thatsatanicpony · 5 years
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
This is the content I am here for. 
Taliesin, as the cat puppet: “[evil laugh]  Hello, children.  You all know who I am.  But for the sad mortals in the back, listen up: I am Bast’alar, the Ascended One, Destructor of the Gameverse, Shatterer of Realms.  [evil laugh]  And I’ve come bearing condolences to you all.  Your precious little cowboy wasn’t feeling well today.  Boohoo!  [evil laugh]  I guess it doesn’t matter how much you can bench if you can’t get out of bed!  Looks like my spell worked after all!  [evil laugh]  I guess the rift will just have to remain open, and the wheel will come to a screeching halt.  You moronic hillbillies have no idea whom you are messing with.  When my owners abandoned me years ago, I swore to never be domesticated again.  I am no longer a cat, a pet, Critter or a slave, but a god!  [evil laugh]  Are you prepared to see my true power unleashed?  Then come and join us next Tuesday on twitch.tv/criticalrole at 4pm Pacific, and I hope to see you there so you can watch it all burn.  Toodle-loo!  [evil laugh]”
I think Travis says it best…
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
Clearly NASA have made a discovery on Mars they’re not telling us about. Like some Prothean ruins maybe? 
Project director: OK, guys, we’re all nerds. We’ve all played Mass Effect. We know what to do. 
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
y’all: bisexuals are fake bc they usually end up in m/f relationships
me, an intellectual: it’s easier and statistically more likely to find a straight person who is attracted to you and compatible with you than to find a lgb+ person who is, especially in small towns. not to mention the fact that a big part of lg community won’t date us, because they are biphobic. also a huge number of bis are nb, so m/f rhetoric doesn’t even fit us. also. there is nothing wrong with bis being in a m/f relationship if it’s healthy. also. stop being biphobic it’s 2017 when will this stop
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
Hey, PETA, I’m a wild animal and the internet is my natural habitat so how about you leave me the fuck alone?
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
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Tumblr algorithm working as expected! 
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
tigers chasing a drone
credit: @cnninternational
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
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I offer no explanations or excuses.
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
2017 mood
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thatsatanicpony · 5 years
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It’s going to be one hell of a year.
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thatsatanicpony · 6 years
And The Expanse is the novelisation of a table top RPG. So what? Where people get their inspiration is less important than the work they produce, my fine people. 
The new She-Ra creator inserted her own D&D OCs into the show.
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thatsatanicpony · 6 years
dear everyone else trying to adult
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thatsatanicpony · 6 years
It’s not like there’s any ambiguity here, people. From her official profile on Overwatch:  Orisa serves as the central anchor of her team, and defends her teammates from the frontline with a protective barrier. She can attack from long range, fortify her own defenses, launch graviton charges to slow and move enemies, and deploy a Supercharger to boost the damage output of multiple allies at once.  Or let’s look at her story: Built from parts of one of Numbani's short-lived OR15 defense robots, Orisa is the city's newest protector, though she still has much to learn.Originally put into service before the Omnic Crisis, the OR14 "Idina" line of security robots was built in Nigeria's massive manufacturing omnium. After the war, they were taken out of production, along with many of the other models used during the crisis. Twenty years later, Numbani revived and recommissioned the OR14 program to protect the city from external threats. These new OR15s were deployed for a short time before they were destroyed in an attack by Doomfist.Following the attack, the program was scrapped, and the civic government sold off the remaining OR15 inventory. Some parts were purchased by eleven-year-old Efi Oladele, a brilliant girl whose early accomplishments in robotics and artificial intelligence had already earned her the Adawe Foundation's "genius grant."With the approval of her understanding and open-minded parents, Efi spent the bulk of her grant money to acquire one of the decommissioned OR15 bots. She believed that Numbani needed a protector and that an upgraded OR15 could do just that. Efi repaired and reconfigured the robot and installed a personality core that she had designed herself.She named Numbani's newest hero Orisa.Orisa has shown that she can be of service to the city, but she is still working toward finding her optimal protocols. The omnic's inexperience can cause her to be an occasional liability. Fortunately, between Efi's willingness to make the necessary modifications and Orisa's adaptive artificial intelligence, both robot and creator have always been able to set things right.As Orisa starts her career as a guardian, she has much to learn about the world and her functionality. But as long as she is guided by Efi's boundless optimism and her own growing sense of honor and duty, Orisa stands ready to protect Numbani and her creator at any cost.
That’s 15 uses of explicitly gendered language referring to Orisa. 
Let’s look at the same thing for Bastion shall we, while we’re about it! First of all Bastion’s overview:
Repair protocols and the ability to transform between stationary Assault, mobile Recon and devastating Tank configurations provide Bastion with a high probability of victory. 
And story:
Once a frontline combatant in the devastating Omnic Crisis, this curious Bastion unit now explores the world, fascinated by nature but wary of a fearful humanity.Originally created for peacekeeping purposes, Bastion robot units possessed the unique ability to rapidly reconfigure themselves into an assault-cannon mode. But during the Omnic Crisis, they were turned against their human makers, forming the bulk of the omnics' rebel army. Following the resolution of the crisis, nearly all of them were destroyed or disassembled. To this day, Bastion units still symbolize the horrors of the conflict.One unique Bastion unit, severely damaged in the final battles of the war, was left forgotten for over a decade. It lay dormant, exposed to the elements and rusting while nature slowly reclaimed it. Overgrown with vines and roots and nested upon by small animals, the robot sat inert, seemingly unaware of the passing of time. That was until one fateful day, when it unexpectedly reactivated. With its combat programming all but lost, it instead displayed an intense curiosity about the natural world and its inhabitants. This inquisitive Bastion unit set out to explore its surroundings and discover its purpose on a war-ravaged planet.Though "Bastion" appears to be gentle—even harmless, at times—its core combat programming takes over when the unit senses danger, utilizing its entire arsenal to eliminate anything it perceives as a threat. This has led to instances of conflict with the few humans it has encountered, and has driven it to avoid populated areas in favor of the wild, uncharted regions of the world.
You might think, at first glance, I didn’t actually bother to go through and bold the gendered language in Bastion’s entries. 
I did.
There just isn’t any.
Any more questions, morons?
Sure is misogynist Overwatch “fans” refusing to acknowledge the existence of Orissa this morning.
EDIT: I am now coming across the posts regarding racial representation in Overwatch. This is not about that. That is an important discussion but not one that this post deals with. I apologise for any mix up there.
This is about folks having no trouble labelling Bastion a male character, but refusing to acknowledge Orissa as a female character.
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thatsatanicpony · 6 years
I once saw all of modern art summed up as  “I could have done that.”  “But you didn’t.”  So I appreciate this post immensely. :) 
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So somebody on my Facebook posted this. And I’ve seen sooooo many memes like it. Images of a canvas with nothing but a slash cut into it, or a giant blurry square of color, or a black circle on a white canvas. There are always hundreds of comments about how anyone could do that and it isn’t really art, or stories of the time someone dropped a glove on the floor of a museum and people started discussing the meaning of the piece, assuming it was an abstract found-objects type of sculpture.
The painting on the left is a bay or lake or harbor with mountains in the background and some people going about their day in the foreground. It’s very pretty and it is skillfully painted. It’s a nice piece of art. It’s also just a landscape. I don’t recognize a signature style, the subject matter is far too common to narrow it down. I have no idea who painted that image.
The painting on the right I recognized immediately. When I was studying abstraction and non-representational art, I didn’t study this painter in depth, but I remember the day we learned about him and specifically about this series of paintings. His name was Ad Reinhart, and this is one painting from a series he called the ultimate paintings. (Not ultimate as in the best, but ultimate as in last.)
The day that my art history teacher showed us Ad Reinhart’s paintings, one guy in the class scoffed and made a comment that it was a scam, that Reinhart had slapped some black paint on the canvas and pretentious people who wanted to look smart gave him money for it. My teacher shut him down immediately. She told him that this is not a canvas that someone just painted black. It isn’t easy to tell from this photo, but there are groups of color, usually squares of very very very dark blue or red or green or brown. They are so dark that, if you saw them on their own, you would call each of them black. But when they are side by side their differences are apparent. Initially you stare at the piece thinking that THAT corner of the canvas is TRUE black. Then you begin to wonder if it is a deep green that only appears black because the area next to it is a deep, deep red. Or perhaps the “blue” is the true black and that red is actually brown. Or perhaps the blue is violet and the color next to it is the true black. The piece challenges the viewer’s perception. By the time you move on to the next painting, you’re left to wonder if maybe there have been other instances in which you believe something to be true but your perception is warped by some outside factor. And then you wonder if ANY of the colors were truly black. How can anything be cut and dry, black and white, when even black itself isn’t as absolute as you thought it was?
People need to understand that not all art is about portraying a realistic image, and that technical skills (like the ability to paint a scene that looks as though it may have been photographed) are not the only kind of artistic skills. Some art is meant to be pretty or look like something. Other art is meant to carry a message or an idea, to provoke thought.
Reinhart’s art is utterly genius.
“But anyone could have done that! It doesn’t take any special skill! I could have done that!”
Ok. Maybe you could have. But you didn’t.
Give abstract art some respect. It’s more important than you realize.
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thatsatanicpony · 6 years
when you tryna chill but your siblings love annoyin you
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