the-glowup-process · 10 months
12 August, 2023
Behold a new entry
Have been studying lately. And drawing, got sick so I'm not going to the cosmetology class (viral eye flu and it's communicable so better to stay away from people) I'm all good now tho so might start from tomorrow.
I've built a good relationship with all my teachers this year. I've become more active in class which I'm very proud of. I can speak aloud without my heart pumping out of my chest and basically having a panic attack so I'm REALLY proud of that.
Getting involved in being the art kid in the class.
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Made these recently, the first two is for a charity program in school. I'm not good at colouring but I think they turned out nicely.
Current Instagram (the.kefi.way.of.living)following: 86 (i honestly forgot to post lol)
I made some online art friends, our gc is called The basement™ lol
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
19 June, 2023
God when am I gonna stop forgetting that this blog exists ��⁠_⁠ಥ
I got 91.6% in 10th, which is very good actually *happy dance*
I'm supposed to be working hard to get even better this year, still kinda hard to believe I'm in year 11, summer vacations are going on, going to be over soon actually lol
I've started working out (every two days) i wanna be strong i hope i can be
I've started being active on my insta art account it's called the.kefi.way.of.living. i have 81 followers rn reels are hard to make to I'm still trying to figure them out
I wanna earn money i looked up this transcription job but i need a bank account for that so that's on hold right but i wanna build a good social media presence so that i can sell my art and I'm thinking of learning jwellery making so I'll sell those too
The biggest news, i started going to cosmetology classes, the teacher talks a lot but I'm getting good exposure to how a salon works so it's fun, it's so hot these days so not many people are coming tho
I've decided on becoming a biochemist so I'm happy to have my career decided i haven't told anyone tho i hope my dad doesn't object but it's decent enough job so i think not
I've decided to study abroad so I'm looking for University rn there's lot to take into consideration tho and there's money issue too so it's looking pretty hopeless but i hope for the best
That's all for right now i guess
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
14 April, 2023
Birthday long gone, talked to a lot of my friends, video called a lot, it was fun, i like to sometimes have these long chats even though I'm an introvert, they kinda freshen things up <3
Arabic classes aren't going that strong but tis just a break, I'm fasting today(Finally my first fast of Ramadan) so i hope to complete one lecture today
My brother might be coming home soon so BLENDER, i hope so (i promise i don't like my brother just for his laptop, there are other things okay)
I watched the second season of "from me to you" it was just a cute love story, kinda hard to find in today's media I'm glad it exists, and I'm watching a lot of other seasonal animes, i completed buddy daddies from last season, it was good I'm sad it doesn't have a manga
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
7 April, 2023
Exams are done (a while ago by 29th March). The results will probably come in May or something. I'll go to the next class soon, they're promoting based on the mock test marks (silly ik).
I've been having trouble with the cycle for some time now, I'm taking meds tho so it's getting better. It's making me kinda sleepy and moody though.
I've been learning Arabic from YouTube (by Nauman Ali Khan), half of my Ramadan is gone to the periods.
I made one painting.
My dad had a graphology book i didn't know about so I'm reading that, doesn't seem like I'll finish it anytime soon though.
A large part of my day is still consumed by the mobile phone though i don't know when I'll leave it.
I read today that I'm not disciplined and consistent cause i don't love myself enough so i hope i start to.
Did i mention I'll be 17 in less than a week. I can't believe it honestly
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
24 February, 2023
Whoop it's been almost a month since last update cause i forgot but it's been pretty bad actually, finals are starting on 27, i am prepared cause we had a mock test but i honestly haven't been studying much and it's sed.
I've just been wasting time reading a lot of manhuas/webtoons like
• your smile is a trap (100 epi, it's on haitus)
• nice to meet you (it's completed and the second lead syndrome is finally cured, this was one of the best love triangles with the best ending)
• ocean boys (read it today, 110 epi or something)
• maybe meant to be (ongoing)
• genius of unique lineage
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
28 Jan, 2023
My brother is back so that means laptop and that means i get to use blender, saw an hour long tutorial on YouTube (crossmind studio) and it looked cool, am making a building might complete it tomorrow,
Studied two chapters of chemistry and one of geography (half actually) and today was the ptm for mock exam and I've got 73.50% i hope i can get better next time I'll work towards it
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
Jan 26, 2023
Welp this is already turning into a failure but I'll keep trying
My exams ended and most marks have been told, i got highest in history/civics and lowest in computer, most are not that great but I can't motivate myself to study too hard, i studied computer today just a bit, i started watching yona of the dawn anime (still not done with ahiru no Sora tho) and also the manhwa death is the only ending for the villianess i completed daytime star and I'm reading the step mother's marchen
I think i need to stop chasing dopamine I'll try to just not to do anything entertaining whenever I'm bored and see how it goes
I think i have adhd tho but it could be just excess of dopamine
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
9 Jan 2023
I did the maths exam, met all my friends after like almost a month (cause of winter vacations). It was kinda fun. I studied history after getting home, about 8 chapters, and 1 chapter of civics. My school timing is 10 so i think I can revise more of civics in the morning and then i can discuss my weak points with my friend in the bus.
I hope it goes well.
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
8 Jan 2023
I forgot to write my entry yesterday but I didn't really do much, i watched anime called ahiru no Sora (sky of the duck lol) and studied a bit of organic chem, my brother left yesterday with his laptop so I won't be able to animate anymore.
I have exams from tomorrow and they just told us today and it's literally maths so i studied that the whole day today i hope it goes decently I've promised a lot of people to get 90+ (especially myself).
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
Jan 6, 2023
Over the week i have tried to learn blender, right now I am learning animation, although I'm just doing simple things. I have made two portrait since I'm trying to improve my art. I hope to start praying soon after my mensuration stop. I studied physics yesterday and i hope to study a bit of chemistry today although i haven't been able to motivate myself till now. I might make a portraits today too. I made two animations, both were transition of polygons to circles it looked decent i guess.
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the-glowup-process · 1 year
This blog is to keep track of my year and to have something to hold me accountable for slacking off
My dear self a year later, please don't be too disappointed in yourself, the me here will try her best
I was supposed to start it on 1st but my periods started so I wasn't able to do much but better late than never right
I hope i can motivate myself and have loads of fun
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