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I just wanted to let you know that whenever I see you seem kinda upset in person I always head home to check and see if you've been on tumblr, kinda hoping that you haven't or that you haven't posted anything negative and that you feel okay.. that's so odd I'm sorry but I hope you know there is someone who tries to look out for you.. even if it's in a kinda "I'm a murder" "I stalk you online to check on you" "I'm outside your window" kinda way (that's a joke by the way, please don't worry) :)
God knows how long this has been in my inbox for but thank you very much :)
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civil war // endgame
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Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn’t always roll that way.
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I would very much like to...
- Isolate myself away from society and everyone on an island and just let myself for where I know I won't be a bother to anyone's life.
- Find this "Reset Life" button that gets me to start life over again so I can at least have another shot at trying to make things better for myself with the knowledge that I have of this existence.
- Accept an angry mob of people to murder me in whatever way they see fit for the rat that I am.
- Know why the hell I have trouble focusing, remembering, talking or explaining things.
- Waste away.
- ...
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I keep telling everybody they should move on. But not us.
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His limbs turned to vapour. Cold seeped into his chest. Voices of spirits whispered in his ears: Help us. Remember us. Join us. He hadn’t realized how much he had relied on Reyna. Without her strength, he felt as weak as a newborn colt, wobbling dangerously, ready to fall at every step.
No, he told himself. I am Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. I control the shadows. They do not control me.
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One big failure who needs to get his act together
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Can't wait for next week to be the week to drive me into the fucking ground. Here we go this is it. It's happening, I'm just going to keep on going.
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Natasha Romanoff: master of deception, espionage, world class assassin, agent of shield tinder.
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So I’ve recently gotten into the Percy Jackson fandom
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“It’s not about how much we lost, it’s about how much we have left.”
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What's Next?
No idea where I'm going to go or what's going to happen next but I'm not looking forward to a lot of the future and my new view on a lot of things, but sure let's see how it goes and if I fall further, then we'll see about getting back up for not.
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Chris Hemsworth as Thor Odinson in Avengers: Endgame
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he angery
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