Opening post! Hello! First off, yes, this is a blog where sensitive things might be discussed. Second, this isn’t affiliated with Wyrmguard Secrets. It’s a place for you to post where the only things that would keep your posts from going through are broken rules. Third, here are the rules:
1: If you’re going to accuse someone of something, submit evidence with it. If you’re screenshotting a conversation, it must be the whole conversation and not cherry-picked. Remember to censor names unless relevant. Show continuity in screenshots, please.
2: If you’re here to defend yourself against accusations, provide evidence in the same manner as rule 1.
3: Testimonials are subject to more strict review if not submitted with other evidence.
4: This isn’t a place to trash RP. It’s a place where you can safely make accusations or defend against them.
5: No names unless relevant. The mod determines what’s relevant based on context.
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