templeofmaatknoxville · 8 months
Trying out the Tumbler Thing! Temple of Ma'at Knoxville is a Holistic Magick Temple with a private #coven Priesthood of the Sacred Eartg where the practice of #holisticmagick is taught. While we acknowledge deities, we do not 'worship' them, but instead utilize them as touchstones for greater currents of wisdom and experience. We practice a very animistic form of Witchcraft with a focus on the #holistic experience We recognize mythic images as Archtypes, but are not theist/polytheist. We use the language of #sacredsymbols and #ecstatic practices for connection. Most content will center around #witchcraft and #holisticmagick #kemetic #ancientegypt #naturespirits #elementalmagic
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