The Faerie Paths
In the neighborhoods of Rosedale and Wiltshire there are a number of streets with multiple crabapple trees on the boulevards. The crabapple is a tree sacred to Manannnan mac Lir, a prominent member of the Irish, Welsh, and Scottish gods whose primary job is a mover between worlds. When crabapples are planted along a travel route the path becomes aligned with the passages he uses to go from Earth to the Otherworld. As a result other less powerful faerie folk are able to use those paths as well. If one walks along these roads at certain times of the year or during the twilight hours year round one has a decent chance to glimpse otherworldly travellers. In order to do so one must remember to remain quiet and watch from the corners of one’s eyes. Speaking aloud and turning to look directly at the beings one sees causes them to vanish. Alternatively carrying a open bottle of water with one may invite a interaction if one is brave enough to do so. Though if approached only hold the bottle out and remember not to stare. Any kind of rudeness is likely to result in faerie mischief later on.
The folk encountered in this area are likely to be solitary travellers of various races none of which will be malicious or hostile unless treated similarly. That being said if large groups are seen it is best to leave the road and walk on to the boulevard. Such groups are often the retinues for the Lords and Ladies and they may take a person’s subtle self along with the group if they take a fancy to a nearby mortal.
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