I cannot be there for every lost soul that appears.
There are just to many.
And I am only one... person.
A shell... of a person.
I often wonder if I still have any humanity left, or if I'm just clinging to the idea that I do.
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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If I knew for certain that I could die?
There is no longer a reason for me to be here, roaming this world.
I have no real purpose here anymore...
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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And yet you are so young.
I am sorry you have to deal with that.
You are a kind, brave soul, you don't deserve that.
{Min wipes away their remaining tears.}
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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How so?
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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It gets hard at times...
And I often wonder what sins I have done in my life before this one to deserve such a fait.
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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It is days like these that I especially wonder if I can die.
My weakened states... if I don't seek refuge in dark places... if I stay in the light despite the pain... will I die?
Or do I only cause myself more pain while waiting for something that will never come for me.
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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{Min gives off a small, breathy chuckle, trying to wipe away their tears, only for more to fall.}
There is a reason I call those I meet "Young one", Yi.
In case you haven’t noticed, I am quite old.
Sometimes I wonder how much this would still hurt, of my negative emotion weren't amplified.
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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I'm sorry you have to see me like this...
{The tears coming from Min, seem like pieces of their shadowy body are falling down. But as they hit a new surface, like the ground, the shadows that encase the tears dissipate, leaving the remains of what would be any other tear coming from anyone else.}
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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I usually like to go to their burial site when the dates show up.
But I was too weakened to make such a far trip.
My father actually died first, and my mother went a year later.
I helped my mother bury my father, and I buried my mother next him.
Jewel went missing, and I never found her, despite all my searching.
I eventually filled a box with her things and buried it next to our parents.
Without Jewel's physical body, that was the best I could do to give her a decent burial.
It has been so long.
Yet I still feel as if I failed my little sister.
〔Is Min crying?〕
{Their tears look odd, but then again, he is made out of shadows. This is the first time you've ever seen Min cry before.}
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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{Min gives you a soft kind smile, though you can still see the sadness tainting their face.}
I'm afraid not, Yi.
Mourning is just something that we have to let pass.
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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{Min sighs before picking the worn photo from your desk once again. Sadness paints his face as he sits on the ground.}
I will be.
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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I am... ok.
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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{Min smiles before their body starts to return back to normal. After a minute, they're back to their normal height of 6'4". They walk closer to you.}
I take it you have your memories back, young one?
Still feel lost?
{Min appears, except they're a lot shorter than they normally are. They look be be around 4'9" instead of there normal 6'4".}
Muda satu?
*Yi looks to Min, smiling brightly*
"Min! I'm glad to see you again. Selamat kembali"
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{Min's hand is cool to the touch. They smile at you.}
You are a brave soul, I am sure that you would have figured something out.
But don't ever let your fear scare you away from those you love.
{Min walks up you.}
Hello, young one.
I take it things are going ok?
*She nodded*
"As best as it could, yi... lost her memories some how"
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I am glad that I was able to be of assistance, young one.
But I'm afraid I must be going back to my cave.
I am still weakened, after all.
I bid you farewell... Jennika.
{Min walks up you.}
Hello, young one.
I take it things are going ok?
*She nodded*
"As best as it could, yi... lost her memories some how"
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I had become really weakened, and this was closer than my cave.
Although the light still does bring me pain, it's tolerable, at the moment.
I have been roaming around for a bit, and after talking to Yi, I figured I'd check up on you, young one.
{Min walks up you.}
Hello, young one.
I take it things are going ok?
*She nodded*
"As best as it could, yi... lost her memories some how"
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Hi, I'm Donnie, I'm being stupid right now :D
{The shadowy figure smiles at you.}
Hello, young one.
My name is Min.
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