thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Blog Post Four - Original Blog Post Two
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Peer Feedback For Blog Post Two
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Blog Post Four - Rewrite of Blog Post Two - Does a picture really paint a thousand words?
Throughout history, pictures have had a significant role in allowing people to understand and see the different issues that occur across the globe. I strongly believe in the saying “ a picture paints a thousand words” because it can help people develop strong emotions towards different issues which can allow them to take a stand on what they believe in. In addition, I believe the use of phrases and headlines are sometimes not enough. Pictures have played a massive role in my life and without them, I personally would not be able to fully understand what is going on in the world around me.
Something that I have always wanted to know is when the first ever picture was taken. In my findings, according to the University of Texas, they found that        “ The earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera, was taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepece in 1826″ (University of Texas, 2018). This was conducted through numerous experiments of lithographic printmaking. 
Moving on to the 21st Century, everything we see and access is through technological platforms including social media. Within education, the use of images is very important as the majority of learners today are visual. To argue this point, in the article “ In Other Words - Why is Teaching with Images so Effective”, it discusses the four main reasons why images are so effective within the classroom environment. A point that really stood out to me was that             “ pictures can accelerate understanding” (Huffington Post, 2014). Using this research, it has allowed me to extend and deepen my knowledge of the power of images as well as how images can effect people in multiple ways. As a future primary educator, I will definitely use pictures in my future practice because it will enhance my students learning and engagement. Furthermore, I believe that it will allow my students to be more creative in the topics that they learn in the classroom and schooling environment. 
Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin. (n.d.) Retrieved September 21, 2018 from http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/permanent/firstphotograph/   
Huffington Post. (2014). 7.1.14. “ In Other Words - Why is Teaching with Images so Effective”. Accessed 1 September, 2018 from https://growingleaders.com/blog/why-is-teaching-with-images-so-effective-part-1/ 
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
What we need to know about Digital Technologies
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Google Images. (2018). Digital Technologies. Accessed 19 September, 2018 from https://www.google.com.au/search?q=digital+technologies&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU783AU783&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1lKD0q8bdAhXCQN4KHQtsCzYQ_AUIDigB&biw=1079&bih=843#imgrc=5sd2Wv8-I7hNGM:
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Peer Feedback - Post Two
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Peer Feedback - Post One
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Blog Post Three: An understanding of how changes in technology impact on the way humans communicate, and the ethical issues that surround these changes
In response to this question, I strongly believe that the constant daily advances in technology how humans communicate with one another.  The world has progressed with technological capabilities. However, the ever changing technological world is dictating how humans think and interact with others.
Children use technology through Ipads, mobile phones and tablets to keep themselves entertained as well as it gives them access to social media. Text messaging has become the normal way to communicate with family and friends. Back in time, technology was limited. People would communicate with one another via face to face conversation or the landline phone. Through the implementation of technology, humans have become so glued to their phones which has resulted in them communicating via emojis and texts, instead of their voices.
The issue of privacy and the increased cost of wireless internet are examples of the ethical issues that surround this topic. In the article, “ Social Media and Interpersonal Communication”, Booth states “ We always have to keep in mind that our social networks are searchable - even when privacy settings are set extremely high, it’s always possible to find out personal information” (Booth, 2013, p.1). I strongly believe in Booth’s statement because it is true that no matter what you post on the internet, anyone can use your image or information in a negative way, which can result in negative ramifications for your future employment prospects and personal life. Privacy can be problematic when using the internet and social media, because personal data is captured in everything we like, dislike and search. 
One improvement that can be used in schools today would be to ask students to put down their devices and to have a conversation with the people around them. Another improvement could be removing mobiles from the classrooms. By doing this, it will improve their communication skills and the way that they form relationships with others.
Social Work Today. (2013). 13.05.13. “ Social Media and Interpersonal Communication”. Accessed 15 September, 2018 from http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/051313p10.shtml
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Blog Post 2 - Does a picture really paint a thousand words?
Pictures have been around for ages and they play a significant role in the way that we understand different topics and issues that occur in our world. I believe that more often than not, pictures can provide deeper positive or negative emotion towards particular issues where words are simply not enough. However, the manipulation of images can cause issues. For example, when televisions would broadcast the men fighting in the Vietnam War, the images presented were heartbreaking, tragic and confronting. However, the images that the broadcasters/reporters decided to show was only the images that they wanted the community to see, which resulted in protests. 
Now days, everything we see is on a technological platform such as the internet and social media. In the article “ In Other Words” - Why is Teaching with Images so Effective”, it talks about the main four reasons why images are so effective within classrooms. The four reasons were “ that the majority of people are visual learners, that pictures stick, metaphors can provide a language for people and that pictures can accelerate understanding” (Huffington Post, 2014, p.1). The first point stood out to me most because I was not aware that the majority of learners were visual. From this research, it has given me a new insight of how powerful images can be towards people. As a future educator, I will certainly be using images in my future practice because I believe that it will enhance my students learning and engagement. I also believe that it will give the students the opportunity to see the more creative and fun side of the topics that I will be teaching them in the classroom environment.
Huffington Post. (2014). 7.1.14. “In Other Words” - Why is Teaching with Images so Effective”. Accessed 12 August, 2018 from https://growingleaders.com/blog/why-is-teaching-with-images-so-effective-part-1/                 
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
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A quote that I really believe that relates to what education is all about #ACUedu_P
Google Images. (2018). Creative Education Quotes. Retrieved 9 September, 2018 from https://www.google.com.au/search?q=quotes+on+education+creative&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU783AU783&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip6pfM7KzdAhVHQd4KHRSmDGMQ_AUICigB&biw=1671&bih=843#imgrc=r1JcUfxrTUpDIM:
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Blog Post 1 -  To tweet or not to tweet?
 Twitter is a social media network and platform that allows individuals to share their thoughts and opinions based on their careers and interests. Technology is changing our world and it has changed the way that education is being taught to our current generation and beyond. This network also allows users to follow other people who they are interested in, which I believe is a fantastic way to expand one’s knowledge and critical thinking.
In Lecture Three, our topic was Personal Learning Networks. One of the readings “ 10 Reasons Teachers should give twitter a go” listed the top ten reasons why educators should use Twitter. The points that I had the most connection to were point four which was “ You can get your input from all over the globe” (Creative Education, 2017) as well as point nine which was “ It’ll open doors” ( Creative Education, 2017). By having the opportunity to ask questions as well as get feedback from other people from all over the world, it can assist the individual to reflect and learn more appropriate learning strategies and practice. As a result of this, it can allow them to further engage their students in their learning environments.
Despite all of these positives, like all things; social media does have its negatives. These include the lack of one’s privacy and identity as well as the risk of cyberbullying by anonymous users. By exploring the internet as well as being taught about the dangers of the internet, it has allowed me to truely reflect and realise that as future educators; we need to be really cautious of the posts that we put up on our profiles such as pictures of ourselves. Furthermore, I also strongly believe that we as educators need to teach our students how to use the internet appropriately and effectively, so that they can enjoy doing activities and developing their learning online as well as to protect them from any harm possible. 
Overall, I believe that Twitter is a great place for people of all careers to connect and share their ideas and findings as well as find opportunities to enhance one’s knowledge of the technological atmosphere
-  Creative Education. (2017). 10 Reasons Why Teachers should give twitter a go. Retrieved 30 August, from https://www.creativeeducation.co.uk/blog/10-reasons-to-tweet/
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
A Little Bit About Me...
Hi there, my name is Annaliese and I am 18 years old. I am a primary education student at ACU and teaching is my passion. The reason why I decided to become a teacher was because I have always wanted to inspire kids to be the best versions of themselves and I have always wanted to make a difference in their lives :) . 
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thecreativeeducator · 6 years
Introduction and Purpose
The main purpose of why I created this educational blog was to allow me as a primary education student to effectively engage with technology as well as to develop the skills that I needed in order to engage my students within the classroom environment. I also created this blog so that I can interact with other educators, so that I can improve on my teaching practice and critical thinking as well as knowledge. The following quote by Jenny Arledge is one that I believe is important and true about integrating modern technology into education in today society; she says that " Technology can become the "wings" that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before - if we will allow it". Technology has had a massive impact within education and it is changing our world. The way that kids now learn has most certainly changed from the pen and paper era to the world of Ipads and computers. Through my experience of working with children in classroom settings, the way that they critically evaluate and reflect on their work has truly surprised me. Throughout this creative and educational blog, I will have several critical reflections that will reflect on particular driving questions as well as the content that I have learnt from my tutors and lecturer in this course. It will also show the research that I have done about these questions. All of my work ( blog posts as well as this blog ) are all my own work, except where appropriately referenced.
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