Anton is... somewhere. A dark alleyway, off a street. He doesn't particularly know where, but he is there. There is a buzzing eminating from him. He walks around the alley, listening. He hums to himself, not through a voice, but through the unhalting buzz. There is... little else there for him.
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Blog admin checklist (again)
- new banner ✅️
- make the posts for the character intros!
- sort all the rp masterposts
- clean up the blog
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Hm. Ok.
I'm going to add a new oc, but idk what entity to do. Luckily, the ones I haven't used yet fit on a poll!
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I'm going to add a new oc, but idk what entity to do. Luckily, the ones I haven't used yet fit on a poll!
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Silas Anhoven RP Masterlist
Open RP Starts:
Finished RPs:
Solo discussions:
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"Don't worry about it! Remember, if your perspective isn't good for you, take an effort to change it. It's all about perspective. Everything is, all the time."
They wave and begin to leave to look around the rest of the shop.
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"That's because there is no strict definition. We're like... prophets of our powers I guess? And... like.... to become an avatar you have to conquer your fear? Tame your demons. But instead of getting rid of it, you like... become it? I've heard folks call it a Becoming. It's... a death I think? Or a rebirth? Or just... a newness. A Becoming. I agree, it is very confusing."
They do seem to be straining their mind a little as they try to explain, squinting their eyes.
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"Maybe... it's all about perspective, really. Everything is."
They smile, still thinking.
"And fear is... a fiddly thing to catagorise, you know? It's kind of like a spectrum. But the mind doesn't really like spectrums, too incomprehensible. So, we make boxes. Happens all the time. Colours, gender, sexualities, biology, all sorts. We did the same with fear, and that's why there's so many entities! Boxing! Or um... boxifying?"
There's a look of awe in their eyes at this point.
"Either way, it's fascinating."
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"Well, quite a lot actually. Are you a religious person? Actually that doesn't matter. Religious folk of any denomination seem to find hope in their beliefs. Ever-loving god, redemption through reincarnation, life after death, you name it. It's all the same thing really, hope."
They smile, enjoying the sudden philosophy.
"And people like to rationalise. They give injuries names, they give weather names, they give creaks in the floorboards names and make them 'ghosts'.... we name a lot of things. Names are powerful tools. That's another issue though... we rationalise a lot."
They pause, trying to think of other examples, but comes up blank.
"Like... I don't know. Anyway, yeah, rationalisation. Religion is used to rationalise things like pain and suffering, war and violence. It can also be used to rationalise fear, though, and that's where the entities come in. I think so, anyway."
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"I guess so, yeah. But if the powers don't exist, why does the supernatural occur? It almost indesputably does."
They say, genuinely curious about their conversation partner's opinions on the matter.
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"Yeah... well I mean it's often enough, but it's not that often, no" they note the hair, humming before returning to the shirts again.
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"I agree..." They do not acknowledge the tone, but they do seem to understand what Alice is proposing. "It's always interesting finding one of us out in the wild."
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"I suppose so. I have a feeling that you are also someone like me, though, in a way."
They also smile, before turning to look at the shirts again.
"Are you?"
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"I'm Skyler! Nice to meet you!" He smiles l
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"There's 14 yeah. According to the most well-accepted count anyway. Some people say there's more, some people say there's less. It's all about perspective, the powers are... a highly subjective topic."
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"Hey! Not yet... you?"
Skyler smiles back at the stranger, taking a mental note of the spirals.
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
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"I am! I don't really see how the Eye counters the Corruption though... all the little insects have eyes and can watch you, can't they."
They pause for a second, thinking.
"The Institute... Magnus Institute, right? I've been there before, lovely place."
None of my prompts are getting any reception yet, but imma make another
Skyler is in a shop somewhere or other, clothes shopping. They're looking through colourful shirts.
38 notes · View notes