This is where the picture becomes complicated. While promotional tools do a wonderful job of connecting with target audiences and communicating what you can offer them, the cost of implementing each of these on their own is astronomical. In today’s digital-driven marketing space, promotional tools focus on integrated marketing communication, instead. Integrated marketing services bring together various different communication tools to deliver a compelling message and impact customer behaviour/client perceptions.
Integrating the Promotion Mix
Integrated marketing is the process of coordinating activities across different communication methods. The central theme of this definition is persuading individuals to believe and act on marketing messages. It is goal directed. Further, it is aligned with corporate strategies and goals, with the clear intent to deliver a specific message to particular audiences for impacting client perception or behaviour. By uniting the various promotional tools together, integrated marketing is more effective and cost-efficient, because it relies on various communication methods, promotion tools and delivers consistent messages in compelling ways across customer touchpoints.
At the core of effective integrated marketing services are advertising, PR, sales promotion, digital marketing, personal selling, direct marketing, along with guerilla marketing.
Different Promotional Tools
#1 Advertising
Paid forms of presenting ideas, goods or marketing messages by identified sponsors is advertising. Mass media such as radio and TV have been traditionally associated with this form of advertising. Advertising related to profile characteristics or influencing client behaviours. Online banner ads targeting individuals based on site history is one example of this form of advertising.
#2 PR
The aim of public relations is creating goodwill between organisations and the target segments or public one is trying to reach. This takes place through earned or unpaid promotional opportunities such as articles, press or media coverage, awards, presentations and events intended to promote the brand.
#4 Personal Selling
This focuses on using people to develop relationships with target audiences for selling services or products. The emphasis in this promotional tool used for integrated marketing services is the face-to-face interaction, aimed at understanding customer needs and demonstrating how products or the services on offer deliver value.
#5 Sales Promotion
These are temporarily done to boost sales of products by adding value through schemes like discounts, deals, contests and takeaways. Wholesalers, distributors and retailers use this tool for promotion.
#6 Direct Marketing
This method is focused on selling products or services directly to customers, rather than going through retail. Catalogues, telemarketing calls, mailed brochures or promos are just some traditional direct marketing tools. On the digital side are email or mobile marketing.
#7 Web Marketing
Digital marketing ranges across websites, search engines, content, social media marketing and more. These rapidly evolve with advancing technologies.
#8 Guerilla Marketing
Last on the list is perhaps the most unconventional form of marketing known to the industry – guerilla marketing. This includes flash mob dances by Sears to promote their jeans giveaway or Red Bull’s skydive with burning firecrackers to draw attention to the energy brand. Each of these campaigns is distinct and has a shock value considered an achievement by the brand.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Five Business Problems that Your Internet Marketing Service can Solve Quickly!
Problems, challenges, hurdles, complications – call it what you want, but the path to business success is rarely simple. Incredibly common business problems can be easily solved with the help of your internet marketing service provider. After all, haven’t the digital technologies solved some of the biggest problems out there from the Large Hadron Collider to a self-landing SpaceX rocket? There’s no doubt about it. Digital technologies can solve problems quickly and here are all the business issues you can easily tackle by opting for an agile disruptor in the field of web marketing:
#1 The Need for Quicker Outreach
The problem of quick outreach is real. In a competitive and saturated marketplace, the best gift web marketing offers is an increase in productivity and a massive outreach. Technology permits marketing campaigns to be quickly vetted and rapidly implemented, reaching a wide number of individuals in one go. Saving businesses valuable time, the focus is on simultaneous message transmission to wide segments and different niches for a universal outreach.
#2 The Need for Updated Content
The internet marketer has revolutionised content. From your online website to your social media channels, user-generated content was never easier to aggregate. Now, it’s no longer about stale billboards or irrelevant flyers or even content that’s not contemporary. The need of the hour is updated, relevant and powerful content for marketing your brand. On this score, an exceptional internet marketing service firm really delivers. Audiences are also resourceful and knowledgeable, necessitating a unique and updated content marketing strategy for the best outcomes.
#3 Budget Problems
One of the biggest problems any company faces in the present competitive and cut-throat industry is the expenses that keep on piling up. Difficulty in scaling is a common hurdle. This is where technology has a massive impact. Digital marketing campaigns make outreach more cost-effective. Automate your marketing process, streamline your campaigns and boost your productivity by hiring a seasoned web marketer.
#4 The Need for Customer Targeting
For every penny of your ad spend, the customers you get offer value. But what happens if marketing is not targeted at the right niche? Then, it all falls flat! To make sure your business is targeting relevant markets, it is essential to focus on the right customer. The ability of internet marketing services to capture customer data is one of the most important tech innovations in present times. It solves the fundamental problem of how to approach the right audience at the right time. For instance, digital display ads can be crafted based on contextual, locational and demographic information. Consequently, it really benefits the brand by getting the message across effectively.
Email targeting based on past product searches also helps websites online to drive conversions and boost sales at higher rates.
#5 Fending off Competitors
It’s a saturated marketplace out there, for most industries and companies. But fending off competitors is not easy. So, choose a seasoned internet marketing service provider for getting all the benefits without the burdens. Solve your business problems and ensure your brand outshines the rivals. Work on new and innovative digital marketing strategies that ensure your brand goes viral, and your business grows.  
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
How to Determine Your Strategy and Sales Tactics With the Best Marketing Consulting Services this Year
Determining your strategy and sales tactics with the best marketing consulting services this year is all about staying ahead of the curve. 2019 marks the growing proliferation of new marketing technologies such as AI, AR and VR. So, keeping up to date is harder than you think. It requires digital proficiency, expertise and experience. As paradigmatic shifts in technologies take place, here’s how a top-rated marketing consultancy can help you to keep up:
The Birth of Augmented Reality
New AR apps are entering the market. AR ad units are being announced by major platforms. Augmented reality is here to stay, when it comes to the impact of marketing. The push has been prolific for brands as well as tech partners. Adoption has speeded up, as brands have discovered valuable AR apps for furthering the online retail experience.
The End of Content Marketing?
While content marketing is still king, its form is steadily changing. In 2018, voice and image recognition are both on the rise. They will soon become another interface for everybody out there in the retail market. Consider the rapid advancements since Amazon launched Alexa. Call of Duty launched a voice-activated coach for gaming and in the United Kingdom, smart speaker ownership rose 2x times in 6 months.
The Death of High Street?
With top media sites like BBC talking about the high street crisis, the shift to ecommerce and online marketing is obvious to one and all. The growth of bricks-to-clicks and on-demand economy has customers looking to shop from the comfort of their home, and even receive free shipping in the bargain. While digital has had an impact, the fact remains that physical retail is not dead. However, digital channels are growing in influence. Online retail spend is counted on to grow by 15% in 2019, accounting for 21% of total retail, as per eMarketer.
Smart supermarkets are going to shape the future, even as top ecommerce gurus like Jack Ma talk of new retail or the melding of the real world and the virtual when it comes to store shopping. Brick-and-Mortar is evolving, and with it, your digital strategy needs to change.
Keeping Up With Changing Business Cultures
How companies do business is rapidly changing. The way companies operate within the broader culture and the customer segments they are focusing on are becoming more distinct and differentiated. As Millennial consumers break traditional moulds, entrepreneurs are becoming new cultural icons. Firms that are disrupting products, categories and even industries are rising to the fore. The shift from value-driven to values-based is essential to consider here.
Businesses should seek to redefine their brands, through effective marketing consulting services. New startup cultures facilitate scaling as businesses like Airbnb grow. Others like Salesforce are reshaping to follow industry best practices. Your company will need to rely on marketing consulting experts to redefine brands across progressive lines to attract the demanding new customer, the best talent and the right ecosystem.
Building a Brand Narrative As Voice Search Catches on
Ogilvy & Mather predicts that voice search will predominate the marketing scene. Smart speakers, voice assistants, smart technologies – we are now reaching the critical mass, when it comes to devices that are voice-activated and enabled with conversational user interfaces. So choose the right marketing consulting services agency to see you through the 22nd-century, as the consumer now is even more discerning and demanding than the technologies evolving to meet his/her preferences!
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
How to Target Customers in New Segments With These Easy Marketing Development Ideas
Creating target customer segments/segmentation focuses on dividing the market for products, based on similarities between subgroups in the market. In simple terms, it’s all about business development. The purpose of targeting customers in new segments through marketing development ideas is to identify the most attractive segments and focus market resources on audiences associated with profits, revenue-generation and massive ROI.
Segmenting the Market
To initiate marketing development ideas, the focus should be on effective segmentation through the developing and ranking application scenarios to identify the most attractive customer segments in a certain market. Creating a list of user-centric scenarios to create a list of new potential target segments is essential.
Narrowing the Search
Choose the most profitable segments to target based on the following criteria:
●       Is the consumer well-financed and accessible?
●       Does he/she have a compelling reason to make the purchase?
●       Is the product being offered a viable solution?
●       Do you encounter less established competitors?
●       Is there a potential for growth?
Focusing on the Potential
The next step is that the new segments should be ones that offer the greatest potential. The customer should be valuable and provide the best follow-on market potential, based on customer references and product strategies. Each customer will represent a potential market segment. The focus will be to win the lead segment.
Using Market Research
Prior to market planning, the focus should be on conducting research when the product goes to market. Testing the strategy enables one to test assumptions before launching new market development initiatives.
Cashing in on Digital Channels
Digital channels offer new options for targeting audiences earlier not available. One of the easiest ways to identify and target customers in new segments is based on search intent. As users type keywords in search engines when comparing products they are purchasing, the focus is on choosing the intent-rich customer. Interest-linked targeting an even be carried out on social media sites like Facebook, whereby one can prospect for those interested in a particular theme or topic.
Targeting through on-site and email personalisation based on profile, behaviour and content consumed are important indicators of market development success. Product positioning is based on effective segmentation and targeting. For example, consider British Telecom Plc, the UK’s largest telecom company. The company has focused on segmentation, targeting and positioning as a viable market development alternative for growth. It segments customers individually, in the B2B space, etc., with respect to competitors.
So while research remains an important part of marketing development strategies and initiatives, the focus needs to be on targeting lucrative segments with the potential for making purchases. Even further down the funnel, you need to focus on retention, because it costs less than acquisition and offers many more returns. In terms of repeat purchases, referrals and brand evangelism, repeat customers can shape profits, too. But when it comes to targeting newly acquired customers, these handy tips can prove to be a powerful initiator of competitive advantages and differentiation in a market dominated by excessive competition, massive replication and little originality.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Why is Managing Customer Expectation Important for an Online Marketing Agency?
The expectations of customers never stay the same. They change constantly, evolving with technologies and driven by experience across multiple industries. In a competitive business world, meeting the expectations of customers is essential to success in the long run. The strategies for managing customer expectations serve to increase the overall satisfaction of customers. So, how and why should an online marketing agency manage customer expectations?
Shifting Efficiencies to Meet Expectations
While working with customers, online marketing firms need to obtain the right solution or answer in a timely fashion. More companies are turning to customer support software with in-built collaboration tools for reviewing past communication like chats, emails, etc., to learn about the issue rapidly. No customer likes repeating data and software improve the team’s efficiency so expectations can be met.
Work On Innovation
Sometimes, the best way to meet expectations is exceeding them. This can be carried out by utilising innovative solutions internally to create customer-centric experiences. It saves money and time in the long-run by reducing the workload on the team. Innovation is about cutting-edge technologies and outside the box solutions.
Anticipate What is Next Expected
The best ways to manage customer expectations is to accurately predict what customers need and anticipate their requirements. For instance, customers at a SaaS company may seek support solutions through queries. Your company can study communication and product history to proactively share the data. Customers can be impressed and the interaction can be a way to connecting more deeply with client companies consulting with an online marketing agency.
Surprise Customers in a Good Way
Delighting customers is the way to sustain interest, after catching their attention. Too many companies contact customers only when there’s a problem. Instead, a proactive way is the means to surprise customers in an effective way. Not every customer interaction should be when something goes wrong. A gesture for customers can put you right on track to be the most favoured brand. Managing customer expectations by leveraging various methods is key. Work smart and anticipate customer expectations.
Encourage Effective Communication
The most important factor, when it comes to healthy and open working relationships is honest communication. Both sides need to commit and encourage honest, unvarnished feedback. Once the customer and the company agree as a team to common objectives and goals, it will work out well for the brand building efforts. An online marketing agency needs to listen to customers based on feedback sounds intuitive. However, this requires a customer-centric mindset and the discipline to follow through. An internet marketing agency implements surveys and other listening mechanisms like store audits, mystery shopping, transaction surveys, account management reviews etc. to update business processes and systems.
On account of the pace and agility of the social media, customer expectations are evolving and online marketers need to evolve, if they want to achieve revenue, profits, ROI and record sales. Listening mechanisms need to be in place to empower customers as well. While technology is an important driver for managing this, the ability of firms to integrate people, systems and processes creates a listening organisation that is of utmost value. Pre-empting customer needs is the key to success and understanding client expectations forms the core of a business looking for a competitive advantage.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Understand The Pitfalls of Pay Per Click Advertising Before You Contact Google Ads!
Even the best PPC managers run into problems with pay per click advertising. That is why you need PPC digital marketing specialists who know what they are doing. Here is a list of common pitfalls of PPC ads before you think of setting up a Google Ads account and starting your very own PPC campaign without the help of a specialised web agency.
Massive Traffic, Low/No Conversions
Budding PPC managers or new account holders almost always fall into the trap of running campaigns or focusing on ad groups that drive plenty of traffic, but few or no conversions. Rarely is generating clicks your goal. It’s no longer about CPL/cost per lead. Instead, it’s about conversions. But novice PPC managers think high CTR and traffic means everything. This is why the default setting for search engine campaigns in Google and Bing is optimising for clicks. The ads with high CTR attract awesome quality scores and actually pay less for each click! But if the goal is conversion, look at your keywords for any redundancy or non-converting clicks.
Poor Quality Scores
One of the most misunderstood metrics in GoogleAds is the quality score. Optimising for quality scores should not be a chief KPI, though you cannot afford to ignore it. Here’s the reason why. Low quality score keywords in the account create a problem. Problems could range across traditionally low quality scores in specific industries. Still, if you are an online retailer whose advertising, or you see low quality scores on brand terms, there’s clearly a problem. Use ad diagnostic tools to check your landing pages, CTR and relevance. Fix the issue depending on the verdict.
Too Costly
Google Ads make it easy to spend cash. The best examples of these are default usage of broad match and default campaign type using search and display networks. While broad matches make it a budget issue by broadly matching carefully chosen keywords with excess search options, a further issue is such visitors will never become customers. Display networks, too, can be deceptive. The quality of placements run across top-quality articles to completely worthless accidental clicks.
Choosing the Right Keyword
Moreover, choosing the right keyword can be a massive problem in pay per click advertising campaigns. What is generic and what is specific is clearly subjective. For someone with no search experience, choosing the right keywords to attract relevant audiences is mind-blowingly tough. Negative keywords are a powerful way to capture the right audience. Contend with match types next. And this can be really daunting, as well. Broad matches are the biggest error of judgment on the PPC advertiser’s part.
A Complex Cyber Jungle
PPC is more complex with passing times. To put it mildly, it’s a jungle out there! Do you need to add negative keywords? What is a search query? How do you find out the quality scores? How can day parting be set up? All of this is really hard to master for inexperienced advertisers. Your best bet is to locate a good digital marketing agency that specialises in pay per click advertising campaigns and leave it all to the experts.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
We Identify the Professional Marketing Services That Are Becoming Increasingly Important in 2019
Professional marketing in the digital era is not based on a solid foundation of time-tested strategies. It is more like shifting sands where professional marketing services must align with market movements led by customer behaviors. 2019 is seeing some shifts in digital marketing techniques.
Personalization and mobility
Given that majority of people now use their mobile devices for a variety of online activities, professional marketing services are shifting focus this way. Mobiles are personalized devices so content is now tailored for mobile audiences and tailored with a high degree of personalization. It is not so difficult to glean personalized data through apps and sensors as well as browsing behaviors and this is taken advantage of by professional marketing services.
With so many mobile users and targets it becomes difficult to carry out any process on a manual basis. Professional marketing services naturally turn to automation for delivery of relevant contents based on user behaviors. Big data and AI help in acquisition of data about prospective targets. Professional marketing services that invest in big data mining and artificial intelligence to find targets that are interested in their products and services get off to a good start. It is much better than broadcasting campaigns based on assumptions.
CRM naturally works as an adjunct to automation. The difference is that CRM is taking on a marketing oriented approach and style with mobile functionality built into it. Couple this with omnichannel communications and it is a formula that leads to better customer acquisition, retention and loyalty.
Consumers today may choose any channel to express their views or show interest in a product. This may start on a social media channel and, if professional marketing services are smart enough to keep tabs, they can initiate a contact here and then switch customers to audio chat or video chat and then email. The transition is seamless when an omnichannel communication system is in place with single dashboard control to manage all channels. It is about customer experience as a way to drive acquisition and loyalty.
Content rules no doubt but video is rising in significance as a better way to reach out to customers and engage them. If it can be live video then it is so much better and that is not difficult to achieve given the availability of WebRTC technologies.
Content by influencers
There is benefit in seeding the internet with articles, PR and blog posts. However, these days it is a more focused approach that gets result and what better than to use influencers and get them to post content on their site to a captive audience? It certainly has better conversion which is a reason they charge money but it is worth the money.
All said and done these are tools and professional marketing services that know how best to customize tools for each customers are going to achieve best ROIs. Standard SEO is by no means relegated to the background but current and future trends dictate refinements in digital marketing and the above are important for today and tomorrow.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
TalkingAds Explains Exactly What Business Marketing Services are and Why Your Business Needs Them
Business marketing services have been around for a while, but the hurdles B2B marketers are facing today are new and challenging. This is why you need a business marketing services provider like talkingAds. When you seek to promote products or services to other businesses, it’s not just about strategies like PPC advertising, SEO, SEM, SMO or email marketing. Whether it’s cloud storage, printer paper, payroll services or sales software – no matter what your product is – B2B marketing is all about creating a buzz and a solid demand for offerings. Here’s how the talkingAds’ team of dedicated B2B marketers can help you to do that.  
Keeping Up With Trends and Technologies
The emergence of advanced technologies has changed the way we discover and digest information. From online podcasts, to sponsored ads on Instagram feeds or YouTube campaigns, B2B marketers need to be prepared for the shift, too. But they are not. A 2015 Bain & Co. study found that 90% of B2B marketing and sales executives are not prepared to cater to the tech-savvy corporate client – or the evolved buyer, in other words. But the fact remains that your digital footprint determines if you make it to the list of vendors, and Millennial corporate clients can be really demanding, when it comes to online visibility.
B2B marketers, therefore, need to build impactful strategies for generating real leads, cutting through the noise and effectively addressing real customers, rather than relying on stale and antiquated strategies that just don’t work. B2B marketers need to be able to work on disruption, so clients remain agile and beat competitors hollow. Shopify estimates a 257.40% larger ecommerce market for B2B than B2C. Additionally, the average order value in B2B is double that of B2C. So the value of effectively generating B2B leads and building a solid sales pipeline for attaining target sales is absolutely critical.
Unlock The Growth Potential
In the digital era, with fast-paced communications, business marketing services are more essential than you think. TalkingAds focuses on how business marketing services can unlock growth for the company. Being open to innovation is the key to success. So, if you’re looking for cutting-edge marketing solutions and technologies, without breaking the bank, this reputed B2B marketing agency should definitely be your choice.
Understanding the Customer
Leading the B2B marketing world across a growing clientele, talkingAds emphasises the value of understanding the corporate client. Invest in effective communication campaigns and technologies, for it can help you to track conversations surrounding a product, and gauge what users think about products, identify measures to improve product value and fill in lead generation gaps.
Build a Sense of Community
In today’s business world, B2B marketing is all about building a relationship. Marketers need to ensure they don’t shy away from the trust factor. Brand authenticity is the way to boosting credibility and trust in your business. For this, B2B professional relationships are the keys to success. So, build a strong foundation and stellar reputation for your business using the B2B marketing solutions talkingAds has on offer and power your growth and profits.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
TalkingAds Limited Talks About the Next Steps for Marketing Companies this Year
Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian once quipped that programming is ‘modern-day literacy’ and it could hold true for marketers as well, in the digital age. Historically, the greatest marketing benefits used to accrue from big budgets, exceptional talent or amazing tools. Now the model has reversed the order of preference. In the age of social media marketing, it’s no longer about budgets.
But technical marketing talent is definitely the key to success. As talkingAds Limited points out how customer demands and marketing innovation are on the rise, it also stresses that marketing is now about staying ahead of trends and technologies. Leading marketing programs are investing in talent adept at shaping customer experiences and using marketing technologies.
Value of Skilled Digital Marketers Grows
In-house teams with limited skills cannot analyse oceans of data created by a massive spurt in the growth of technologies and the widening expanse of customer touchpoints. Further, they lack compelling creatives and constant developer resources to implement cutting-edge marketing technologies and campaigns. Research has found digital native marketers outperformed corporate marketers by a massive 73%. Further, traditional team structures need to change.
Now, it’s all about versatile teams, as marketing structures merge design, data, product, marketing and engineering teams into new structures, in addition to sales teams and CX. Marketing is fast becoming a cross-disciplinary industry, which supports a rising ecosystem of purpose-oriented marketing tools intent on matching the unique business models and distinctive customer requirements.
Hyper-Personalisation is a Reality
AI and machine learning have made hyper-relevance and personalisation a reality. While the promise of one-to-one marketing has been around for decades, brands in 2019 need to be focused on messages that are relevant, specific, segmented and personalised. While data proliferation and compartmentalised marketing stacks have made deep personalisation easy to visualise, it has also made its implementation extremely difficult! With 94% of companies in one study saying personalisation is critical to success, some of the biggest barriers and challenges to this include IT roadblocks and legacy technologies.
This is where machine learning and AI step in. These marketing tools have changed the way marketing specialists make decisions and deploy campaigns. As per talkingAds Limited, this man-machine synergy will shape future marketing outcomes and hyper-personalised marketing strategies. Automated marketing technologies can deliver, analyse and process personalised content in big ways. Hyper-personalisation is based on predicted behaviour of the individual rather than customer segments. AI-based systems make it easier to personalise marketing strategies and deliver the correct content in terms of context of previous customer interactions with the brand.
Growing Importance of Brand Authenticity
As GDPR races past the first year, with fines pegged at USD 9.3 billion for Google, Facebook and even Instagram, consumer rights are changing business dynamics and further impact a challenging business environment.
Consumers will benefit from greater transparency and control over data as a result of which companies marketing their products or services may actually focus more so on brand authenticity and consumer trust. A recent study by IBM also reveals 60% of companies see GDPR as a chance to improve security, privacy and data management, besides serving as a catalyst for new business models. Secured and confidential data will now remain safe, as consumers increasingly check out the level of encryption and agility your business displays in an ultra-competitive market.
As brand authenticity and hyper-personalisation become the latest buzz words, skilled marketers at talkignAds can help you to grab a competitive advantage and position your brand favourably in a market beset by digital transformation.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
TalkingAds Ltd. Should Audit Your New Company for Your Best Chance of Success in Your First Year!
The talkingAds Ltd. team is skilled at auditing and ecommerce marketing management. Its ecommerce effectiveness audit is designed to cover aspects of the ecommerce operation of your business. So, from the effectiveness of your technology stacks to the utilisation of ecommerce platforms, usage of third-party solutions and overall CX, we design our audits to meet every requirement your new company has in its first year and subsequently.
What the Audit Covers:
The scope of each audit is customised based on initial discovery sessions, where the talkingAds Ltd. team assesses the requirements and objectives centred around a project. The focus is on functional elements and technologies, but other areas can also be covered. Audits are focused on not just the scope present, but also on the pain points and overall objectives, while diving into the project. TalkingAds has worked with numerous ecommerce retailers.
Our web auditing consultants cover additional retail systems or evaluate team synergies as well. The focus of the audits is on business aspect, technology and customer experiences. Broader ecommerce audits involve stakeholder interactions to analyse additional areas of your startup starting out. Audits take an average of a couple of weeks, depending on the scope of the project.
Key Focal Areas
The key focal areas include the following:
●       Technology stack: This covers the online e-tailer platform, key third parties, server setup, retail systems, integration solutions and much more.
●       Customer experience/CX: This covers core template review, customer comms, tools and merchandising activities, front-end user experience, mobile user experience, payments, post- purchase experience, checkout and customer account.
●       Data management: This covers data handling, CRM, analytics and reporting.
●       Customer acquisition analysis: Effectiveness of individual channels and marketing budgets
●       Team skills analysis and process reviews.
For the ecommerce platform, auditors from talkingAds Ltd. will study if the platform is fine, core features are being utilised, and integrations are working effectively. A further point to consider is whether the platform is secure and stable and permits the business to scale. Further, could some of the technologies work better when integrated?. Next in line are customer experience and priorities. Is the user experience effective? Does this include responsive templates? Should more 3rd-party technologies be deployed? All this and more forms the focal point for the audit. Another important consideration is the returns on investment.
If the ecommerce group does not get solid returns on investment for the technologies they are buying, an audit will uncover that as well. Comprehensive audit and platform recommendations that talkingAds Ltd. has delivered for global brand portfolios have had a huge impact. Niche specialist teams, skilled professionals and dedicated auditing tools and resources add further to the benefits of hiring this premier marketing agency for an ecommerce audit.
So, do connect with the team at talkingAds Ltd. and give your business a push in the right direction. For any business starting out, the most important thing is to use every opportunity for growth. Hiring the best in the business works well if you want to be an industry leader.
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talkingads-blog · 5 years
Five Quick Rules for Social Media Usage in Your Website Marketing
The best way to get your brand out there and create a buzz around your website is social media. Website marketing is also greatly facilitated, when your medium of promotion is a social networking platform. Here’s why it is so. Social media channels make it easy to reach a massive group of people and form an extensive network. There’s an additional benefit of it yielding free advertising for your brand. But if you are contemplating social media marketing for your website, here are 5 important rules you must follow.
Rule #1: Engage With Audiences
One of the basic rules of social media marketing is engagement. First, one needs to be engaging and create excitement with the posts shared regarding your website’s launch. Share your website marketing collateral on social media in a way that makes it relevant for the target audience. This will build their curiosity and make you a brand to remember. Another sense of engagement comes from engaging with audiences. Social media is a platform for getting knowledge about your website users via social platforms. Build trust and rapport with your audience on social media and drive the traffic to your website.
Rule#2: Listen To Your Audience
Interaction is not a one-way street. Thee are two sides to the dialogue coin – so you need to be ready to listen to your audience. They may have comments, concerns, queries, suggestions, insights and a host of other inputs that can help your website to grow. The best way to be a brand your audience wants is by learning what they want and sharing through listening.
Rule#3: Create Relevant Content
For generating a strong word-of-mouth marketing effect, you need to create relevant posts and messages users find helpful or insightful. That way, your website’s articles and details are more likely to be shared with friends. When content is shared, a far wider audience is reachable that one may never have connected with otherwise. Being shareable makes a difference in social media marketing. Creating content people seek to share can be complicated. Stay ahead of trends, technologies and pick compelling topics. Use eye-catching graphics and build on unique ideas people will want to pass along.
Rule#4: Create Value
While it may seem logical to think about what’s in it for your website, do think about creating value for your readers first. Social media usage for your website marketing campaigns should focus on getting to know your audience and building a strong connection with them. Further, you can utilise it to network with related companies. Find related brands that are influencers or industry leaders and cement strategic partnerships with them that lead to win-win outcomes.
Rule#5: Focus On Quality
People have so much information thrown at them. Consider that more than 5500 marketing messages accost an average user online every single day, as per research estimates! So, if you want your web marketing campaign on social media to be a success, focus on putting quality material out there, and do include social sharing buttons on your website as well. This will build a loop whereby you can easily cross-promote and benefit from the web and social media marketing synergies.
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