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im embarassing myself all the time omfg. i need to regulate my fucking emotions and hormones bettrr but i dont know how
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24/7 pokémon line stickers
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fun fact about me is that when i was a kid id write capital E’s with as many of those little horizontal lines as possible and id call them ladder E’s and adults fucking hated them
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💕  Little Everyday Aphrodite Spells 💕
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Here are a compilation of Aphrodite spells that you can practice almost everyday. I personally find myself doing most of these things out of habit.
I hope you guys enjoy! Criticism is always allowed, and I highly appreciate the notes and likes :P
Also feel free to ask questions, I’m always happy to answer! And if you want me to post about something, let me know.
Aphrodite's  balm
This spell is one you make once, and then can use it everyday. Apply it every morning on your wrist, neck, behind your ears, elbows, etc.
💕 1 ½ teaspoons beeswax beads
💕1/4 cup sweet almond oil
💕1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
💕2 drops vanilla oil
💕1 drop rose oil 
💕2 drops jasmine oil
💕Almond oil
💕Sweet orange oil
💕Amber oil
💕A small jar/container to store the balm in
Melt the bees wax and sweet almond oil in a clean container/can in a sauce pan of water (Half full). Put the heat on medium and let the water melt the oils and wax. Remove the melted ingredients from the heat and with oven mitts remove the container. Now is the time to add in your essential oils and vitamin E oil. Stir in with a popsicle stick. Let the mixture cool slightly, but not enough to harden completely. Now stir again and add to your jar/container and then let harden completely.
Now you can enchant this object and I highly suggest calling upon Aphrodite to bless your creation, although this is completely optional.
When you want to use it, warm the product with your fingertips and scoop enough to apply as you would a solid perfume.
Immaculate Beauty Spell
- An edible spell that makes you feel like a god/goddess
This one you can make in the morning and night, and always puts me in a good mood. 
💕Hot chocolate mix of choice - Self-love, Nurturing, Love, Balance
💕Dark/bittersweet chocolate - Love, Romance
💕Almond milk or any milk of choice 
💕Vanilla - Attraction
💕Cinnamon - Power, lust, success 
Heat up milk, then add your hot chocolate mix. Melt your real chocolate, and add vanilla and cinnamon. Let it sit on the heat for a couple more minutes. Pour into a favored mug, or one that is enchanted. Top with anything you’d like.
Spell of Sweet Speech
- A spell to sweeten your voice and words
This is a spell I do every morning when I start my skincare and makeup ritual. I learned it when I first started the craft. 
💕Honey (Or agave nectar)
💕A spoonful of sugar
Take your ingredients, enough to coat your lips, and mix them together. Then using your thumb (this represents will power and will boost the spell) smooth the mixture over your lips. Envision what this spell will do for you, and think of your intent in your mind.
Other little things:
Enchanting all your skincare/beauty products
Burning pink and white candles every morning
Taking your time to pamper yourself (Proper hygiene, baths, skincare)
Doing the things you love ❤️ 
Thank you for visiting my blog, 
and all the love, from Angelica
I love you all! My DMs, mail, and comments are always open! 
xoxo, Angel.
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You’re not a real gamer unless you’ve wasted countless hours of your life purposefully walking in the wrong direction to make sure you’re not missing any content
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I think toy doctors are so nice actually like i remember being a little heartbroken kid when one of my beloved stuffed animals got old and torn up and my mom just threw him out. And i know what it would have meant to me, to have someone lovingly stitch him back up instead so i could love him just a little longer. And I'm really glad there are little kids out there who get to see pictures of their stuffed animals and dolls with little fake hospital beds and casts as they "rest & heal" before returning to them good as new. Like what a sweet thing to do with your life.
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my favorite lil detail in Dungeon Meshi is how all the characters have big expressive eyes EXCEPT Senshi whose eyes are literally always drawn like this:
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When are we going to talk about how utterly over the top and ridiculous neurotypical advice for ADHD and sleep is?? It’s straight up fucking bonkers. 
Someone with ADHD: I really really struggle to fall asleep at “regualr times”, no matter how tired I am I just can’t seem to fall asleep at 10 pm!!! But I almost instantly fall asleep any time after 2 am. What should I do?
NT sleep advice: You, someone who cannot conceptualize time in any way whatsoever, need to identify TWO HOURS in advance when you want to sleep and, with your executive dysfunction that makes making decisions at will almost straight up impossible, make the decision to stop whatever you’re involuntarily hyperfixating on. Then, you, with a focus disorder that makes it so that you have to be doing something at all times, sit and do nothing for 2 hours. You cannot read. You cannot be on your phone. Do not move. Do not talk to people. Just sit and do nothing. If you can’t fall asleep it’s because you Did Something and it’s your fault. Bluelight 24 hours before you want to sleep is the reason. Never look at a TV, Phone, computer, OR let one of these objects be within a 24,000 mile radius of you. Never ever go NEAR your bed unless you’re already asleep. If you are AWAKE in your bedroom ever you will not be able to sleep. 
ADHD Sleep Advice: Get a job that starts at 2 pm or later and go to sleep at 4 am and wake up at noon. 
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do u guys find this video creepy or cute bc i think thats a big personality indicator
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“drama kid” this and “band kid” that. wheres the love for us kids that did absolutely nothing in high school
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"if you liked this title you may enjoy" but with animal species
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Hi this thread is making me insane.
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It has been a LONG time since I’ve laughed this hard at a Reddit post lmao
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New pins!
Available today 10AM EST
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