the27project-blog1 · 6 years
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The first day, probably taken 30 km outside of Whitehorse, going on the Alaska Highway, in the direction of well.... Alaska. José is that itty bitty dot straight ahead. I honestly didn’t really have a moment of “OMG I need a picture of this” I just got anxious because it was our first day, and I only have 27 pictures, and figured the first juan should be the first day. So here it is!  I had three thoughts in my head on this day, and I can still remember them.
1. José, wait up!
2. Jesus, my bike is heavy.
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the27project-blog1 · 6 years
The 27 project
Hi there, 
I’ll start by introducing what the “F” this is. In short, my partner and I cycled 10000 km’s from Alaska, US to Ontario, CAN, because why the fuck not!?! I brought juan disposable camera with me. ONE. with 27 exposures on it. ALL film, so basically, whatever the picture was going to be, it was going to be. AND that my friends, was the premise behind our entire trip. What will be, shall. 
In this day and age, we take photos of fucking EVERYTHING. and if it’s not perfect... we delete it. PLUS, I’m a person with the attention span of a gnat, so I don’t wanna look at 2000 pictures on your Iphone..  In this “27″ I tested myself, shooting ONLY the moments where it was most appropriate. Thus gracing me with the IN THE MOMENT feeling x 1000. Don’t get me wrong, there are a few moments that I wished I had taken a photo, but I had to choose, and sometimes you just miss it, and that’s okay. It’s what happens. So do you understand why I  chose to only take 27? If you don’t, shitty. 
I really want to share in hopes of inspiring, and showing you that whatever you want to do, just do it, close your eyes, and DO IT. ‘Cause ya can, man. And be fucked what the world thinks. 
Right, so, 2016/17 was tough on me, or maybe I was tough on it? Either way, there were many tear, the good, the bad, and the ugly kind.  I’ll spare you the gory details, but basically, where my transition, (if we can call it that) started, was....I moved out West, and began trying to be someone I hoped I wanted to be, but wasn’t. I began by working at a ranch, that in the end of the season left me feeling like a piece of garbage and drained me of my soul. (not kidding, lol) Not all of it was bad, most of it though... haha BUT I made some friends that became siblings, and learnt SO much, and I’m not being cheesy. I actually learnt almost TOO much. Luv y’all. I look back at it now, and laugh, cause for so long I believed there was something WRONG with me... but realize crazy is what crazy does. If that only makes sense to me, that’s okay too. SO, while working in an abusive environment, my friend crashed my car, I was selling my horse after 10 yrs, and ended my 3 year relationship. If someone had lit an emotional match I WOULD’VE EXPLODED. I don’t know if everything happens all at once to everyone... or if that’s just me, but dayum gurl. 
BUT, in all this darkness, I met the most wonderful, caring, passionate and seriously hilarious man. My current cycling buddy and life partner, No way José . I do believe things happen for a reason, and this my friends, was the best. Somehow our paths aligned and we met at the right place, at the right time. SERIOUSLY EVERYTHING AT ONCE!!!! I’m gonna save the cheese, he already knows, but he gave me light, and hope. My dreams were alive once more!! HURRAY!!! This is where we birthed the idea of cycling across Canada, but she was still premature.
I wasn’t quite ready for anything serious yet, so I contacted one of my sisters from the slave ranch, and she was working at a cattle ranch in the middle of bum fuck nowhere, and I asked if I could come for a visit. Honestly, if I could be so bold, this was my refuge. Horses, cows, wild open spaces, and damn good food. I was sold. Yup, I became a cowboy for a few months. I should reword that, by no means am I a true cowboy, but I tried. Really damn hard. Props to the real guys, they’re amazing. This place is really special. It felt SO good to work hard, and be appreciated (not to mention be paid appropriately). I loved living with my gal pal lover Jo-dirty, and every day waking up with a purpose. I learnt how to shoe a horse, rope (kinda) and read cows. I’ve still got many years to catch up on if I want to be considered a vital organ, but for now, I’m good as the appendix. I could tell a million stories of my short time there, but I just want to thank all the folks up there. Anywho, as No Way and I’s relationship progressed via e-mail, and occasional visits, we realized this was something real. And, if we wanted to cycle, it’s a little difficult to plan something of that scale via pigeon courier. So, I left the Gang, sadly, and went to the big city to meet my lover. SURREY. Fack, it rained... This is where I hit my wall. Hard. I had been living the lasts few months in my cowboy bubble, too busy to overthink what had happened over the last year. I spent nearly two months, depressed and anxiety filled, only when Jose wasn’t around. There is strength in numbers as they say. Day by day, I got better, and began taking better care of myself. THANK YOU JOSÉ FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND LOVE.
 José and I started acquiring things for our trip, such as BICYCLES, matching juans, cuz CUTE. lol they were on sale. Panniers, hiking boots, cycle shorts, ect ect. Everything we thought we needed. We had never cycled more than 10 km, so by all means BEGINNERS. You gotta start somewhere. HoseB and I have shared this dream of cycling long distance for a while, it’s incredible we get to share this ride together!
Once we were set with our mountain of things, we bought our tickets to Whitehorse, Yukon, and did workaway for 3 weeks, getting acquainted with this Northern Land.  This is where we loosely planned our trip, met some cool people, and idled till we started peddling. After everything that happened, I was afraid and excited, but had no idea just how big this would be. Both José and I  agreed we would push ourselves far past anything we’ve done before. AND WE WERE SO EXCITED!!!  On June 5th, 2017.... we left Whitehorse.. by bicycle.To be continued... WITH 27 PICTURES!!!
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