thelouieclub-blog · 5 years
Oh, I hope everybody is streaming Louis’ music to get him to 1 billion streams on spotify! 
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thelouieclub-blog · 5 years
#LouisTo1Billion - Just a reminder to continue streaming Louis’ music! :)
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thelouieclub-blog · 5 years
Vote for Louis on the second round of the CELEBMIX awards! 
- Philanthropist of the year - Biggest inspiration 
Vote ends on December 21st.
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thelouieclub-blog · 5 years
Little reminder to vote for Louis Tomlinson
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
#LouisTo1Billion - Just a reminder to continue streaming Louis’ music! :)
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
Mod here, posting just to say I would like to keep this tumblr free of discussion about any txf contestants unless I believe it sufficiently pertains to Louis’ career. Hope everyone understands! x
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
I have a feeling after xf Louis is going to keep away from twitter. He finally broke his twitter silence ("Time to start fucking winning")and kept up fan engagements but all some "fans" have done is always blame him for everyone else's problems. I don't think he wants that bullshit around him especially in December. I also think he might push his new single release date from December because he doesn't trust in fan support anymore. Louis deserves better and it makes me sad.
Fans have been blaming Louis for everyone else’s problems? Where???
I think twitter is the least of Louis’ concerns at the moment. It has essentially been co-opted for txf promo for the past few months anyway. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if his single release date got pushed farther back because of whatever is happening behind the scenes with Syco. That’s probably why he hasn’t made any official statement about when it will be released. I don’t think his music release schedule has anything to do with how Louis feels about fans. We’re all practically gagging for new Louis music haha. 
But yes, Louis does deserve better, that will never change. :(
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
#LouisTo1Billion - Just a reminder to continue streaming Louis’ music! :)
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
"Fans can manage their own expectations without hand-holding from him." I totally agree with you that's right in theory. In the real world though he needs to communicate and motivate his fanbase, including the casual fans who like him and his music but just don't know what's going on. Part of thriving as an artist now is connecting directly with your fanbase. People should definitely move on if they're at the point of being bitter. But some fans are just confused or alienated rn which I get.
I think Louis does his best to communicate with fans, like today he posted a picture of himself in the studio on instagram, which I interpret to mean he’s still interested in music and is working to release some soon. 
And txf has allowed him to directly take pics and chat with fans face-to-face. 
But aside from that I think he is rightfully hesitant to make any promises to fans because I think he himself is a bit unsure of the schedule and he can either be silent or say what he thinks will happen and be called a liar afterwards when things change. 
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
UO I'm sure but I actually think the XF showed his ambition. It's not ideal but it was probably the best he could do in the moment as his music was being shelved. It's harder to shelf someone in the public eye. I think it was clever of Louis. And something even more UO lol, I think he's discovered how much he enjoys it. Not that he's lost interest in music but just that he's found a new talent to go with it.
Yeah, he’s been doing his best to not be forced into obscurity by the label. Making the best of a bad situation. 
Louis has always said he wants to help other artists so I’m not surprised that he is enjoying certain parts of his time with txf. And he has been getting to meet with fans more regularly after the show ends filming as well which I’m sure makes him happy to see how much support he still has. 
I think Louis is still very eager to release music and tour as well. All things can simultaneously be true. :)
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
"Ideally Louis is the one who should decide what kind of career he want because it will be his time, his effort, his creativity, his music, etc. He can take things in any direction he wants." I agree but with how Louis' solo roll out has gone, fans should know a bit because Louis wasn't a solo artist before. He was part of a huge band and people will always compare their successes. If fans know he's going indie, it'll keep tempers and frustrations in check. But yes, he should do what he wants.
I don’t think that’s got anything to do with Louis then. Fans can manage their own expectations without hand-holding from him. I don’t mean to be harsh but if a person is unhappy with the trajectory of Louis’ career nobody is forcing them to stick around and be a grump. 
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
#LouisTo1Billion - Just a reminder to continue streaming Louis’ music! :)
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
"I would like to say that just because Louis’ struggle with his label doesn’t look the same as another artist’s struggle doesn’t mean it’s not happening." I know it's happening. What's he doing about it? Look I understand people are different and a lot of fans are fine with crying about how Louis is being sabotaged etc. I'm not like that, I see a problem, I automatically start looking for a solution. It's been more than a year. I hope xf was his solution for now because I would've done the same.
Well that’s sorted then, isn’t it? :P
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
"I get where this anon is coming from 100% but I don't think at all that a smaller artist is a mediocre artist. I think there's this problem that came from 1D days that unless you're huge you're nothing." I wasn't a 1d fan so no. I didn't mean mediocre in a negative way, more like an average artist like the indie route. I did say it was fine if he wanted to go small. Fans just think he doesn't and at this point I don't think he should even if he wanted to. That ship sailed.
To be fair the word “mediocre” automatically has negative connotations lol. 
Not all of Louis’ fans have the same idea of what Louis’ music career should or will look like. There are people who want big stadium tours, but there are also people who want him to go completely indie and do lots of small venues. That’s neither here nor there. 
Ideally Louis is the one who should decide what kind of career he want because it will be his time, his effort, his creativity, his music, etc. He can take things in any direction he wants. 
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
"I find it really difficult to take the anon seriously that says Louis isn't putting in the work and isn't ambitious. Have they not paid attention to how mistreated he's been by Sony..I've read too much industry stuff from researching Louies to think it's on him." Lol you obviously don't know the meaning of ambition anon so I can't also take you seriously. And since you've done some reading, Tinashe was shelved but she's tried to do something about it, she isn't there yet but point is she tried.
I don’t know who that artist is but I would like to say that just because Louis’ struggle with his label doesn’t look the same as another artist’s struggle doesn’t mean it’s not happening. We don’t know what Louis is dealing with and maybe we never will. But I don’t think that makes him less ambitious than somebody who is maybe more vocal about it. 
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
I agree it's pretty obvious Louis label isn't supporting his music and he doesn't have a situation like Zayn where he can release music and get big collabs and do videos (at this point I'd be so ecstatic for that). I think he's doing his best with a raw deal and xf was part of that. But I can understand fans being frustrated too. I don't expect Louis to tell us his career plans but I'd be happy if he used sm to say more beyond xf, which leaves me feeling a bit used.
Fair points all around haha :(
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thelouieclub-blog · 6 years
I find it really difficult to take the anon seriously that says Louis isn't putting in the work and isn't ambitious. Have they not paid attention to how mistreated he's been by Sony? Syco has done nothing to promote him; how is he supposed to go about promoting himself without any support? He seemed incredibly ambitious last year setting up a touring company and teasing a tour only for things to come to a standstill. I've read too much industry stuff from researching Louies to think it's on him.
I think that anon is totally entitled to their frustration at the fact that we haven’t gotten new music in a year. 
But I agree, it feels like Louis is making the best of a bad situation instead of deliberately pushing things back because he doesn’t like hard work or doesn’t have ambition. He works his butt off no matter what he’s doing and it’s obvious to see. 
I also think 1d fans got used to an album and tour every year but the band was part of a massive machine with hundreds of people working daily behind the scenes to ensure the show went on. Meanwhile Louis as a solo artist has been neglected and mistreated by his so-called label and management up to now. 
Fingers crossed things get better. 
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