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If the chakras are not balanced, peace with the self cannot be achieved.
An excerpt from How to Open Your Spiritual Chakras:
There are said to be seven main chakras in all; four in our upper body, which govern our mental properties, and three in the lower body, which govern our instinctual properties.
Open the Root Chakra (red). This chakra is based on being physically aware and feeling comfortable in many situations. If opened, you should feel well-balanced and sensible, stable and secure. You don’t distrust people around you for no reason.You feel present in what is happening right now, and very connected to your physical body. If it’s under-active: you tend to be fearful or nervous, and easily feel unwelcome. If it’s over-active: you may be materialistic and greedy. You feel as if you should be secure and are unwelcome to a change.
Open the Sacral Chakra (orange). This chakra deals with feeling and sexuality. If open, feeling are released with liberty, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You would be open to affinity and can be passionate as well as outgoing. You also have no problems based on sexuality. If it’s under-active: you tend to be unemotional or impassive, and are not very open to anybody. If it’s over-active: you tend to be sensitive and emotional all the time. You may also be very sexual.
Open the Navel Chakra (yellow). This chakra encircles confidence, especially when in a group. When open, you should feel in control and have good feeling of dignity in yourself. If it’s under-active: you tend to be passive and indecisive. You could be frequently apprehensive and this doesn’t reward you. If it’s over-active: you tend to be imperious and aggressive.
Open the Heart Chakra (green). This chakra is all about love, caring, and endearment. When open, you seem to be compassionate and friendly, always working in amicable relationships. If it’s under-active: you tend to be cold and unfriendly. If it’s over-active: you tend to be so “loving” towards people that you suffocate them, and you could be seen as selfish for it.
Open the Throat Chakra (light blue). This chakra is based on self-expression and communication. When the chakra is open, expressing yourself is easy, and art seems to be a great way to do this. If it’s under-active: you tend not to speak too much, so you are classified as shy. If you lie often, this chakra can be blocked. If it’s over-active: you tend to speak so much, it annoys a lot of people. You could also be a pretty bad listener.
Open the Third Eye Chakra (blue). Like it’s name, this chakra deals with insight. When open, you have excellent clairvoyance, and tend to dream a lot. If it’s under-active: you tend to look up to other people to think for you. Relying on beliefs too often, you also tend to be confused most of the time. If it’s over-active: you tend to live in a world imagination all day long. In the extremes, you could suffer from frequent daydreams or even hallucinations.
Open the Crown Chakra (purple). This is the seventh and most spiritual chakra. It encircles a being’s wisdom and being one with the universe. When this chakra is open, prejudice disappears from your To Do list, and you seem to become more aware of the world and it’s connection to yourself. If it’s under-active: you tend to not be very spiritual, and may be quite rigid in your thoughts. If it’s over-active: you tend to intellectualize things all the time. Spirituality seems to come first in your mind, and if you are really over-active, you may even ignore your bodily needs (food, water, shelter).
For the full article, click here.
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From 711 AD to 718 AD, Umayyad commander Tariq Bin Ziyad led an African Muslim army to invade the Iberian peninsula in modern-day Spain and Portugal. This was the start of 700 years of Afro-Muslim rule in Europe.
This era gave Europe one of its greatest civilisations, known as the Andalus, introducing all kinds of knowledge in medicine, mathematics and more. This period pulled Europeans out of what is known as the Dark Ages and built the foundation to allow Europeans to kickstart European hegemony worldwide. European historians refer to the Berbers, Arabs, Africans and Black people of that era as 'Moors.'
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