thatgothic-kid · 1 year
be honest. If I was a stuffie in a claw machine, would you try to win me??
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thatgothic-kid · 1 year
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skkssksk. Those fingers look kinda quirky but im just happy i managed to finish this! I usually don't put that much effort into my pieces.
With this, I just thought of another way vanny could've been used in SB along with springtrap. Maybe her having some mad obsession over Afton and trying to resurrect him (without him actually coming back to life). So, it's just her using him like a puppet. ANYWAYS-
This was made in Drawpile, the effects done in Krita. Original from Drawpile:
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Never gonna have a normal signature,,, also i had to hold myself back from adding eyebrows
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
ayo i found 2 pages with head angles of humans and animals, could be useful to anyone reading this
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
“Welcome, Captain Technoblade, to the Argo.”
wake up besties, new chapter of bones is out! go go go
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
With the whole bi and pan discourse ive seen going around, could you explain me the difference because i mostly only see people bashing one of the two or saying theyre both valid (which i agree) but just without any explanation and im just so confused
look biscuit i might not be the best one to answer bc im not either of the two but lets see
the two overlap a lot and many argue whether bi includes certain genders or not (like trans and non-binary folk) which cause arguments about pan being 'more inclusive'
i think some think bi includes strictly males and females/'bi-' means two?
But i think the difference is that bi is attraction to multiple genders (multiple, not strictly two) but not all genders while pan is attraction to any and all genders. so both overlap but theyre both still their own, one as valid as the other
people who are more knowledgeable in this feel free to correct me if i got anything wrong!
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
Thinking about crow Phil au
Maybe he’s a shapeshifter who has to rest from his human form sometimes or maybe he was cursed
Either way
Crow Phil
He nests in techno’s crows and falls asleep in it or in the fluff of techno’s cape
When techno’s fighting Phil just divebombs with a knife or sharp stick in his beak at the enemy
A hunter captures him once to keep as a pet or to sell and thirty minutes later a very angry blood god shows up at his doorstep
When the voices get too loud he hops onto techno’s shoulder and nuzzles his beak into the piglin’s cheek
He steals shiny things a lot and slips them into techno’s pocket without the latter noticing, very confusing to explain to the guards
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
Now that I know Sam can put multiple people in Dream’s cell, I want everyone in that one cell. 
Dream is there for server crimes. Techno is there for suspicion of being a Dream Ally. Revivebur and Michael McChill are Dream Apologists. Ranboo, Philza, and Niki tried to break Techno out and got stuck. Tubbo went after Ranboo. Tommy went after Tubbo. Quackity went on his way to torture Dream and it was too crowded to leave. The rest of the Las Nevadas Crew joined, thinking Quackity and Wilbur were there for a reason. Eret and Captain Puffy followed Foolish in. Bad and Ant get imprisoned for egg crimes. 
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
An armoured lad :]
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
You can't just SAY mumza as a gardener and Philza as a fairy and NOT elaborate, pls 🥺🤲
phil is a small little man that is the hieght of a crocus (@whoreza's ideas are influencing me again). HE FELL INSTANTLY WHEN HE SAW HER AND ALWAYS GIVES HER CROCUSES IN SPRING! In summer she gets lavender and herbs from him:D fairies can fly on birds and with their own wings as well </3 if we go for the gnome techno trope he's one of mumza's oldest clay garden gnomes and he's like. similar in height to phil
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
I guess I'm here to defend Dream because it's the first time I see a content creator do something to donate to LGBTQ+ charities and people hating on them for it.
First off, let's get some facts right about things Dream had said before the pride merch announcement:
He is aware of rainbow capitalism and wasn't sure about doing this kind of merch because he didn't want people to believe he was using the LGBTQ+ community for profit.
He said that he would consider doing it if, and only if, his LGBTQ+ fans really wanted it.
In other words, he is doing it because his fans basically begged him to do it. And in exchange, he will be donating 10% of the revenue to charity.
Now, a lot of people are mad that "it's only 10%" and "he will keep 90%". That's just wrong. That's not what revenue means (google the difference between revenue and profit, at least) and that's not how businesses work, not in this case. The company Dream uses to make his merch is his own company, that means it's probably self-run and self-financed. Do you know how hard is that? Even if he makes millions, it's incredibly difficult to keep afloat, even more than normal nowdays because of the pandemic. So right now, almost all of the money he makes from merch goes back to the company to pay for production costs, pay business taxes, pay his workers a fair wage (and he puts a lot of emphasis in being ethical), etc. In other words, 10% is a lot and most likely all the profit he would usually make (though I'd dare to say he makes even less than that).
If he gave more of the revenue, he would have to get cheaper worse-quality materials, not pay his workers or operate at loss. None of those are a viable options... and you want him to give 100%? Get out of here and read a book. 10% is something. It can help more than you think. So tell me, how much are you donating?
Hate and be critical of capitalism all you want, but to start calling names and making Dream seem like this awful anti-gay person is too much. All he is doing is making MERCH for his FANS with his INDEPENDENT company and DONATING the profits to charity for LGBTQ+ Youth (+ he's also giving all the money he makes while streaming this month).
He isn't profiting off of this. Stop being weird and focus your energy into real problems (like the actually large companies that control media that cause real harm while dressing in rainbow colors).
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
More "Techno and Phil as war buddies raising kids together" hc's:
Techno isn't really familiar with the concept of "parents", because piglins raise their children as a group
so when Wilbur is born, he tries his best to help Phil
which isn't always working, because he knows next to nothing about actual human babies
"why won't he talk to me? is he mad at me?" he asks Phil
"no. babies can't talk" Philza answers him
Techno looks down at the baby
"... are you mad at me?"
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
*sex sells by lovejoy stops*
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
Archive.org(not AO3) is facing a lawsuit
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tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.
DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)
On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !
EDIT:  I failed to remember that not everything is black and white so @rimanez brought up interesting points :
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Also as a side note a lot of people are thinking Archive Of Our Own (ao3) is getting sued. Its not the case,its a whole different website. Please rb this version instead
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
Introducing my mcc team idea
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
c!techno wears a tshirt that says ‘Yeah im a straight A student: asexual, aromantic, agender, adhd, anxiety, anarchy’ to syndicate meetings
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thatgothic-kid · 3 years
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This is a summarized post for those who want to be informed. Obviously it does not cover everything, but it is in a simple format and highlights important points and is easy to understand.
Everyone has to do their own research. Not everything will be handed to you. There are many websites and sources out there, you have to look for them. The issues between Israel and Palestine is not an easy cut deal, there are many different factors that play into everything that is happening right now.
Free Palestine🇵🇸✌️
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