teamfierce · 8 years
Welcome to Team Fierce
Every life hosts star particles. You are fire and magic. Cup your hands and hold this concept for a beat.
Since you are magic, what you do is magic. Washing your hair and walking the dog and playing air guitar. Drinking whiskey and writing poetry and listening to a song over and over. Staring at the night sky - this is very important. It’s a reflection of you.
Some things don’t reflect you. It’s okay to start and never finish a book or a TV show or an album if it feels uninspiring or empty, even if everyone else seems into it. It’s okay to unfriend people who extinguish your fire.
Ignite yourself with emotion. Cry and laugh all the time and welcome wrinkles as a sign that you’re alive. Don’t wash your face at night if you’re tired and don’t prep meals for the entire week if you know you’ll crave random things and end up wasting what you chopped up. Eat the donut. Be a Nancy and an Eleven and a Barb if that’s your thing. Harness electricity. Leave a glitter trail.
Passion makes you shine. Care about something. Put your whole heart into it. Believe in yourself and in something bigger than you. Think of the Earth - it’s a blue-green dot and the whole world. You are a speck of dust and a star.
You are tiny. And you are everything.
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