talsursok · 4 years
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hello, everyone! i’m tea and i’m really excited to be part of this rp. i’d love to plot with you all or feel free to hmu and we can chat about whatever. (bonus points if you're into video games, animal crossing or stuck at home due to a pandemic :/ ).  i apologize for any spelling / other annoying errors. i’m trying to balance writing this, eating and cleaning. 
Full Name: Talia Noelle Sursok
Nickname(s): Tal,
Age: Thirty-Three
Birthdate: August 18th, 1987
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Firefighter
Neighborhood: Coral Reef
tw: death
in 1987, lucia sursok welcomed her one and only child into the world. born to a single mom, talia was never short of adoration. predominately raised by her mother with the help of her aunts and grandmother, talia grew up with a healthy sense of female empowerment, but she didn’t want to be viewed as a damsel in distress. like a bird set free, she explored the world around her and found a passion in martial arts. while she fought hard for good grades in school , she made up in her passion and excellence in fighting others. whether she envisioned her c math grade when she hit the bag, or the absent father she never knew, nothing felt better than releasing whatever emotion she was harboring.
at fifteen, talia was whisked away from her home in new zealand to move to california where her mom just had to marry some guy she met months earlier. talia approached him with skepticism; she never grew up with a male figure in her life and wasn’t sure what to think of him. she’d mutter hellos his way and make sure any conversation he would try to keep was cut short. little by little he was growing on her, until one day talia realized that the anger she held for her missing father was no longer there; she had found a father in a man who loved and accepted her and her mother. he was encouraging, always cheering her and continually motivating her.
so! with her watered down accent, talia found a desire to help others however she wasn’t quite sure in what form. she spent two years getting her associates at a local community college before transferring to a university where she obtained her bachelors in psychology.  school was spent being tutored by numerous students, late nights of flash card studying and lots of (hidden) years). finally, on the day of graduation with her fresh, college degree in her hands, talia looked into the crowd and locked eyes on her beaming mom and dad.
years went by and everything in between receiving her college degree and the rest of her twenties seemed like a blur. a bad breakup. late nights with friends. crying in the shower after a rough night at work. writing a list of pros and cons on getting a dog. finally getting said dog ( a siberian husky, her dream pet). numerous amounts of coffee consumed. and plenty of family time.
at twenty-six, talia found herself growing tiresome of her job as a social worker. after a long discussion with her parents, friends, coworkers and even her favorite baristas, talia felt a calling to become a firefighter. first there was volunteering, then becoming an EMT, passing a written exam and then graduating from the firefighter academy. it was challenging, exhausting, but also thrilling and a constant adrenaline rush. the passion talia felt when becoming a firefighter was indescribable. she had finally met her biggest and best challenge.
life was truly blissful until a year ago, when talia felt a pain that she wasn’t sure she was capable of feeling. she had lost her father. actually, she’s pretty sure she still hasn’t processed it and just the thought of it makes her a wreck (but never in front of anyone). talia was confused, angry and overwhelmed by the pain. she sort of shut herself off to everyone who tried to get close to her. the pain of losing a loved one again was something she desperately wanted to avoid.
obstinate. you can tell her not to do something 100 x, but if she sets her mind to it she will do it. a lot of this came in the form of being picked on when she was little by the older boys in her martial arts class. she wanted to fight better than them and pleaded with her coach to train her longer that most.
genuine. what you see is what you get with talia. it doesn’t matter who she’s around, she stays authentic to herself and what she believes. she finds it too exhausting and useless to put on a front around certain people.
protective. at the core of it all, talia just wants to help people. seeing others in danger, suffering physically or mentally is hard for her to handle. so she does her absolute best to comfort everyone but herself.
cynical. life events have made talia feel distrusting of others. between being involved in social work and now her current occupation, talia is skeptical of the motivations of others. this originated when she was a a dumb, young teen in love with the bad boy who cheated on her multiple times. this incident left her embarrassed and guarded.
assertive. she trusts herself and her abilities and does not like when people question what she can do (mentally or physically). she’s just pretty feisty. talia is honestly a little too confident in her abilities and can come off as a bit forceful. just take this with a grain of salt and tell her to chill ~ she won’t, but feel free to tell her anyways.
impulsive. talia has always been impulsive; whether it’s proving that at age five, she in fact can climb a tree and does so but falls off leaving her with a scar, or going into any situation without thinking it through. being quick to act has its perks in the fire department, or so she thinks.
likes: coffee, dancing, warm weather, the first rainfall after its long absence, holidays, working out, strawberry ice cream, 70s music, movie theaters, competitive events, cleaning, top shelf tequila, fresh flowers in the house, lots of cozy blankets, minimal jewelry, pineapple ON pizza.
dislikes: cooking, cold weather, sleeping in too late, cats, socks, carbonated drinks, being fussed over, red meat, licorice, traffic, indecisiveness, watching the news, being alone, vulnerability, iphone updates, the smell of cigarettes, wine, not recycling, boredom.
her connections
anything and everything :) she’s been living her for eighteen years, so i’m open to anything that can fit during this time! give me all the drama.
(photo edit cred.)
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talsursok · 4 years
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talsursok · 4 years
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