Why must those of us who work retail and/or fast food have shit like this happen-
I’m still reeling over whatever have dubbed “The Infamous Iced Coffee Incident” at my workplace-
More stories from hell (retail) today I was ringing up this lady and she goes oh I want to do part of this on a gift card and the rest on normal card and I go ok and then she hands me a folded piece of paper. I think oh OK it must be folded around the gift card, right? Wrong. It is a folded sheet of 8×11 printer paper with "$40" written on the inside in ballpoint pen. I go what is this. She says a gift card. I say this is not a gift card. She says yes it is. I say this is a piece of paper with "$40" written on it. She says "well it's a gift card." I say it absolutely is not. I am grinding my teeth. She says well I want to use it. I say you physically cannot do that bc it is a piece of paper. I cannot scan or swipe it. I apologize, as if this is my fault, and not because she is completely insane. I hate it here
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Well I was going to reply, but apparently I now have the need to get into like the physical body language of several species I have, both from [Redacted]'s world and some other ones.
The thing that started this was actually the two genshin characters I made, Alizeé and Aimeé (having to hunt down the accented e is fun), who are both something called Crystal Nymph hybrids. The two are both half human though, so some of their body language may work different to an actual full blooded crystal nymph. I'm mostly thinking about how their tails would function. And after thinking about it, I've decided for the most part, their tails mirror that of a cat. Mostly because it's the description I've been getting. So mini key, mostly for myself (half the time these posts are made just for me to have this stuff down somewhere)
-Tail straight up: Alarmed, possibly angry (If they had fluffy tails I'm sure they would puff up)
-Tail tapping while asleep: relaxed in general, but still aware of their surroundings
-Tail moving while sleeping: Dreaming
-Tail lashing while sleeping: Nightmare
-Tail moving while alert: nervousness, aggression, "Do not touch" (If we're being honest, Alizeé probably is doing this one a lot of the time. Crowds freak them out, and so do people)
-Tail straight up with a hooked tip: friendly greeting (You'd probably see Alizeé doing this around their siblings, be it Aimeé or the fontaine sibling trio. Aimeé probably does this to everybody.)
-Tail lowered really close to the ground: Afraid, anxiety
-Tail tucked between legs: Terrified (I imagine Alizeé's tail would probably wrap around one of it's legs, and Aimeé would probably hold her tail in her hands as a way to try and ground herself.)
-Tail wrapped around their body: In pain, feeling unwell (in this case I imagine that Alizeé's tail would probably wrap around their stomach, as their tails are really long, while Aimeé's would wrap around her legs, and sometimes their stomach)
-Twitching at the end of their tail: Playful or hunting
-Really aggressive twitching at the end of their tail: Irritated
-Slow side to side swishing: Focused on something (Literally anytime Alizeé is working on anything. Aimeé isn't seen doing it as often, but she would probably be doing so when writing lyrics or practicing for performances)
-Tail quivering: Excitement (Aimeé probably does this a lot. Alizeé wouldn't be seen doing it as much, but probably does it around any of his siblings when he sees them)
There's some other things, like if one of them wraps their tail around someone. If someone goes for a handshake, their tail may wrap around their hands while they are shaking them. And they would have behaviors not typically associated with cats as well. Gonna list those now.
-I imagine that alongside the angry tail lashing, the tips of their tails, where the crystals are, probably are being shaken, much like a rattlesnake does as a warning. I think maybe this would make a sound? And the sound changes based on things such as the element they are associated with, and the shape of the crystal. So Alizeé, who's associated with anemo and has the four sided diamond shape for a tail, probably would actually make sounds akin to a bell, but higher pitched, probably loud enough to hurt. Aimeé however, is associated with Pyro, and has a tail with the shape of a gem cut in a diamond shape. So the sound she would be making is probably something like the sound of embers popping. Logistically I don't know how this would work, so we're going to blame it on weird element shenanigans.
Also a crystal nymph who's associated with geo (the base element for all of them) would probably sound like a rattlesnake, or maybe the sound of rocks being knocked together.
This is getting really long, so I think this one specifically I'm going to use for these two, and I'll make another with the specific tells for the groups from [Redacted]'s world. Anyways, moving on!
I assume crystal nymph's ears would also be tells for their emotions. So here's that.
-Neutral position: Not really feeling any strong emotions (Alizeé would probably be here usually)
-Ears pointing up slightly: Excited, happy, eager (This is probably where Aimeé would be at)
-Ears pointing straight up: Startled, aggressive, on alert
-Ears drooping slightly: Sad, nervous, tired
-Ears drooping a lot: Panicked, exhausted, in pain
-Ears angled up and shaking a little: Somewhat angry
-Ears angled up and shaking a lot: Furious
-Ears angled back slightly: Overwhelmed
-Ears angled back a lot (gotta figure out just how far back they can go): Overstimulated, probably by noise
I don't know the full range of motion of their ears just yet, but I assume they can point up a ways, down a ways, and angle back just a bit.
There's only one other thing I think should be mentioned. Their eyes.
As I often do, I gave the two diamond shaped pupils. I imagine these can do more things shape wise than that of a normal human, so here's what I think can happen.
-Normal size (taking into consideration light level): Neutral
-Narrowed into slits: Aggressive, suspicious, jealous, on alert
-Eyes wide with narrowed pupils: Panicked, Furious, defensive
-Eyes wide with normal pupils: Surprised
-Eyes wide with widened pupils: Excited, in awe
-Widened pupils: Happy, eager
That's really all I have on this. Gonna make one for [Redacted]'s homeworld now.
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Okay here's the mini update for the day so far.
I think it's going to be a sort of okay day? I still hurt, but not the way I did yesterday or Sunday, so I should actually be able to do a little more than I normally can. Gonna reply to things as of now.
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Well I guess ideas are happening here.
I said once that at some point I'm bringing in the other four saviors for an arc someday. And I think I know exactly how this will happen too.
Before, I figured one of the five gods did some funky magic shenanigans, and temporarily brought the four of them back to life. But the problems with this were making that hard to logically work out. Which God did it? Which God logically would have the ability to do this? Would the four look like adults now, or the teenagers that they were when they died? How would I bring them in storywise? That kinda stuff.
But then I decided that the other four saviors were ascended to godhood soon after their deaths, and [Redacted] is the next one to ascend. That's already being set up, given what he pulled to help with the writer a bit ago. This next part is more of a reminder for myself
Shalara- Goddess of healing/patron goddess of doctors
Magrieus- God of Warmth (considering adding an aspect to this involving the summer solstice, just for the bit)
Fultein- Goddess of Family (maybe also the goddess of thunder)
Astris- God of Constellations (possibly also the god of prophecy, still haven't settled on if I'm going that route)
[Redacted]- God of Limbo (we know why. We all know.)
SO here's the plan. At some point, who knows when, [Redacted] is going to officially ascend to godhood. I haven't decided what it is that causes this, but to be honest here he's probably going to die again. As he is ascending, and in turn completing the ranks of the minor five gods (the five saviors. Might call them Savior Gods?), they will be there waiting for them. Cue arc. Which will actually probably be in motion already.
This will also probably be the re-introduction of Rainbow Rocket into Niko and [Redacted]'s plotlines, since right now they're slightly involved in the actual pokemon side of things. So that'll be fun.
On another note, because [Redacted] is the god of Limbo, he is physically incapable of permanently dying. He can still die, but he'll pull a William Afton and always come back.
I am single-handedly going to add 20 something nickels to the jar by myself. Watch out Denko, somebody else is coming for the record of most deaths.
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Ordered some stuff to be more gender affirming and look cute and wanted to post something:3 (sowwy no face reveal)
(Help why do people call me cute DENKO STAHP)
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Alright, I guess we’re gonna call these status updates.
Given the state of the morning so far, I’m gonna go ahead and say today is going to be a little bit of an off day. I’m really sore and also just picking up on the emotions of everybody around me, and said general emotion happens to be anger. I’ll still try and do stuff, but ima be pretty slow for the day.
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Small update even though it’s late for me:
I’ve been trying to get myself back into the rp stuff, I love doing it. But I’ve been sick for like two weeks now.
I thought at first it was my mental health, and while I think that’s definitely still a portion of it, I don’t think that’s all of it.
I’ve been having days where I feel fine, and then I’m okay being more active, but I’ve also been having really bad off days where I hurt everywhere and it’s hard to breathe. It’s really hard to think when that happens. Today has been one of those off days where I just haven’t been able to think, and I also had to work today, which didn’t make it much better.
I’m not sure what’s going on, and it’s really freaking me out. So I’m working out what I’m going to do with this.
I think I’ll make a mini-post most mornings on if I’m having an okay day or an off day. That will probably help with people knowing what I’m going to do. I’m still going to participate in arcs, and do my own story stuff too, but there’s going to be days where I’ll be really slow in responding, or might not respond at all. That’s just what’s probably going to have to happen, at least until I can talk to a doctor, or until this stops happening to me.
Hopefully I start getting back to a point where I don’t feel like this constantly, because I really hate the way my body has been feeling recently, and I just want it to stop. But for now, this is probably what’s going to be happening.
(Reblogging this to all the other blogs just so it’s there-)
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OMN's Freeware Challenge - June 2024
[Something is coming soon. Something known as 'OneShot Freeware's 10 year anniversary'...]
[The first versions of OneShot are turning 10 years old on June 30, 2024.]
[To celebrate, we will be hosting a challenge.]
[Below, you will find a list of 30 prompts—one for each day of the month of June. With these prompts, we would like to encourage the creation of OneShot-related fanworks.]
[Be wary of the corruption known as Pressure. There are no requirements and no deadlines. However, we encourage you to use image descriptions to ensure your work can be enjoyed by everyone.]
[To help us reach you, you can signal your posts with the "#OMN Freeware Challenge" tag.]
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[Find a plain text version of the prompt list below the cut.]
Prompt list:
The Old World
Maize's Rebirth
Lamplighter gets a break
Watcher leaves her post
Kelvin and his cats
Robots in the Barrens
AU - Bodyswap
Rowbot adventures
Celebrating Solstice day
How do object-heads work?
A day at Ling's cafe
Dark alley shenanigans
The Author's final days
AU - Someone else is the messiah
Original Character
Silver and the Incident
A day in Kip's labs
Magpie negotiating
Prophet duty
The Entity's first words
AU - Flash-forward into the future
Silver plays chess with someone else
Calamus and Alula fishing
George meets other Georges
Taming a robot
Inverted personality
Break the fourth wall
AU - There is no messiah
Crossover of your choice
Freeware with a returned sun.
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I could not tell you what demon has possessed me today (I can, it’s called anger and a desire to not lose it) but apparently the genshin hyperfixtation is here again. So uhhhh… I made myself a character, then had my sibling do some stuff and made them one. They don’t know I did this yet-
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Totally not obvious who my current favorite characters in game are from this- definitely not. But this is the one I made for myself.
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And this is the one I ended up making for my sibling. They are not aware that I did this-
All they know is I asked them to take a quiz, asked a couple questions, and then I proceeded to disappear back into the art cave-
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Simultaneously, the desire for physical contact, anxiety at that same prospect, and both art block and the motivation to do things are also increasing.
This is probably not a coincidence-
The urge to be an absolute menace...
Ohhhhhhhhhh the u r g e to be a menaceeeee
It grows ever stronger with each passing moment
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The urge to be an absolute menace...
Ohhhhhhhhhh the u r g e to be a menaceeeee
It grows ever stronger with each passing moment
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A Niko gets a shoulder injury: 4 nickels
Said shoulder injury was because of a bullet: 2 nickels
Said shoulder injury was not because of a bullet: 2 nickels
CRAZY LIGHT FORMS: 2-3 nickels
Updated Nickel Jar
The player has saved their own world before the events of Oneshot: 2 nickels
The player has died and then not been dead: 2 nickels
The player has died, not been dead, and done it more than once (a nickel for each time it's happened now): I think we’re at like 6 now
A Niko gets shot in the shoulder: 2 nickels
A Niko gets shot in fucking head: 1 nickel (please for the love of all that might be holy do not make this one go up)
A Niko gets shot: 4 nickels
A Niko gains some form of powers and proceeds to get a secondary form, and then open a portal or something: 2 nickels (I think?)
A player is the mortal incarnation of something that basically is a godly being: 2 nickels (At least, who knows if there's more.)
A Niko has watched another version of themself die: 2 nickels
The writer has ALMOST died: 8 Nickels
The writer HAS died: 4 nickels
Lightbulb head: 2 nickels
Tv head: 3 nickels (so far?)
A Niko has become EFFECTIVELY (this does not necessarily mean they ARE one) a god: 2 nickels
Beings out there specifically to chronicle events that happen across timelines: 2 nickels
Anything I missed?
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Updated Nickel Jar
The player has saved their own world before the events of Oneshot: 2 nickels
The player has died and then not been dead: 2 nickels
The player has died, not been dead, and done it more than once (a nickel for each time it's happened now): I think we’re at like 6 now
A Niko gets shot in the shoulder: 2 nickels
A Niko gets shot in fucking head: 1 nickel (please for the love of all that might be holy do not make this one go up)
A Niko gets shot: 4 nickels
A Niko gains some form of powers and proceeds to get a secondary form, and then open a portal or something: 2 nickels (I think?)
A player is the mortal incarnation of something that basically is a godly being: 2 nickels (At least, who knows if there's more.)
A Niko has watched another version of themself die: 2 nickels
The writer has ALMOST died: 8 Nickels
The writer HAS died: 4 nickels
Lightbulb head: 2 nickels
Tv head: 3 nickels (so far?)
A Niko has become EFFECTIVELY (this does not necessarily mean they ARE one) a god: 2 nickels
Beings out there specifically to chronicle events that happen across timelines: 2 nickels
Anything I missed?
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Oh looky here...
I wonder what this could be?
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Step one in Z’s many step program to cure your depression: Incorrect quotes
Niko: I have myself.
Rizu: Oh S H I T
[Redacted]: [Now if I had been a tree I wouldn’t be having this problem.]
Sage: I was a tree once and lemme tell you I still had plenty of problems.
Asa: Forgiving people is too hard. I’m gone, goodbye.
Twm: [Surgery is cool because we get to customize our avatar.]
[Redacted]: [Current social norms seem to put me in the same category as grandmas- definitely off limits for fucking but available to boost your good person points whenever you offer to carry their groceries]
Rai: How are you feeling?
Saffron: mentally, physically, or mentally?
Rosa: All of the above.
Saffron: Jazz hands.
Niko: At the end, your cake should be finished. YEAH NO SHIT?
Rai: Me and Saffron decided to move in together.
Rosa: Yo we should do that.
Rosa: What gender are you?
Saffron: Whatever gender is convenient for the joke.
-Fire alarm goes off-
-Fire alarm stops-
-Saffron to Rosa after losing to Nemona again-
Saffron: I can’t hear you over the sound of my bank account draining.
Niko: It’s literally just water with a low GPA.
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yet another incorrect quote spawned from a conversation I just had
Rizu: Why is it always the straight people who act the gayest?
Asa: Internalized homophobia keeping them closeted.
Sage: Oh-
Niko, the resident aroace: Wait but then how do you explain me and [Redacted]-
[Redacted], the resident biromantic: [Valid question…]
Rizu: -deep deep inhale-
Everybody: -collective exchange of concerned expressions-
Rizu: -points aggressively- Fae.
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