thefage · 13 hours
Shocking how many people don’t know that hens lay non-fertilized eggs and think the yolk they’re eating is a baby chicken
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thefage · 13 hours
Arte alucinante
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thefage · 13 hours
The reason the work you’ve done on how you feel doesn’t seem like it’s working is because you need to do it until it works. It’s never been “this strategy will pull you up” it’s always been “here’s something you can do that will END with you getting out of that hole” the climbing still hurts and the being underground still hurts but that doesn’t mean it’s not working
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thefage · 13 hours
It't that time of year again. Happy Birthday Raccoon
FUCK. honestly just FUCK. We missed a very important day yesterday.
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thefage · 13 hours
Absolutely obsessed with these stat charts, especially because of the media literacy part. Why does creature need media literacy? Why should creature even care what that is? Creature needs no awareness of the media, creature gets to live in bliss.
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thefage · 2 days
I am so lucky to live in a place where access to these procedures was not only available to me upon request, but also affordable. Almost every step of the way I doubted myself because of this, "what if I regret it later?" mentality. It's been almost 2 years since my top surgery and a few months since I had my tubes tied, and my life is so much better as a result. Sure, there are times when I miss the specific sensations that aren't really possible with the chest I have now, but looking back on it those sensations were more ones of relief in the brief moments where I wasn't having something that made me massively uncomfortable in my own skin confined in an uncomfortable garment for hours or just generally weighing me down, and the fact that I no longer need those brief moments of respite just makes me all the more certain of my decision. Mostly, I'm just happy for the absence of the persistent and recurrent pains I had before the surgeries. I deeply believe every adult should have the right to undergo operations to make them feel more comfortable in their own skin without people who don't know their situation questioning them because they might regret it later.
psst. hey
people who are legal adults who want their tubes tied or top surgery etc etc should be able to do so full stop.
"oh but what if they regret it for the rest of their lives"
okay. so what.
Adults make decisions about our lives, that's what being an adult is. We may decide to get a face tattoo, or quit a promising job, or join the army, or move to another country.
That's practically all we do as adults. We make decisions that effect the rest of our life, and then we live, or sometimes die, accordingly. Maybe i'll spend the rest of my life regretting telling my influential boss he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, but, as an adult, that's the kind of life decision i am allowed to make for myself. And after all, it might be the best thing i ever did. It's my life, and i get to do all the fucking around and all the finding out i want to.
surgical transition, or sterilization, or whatever... is exactly the same. If you aren't going to let a legally adult person decide for themself about that stuff, then you can't let them get a tattoo or move to Florida either
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thefage · 2 days
There really needs to be more visibility for black goth people. I once was talking to some dude who was answering questions to get into a goth discord server, and one of them was if he was goth, and I can't quite remember what he said but it was something about not being able to be goth because he was black, and I remember being so confused about why being black would exclude you from being goth, so I told him that, but at the same time I couldn't name any black goth people that I knew of, and that frustrated me because there was no reason should be the case.
Young Black Goths, please, stop wearing white foundation.
PSA from an Olde Black Goth,
I see that Siouxsie's style of makeup is trending for Gen Z Goth kids (nothing wrong with this, of course). Although, while scrolling through Instagram I saw a particular reoccurrence that disturbed me.
I saw photo after photo of young Black Goths slathering their beautiful mahogany skin with chalk white foundation. I saw some Black Goths inquiring about the white foundation and they'd respond, "oh, this is how you do Trad Goth makeup!".
I say this with every bit of love in my heart:
You DO NOT need to wear ghost white foundation to wear Siouxsie styled makeup. Embrace your beautiful brown skin! You DO NOT need to be pale to wear Goth makeup.
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Black folks, we all have heard relatives tell us that Goth is for white people and Black Goths just want to be White. This is dead wrong, of course.
But, when you cover up your beautiful brown skin with chalk white foundation, in the eyes of the Black community, you are confirming what this belief.
If we're going to change this perception in our community PLEASE do not wear white foundation.
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thefage · 2 days
It has just occurred to me that there is a very real possibility that I'll never attend a wedding because the people that come in and out of my life simply aren't really wedding types of people. I had a friend who was engaged once, but she was really young and that never felt real, and now she lives far away and last I heard she was in a relationship with someone new. If I ever get married it'll likely be for some sort of tax or citizenship benefits, so a proper ceremomy wouldn't feel right. Still, I think it's so sad that no matter how hard I look, I can't seem to find people I can connect with who are also falling in love with people who they want to spend the rest of their lives with. All these rights of passage for married people and their friends that you see in the media have always felt so foreign to me, and I hate it.
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thefage · 2 days
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OP turned off reblogs so this is my post now. Behold, the "Objective quality vs. degree of ferality" scale
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Here are a few of my own personal datapoints:
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thefage · 3 days
People should use this text embellishment more
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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thefage · 3 days
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thefage · 3 days
The sturgeonposting army is 2000 strong
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thefage · 3 days
saw a movie last night and an ad before it opened up with young adults anxiously looking at news about climate change and global politics and it was like “you were born into a world overwhelmed by problems you didn’t create. the question is: what will you do about it?”
and I was like whatever corporate ad this is about to be has no business saying something like that as if it will be the solution.
and then it was for the fucking u.s. military and I literally went OH my GOD out loud. BEYOND PARODY!! “what are you going to do about it?” make it worse apparently!!!
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thefage · 3 days
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thefage · 3 days
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thank you doraemon <333
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thefage · 3 days
I mean that would be infinitely better, but you can't forget the Rh factor or stupid people are going to get very concerned
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this started as a joke but then i started actually thinking about it and now im really annoyed that IDs have this one letter that doesnt mean anything for cis people and is a huge pain in the ass for trans people when we could instead have literally lifesaving information so emergency medical services could just check ur wallet to see which blood to give you so you dont die or whatever But No
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thefage · 3 days
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Story of my life people. You know what’s real ? The struggle.
Happy Pride Month ♥
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