telekonse · 2 years
th his conversation who needed to leave him Bending his head and spreading his big legs he began to prove to Anna Pavlovna why he believed that the abbots plan was a chimeraWell talk later said Anna Pavlovna smilingAnd having got rid of the young man who did not know how to live she returned to her occupations as a mistress of the house and continued to listen and look ready to give
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telekonse · 2 years
ry interesting person she saidYes I heard about his plan for eternal peace and its very interesting but hardly possibleDo you think  said Anna Pavlovna in order to say something and turn again to her occupations as a mistress of the house but Pierre did the reverse impoliteness First he without listening to the words of his interlocutor left now he stopped his interlocutor wi
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telekonse · 2 years
ible and continued to look for something with his eyes He smiled joyfully cheerfully bowing to the little princess as if he were a close acquaintance and went up to his aunt Anna Pavlovnas fear was not in vain because Pierre without listening to his aunts speech about her majestys health left her Anna Pavlovna stopped him in fright with the wordsYou dont know Abbe Morio he is a ve
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telekonse · 2 years
men in the room but this fear could only relate to that intelligent and at the same time timid observant and natural look that distinguished him from everyone in this living roomCest bien aimable à vous monsieur Pierre dêtre venu voir une pauvre malade Anna Pavlovna told him exchanging frightened glances with her aunt to whom she was leading him Pierre murmured something incomprehens
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telekonse · 2 years
ous talk with you You know Im not happy with your younger son Between us be it said her face took on a sad expression they talked about him at her majesty and pity you The prince did not answer but she silently looking at him significantly waited for an answer Prince Vasily grimaced What should I do he said at last You know I did everything a father can do for their education
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telekonse · 2 years
us children with the exception of Anatole your younger one I dont love him she put in peremptorily raising her eyebrows  such lovely children And you really value them least of all and therefore you do not deserve themAnd she smiled her delighted smile Que voulez vous Lafater aurait dit que je nai pas la bosse de la paternité18 said prince  Stop joking I wanted to have a seri
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telekonse · 2 years
ty for the first time Anna Pavlovna greeted him with a bow which belonged to the people of the lowest hierarchy in her salon But despite this inferior greeting at the sight of Pierre entering Anna Pavlovnas face showed anxiety and fear similar to that which is expressed at the sight of something too huge and unusual for the place Although indeed Pierre was somewhat larger than the other
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telekonse · 2 years
s a massive stout young man with a cropped head wearing spectacles light trousers in the fashion of the time with a high frill and in a brown tailcoat entered This fat young man was the illegitimate son of the famous Catherines nobleman Count Bezukhov who was now dying in Moscow He had not served anywhere yet had just arrived from abroad where he had been brought up and was in
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telekonse · 2 years
donne  continued she is topics same tone  addressing to to the general   il va se faire tuer Dites moi pourquoi cette vilaine guerre41 she said to Prince Vasily and without waiting for an answer turned to the daughter of Prince Vasily the beautiful HelenQuelle délicieuse personne que cette petite princesse said Prince Vasily quietly to Anna PavlovnaShortly after the little princes
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telekonse · 2 years
as a sign of respect and gratitudeI often think Anna Pavlovna continued after a moments silence moving closer to the prince and smiling affectionately at him as if showing by this that political and secular conversations were over and heartfelt conversations were now beginning I often think how sometimes the happiness of life is unfairly distributed Why did fate give you such two glorio
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telekonse · 2 years
Annette ne me jouez pas un mauvais tour she turned to the hostess  Vous mavez écrit que cétait une toute petite soiree voyez comme je suis attifée39And she spread her hands to show her in lace an elegant gray dress girded with a wide ribbon a little below her breasts Soyez tranquille Lise vous serez toujours la plus jolie40  answered Anna Pavlovna  Vous savez mon mari maban
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telekonse · 2 years
hats what everyone thoughtThe little princess waddling walked around the table with small quick steps with a work bag on her arm and gaily straightening her dress sat down on the sofa near the silver samovar as if everything she did was partie de plaisir37 for her and for all those around herJai apporté mon ouvrage she said unfolding her purse and addressing them all togetherLook
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telekonse · 2 years
mothertobe full of health and liveliness who so easily endured her situation It seemed to the old men and the bored gloomy young people that they themselves were becoming like her after spending some time talking with her Anyone who spoke to her and saw at every word her bright smile and shining white teeth which were constantly visible thought that he was especially amiable today And t
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telekonse · 2 years
t bag Her pretty with a slightly blackened mustache her upper lip was short in teeth but it opened all the nicer and stretched out even more nicely sometimes and fell on the lower one As is always the case with quite attractive women her shortcomingsthe shortness of her lips and her halfopen mouthseemed to be her special actually her beauty It was fun for everyone to look at this pretty
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telekonse · 2 years
eryone in the same terms about his health about her health and about the health of Her Majesty which today was thank God better All those who approached out of decency not showing haste with a sense of relief from the heavy duty they had performed departed from the old woman so as not to go up to her all eveningThe young Princess Bolkonskaya arrived with work in an embroidered gold velve
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telekonse · 2 years
high bows who floated out of another room as soon as the guests began to arrive she called them by name slowly shifting her eyes from the guest to ma tante36 and then departedAll the guests performed the ceremony of greeting an unknown uninteresting and unnecessary aunt to no one Anna Pavlovna followed their greetings with sad solemn sympathy tacitly approving them Ma tante spoke to
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telekonse · 2 years
d last winter and now did not go out into the world because of her pregnancy but went on small evenings also arrived Prince Hippolyte son of Prince Vasily arrived with Mortemar whom he introduced Abbé Morio and many others also came You havent seen it yet or  you dont know ma tante35Anna Pavlovna would say to the visiting guests and very seriously lead them to a little old woman in
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