In dreams and reality 4/19/14
Last night i had a horrible nightmare! I was alone...I was in the streets of Selphia alone... As i walked forward it seemed as if the endless path would close in on me anytime. Collapsing reality and me with it. As it felt like hours, i tried to walk back but whenever i did, the path behind me has been covered by a brick wall! I couldn't go back, i could only move forward. After a while the path became more and more narrow, and a whisper run in my ears. It was a whisper but it could be a scream or even shout in my dream. It made me want to keep my hands to my ears....
After a while it all stopped and various men with masks surrounded me. I..Couldn't farewell see their clothing it was all blurred, but they were wearing masks. Masks of emotions, and masks of monsters. As i opened my mouth to speak..They attacked me! And i woke up..Breathless... I...I'm scared...
I'm scared...
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As Frey guided the man to her room she set him to sit for a while on her bed. "Uhm, Don't move alright? I'll go get Nancy so she can have a looks on your wounds." She said as she turned her heels to make a dash for the clinic. But before she could even head out fully. "Ah and if someone comes in and asks who are you and why you're here just tell them You're my visitor! Alright?" she then continued to her goal: get Nancy.
It wasn't really far, and she actually hoped no one would notice how much in a hurry she was. Though how much she hoped that there were still some people who saw her rushed state, namely Amber and then Forte who almost halted her curious as to what kind of plot she was into again this time. She did her best to shake it of at the moment, and quickly too, promising she'll tell later on.
Frey got to the clinic and what luck! Nancy was the only one there. She quickly rushed to her and explained the situation. Nancy understanding the situation, quickly follows Frey to the castle in haste. "I'm back with a Nurse!" She said as she entered her room with Nancy Trailing behind. "There he is Nancy please help him!" With a nod Nancy went to her work, but first asked Frey to wait a little bit outside. "...Alright.. Once it's done call me back in." nodding lightly. She went outside worried for the traveler.
A Land of Myths and Monsters // Frey & Calvin
Frey, the… Princess of Selphia? Selphia was the name of the town he wanted to get to… Though he had heard of several monarchs in this area, he wasn’t aware that Selphia had a royal bloodline. Maybe the blood loss was making him delusional. For now he would just focus on trying to get to wherever this nurse Nancy was so she could stitch him up.
"Duly noted," Calvin chuckled when Frey told him about the Silverwolf breeding grounds. To be honest he hadn’t looked into the creatures that lived here, a stupid mistake on his part. One should always be prepared for the wildlife that may be encountered, no matter how little the chance was of actually meeting one. That was something his mentor always told him; be prepared for the worst. Calvin’s confidence caused him to become sloppy, an error that will not be repeated. Perhaps this whole ordeal was a blessing in disguise. Now he would be ready for when there was no Frey to save him. 
He followed her into town. If his arm wasn’t in such pain, he might have admired how pretty and clean everything was. And at the palace! Calvin would have surely taken a moment to study the architecture and try to guess when it was built and by what sort of civilization. But instead he just followed Frey. Hopefully there was a place for him to sit and the nurse wouldn’t be long. He would have asked for some water if it weren’t for the fact that he wanted Frey to get medical help as soon as possible.  
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Frey pulled back her line and stood up, giving the woman a shy but gentle smile. "Hi... Uhm... Thanks for the concern." She said with a light laugh, but it was also embarrassing. The woman looked like a traveler. Maybe she WAS a traveler, and might need her help in any way. "Ah!" With that thought she bowed lightly and her nervous smile turned into this welcoming one. "I'm Frey by the way!" She said holding out her hand to the woman.
"Nice to meet you. Can i help you with anything?"  she said all too quickly. Maybe it was because she was out in the rain for too long that she's dazed and feeling light headed but she somehow can't compose herself.
Her not-so Highness @OPEN
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Frey gave a slightly proud smile. "I really do like to care for my hair after farm work. I have to maintain it at best i can, like i said running a kingdom should always mean you have to also look the part, fresh and comfy!" As Frey hearrd his suggestion she nodded.
"Yeah...Guess so..." Then as she heard about the salon part she just looked to the side. "Selphia...Doesn't have a salon..." She said almost painstakingly. She took care of her hair by herself which was hard enough by itself. If they did have a salon there it'd help...Somehow at least.
She looked at the mirror and let her eyes wander at the surroundings. "This is the first time really..."
Common Interests @Allen
Another farmer. How many were there? And what did she mean by ‘kingdom’? “It takes a lot of work to keep up with long hair so I’m actually surprised it doesn’t look worse if you do all that.”
He began to split her hair into sections so it was easier to work with, making sure to keep each section tangle-free and brushed as he worked.
"You could probably use a trim actually. Just to clean up these split ends. They’re bad for your hair. When was the last time you were at a salon?"
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"Hmhm... I actually do but i guess the winds just blew it this way." She said as she remembers how the wind kept blowing her hair in different ways, as well as how the wind didn't have an apparent direction to blow.
"Ah-- I do farm work as well as...Just checking on the kingdom." She said shyly. Frey thinks the man would get mad at her if he had fixed her hair only to ruin it with her farm work. "I usually clean myself up after work though, i would brush my hair to make it presentable at least." She said as she looked at herself on the mirror sheepishly.
Sure it was hard to maintain her hair, specially because of the length, but it was well worth it. She loves it when the soft wind make it flow, and as the soft strands of her hair touch her face. Matching it was the usual lavender scent shampoo she uses. Hair care was one thing she always tried to do, even though she farms.
Common Interests @Allen
So it was natural? Odd. He had never seen natural green hair, but the hair wasn’t lying to him. It felt and looked natural. Her confirmation had merely been a formality to him.
"Well, if you took the time to brush it more often perhaps it’d always be this way." He stood back, trying to decide what would look best with her hair and features. Elegant yet allowed free movement, and with her tiara to match. He also had to consider the length of her hair.
"What kind of work will you be doing? I assume you want an every day hair style since you’re asking for it to be flexible."
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"I'd love to hear stories of your archeological finds then." She said as she gave him a smile. "Oh...Well that's true someone should put up signs here...I'll have to note that later.." She looked back. And then gazed at the man who asked her name. She smiled.
"I'm Frey! I'm the Princess of Selphia." She said with a sweet tone. "I'm not really much of a heroine..." Frey blushed as she said it. "Also...A tibit in those areas...They're SIlverwolf breeding grounds and territory, It's spring so...They're really feisty about food and their nests." She said as she looked at the man in pain. "Oh! We better hurry..." Frey then quickened her pace a little bit.
And in no time at all, they were in Selphia safe grounds. "I forgot, uhm... The clinics that way.. Uhhh.. The castles closer so lets go there!" She really can't bring a bloody man to Jones. Her real best option is to go and call Nancy.
A Land of Myths and Monsters // Frey & Calvin
Calvin gritted his teeth, not really paying attention to what the woman was mumbling about. He was too focused trying to keep his arm from moving as much as possible. The pain wasn’t so bad if he kept it still. He was just happy to hear that the town was nearby and that there was a nurse who could help him. In these parts medicine seemed to work differently than back at home. It made sense since injuries were often both more lethal and more common.  
But she was speaking again. Calvin decided maybe it would be better if he focused on the woman instead of his arm. Not think about it. 
"Ah, yes. I am a traveler. Or, I’m traveling at the moment. I’m actually an archaeologist by trade." He chuckled weakly. "They warned me before I set off to this area that I was better off taking an airship, but I suppose I wanted to see the sites a little. Clearly I wasn’t as prepared as I thought." He looked back at is arm. Somehow the subject always turned back to his injury when he was trying to keep his mind off it. 
"My name is Calvin," he said, turning back to the young lady. "I’m indebted to you for saving me. Tell me, what is the name of my lovely young heroine?" Calvin tried to smile as easily as he could. 
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Calvin didn't know Frey very well yet so he wasn't sure if such a gift would be appropriate, but he was extremely grateful to her for saving him from the Silver Wolf and felt he should at least give her a small something for Harmony Day. He did, after all, owe his life to her. "Hello, princess," he said as he approached her. "These are for you." He handed her a handful of Bloodroot flowers. They were simple, white, yellow, and cute, and he thought they suited her perfectly.
Frey was surprised as she saw Calvin give her flowers. "Oh! Wow thanks Calvin! These are beautiful...~" she took the flowers gently and then gave Calvin a smile. "Thank you really....~ This is such a nice gesture~!"
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"Whoa there mister!" She said trying her best to support him. The man had pretty serious injuries, near fatal if the silver wolf had bit him harder, and if she didn't rush to see it on time. Must be the season, it was spring, and not only is the area home to many silver wolves, but it was also the season for finding their territories, anything or anyone stepping on it can become chow.
Frey went closer to the man as she held on to his good arm. "It's not really that far." She said with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Dr.Jo--" No wait...It would be a bad idea for Dr.Jones to see this wound. It was open and blood was everywhere. Best she could do is put him in the castle first then go and call Nancy. "I mean. Nurse Nancy will take care of you." She said as she held the mans arm gently, and began their walk.
In their slow and careful pace to the main path, she spoke up, not wanting an awkward silence upon them. "So...Are you a traveler? You're lucky you didn't go deeper. Silverwolves are very territorial...And hungry." She said in this gentle tone, she didn't scold him of course, after all this wasn't the first case of a silverwolf attack.
A Land of Myths and Monsters // Frey & Calvin
The wolf sunk its teeth deeper into his arm, and Calvin could do nothing but scramble helplessly. His free hand shot to the side, searching for something he could strike the animal off with: a stick, a rock, anything! But all he found was handfulls of dirt and grass. His heart and mind were racing to try and think of  a way to escape this, and then suddenly, as if by some miracle, the wolf released him with a whine.
Immediately Calvin clutched his wounded forearm to himself, but his eyes didn’t leave the monster. He watched as a green-haired woman came out of nowhere and beat the damn thing away, with her bare hands no less! A final whimper sounded from the bushes before Clavin heard it scurry off. The woman approached him, and he could do nothing but stare up at her, the shock, trauma, and pain of the whole experience rendering him speechless. Calvin could still feel the fangs on his arm and his pulse was pumping a mile a minute. His brain didn’t seem to register that he was out of danger. 
After a few more moments of staring, he calmed down and his senses returned to him.
"Ah, yes," he chuckled weakly. "A clinic would be a good idea." Clavin looked down at his arm and winced when he saw the blood seeping passed his fingers and staining his shirt a dark red. Seeing his injury only made it hurt worse, but there was nothing he could do about it right now. Just sitting on the floor in pain wouldn’t make it go away. Calvin shakily stood, hissing when he had to move his arm. He held it to his chest, cradling it like an infant as he looked around the area. 
His hat laid a few feet away, having fallen off his head when he was knocked down. Calvin reached down with his healthy arm and put it on again. Somehow, having it back on his head made him feel like his old self. 
"How far to the nearest town and clinic?" Calvin asked. He had some medical supplies in his pack to hold him over if it was very far, but they weren’t enough to treat an injury as serious as this. 
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Taking her usual leisurely walks again, Frey looked up at the sky, the sun was shining hotter than usual, maybe she shouldn't have gone on a walk today. The wind wasn't even picking up, or maybe that was because she was in the midst of the large tree and the wind refused to make way there. Either way, it was hot.
Frey stretched up her arms as she walked in the somewhat wide to narrow road. Maybe best to describe it was uneven? This place was home to silver wolves and tourists and/or visitors avoided this path like a plague. Would be unlucky for anyone to even get a greeting from a silver wolf.
Then suddenly an audible yell caught her attention, she quickly turned her head to the direction of the scream and a frown formed on her face. "Oh no..." She quickly turned her heels and ran towards the sound of commotion.  As she gets closer, she sees a man and a..."Silver wolf!" she quickly jumped into action and kicked the Silver wolf, it letting go of the man. She stood her ground as the silver wolf growled at her, angry at a meal lost.
She launched herself forward, and kicked the silver wolfs stomach, it retaliating, before launching itself at Frey. She readied herself as the Silver wolf charged at her. Once contact has been made, she grabbed the silver wolfs sides and tossed it over to the bushes. A little while before hearing its yelping, and running away. She claps her hands together and looked at the man, and walking to him.
"Hello there... Uhm, i think we should get you to the clinic." She said as she offered her hand. "My name's Frey."
A Land of Myths and Monsters // Frey & Calvin
The wind rustled the yellowed map in Calvin’s hand as he made his way through the forest. It was meant to take him to a town called Selphia, where he heard one of the Native Dragons still resided. Many people have suggested that he take an airship there instead of walking, but despite that being the most logical and convenient decision, he decided to hike there anyway.
And now he was lost.
Sighing, Calvin folded up his map and instead looked for landmarks and road signs. He had learned that in times like these, sometimes it’s better to trust your instinct. The goal wouldn’t be to make it to the actual destination, but to a place where he could find help. Every path had to lead somewhere, and he was sure that if he just stayed on the one he was on now he would come across a person. 
…Hopefully before all his provisions ran out. 
A low growl sounded from his left and Calvin paused, the hairs on his body standing. A monster? No, those and wild animals usually only stayed in the forests in well traveled areas… Deep in his heart Calvin prayed that he hadn’t wandered into dangerous territory. He didn’t see any warning on the way here; and he wasn’t prepared to fight off any serious predators.
Suddenly, something pounced on him and threw him to the ground! In an attempt to shield himself, he put his arm up which only allowed the wolf-like creature to tear into his forearm with its yellow fangs.
"Ahh!" Calvin yelled out, though he allowed the creature to pull his arm. If he tried to force it away, it would only make the injury worse. 
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Frey shook her head lightly. "My hair's been this color since i was born." She said a little proud, that it's unique. Though some have been complimenting it that it looks gross, and she should color it.
"Though some may say it looks weird i happen to like it...I mean it looks at most unique after all!" She said as she lightly giggled. She then touched her hair, Oh wow it was so soft... Running a finger through it she smiled. "Compliments, my hair never looked so silky smooth." She said as she looked really happy with how she brushed her hair.
Common Interests @Allen
This conversation was already shaping out to be a lot better than it was before.
"I can do that, no problem." He continued brushing, finally getting out the last of her tangles, and then arranged her hair so that it fell neatly. He brushed it out a few more times, as if trying to get a feel for her hair and what would work best for her.
"Do you dye your hair," he asked.
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Frey closed her eyes, it was somehow...Relaxing, her hair being brushed like this. Silence filled the room for that while, the only sound that could be heard was the stroking of the brush to her hair.
She looked at the man at her back in the mirror, he looked, so indulged into what he was doing, passionate and loved his work. She felt more guilty now. She really shouldn't have fought with him.
As the man spoke Frey snapped back into reality. "O-Oh!" She stopped to think for a while. "Hmmm... Ah... Right i want a new style, other than my usual pigtails, a style that'll help me move freely and yet still look elegant." she gave a nod. "Oh and something that'll also compliment my tiara hairpiece. Please and thank you..." She said with a gentle smile as she looked over her hairpin, most call it tiara, but she just calls it a hairpin.
Common Interests @Allen
Well at least she seemed properly ashamed about the state of her hair. He continued brushing it out, unable to do any styling with it until it was properly brushed.
He didn’t speak, just calmly brushed her hair. There had always been something about working with hair that he loved.
"What type of work did you want to get done today," he had asked, eyes never leaving her hair. Was it naturally green? He couldn’t quite tell but the roots didn’t look faded.
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What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone?
"When I'm alone? Well i usually wander around the beach, sometimes just enjoying the sunshine." She then thinks of another thing she does. "Oh! And i also read when I'm alone in my room!"
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Would you rather do something physically dangerous or something emotionally and socially risky?
Frey pumped at her fists and gave the anon a smile "Physically dangerous, I mean, i may be a princess but i can take care of myself! And...Somehow emotional risks and social risks seem to weigh more down than what i chose..." she then looks down and thinks "But then again...." She seemed to have been lost in thought as she thinks of another option.
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Would you rather have magical powers for a day or fly forever?
"I think having Magical Powers for a day sounds more fun!" She laughed "I mean.. How can i farm properly if I'm flying high up in the air?"
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Frey looked to the side and heaved out a sigh. "Hnn...Sorry...I..It's not usually like this, i mean my hair. Traveling by airship can really do damages." She said as she took a strand of her hair to her face, examining it. She cares a lot for her hair too, it was hard after all to get it stuck to anywhere as she's running around the dungeons or maybe just running about her farm. It was long, and had to be kept well.
"I feel disappointed in myself i let my hair get this messed up." She really didn't like it if her hair got tangled, ruffled a lot and other things done to it. She didn't mind getting rain or some dirt in it though, because she's a farmer, she can't avoid those, but tangles. Tangles were of a different story.
She then looked at the mirror, and then at the man then back at herself again. The man to her judgment was different now, somehow passionate with what he's doing, that reminded her of herself. Working on her farm, day in and out. She should try to do something about her suddenly getting mad attitude.
Common Interests @Allen
Well it seemed she’d be staying. He supposed that was at least good for her and for his business, though maybe not his mood.
He sat her down and undid her ponytails, then grabbed a brush and a comb to begin the task of untangling her hair. Goddess, this was a mess. How had she let it get like this? His lips curled slightly in disgust.
"You really should take better care of your hair," he said simply, working out a particularly tangled knot. "If you can’t take care of it you really don’t deserve it." Especially long hair like this. Allen hated it when people had the potential for beautiful hair and then wasted it by tangling it or not taking proper care of it. Even if they didn’t style it was the least they could do.
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