tarynw24-blog · 4 years
Photojournalism Project Proposal - Revised
For my photojournalism project, I’m interested in capturing the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the community. The pandemic has affected everyone, I want to capture the impacts of it on people’s lifestyles through photos. Two examples that COVID 19 has impacted people is that it changed the way people socialize (especially with high-risk people) and it also heavily impacted businesses. I’m interested in taking photos that display these two impacts of the pandemic. 
To stay safe, health authorities have advised us to maintain physical distance, especially with high-risk people like grandparents. I’m interested in capturing this social impact of the pandemic, as COVID 19 has forced us to stay distanced from our grandparents. I think that because humans heavily rely on communication and socialization, humans will find a way to socialize even from a distance. In order to capture this idea, I would like to take photos of my family distanced from my grandparents but still socializing, communicating and having a good time. I plan to take three photos in my backyard of my family. In this set of photos I plan to use the rule of thirds and leading lines to draw the eyes of the audience to the subject of the photos. 
To capture the impact of the pandemic on businesses, I plan to take photos of businesses in downtown that have had to change because of the pandemic. I will take 3 photos of businesses boarded up and closed in downtown or businesses that have opened but with heavy restrictions such as mandatory masks and physical distancing. To successfully communicate the purpose of these photos to the audience, I will use the compositional techniques of framing, and rule of thirds. These compositional techniques will make the subject of the photos stand out to the audience.  
My intention of these photos is to show the audience that this “new normal” heavily impacts everyone; from the impacts on businesses, to the impacts on socialization, the pandemic has led to prominent lifestyle changes for everyone. 
My goal as a photographer is to capture a story within photos. This allows me to explain to the audience topics that can’t be explained with just words. This project aligns with my goal as a photographer as these photos will illustrate to the audience how the pandemic has impacted not just their own lifestyle but everyone’s lifestyle. My photos can also show to the audience that they are not going through this on their own, everyone is experiencing the same thing, and we will get through this pandemic together. 
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tarynw24-blog · 4 years
Evaluation of Veniece’s Photojournalism Project Proposal
The story is able to be feasibly created or captured using photographic methods, compelling and significant to the student or to the world we live in.
Your photos can be feasibly created and captured with photographic methods and proper equipment (lights). I think your project idea is significant to the world we live in as people in our world are finding various ways to express themselves through art and this is an interesting way. 
The reason is clear to you, has vivid descriptions that express the student’s interest, is strongly connected to the field of photojournalism, meaning the product promises a story that the student creates or that the student captures in the news (or both). 
The reason of your photos was clear to me through your project proposal. You used vivid descriptions to display the purpose of your photos. I think your project is strongly connected to photojournalism because these photos will tell the story of people’s emotions through playing with various coloured lights. 
The plan is realistic and safe, uses aspects of photojournalism, thoroughly explains exactly how, when, and where the student will create or capture the story, mentions how many photographs will be taken. 
Your plan is realistic and safe. I think your plan uses aspects of photojournalism because the photos tell the story of people’s emotions. In your plan, you have explained how you will take your photos, but you have not clarified when and how many photos will be taken. 
The student lists at least 3 different compositional techniques studied inside or outside of class, thoroughly explains how those compositional techniques are going to influence the creation of the photographs and the story itself. 
You listed one compositional technique you will manipulate (shutter speed), you need two more techniques that you will use. You explained how you will use shutter speed to capture the lights. 
The student concisely and concretely explains at least 3 desired effects or impacts of their project on the audience and on themselves. 
You listed one desired impact of your photos, to capture peoples emotions, you need 2 more. 
The student states a clear and logical connection to their own personal goal as a photographer, states how their project will offer them a genuine opportunity for reflection. 
You didn’t connect this project to your personal goal as a photographer. 
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tarynw24-blog · 4 years
How have I developed the compositional technique rule of thirds?
I have developed the compositional technique rule of thirds by learning and practicing the technique. In class, we learned about how the rule of thirds puts the subject off-center so it doesn’t look perfect, but still looks balanced and not wrong. I practiced this technique by puting the subject of the photos in one of the “thirds”.
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tarynw24-blog · 4 years
How I have developed the compositional technique leading lines?
I have developed the compositional technique of leading lines by learning about and practicing the technique. In class, we learned about how leading lines in a photo can lead the audience’s eyes to the subject of the photo. I practiced this technique by using structures like window sills and railings to lead the audience’s eyes to the subject.  
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tarynw24-blog · 4 years
Photojournalism Project Proposal
For my photojournalism project, I’m interested in capturing the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the community. The pandemic has affected everyone, I want to capture the impacts of it on people’s lifestyles through photos. Two examples that COVID 19 has impacted people is that it changed the way people socialize and it also heavily impacted businesses. I’m interested in taking photos that display these two impacts of the pandemic. To stay safe, health authorities have advised us to maintain physical distance. I’m interested in capturing the social impact of the pandemic, as COVID 19 has forced us to stay distanced from friends and others. In order to capture this idea, I would like to take photos of friends and family distanced. I will take three photos at the park which will show people distanced, possibly feeling isolated and lonely. To capture the impact of the pandemic of businesses, I plan to take photos of businesses downtown that have been forced to close. I will take 3 photos of businesses boarded up and closed in downtown. I plan to have all of these photos taken before November. The compositional techniques that I plan to use are framing, leading lines, and rule of thirds. These compositional techniques will make the subjects stand out to the audience. I would like these photos to show to the audience that the pandemic has impacted many people emotionally as they are not able to socialize like before and also financially because many businesses have shut down. This could encourage the audience to check in on their friends and family. My goal as a photographer is to capture a story within photos. These photos capture the story of people feeling isolated due to COVID 19, so this project aligns with my goal. I feel that the photos I take will capture the impacts of the pandemic on people.
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tarynw24-blog · 4 years
What does being a photojournalist mean to me?
To me, a photojournalist takes photographs that tell a story. The photos are to be presented to the public for news story material. 
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tarynw24-blog · 4 years
Why do I want to be a photographer? What do I want to achieve in photography?
I want to be a photographer because I think that photographs can capture so much. Photos can be used to tell a story, to make a statement and much more. 
In photography this year, I want to capture moments that tell a story. I also want to improve my compositional techniques in photography. 
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tarynw24-blog · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
1. Sunflower: 
These photos inspire me as it captures nature and they are full of colour. I’m interested in taking photos like this with vibrant colours. 
2. Ferris wheel: 
This photo inspires me as it is a photo from a cool perspective (low) to show the whole ferris wheel and the size of it. 
3. Road:
This photo inspires me as it is full of colour and is almost symmetrical. There are also leading lines (train tracks) that lead you to the middle of the photo. 
4. Mountain:
This photo inspires me as it shows a journey and a story in a way. The photo shows someone about to embark on a journey in a canoe. This photo also has a cool reflection and colour in the water. 
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