theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
I’ve been listening to a lot of Sky Ferreira. Hey, remember 2013 Tumblr? Yeah, me too. I wonder where she is and when she’s going to release another stuff. It’s been a while, Sky! Anyway here’s some of my favorite Sky Tracks: 
Ghost - EP (fav track: Red Lips)
I’m On Top
I Can’t Say No To Myself 
I Will
I Blame Myself
Nobody Asked Me (If I Was Okay)
You’re Not The One
By the way I saw this on Youtube and I wonder if she ever performed I Blame Myself live on Jimmy Fallon
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you 
I have changed the blog name to The Glitter Box. I thought it sounds prettier. I hope you like it!
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
I guess I could say that this week was the busiest. It’s definitely killing me. I’m grateful that my friends are nice (I hope I don’t regret saying this). And also, I guess you could say that I have moved on.... from this person? I’m still not sure about that. Anyway, I hope next week will be better. 
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you 
I’ve been talking to one of my classmates (and a good friend too) about how stressed we are with school in this pandemic. We both agree that it fucking sucks. Do I regret taking a postgraduate program? Maybe yes, maybe not. 
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: worm-milk
Hello! I just joined the bloggers. While I’m still working on a little music/fashion related article to post tomorrow, I’ll introduce myself by telling a little bit about me and my interests.
Name: Ania
Country: Poland
Favourite bands/artists: David Bowie, Husker Du, Jawbreaker, Nirvana, Hole, Mudhoney, Queenadreena, Daisy Chainsaw, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, The Birthday Party, Butthole Surfers, Scratch Acid, Sex Pistols, Pixies, Fang, The Wipers, Mission of Burma, Dinosaur Jr., Melvins, Big Black, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Babes in Toyland, Kyuss, Queens of The Stone Age, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, KMFDM, Rammstein, Rasputina, Green Day, Distillers, Amy Winehouse, Bjork...
Favourite book: Catcher in The Rye, Pax, Lalka 
Favourite movie: The Lion King, Withnail & I, Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2, Frankenstein’s Wife, The Kid (and other Charlie Chaplin movies)
I’m a freelance writer. I wrote a fan biography of one of my favourite bands,  “Queenadreena: The Official Biography” (which will be soon available to buy as ebook) and I’m finishing my own story in a fantasy genre. I also play guitar (Epiphone Les Paul 100). I record some demos and I’d like to start a band and be involved in music more seriously. I’m recording something new now and I’m thinking of posting it online. I make comic books - I’ve been drawing comic series about a penguin punk band set in Club Penguin world for 12 or 13 years (and I’m still playing Club Penguin Rewritten, my penguin’s name is Dudeshon). I love music videos, sometimes I make my own - I wish I could do it professionally, but it’s not really a real job in my country, music videos here literally come out of the vacuum. I’m crazy about old silent movies, beginnings of the cinema and old movie stars. I’d like to make analogue movies, but it’s hard. I have an analogue 8mm camera and I made just three short films before it broke down - developing the tape is hard, since I don’t have tools, there’s only one place in my country where they develop 8mm tapes. I also miss disposable cameras and times where you could go and just have your photos developed - those photos were so much more lively, detailed and soulful. Digital cameras suck, plus you can’t have your own albums unless you retrieve hundreds of files from PC and pay someone to print them. I miss old cell phones, I still have a lot of them, my old Sony Ericsson and a variety of Nokias, flip phones, Motorolas, Siemens, as my younger brother collects these. I’m pretty old school and can’t really accept modern times, as a person growing up on VHS, cassete tapes, disposable cameras.
Currently I’m listening to Mission of Burma. I’m planning to post next my writing about kinderwhore fashion. See you next time :)
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
Listening to some DFL tonight
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
What I’m listening to right now:
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
Again, I’m still familiarizing myself to some new stuff I never knew before on this website. Like, I just found out that you can still post directly to this blog just using your email?? I might try that. So if anyone without a Tumblr account (but has an email) wants to try it, you could be my lab rat hehe jk! Also, I just posted a tutorial on how to post on this blog, aaanddd a new rule on the about page which says that you cannot reblog anything to this blog :)
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
Welcome to @worm-milk to the blog! :)
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theglitterbox · 4 years
Name: celebrate--you
Sooooo this is basically a test post. I’m just playing around with the design and everything. Don’t forget to check out our about page if you want to join this blog!!!
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