thenewinfluencers · 6 years
Texas Oil Industry Post-Hurricane Harvey
In a modern world like ours right now, we use energy in just about every aspect of our lives. From our personal smart gadgets to home, kitchen and entertainment appliances, to major machines and devices used in school, offices, and major industries, energy is a major factor to make all these things work for our comfort and convenience. Our preferred energy source is actually non-renewable like fossil fuel, which means we may use it all sometime in the future. That is the major concern among conservationists and everybody else who has a deep concern for the environment as this type of energy is also not-so environment-friendly.
However, they make things work for us now and that’s what matters to the majority of people. However, as one natural disaster after the other strikes our country, we start to realize how much dependent we are on the oil industry and while we also have our fears about the environment, it also has a big impact on the economy. For starters, these industries are big and employ hundreds to thousands of employees whose main livelihood is their job. Second, almost every other industry in the world relies on oil energy in making, delivering, and selling their products and services to consumers and the market at large. With a scarcity in supply because of damaged oil plants in Texas, it sure will make a big impact on our nation’s economy and we’ll find out soon enough what it means to the rest of America (and even to the world, perhaps).
Harvey shut down 22 percent of the nation’s refining capacity, vitally disrupted the oil and gas transportation networks that deliver energy to much of the US, and caused damage to facilities that leaked more than a million poundsof dangerous air pollutants into communities around Texas. The road back to full operational capacity will take weeks, if not months.
It’s no secret that oil and gas infrastructure along the Gulf Coast is increasingly at risk and that climate change could render it useless. The US Government Accountability Office, the Department of Energy, the Department of Natural Resources, countless environmental groups, and oil and gas industry representatives have all openly warned of the coming catastrophe.
(Via: https://www.wired.com/story/what-will-happen-to-the-gulf-coast-if-the-oil-industry-retreats/)
With a tragedy as powerful as Harvey, many Texas locals did not anticipate the extent of the damage in the hurricane’s wake and were pretty surprised at how much flooding they had to brace for leaving many residents in a hurry to evacuate. But aside from the damage incurred by residents and local businesses, what hurts the state the most (and the entire nation, actually) is that the hurricane shut down 22% of the US oil refining capacity. It is a big blow for a progressive nation like America that highly depends on energy to get things done.
Refinery closures often can take weeks of work to restart, and that process can't even begin until flooded roadways are cleared and electricity has been restored on-site for plant operations. During this period of limited, or no production, other refineries in neighboring states often increase production to meet U.S. demand. At this time, there is no actual fuel shortage. However, there's no denying any disruption in the supply and demand fuel chain often results in higher prices and temporary fuel interruptions for consumers at the pump.
All indications suggest Texas' oil and gas industry weathered Hurricane Harvey and the resulting widespread flooding like a champ. Every disaster is a learning experience and lessons learned from past storms such as Hurricanes Ike and Katrina are paying off.
(Via: http://www.reporternews.com/story/money/industries/energy/2017/09/09/oil-gas-how-hurricane-affect-industry/635731001/)
Flooding is rare in Texas and this reality is partly the reason why so many were unable to evacuate on time or even make the necessary preparations before the hurricane hits. It’s the flooding that really hit the state hard as most oil refineries are located there and it has temporarily put operations on hold as recovery measures are still being initiated. If there is any good that will come out of this experience, it is the lessons learned from this tragedy that one can only learn through the first-hand experience.
The blog post Texas Oil Industry Post-Hurricane Harvey was initially published on https://www.newinfluencers.com/
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Migrants Evacuated By The French
All nations protect their sovereign territory from outsiders. It’s just normal. It is even more pronounced now with most countries requiring foreigners to secure certain types of visa when visiting abroad. Progressive nations are strict when it comes to this issue as they have more to protect and won’t just easily let in other races without sufficient documentation. The same thing is happening in a French woodland as the government evacuated hundreds of migrants to prevent them from crossing over into Britain with France as their gateway to a greener pasture.
These migrants are mostly Iraqi Kurds and estimated to be about 350 all in all and have been camping in a wood in the French northern coast. There is a possibility that these migrants are planning on crossing over into the UK for various reasons. The British government is especially sensitive right now about territory issues as they themselves are planning to separate from the entire European Union and establish their own sovereign state. So far, the French government has broken the migrants into groups of ten and will be taken to various migrant centers in the country for proper assistance.
French authorities evacuated hundreds of migrants from a wood on the northern coast near Calais on Tuesday over fears it could become a magnet for others hoping to head to Britain.
Some 350 men, women and children, most of them Iraqi Kurds, had been living for weeks in squalid conditions in the wood on the edge of the town of Grande-Synthe.
Hundreds of police were brought in to dismantle the camp as its residents were packed onto buses, bound for migrant centres in 10 different regions across France.
"At the last count there were 56 children present and around 40 women. I can't let this situation go on anymore," local mayor Damien Careme told AFP on Monday before the operation.
Grand Synthe lies 30 kilometres (19 miles) from the port city of Calais, where authorities dismantled the sprawling "Jungle" camp -- which at its height was home to 10,000 people -- in late 2016.
(Via: https://www.thelocal.fr/20170919/france-clears-hundreds-of-migrants-from-wood-near-calais)
These migrants have actually set up various encampments in different parts of France and are proving to be a major headache to local authorities as thousands of refugees seek refuge after being driven out from their hometowns. This European migrant crisis had been going on for some time as refugees are forced to seek solace in foreign soils as wars and political strife leave their nations uninhabitable for good. While they have been offered asylum in France, many of them are believed to still eye Britain as their final destination.
The French government has spent nearly 34 million euros since 2006 on leasing private planes to move and deport migrants, a BuzzFeed News investigation has found.
While a number of reports over the years have indicated that the French Interior Ministry has been leasing a single private aircraft that it uses to move asylum-seekers between detention centers within the country, new documents obtained by BuzzFeed News reveal that France has also been leasing several planes to deport asylum-seekers over the last 11 years.
The French government has used a number of ways to deport migrants in the past, including commercial flights, trains, and boats. But the border police have also been hiring smaller chartered planes, manufactured by Beechcraft, from private companies to move small groups of migrants almost on a daily basis. 
(Via: https://www.buzzfeed.com/theoenglebert/investigation-on-the-millions-of-business-airplane-2td76?utm_term=.gdQ24N7PX#.wyxm41Njl)
It’s not just the threat of spreading the refugee crisis further that France has to deal with but the extra expenses the government incurs as they provide for some of the needs of the migrants and they do not come in cheap either. In order just to deport these people, the French has spent a total of 34 million in plane rental alone not to mention the salary of officials that deal with this crisis and every other expenditure related to the management of their presence. It’s a big burden indeed but is an intervention they must do in order to protect their people and ensure that law and order are upheld in their nation at all times.
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Eradicating Fraudulent Charities
Natural calamities have struck various parts of the globe as of late and it left thousands of people displaced and needing help in even the most basic of services. Many homes have either been flooded or crumbled into the ground as they can’t withstand the force of Mother Nature’s wrath. It comes as no surprise that many supposedly charities came popping up soon after these tragedies in the guise that they are collecting donations to help the victims move on from these disasters. Meanwhile, actual charities suffer.
Giving isn’t the issue here but the fact that these people or organizations had to use the misery and pain of other people to make money is simply just unacceptable. Actual people are suffering but they can still take advantage of this situation to make money. It’s a good thing that a few have been identified and are no longer allowed to use charity giving to disaster victims as an excuse for taking cash from strangers.
Seven shops have stopped marketing themselves as charity outlets after it was discovered they were not registered, a report from the Charities Regulator reveals.
The report also revealed that one charity shop owner had been prosecuted and three had ceased trading.
The seven shops which changed their signage to comply with the Charities Act 2009 were Munster Furniture Shop, Waterford; Sana, Galway; Christina’s Creations, Laois; Good Cause Way, Dublin; the former charity shop, Co Cavan; Share 2 Second Hand, Mayo; and the former Bandon Ataxia, Cork.
The report said the Second Chance Boutique, Co Mayo, the Charity Boutique, Kildare and the Carrick-on-Suir River Rescue, Tipperary, had closed following the receipt of letters from the regulator.
(Via: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/seven-shops-forced-to-stop-calling-themselves-charities-1.3232446)
Organizations can’t just easily ask for donations without qualifying first to certain guidelines. This regulation has been put in effect in order to protect the public from scrupulous individuals posing as charity outlets. We continue to battle the elements each year and it seems that they only keep on getting stronger as the days pass by. Families are continuously displaced and we are not even including here manmade disasters and political/religious wars that have brought down entire nations into shambles. The presence of charities makes a whole lot of difference in disaster relief and recovery and enable the affective people to bounce back faster.
Scam artists use a host of tactics--bogus websites, emails, social media accounts and fake crowdfunding campaigns--to capitalize on Americans' generosity after major crises.
The Justice Department's National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF), which was established to crack down on scams following Hurricane Katrina, released a statement on Wednesday warning of post-Harvey charity fraud.
"Unfortunately, criminals can exploit disasters, such as Hurricane Harvey, for their own gain by sending fraudulent communications through email or social media and by creating phony websites designed to solicit contributions," the statement said. Attorneys General in Colorado, Ohio and Arizona have also sent similar warnings.
(Via: http://money.cnn.com/2017/08/30/news/harvey-charity-fraud/index.html)
While authorities were able to close down some of these deceptive charity outlets, there are actually many more scattered all over the web. They have developed a tactic on how they can easily fool people into giving them donations by setting up fake websites months before disasters are expected to hit, come hurricane season in the US. That way, they can already tap the public for support using the names of those expected hurricanes to hit the country. And we are not talking about petty donations here but of thousands in dollars given to these fictitious charities that were discovered in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in years past.
If you really want to help out in times of need, better be sure and share your blessings to known charities that have really devoted their time and existence to public service and in helping the needy. You can be sure your money gets to its intended recipients and you are not tricked into a scam by crafty criminals out to get your money.
The post Eradicating Fraudulent Charities was first published on https://www.newinfluencers.com
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Microsoft’s Gearing Up Coding For The Quantum Leap
Technology is fast evolving and it seems that it can’t be stopped by any of us. After all, we live and breathe technology these days. That’s just how dependent modern life has become to tech advancements. You think you’ve seen it all but no, there is so much more to explore and develop when it comes to technology. We are just at the brink of its further evolution and experts aren’t even sure humanity is ready for what is awaiting us in the years to come.
There is one thing for sure though, we don’t have to wait for long to see for ourselves how these new technologies unfold and become a part of our daily lives. And we can count on Microsoft to ensure we don’t have a hard time coping with these new changes because they’ve already prepared a coding program for quantum computing as early as now. The average Joe probably finds it impossible to grasp how quantum computers work, which makes Microsoft’s initiative more instrumental in helping people understand the inner workings of quantum computing so we won’t have that much of a hard time adjusting once it becomes accessible to the public.
Microsoft is effectively building a language for computers that don't really exist yet. The most advanced experimental machine, a 16/17 qubit model, was built by IBM and has run over 300,000 experiments. It's far from being ready for commercial applications, though. Big Blue recently unveiled an initiative to build commercial quantum computers called IBM Q, and has already released its own programming tools via an API called the IBM Quantum Experience.
Microsoft's programming language doesn't have a name yet, but the company already has plans for quantum computing in AI. In particular, it thinks that the machines could be used to train its Cortana digital assistant in days instead of months. "Even if everything else was the same, Cortana would improve 30 times faster," Microsoft's research chief Craig Mundie says.
(Via: https://www.engadget.com/2017/09/26/microsoft-new-coding-language-is-made-for-quantum-computers/)
Many of today’s brilliant minds in all aspects of science, computer, and technology have teamed up in further developing this program because it’s not an easy feat to do, that we can be sure of. If you look at it, this program is actually made for a device that isn’t available to us yet. The company has not even coined a name for it yet, so it’s pretty much anonymous up to the time being.
At the Microsoft Ignite conference today, the expert panel on stage burst into laughter. “This box right over here behind us – nothing! That’s a quantum joke, that’s an excellent joke,” said Microsoft Technical Fellow Michael Freedman as the curtain failed to open to reveal it.
It being a quantum joke, the audience in Orlando, Florida, was a little slow to catch on. Quantum computing uses qubits, which unlike conventional bits can be in a superposition of one and zero at the same time, enabling the extremely rapid parallel processing of data. A box that is both present and not present, how appropriate.
Math problems that would take a lifetime on today's computer architectures to solve may be cracked in hours using a quantum machine, enthused the Windows giant. “It would be so powerful it’s able to model nature itself.”
(Via: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/09/25/microsoft_talks_quantum_computing_and_ai/)
Experts are hoping that even though quantum computing is still not entirely our reality, it will hopefully be realized in the coming years and solve many of today’s problems that are still without a solution until now. It may even offer the solution to climate change problems we are facing today along with agricultural and health issues that plague our daily existence. If quantum computing has its pros, it also has its cons. Encryption comes to mind as it is something quantum computers can easily crack but is also a measure that enforces cyber security right now, so that may raise some red flags when the time comes. But some would rather cross the bridge when we get there.
Artificial intelligence is the direction we are all heading. It is inevitable for that time to come and Microsoft just wants to establish themselves as an innovative and cutting-edge company that is ready to take on this new and uncharted path all the while making preparations as early as today.
Microsoft’s Gearing Up Coding For The Quantum Leap Read more on: TNI
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Shopping For Christmas Gifts On A Budget
Not everyone has the luxury of shopping without even taking a quick glance at the price tag. I’m sure most of us look at the price tag first before we even consider buying something for ourselves much more for our families, friends, and others. And come Christmas time, you need to do more shopping as there is usually a long list of people you have to give gifts to especially to kids in the family and your godchildren if you have one or more already. After all, Christmas is for the kids and the kids at heart. We have the fondest memories of the holiday season since our childhood and it often involved gifts no matter how much we want to deny that material things are not that important.
If you belong to the majority where money is still an issue when it comes to your Christmas shopping, then you’re definitely reading the right article (this is a great guide, too). It might take a little resourcefulness and creativity in pulling off the perfect present for the people who mean a lot in your life but it’s still possible to do that even if you stick to a certain budget. A lucky few have mastered this technique and they’ve elevated it to an art that many people are wondering if it’s really possible and how do they even do it. Well, it takes just a lot of planning and knowing what to do, where to go, and when to buy. They had to learn the hard way too but has certainly learned from their mistakes and now keep these tips in mind as well to save your wallet from dying once Christmas comes knocking on your door.
For many of us, while we have the lights up and the tree decorated, there isn’t anything under the Christmas tree yet. You may not have bought a single present or even budgeted for presents. Here are nine easy, last-minute Christmas shopping tips for busy people trying to do their shopping on a budget.
Make a shopping list
Write down the list of people you plan on buying gifts for. Critically consider who should be on your gift list and don’t be afraid to trim it. Start with your immediate family and close friends, and selectively add to your list from there.
Set a spending limit
Many people overspend on Christmas gifts by letting their emotions get the best of them. It’s easy to feel guilty when it comes to holiday spending. Do you need to spend $50 on every one of your nieces and nephews? Definitely not.
(Via: https://scottalanturner.com/christmas-shopping-on-a-budget/)
The first thing you need to remember is to write a list of all the people you are giving gifts to, every single one of them. Then, think of an appropriate gift they will like and how much you are willing to spend in buying that particular present. Do this as early as possible, so you don’t miss out on great deals before the holiday season even starts and discounts are gone. Most malls and shops have different sale schedules all year round, take note when you can go to these places and how much you have money with you and what you can buy from your list. For those who hate being in a crowd of shoppers, you can also shop online like the majority of people do these days. You’d be surprised at how many do this now and the deals aren’t bad either.
Start Early
Don’t wait until after Thanksgiving to start buying holiday gifts. Keep your eyes open all year round for items friends and family would like; it’s often when you’re not looking for something specific that you stumble across the perfect gift for Dad or your best friend Jenny. Once December hits, you’ll be glad that you already have some people crossed off your list. Just make sure to keep all your advance gifts in a designated (and hidden, if necessary) spot so that you don’t forget a purchase you made months in advance.
And yes, I can’t stress it hard enough to start your shopping early whenever possible. You have more sales you can buy from and you don’t have to buy everything in one go, thus it’s more friendly to your wallet. You also have the luxury of time with you. You won’t unnecessarily stress yourself about petty things because you have more time on your hands to finish your Christmas shopping unlike those who prefer to buy when Christmas is almost there. And of course, you can take advantage of shopping at super great deals during Black Friday, perhaps among the last major discount, you can get from the biggest shopping spree of the year.
Hit Up Black Friday (If You Dare)
If you’re looking for great deals and aren’t afraid of battling large crowds, the day after Thanksgiving is a shopping must. Get a head start on fellow shoppers by checking a website like Blackfriday.org before the big day. The site compiles Black Friday ads from various stores and updates the information as it becomes available, allowing you to plan out which stores to hit and what products you intend to buy. Some stores even offer advance “Black Friday” sales before Thanksgiving, so it’s worth it to peruse the listings early. Be warned, though—some so-called “Black Friday” deals aren’t any cheaper than the regular sale price, so do some extra research before you camp out in the store parking lot at 2 a.m.
(Via: https://www.realsimple.com/holidays-entertaining/holidays/christmas/money-saving-holiday-shopping-tips#holiday-shopping-black-friday)
Now, it’s not all over after the Black Friday sale. What follows is it another epic shopping experience comes Cyber Monday. If people line up outside malls, shopping centers, and shops on Black Friday, you’d be needing your computer this time as you’d be placing your orders online. I’m sure many are no longer new to online shopping as it has evolved to become the preferred way of shopping for most consumers because of its sheer convenience. Imagine all the money you can save from gas/transportation, food, and all the hassle of having to go out there and spend hours looking for things you like when you can simply do it online in the comfort on your own homes. Best of all, you’d get your orders delivered to your doorsteps. Cyber Monday is one of your last resort to enjoy amazingly big discounts for potential Christmas presents you can buy for all those people on your list.
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Sports And The American Life
Many people are into all types of sports wherever you are in the world. Usually, a certain country has that one favorite sport but still, the citizens enjoy a wide assortment of athletic activities that bring about enjoyment not only to the athlete/player himself but to the audience too. Watching sports activities is a favorite past time of many and it is something most Americans can relate to. Many like spending their free days either lounging at home in front of the television watching a game or two or heading out to the venue itself and watch a game played live.
These sports events do not come cheap, though. Getting a seat in a much-awaited game can hurt your wallet. Despite the financial challenge, many sports fans willingly shell out their hard-earned money and cheer for their idols from the bleachers. And you don’t only spend for the ticket itself but also for transportation/gas, food, and some nice hats to protect you from the harsh rays of the sun, among others. If you are an average Joe, it is unlikely for you to ever set foot inside big game venues like the NBA or the NFL because of ludicrously expensive ticket prices.
Did you just drop a few hundred bucks or more going to a professional sporting event over the weekend? You're not alone.
Consumers shelled out $56 billion to attend sporting events over the past year, according to a new study by CreditCards.com. The amount includes the cost of tickets, transportation, and food and drinks. By way of comparison, that's more than double the $27 billion-plus that Americans spent on book purchases in 2015, according data from the Association of American Publishers.
"The fact that people are spending this amount of money on sporting events shows the emphasis they're putting on experience and memories instead of just stuff," said Matt Schulz, senior industry analyst for CreditCards.com.
(Via: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/11/americans-spend-56-billion-on-sporting-events.html)
As this trend goes on, it becomes obvious then that lower-income generating families tend to avoid live game events and would rather watch from the comforts of their home. Sporting events are a multi-billion dollar industry that not everyone can afford but it continues to attract big audiences from the middle and upper class of society. Not only that, people spend on sporting goods and equipment too and this is more evident now as more and more people want to become fit and healthy and lead an active lifestyle.
The $2.6-billion stadium Rams owner Stan Kroenke is building in Inglewood will be the world’s costliest venue with a ticket pricing plan that would offer the most expensive seats in NFL history.
According to a document obtained by The Times, the highest priced personal seat licenses for Rams games could range from $175,000 to $225,000 per seat. It would far eclipse the $150,000 PSLs offered by the Dallas Cowboys at AT&T Stadium.
The license only entitles the owner to purchase a Rams season ticket after paying the one-time fee, which in a first for the NFL will be refundable — without interest — after 50 years. The buyer must then purchase a game ticket with the best club seats tentatively priced between $350 and $400 a game. The PSL can be sold to another party with permission from the Rams, a standard practice in the league.
(Via: http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-rams-psl-20170831-story.html)
You don’t have much choice either but to spend a lot if you are a sports fanatic. Pay-per-view is as costly as a real live game. Both has its pros and cons. It’s all up to you what you like most. If it’s your favorite team, you’d likely go watch it live so you can support them in person but either way, watching on TV is great as well for those who do not want to inconvenience themselves with long lines and mingling with a big crowd. Whichever of the two, you’d still pay for it just to be able to watch your favorite sports game when you want it.
Sports And The American Life See more on: TNI
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Senior Health: As Fragile As Their Aging Bodies
We understand that becoming sickly is quite expected as you age because your body degenerates over time. It is a fact of life. However, it does not mean that your quality of life deteriorates as well simply because you are aging. We are all expected to age, yet some manage to age gracefully and live a quality life in the twilight of their lives compared to others. Yet the majority of the elderly struggle in doing even the most basic of tasks and it has given everyone the notion that getting old is a major bummer.
Well, it is true in most cases since you move slower as you age as your physical body becomes more fragile than ever. It is the reason why the elderly are included in the vulnerable groups together with young children and pregnant women. It does not also come as a surprise that most elderly people take a lot of maintenance medications for a variety of health conditions they are diagnosed with. Most of us think that it is better for older people to take many meds to ensure they live longer and beat whatever diseases they have but it seems we are actually mistaken. Medicine is not always the cure nor is aggressive medical treatment.
Geriatricians like Taler come in, talk to the patient, examine their pills and make recommendations that ideally are aimed at the whole patient, not just his or her heart or lungs or pancreas. With a frail elderly patient who may not have many years to live, some of the established drugs and procedures don’t make sense anymore.
Are a diabetic patient’s other doctors pushing too hard to lower his blood sugar, raising the risk of a faint, which could result in a broken hip? Is an orthopedist recommending arthroscopic surgery—a procedure, research shows, that doesn’t cure arthritis? All those expensive Mohs procedures to remove precancerous growths—given how slow-growing they are, is it always worth the time, expense and strain on the patient to remove them so carefully?
“A lot of what we do is try to prevent harm by other providers,” said Sei Lee, associate medical director at the University of California Center for Geriatric Care in San Francisco. “The cultural norm in geriatrics is that we are trying to do more with less. We try to protect our patients from some of the iatrogenic harms. We were the choir when Choosing Wisely came out.”
(Via: http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2017/09/27/choosing-wisely-medical-care-costs-000527)
Doctors are changing their management approach when it comes to treating elderly patients. If you look closely at the long list of drugs and treatments that many elderly patients receive over the years, a lot of them are deemed unnecessary and may even be detrimental to the senior’s life (and health) one way or the other. Sometimes many medical providers push for aggressive treatment that the frail body of an elderly person can no longer take, making them more prone to certain accidents or infections rather than making them well again.
“Aging itself is not inevitably associated with a decline in mood and quality of life,” says Karl-Heinz Ladwig, summarizing the results in a release. “It is rather the case that psychosocial factors such as depression or anxiety impair subjective well-being.” Helmholtz Zentrum München, head of the Mental Health Research Group at the Institute of Epidemiology II, and professor of Psychosomatic Medicine at the TUM University Hospital adds, “And in the case of women, living alone also plays an important role.”
For the current study, Ladwig and his team relied on data derived from about 3,600 participants with an average age of 73 who had taken part in the population-based KORA-Age Study. “What made the study particularly interesting was the fact that the impact of stress on emotional well-being has barely been investigated in a broader, non-clinical context,” says Karoline Lukaschek, epidemiologist in the Mental Health Research Group and lead author of the paper. “Our study therefore explicitly included anxiety, depression and sleep disorders.”
(Via: http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2017/09/elderly-sleep-disorders-negative-effect-well-psychosocial-factors-biggest-impact/)
We can’t stop the hands of time. Your body goes through various changes as you live your life and the stress of all the past years takes its toll on your body. It is not just the wrinkles that line your face that causes you to feel down but the lack of sleep as well that often accompanies aging aside from all the other bothersome and painful symptoms of the conditions most seniors are diagnosed with. But with prompt and proper holistic treatment, the elderly people can still live independently and not always succumb to sickness.
Doctors should not just prescribe the first drug that comes to mind and think of the elderly patient in a context that is not limited to their condition but as a living and breathing human being that needs a balance of tender love and care along with the appropriate medical intervention.
Senior Health: As Fragile As Their Aging Bodies is courtesy of The New Influencers
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Just How Sane Is The President?
We can’t deny that President Trump won the election fair and square but still, he is the one that issued complaints of election fraud. His personality is as colorful as the life he has lived so far and he makes all his thoughts known to everyone in Twitter, even up to now that he is the most powerful man in America. Many start to wonder just how sane the president is because of his off comments, bigger than life personality, radical views, and just almost everything about him spells weird or out of the norm.
Despite winning the presidency, it has not stopped President Trump from being himself from then on until now. Hence the detractors are always busy writing up stories about him and critiquing the way he runs the nation. He promised to make America great again and it looks like it is far from becoming a reality with North Korea constantly issuing threats against the mainland US and Guam as of late as well as firing a test missile that landed in the Pacific that even passed by Japan’s northern part. So, it is but understandable for US citizens to be worried about the country if the president doesn’t seem to get his act together and can’t even unite the Republicans in the Congress to repeal his much loathed, the Affordable Care Act more popularly known as Obamacare.
So the 75-year-old Coronado resident and retired Duke University psychiatrist perks up when he hears the increasingly open speculation about whether President Trump has the disorder or some other form of mental illness.
His verdict: No.
But that doesn’t mean he approves of Trump’s behavior. Far from it, as he makes clear in a scathingly critical new book, “Twilight of American Sanity: A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump,” due out Tuesday.
“Blaming Trump for all our troubles misses the deeper, underlying societal sickness that made possible his unlikely ascent,” Frances writes.
By societal sickness, he means the “delusions” that deny the impacts of climate change, overpopulation, resource depletion, income inequality — problems that will “bequeath to our children an unlivable planet.” He was concerned about those before last November’s election.
“I don’t think Trump is the problem,” Frances said. “He’s the symptom of the underlying disease.”
(Via: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/entertainment/books/sd-me-trump-frances-20170831-story.html)
It is known by almost everyone how much people talk about the president’s current state of mental health. While it was refuted in this article, it does not normalize the president’s behavior either and acknowledges many of his wrongs that he consider as perfectly normal. Many are rallying up to push for resolutions citing how unfit the president is in leading the country as its highest elected official because of the many times he displayed erratic and weird behaviors. If this keeps up, his critics may be able to find a ground to have him ousted from office for real.
In his column “Using medical terms to mislabel Donald Trump won’t stop his mad presidency,” Allen Frances argues that mental illness and “bad behavior” are antithetical, with the suggestion that President Trump is “bad, not mad.”
We believe it does a disservice to public discussions of mental illness to create a false dichotomy between “mad” vs. “bad,” given that these kinds of behaviors and symptoms sometimes co-occur. It is certainly true that many individuals with mental illness do not manifest “bad” behaviors that harm others. Nevertheless, some mental disorders are characterized and even defined by behaviors that harm others — bad behaviors in Dr. Frances’ words.
(Via: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/08/28/readers-donald-trump-mental-health/609271001/)
It is not at all comforting for others to confirm that President’s Trump mental health is just fine and he is apparently as healthy as a horse. It even makes him more of a threat and a danger to a civilized society like America simply because of who he is. His unstable behavior may hinder his judgment and make him prone to making bad or biased decisions that aren't entirely for the best of the entire populace. The mere fact Trump isn’t at all bothered of his behavior is a big red flag to everyone.
Just How Sane Is The President? is republished from NewInfluencers.com
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Why You Need To Learn A New Language
The world is fast becoming one big market since the Internet paved the way for increasing globalization. There may be wars fought here and there and religion remains to be the great divide for some but we can’t deny how increasingly smaller the world has become as we continue to embrace all that technology has to offer. Social media enabled people to interact with others from thousands of miles away and make a joke about the physical distance between people as we connect, reconnect, and interact with others the world over.
It is even common now for people from different parts of the globe to compete for the same job especially when it is something that can be done over the web. While English remains to be the #1 language used in most companies, institutions, and organizations, it won’t hurt if you learn a foreign language or two as it will give you an edge over competitors or make it easier for you to build rapport to other races that aren’t always savvy with the English language. It might also come in handy if you love to travel far-away places that aren’t native English speakers like South Korea, Japan, China, Germany, Spain, France and many others.
I have been learning languages since the age of 10, when I started French at junior school – and I’ve never looked back. Learning French led to learning Latin, then German, then Spanish and then even some Italian. It has helped me to make wonderful friends in this country and abroad (linguists and others), and given me a first-class university education, a successful career in business and academia, a knowledge of other countries and cultures, a love of wine and food and indirectly of classical music, art and heritage – and an ability to communicate with people at all levels.
In spite of the undoubted importance of English internationally, other languages still matter at the local level and for a whole host of other reasons. A lot of smart organisations favour job applicants with language skills because they are clever, flexible and able to think outside the box, in addition to the obvious benefits of being able to communicate with speakers of other languages. 
(Via: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/sep/03/learn-languages-at-school-and-expand-your-horizons)
Not only does learning a new language make you look smart, it can help you get into a study abroad program, a new job, get promoted, get an overseas assignment (with higher pay and better perks), get to meet new friends, and so much more. Speaking another language raises your awareness and appreciation for other culture, food, and the arts among others. You’ll soon notice that more opportunities open up once you have a deeper understanding of another language.
Prime Minister Bill English has launched National's election campaign with a series of $379 million education policies - including giving every primary student the chance to learn a second language.
Other parts of the package are aimed at improving the teaching of maths to primary schools, IT digital learning for senior secondary school students and extending National Standards.
English made the announcement to a rally of at least 2500 people at Henderson in West Auckland today.
English said that voters would have an important choice between two very different visions for New Zealand.
(Via: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11912050)
NZ officials know very well how powerful learning a second language is and they are giving their citizens an access to do that with the government’s support. The economy gets better if its people can communicate better with other races now that the global market is more competitive than ever. The entire world can be your oyster if you just know how to reach out and connect with others. And learning a new language starts at school where a young child’s mind is honed, educated, and prepared for what awaits in real life. Other governments should follow in New Zealand’s footstep and invest more in children’s education especially that they are the future of any nation.
Why You Need To Learn A New Language is republished from The New Influencers
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Kids Aren’t Safe From Sleep Apnea
We like to think that only adults suffer from the woes of sleep apnea. Well, it is a common misconception as we usually associate sleep disorders like sleep apnea with snoring sleeping adults but we’re about to be proved wrong. Sleep apnea affects people of all ages and sizes although your genes can predispose you to it even more. If you aren’t aware of it yet, children’s tonsils and adenoids (the glands in the throat at the back of the nose) are often removed because of sleep apnea as these body parts are often at their largest during the early years of life in contrast to the airway.
While it is hard to determine right away what medical conditions children are suffering from because of their failure to verbalize it or describe their symptoms properly, common symptoms of sleep apnea in kids include behavioral problems at school and daytime fatigue aside from the snoring sound when asleep, of course, if left untreated. A child will not only subsequently suffer from health complications but it is also common for kids to struggle with their studies as learning difficulties usually come hand in hand with sleep apnea among children.
Medical experts are warning parents that if you hear your young son or daughter snoring, it could potentially be a sign that the child is suffering from sleep apnea.
"It should raise a flag," Dr. Sydney Butts, an ear, nose and throat doctor in New York City told ABC News of snoring in children. "You should think about watching some other signs and symptoms that may kind of sound the alarm."
"It's not a problem restricted to adults," Butts added of sleep apnea. "It's actually one of the most common reasons why children need their tonsils or adenoids removed."
If untreated, sleep apnea can lead to chronic heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity and other health problems, according to the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA).
(Via: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/parents-sleep-apnea-children/story?id=49831250)
Aside from that, kids will also show signs of ADHD along with delayed growth and development and heart problems. After all, sleeping is a major restorative process that does the human body a lot of good especially that of a growing child. Once nighttime falls, they will also exhibit loud snoring, breathing pauses that is the major danger in sleep apnea, and restlessness during sleeping.
CHILDREN who snore are more at risk of developing reduced intellectual abilities, high blood pressure and behaviour issues than sound sleepers.
Worrying new research shows snoring in children is leading to long-term harm far beyond broken sleep because lower oxygen levels during the night can cause brain damage and cardiovascular problems.
A study of more than 260 children by a Monash University team found blood pressure in snorers is 10 per cent higher than those who slept soundly.
It also found the snorers — who made up 30 per cent of the children studied — suffered reduced mental abilities and displayed poor behaviour.
(Via: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/new-data-shows-snoring-kids-face-higher-medical-risks/news-story/dedf743d8e806cae805a53eeb10954e2)
Snoring is nothing but harmless for kids. Parents should be alert and take action right away to get their kids checked by a doctor to determine what interventions are best suited for the child especially that such a condition like sleep apnea has detrimental (and possibly irreversible) effects to the heart and the brain. And remember, sleep apnea is characterized by countless breathing pauses in your sleep, so imagine your child lying in bed not breathing for quite some time. A disturbing thought, indeed.
Surgery is usually the best option for kids due to their enlarged tonsils and adenoids. For adults, CPAP is the ideal management but the use of anti-snoring mouthpieces can also be used to treat sleep apnea as they are also effective in correcting the anatomical deformity that predisposes a person to this sleep disorder. Prompt treatment is the key to prevent long-term complications that can make your child’s life difficult in the years to come.
Kids Aren’t Safe From Sleep Apnea is republished from https://www.newinfluencers.com/
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Collaborative Efforts To Help Further Scientific Research
We have science to give credit for all the perks of modern living we now enjoy. For the longest time, the brilliant minds of scientists are what enabled them to come up with innovative technologies and processes that had definitely transformed the way we live over the years. While we’d like to think that the scientific community can very well take care of itself today now that they probably have access to millions, even billions, of funds and can easily connect with equally brilliant minds the world over, it seems we are greatly mistaken. There are many issues they are facing today and knowing that others are pitching in to help eases the worry of these experts in losing any progress they have made on ongoing scientific studies and trials.
We all know that the world is changing and it has an impact on everyone no matter how big or small it may be. Not all the time the scientists can rely on whatever support they are now getting to help them surpass all the obstacles that come their way but it seems that it’s not always enough especially if they are facing the wrath of Mother Nature. It is exactly the same situation Texan scientists faced after the state was recently left in utter devastation by Hurricane Harvey. Looking at the extent of the damage this hurricane left in its wake, it is highly possible that almost nobody was spared even those who have devoted their lives to the pursuit of science.
Houston is home to over two million people, some 30,000 of which will be left homeless in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. It’s also home to multiple major research institutions, many of which took heavy hits from the storm. Houston scientists study everything from cardiovascular disease to the movements of the planets, and after checking in on family and friends, some also checked in on their labs—where water-damaged equipment, floods, and power outages mean losing ground on critical experiments, or losing them entirely.
Following conversations with colleagues on Twitter, Tim Mosca, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University in Pennsylvania, wanted to help researchers impacted by Harvey. “My lab and I put up a message, just something very general: If you’ve been displaced by Harvey let us know how we can help.”
(Via: http://www.popsci.com/scientists-mobilize-save-research-harvey)
Aside from Houston residents that have been affected by this force of nature, there were also plenty of research institutions that have been drowned in floodwater in the days that follow after the storm. Laboratories weren’t spared and it got scientists really worried especially that power outages were also common. But fortunately, social media is being used properly right now and as many as 150 research facilities all over the country volunteered to help those labs that have been badly hit by the storm. They used the hashtag #SciHelpTX as they called for help.
When artists and scientists get together, creative sparks can fly. Collaborative sci-art projects are increasingly popular and one obvious benefit is the greater visibility of the research through the artist’s work.
Our project explored scientific and artistic aspects of Antarctic ice crystals.
But what’s in it for the scientists? It reinvigorates a curiosity about the system and brings an outsider perspective - but one that is expert in observing.
(Via: https://theconversation.com/when-artists-get-involved-in-research-science-benefits-82147)
We always hear the saying teamwork makes the dream work and it is undeniably true. Any task, no matter how big it is, becomes lighter and bearable when the work is shared by many. It’s the same thing with science. Not everyone really cares what scientists got up their sleeves in their hidden, sterile labs unless we are made aware how we benefit from it, but otherwise, we simply don’t care.
It’s a different thing when it comes to the arts. There is always someone who is artsy and likes everything related to arts. When you combine the two together, science undoubtedly benefits from the mass appeal the arts has on people and in a way even encourage philanthropists or other private organizations to fund many scientific studies that can use more money in furthering their work. As long as others are willing to support science, the life that we know today will continue to progress and take everyone to new frontiers we only used to dream of in the past.
Collaborative Efforts To Help Further Scientific Research See more on: TNI
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Extending The Life Of Your Smartphone
Billions are connected to the web right now through their smartphones. It is a convenient and efficient way to go global without getting burdened by the often heavy and bulky laptops and computers that used to be the only devices we can use to access the web. The wireless Internet technology is almost a necessity now as people access the web each day because of the popularity of social media. No wonder smartgadgets have become staples because, for the majority, their virtual life is just as important as their personal life.
Yet as much as we love our gadgets, they can be a cause of concern at times especially that they have technical limitations that can annoy us from time to time. Storage and connection are common issues and most smartphones only work efficiently for a given number of years. After that, replacing it with a newer one is inevitable as many companies regularly release new models with better specs and features. It’s the reason why consumers often upgrade after a year of two because they are tempted of the specs these new models have that definitely improved the entire user experience.
We all know one of the biggest motivators to get a new smartphone is upgraded specs on a new phone's camera. But what if you could upgrade the camera without having to buy a whole new phone? In an effort to reduce waste, Fairphone now offers exactly that.
Launched in 2013, Fairphone bills itself as a more ethical smartphone company, which includes being transparent about where it sources its minerals (which, it admits, still aren't 100 percent conflict free), and encouraging users not to update their model if they don't need to. The company's second generation phone, which launched last year, has always been designed to be modular, but the camera is the first core function upgradeable by users.
(Via: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/wjjkkw/the-fair-trade-smartphone-now-has-an-upgradeable-modular-camera)
While we have tech needs that we can’t just easily ignore today, we should also consider what our new habits do to our environment. E-waste is a growing threat to Mother Nature and now is the best time to take initiative about this while we still have time to act. If upgradeable smartphones indeed become accessible to the masses, it will significantly cut down our e-waste and help us save money too since we don’t have to constantly upgrade our gadgets in order to enjoy better specs.
The first upgradeable smartphone modules were announced today, a move that could save consumers money, reduce waste and shake up the business models of tech giants Apple and Samsung.
Fairphone’s 70,000 customers will be able to slot upgraded camera modules into their phones after they go on sale in September. Modular upgrades promise to keep phones up-to-date, extending their life and reducing waste, green groups say.
EEB waste policy expert Stephane Arditi said: “Well done Fairphone for pioneering modular upgrades and getting us a step closer to phones that last a lifetime. The big question now is whether the firm’s modularity will take a bite out of the rotten mainstream business models, or whether Apple, Samsung and others will join the revolution.
(Via: http://eeb.org/modularity/)
This concept may be the answer to many of the world’s present-day dilemma and may even put a halt to the rapid acceleration of climate change and global warming. However, we aren’t yet sure if major smartphone manufacturers like Apple and Samsung will embrace the idea knowing how their profits will go down even if it is the best option for the environment. Business is still a business. The people can only access such innovative products if it is sold affordably to the masses. If only a small company does this, it won’t likely be sold reasonably nor will it hit all the racks in most major cities. For now, just do what you can in caring for your smartphone, so you can still count on it to give you access to the online world whenever you want to.
Extending The Life Of Your Smartphone was initially seen on The New Influencers
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
To Pop That Pill Or Not?
Mankind has survived centuries of life here on Earth. Although it may look effortless to us now, it was actually a struggle for our ancestors especially that the elements were far more unforgiving in the past and they lacked the modern conveniences we now enjoy. And as the years go by, men learned to adapt and manage common issues that affect humans. Aside from food, shelter, and protection, human health is a major cause of concern in the absence of modern medicine.
The medicines we now take saved countless of lives through the years. However, there is now such a thing as antibiotic resistance that we also have to deal with. So, it is no longer unusual that people opt not to take medicines whenever possible and rely on their body’s own immune system to fight off infections and build immunity. The question is, are we really doing our body a favor when we skip drinking these pills or do we really need them to stay healthy and well in this modern world plagued by viruses and bacteria that have likewise evolved?
THE World Health Organization (WHO) is challenging all member-states to work for the reduction of incidents where medicines cause harm, and sometimes death, to people. In a statement, the WHO said it is launching a global initiative to reduce severe, avoidable medication-associated harm in all countries by 50 percent for the next five years.
Although we often think of medicines as tools in promoting health and in treating diseases, at times they can also work to your disadvantage and be the reason for you to feel sick and unwell.
 The Challenge calls on countries to take early action to address key factors, including medicines with a high risk of harm if used improperly; patients who take multiple medications for different diseases and conditions; and patients going through transitions of care, in order to reduce medication errors and harm to patients. "Preventing errors and the harm that results requires putting systems and procedures in place to ensure the right patient receives the right medication at the right dose via the right route at the right time," said Chan.
(Via: http://www.sunstar.com.ph/manila/local-news/2017/03/30/who-wants-cut-medicine-related-harms-half-2022-533881)
However, if you need to take a medicine to treat a disease or a condition and it was prescribed by your doctor, don’t put it off and just pop that pill or see your health deteriorate right in front of your own eyes.
 There is an out-of-control epidemic in the United States that costs more and affects more people than any disease Americans currently worry about. It’s called nonadherence to prescribed medications, and it is — potentially, at least — 100 percent preventable by the very individuals it afflicts.
The numbers are staggering. “Studies have consistently shown that 20 percent to 30 percent of medication prescriptions are never filled, and that approximately 50 percent of medications for chronic disease are not taken as prescribed,” according to a review in Annals of Internal Medicine. People who do take prescription medications — whether it’s for a simple infection or a life-threatening condition — typically take only about half the prescribed doses.
This lack of adherence, the Annals authors wrote, is estimated to cause approximately 125,000 deaths and at least 10 percent of hospitalizations, and to cost the American health care system between $100 billion and $289 billion a year.
(Via: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/17/well/the-cost-of-not-taking-your-medicine.html?_r=0)
One should take drinking medicines seriously to prevent developing a resistance to certain drugs and face even bigger problems later on. Human may be one of the strongest and most superior species in the planet but our health can also be so fragile especially when sick. Medicines came to be because they serve the purpose of improving our health when our immunity goes down. Most medicines are actually made from natural and organic substances while others are made from chemicals and manufactured in the labs that may do more harm than good when too much is taken.
The question whether to pop that pill or not is not a difficult one to answer at all. Take whatever your doctor has prescribed you, whether it is a medicine or supplement and take the desired drug and dose at the right time to achieve the desired effect. Other than that, you put your health at risk and even risk having the drug work the opposite for you if you don’t heed doctor’s order.
To Pop That Pill Or Not? was originally published on The New Influencers
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Why Laughter Is Still The Best Medicine
Having a good laugh is one of the best feelings in the world. Laughter helps you fight stress, build immunity and forget your worries even for a while. You also look younger when you smile and laugh often. After all, it takes 65 muscles to frown and only 15 to smile. Your face will not only radiate happiness but make your more approachable to people too.
It is no joke that laughter is considered as the best medicine by many. Laughter has worked positively among people who are confined in hospitals or diagnosed with an illness. Although it does not cure or treat the underlying medical condition per se but laughing makes people feel good, and in a way, it helps them cope better with their sickness and promote faster recovery. Laughing is also innate in humans, as natural as breathing goes. And it is easy for us to smile and laugh whenever we find something amusing or funny.
 The saying goes that laughter is the best medicine and there’s no denying the fact that our spirits lift when we smile or laugh. But why exactly is it so therapeutic and what can we do to make sure humour remains a constant component of our everyday lives?
National Humour Month kicked off on 1st April. Also known as April Fool’s Day, 1st April is a day when it’s culturally OK to laugh, joke and prank our friends and family. The sentiment behind National Humour Month is more serious - it’s about raising awareness of the therapeutic value of humor; what happens to our bodies, our mental wellbeing and our quality of life when we laugh and joke.
(Via: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/professor-ewan-gillon-/its-national-humour-month_b_15826092.html)
While many of us find jokes funny, it is actually its delivery that makes people laugh even more, so surrounded yourself with happy people because their sunny disposition will likely rub off on you too. After all, the saying goes that “tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are,” couldn’t be any truer.
 The question of whether laughter is truly the best medicine for physical and psychological ailments has floated around the public for years. People have wondered if humor is a valid remedy when enduring trauma — and they may have reason to believe in its effectiveness.
According to a 2014 study conducted by Barbara Butler, a science librarian for the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology at the University of Oregon, a positive emotional state may increase pain tolerance, enhance immunity and undo cardiovascular consequences of negative emotions.
Butler also concluded that using humor as a coping strategy may benefit physical health indirectly by moderating adverse effects of stress. William Fry, a psychology professor at Stanford University and one of the first scientists to suggest studying the effects of laughter, revealed in Butler’s study that humor and mirth contribute positively to maintaining health from a physiological standpoint.
In terms of cardiovascular benefits, Megan Robbins, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California Riverside, said laughter reduces arterial stiffness while also providing exercise to ab muscles and others. Butler confirmed Robbins’ assertion of contributions to exercise by revealing that laughing out loud 20 times produces a cardiovascular workout similar to three minutes of work on a rowing machine.
(Via: http://arizonasonoranewsservice.com/laughter-may-increase-physical-and-emotion-well-being/)
Experts discovered a positive correlation between laughter and positive physical, mental and emotional well-being. Laughter promotes balance and renews the human mind and body, which in a way hastens recovery when one is sick or build immunity so one does not get sick often.
 Humor is a powerful healing agent, and not only for depression and anxiety. Here are just a few of the health benefits packed in laughter.
Laughter Decreases Pain
Laughter Boosts Immunity
Laughter Reduces Stress
Laughter Helps Prevent Heart Disease
Laughter Burns Calories
(Via: http://www.everydayhealth.com/columns/therese-borchard-sanity-break/health-benefits-of-laughing/)
Laughing is a great way for you to help deal with stress especially when you get sick all the time. It stimulates the production and release of endorphins known as the body’s happy hormones, which generally makes you feel good. You don’t always need expensive pills to boost your health. Sometimes, the simple act of laughing is all you need to combat sickness and leave you with a happy disposition in life.
But laughter may not always be the answer to your health issues. There are certain medical conditions where laughter is not enough to cure you and requires appropriate medical treatment to address it. At times it may involve having to take certain medications or undergoing specific procedures but still, you can benefit from the world’s natural stress reliever and painkiller as clinical studies have proven that the body recovers from illness faster when you are happy. So, I guess you have nothing to lose if your laugh often especially at times when nothing seems to go right because only then can you see the finer points in life.
Why Laughter Is Still The Best Medicine Read more on: The New Influencers Blog
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
The Struggles Of Educating The Youth
Despite the many advancements in technology nowadays, a lot of people throughout the world still live in poverty and lacking even in the most basic of services. Many third world countries lack sufficient housing for the poor, access to clean water, regular food supply and so much more. While we can only see mostly good things on social media, many nations are actually ravaged by poverty and war and citizens are displaced leaving them with hungry tummies and devoid of material possessions.
While there is little we can do once nation leaders decide to attack each other, a good education can change your destiny and open up better opportunities in life. You need not suffer in an environment devoid of opportunities by chasing your dreams yourself and not wait for things to happen. In a world that is becoming increasingly global, competition is tough as people from different parts of the world compete for the same work positions in the digital world. The advantage, though, is that many new opportunities opened up that weren’t there before when the Internet still haven’t dominated the world. But despite how far we have come in the field of technology, the opposite could be said about the quality of our education.
Buoyed by Donald Trump’s championing of a voucher system—and cheered on by his education secretary Betsy DeVos—Arizona just passed one of the country's most thoroughgoing policies in favor of so-called “school of choice.” The legislation signed by Governor Doug Ducey allows students who withdraw from the public system to use their share of state funding for private school, homeschooling, or online education.
Making educational funding “portable” is part of a much wider political movement that began in the 1970s—known to scholars as neoliberalism—which views the creation of markets as necessary for the existence of individual liberty. In the neoliberal view, if your public institutions and spaces don’t resemble markets, with a range of consumer options, then you aren’t really free. The goal of neoliberalism is thereby to rollback the state, privatize public services, or (as in the case of vouchers) engineer forms of consumer choice and market discipline in the public sector.
(Via: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/04/is-school-choice-really-a-form-of-freedom/523089/)
Many were actually against the appointment of DeVos as the Education Secretary but the sentiments of the masses do not really matter that much to President Trump, who knows so little as well about Politics as his appointee. But hopefully, he proves the naysayers wrong and gives importance to the education of the American youth if he really wants to make America great again.
Just weeks after President Donald Trump proposed axing $9 billion in federal education programs, he said his administration is planning to “spend a lot of money” on education in order to increase the number of students graduating with the skills needed to fill current employment gaps.
“We’re going to spend a lot of money … and we’re going to get some great talent having to do with education because there is nothing more important than education,” he said at a town hall for CEOs Tuesday morning.
The comments were in response to a question about how the administration might help better prepare students to graduate with the skills CEOs are looking for, in particular through the expansion of apprenticeship programs and public-private partnerships.
(Via: https://www.usnews.com/news/education-news/articles/2017-04-04/trump-promises-to-spend-big-on-education-weeks-after-proposing-billions-in-cuts)
When you look closely, it is easy to understand why the American economy has suffered badly over the years. It is because more American youth end up joining the workforce early on rather than going to colleges and universities and earning their degrees. The tuition fee is so expensive that even those who manage to graduate are deep in debt even years after they graduated. Aside from that, the world is changing, so is the marketplace. The job mismatch is more evident than ever with many students graduating not possessing the right skills needed by most companies.
Technology is advancing at such a fast rate. Students should be aware of all these advancements if they want to stay competitive and be hired by the best companies in the country. Another problem that also hurts the job prospects of many Americans is that many companies hire from off-shore to save money without sacrificing quality. If the American workforce can provide the manpower needed by these companies, they no longer need to hire employees from thousands of miles away. All these are only possible if the government can prioritize education over other things like warfare and defense. The country needs to get back on track and it needs smart and skilled workers with a degree on their belts to give a boost to the country’s failing economy.
The article The Struggles Of Educating The Youth Find more on: NewInfluencers.com
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
The Senate’s Health Care Bill: Pass Or Fail?
Health is as important as education to the public. They play a major role in uplifting the quality of our lives and both (education and health) also requires money, a lot of it. How ironic. These two should actually be the top priorities of the government. Not all governments are perfect but it’s not acceptable for them to compromise the health and well-being of the public because of personal vested interests. That’s how many Americans feel about the possible repeal of Obamacare. Although Obamacare has its flaws, it has its finer points that should not be totally ignored as well.
There has been a lot of drama already regarding its repeal since President Trump assumed office. He, for starters, is hell bent on getting Obama’s legacy rendered obsolete and irrelevant in Trump’s America. Starting from discussions in the House and now in the Senate, Republicans and Democrats make up a good fight. But then, should they really be arguing over this issue because of party affiliations when they should be thinking of the public’s welfare every single time?
We’ve seen this movie before. Republicans, after a secretive drafting process, finally unveil a health care bill. But the initial reaction is tepid, with both moderate and conservative Republicans expressing “concerns” and demanding changes to the bill.
That’s what happened when the House Republican leadership released their health care bill, the American Health Care Act, in March. And that’s what happened on Thursday, when Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released the Senate’s version of a health care bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act.
Soon after the BCRA was officially released, four conservative senators — Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Ron Johnson — issued a statement saying they were “not ready to vote for this bill,” although they also said they were “open to negotiation” about it. This was hardly the only opposition to the bill, however. According to the Washington Post’s whip count, five other relatively moderate Republicans — Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Dean Heller, Rob Portman and Shelley Moore Capito — said they had serious concerns with the bill, ranging from its defunding Planned Parenthood to its cutting funds for Medicaid.
(Via: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/will-the-senate-pass-its-health-care-bill/)
Trump has been pressuring Democrat legislators into passing this new health care bill for months now and he wasn’t even subtle in doing it. Everyone can tell how badly he wants to get Obamacare replaced for good and overhaul the US health care system. It’s not a joke what they are doing now because the fate (and health) of millions of Americans are at the mercy of what these senators decide to vote for.
The health-care proposal unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday came under immediate attack from conservative and centrist Republican senators as well as industry officials, casting the bill’s viability into doubt even as GOP leaders plan to bring it to a final vote next week.
The 142-page bill, which McConnell (R-Ky.) released after weeks of drafting it in secrecy, drew swift criticism from hard-right senators who argued it does not go far enough in undoing Barack Obama’s signature health-care law, the Affordable Care Act. It also prompted an outcry from centrist senators and medical organizations worried that it takes on the law, known as Obamacare, too aggressively and would lead to millions losing their health care or receiving fewer benefits.
These critics effectively delivered their opening bids in what is expected to be a contentious week of negotiations. 
(Via: https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/senate-gop-leaders-set-to-unveil-health-care-bill/2017/06/22/56dbe35c-5734-11e7-a204-ad706461fa4f_story.html?utm_term=.b085702846c1)
Republicans tried to address different controversial provisions to ensure it will get the necessary votes for it to overthrow Obamacare from its spot but it was not an easy feat because they faced a lot of criticisms right from the start. However, it won’t be long before all of America finally finds out what the verdict will be and many are nervous in anticipation as to what the winning vote will be. It’s hard not being covered by a health insurance these days because it is expensive to get sick. You can die if you don’t have the cash to burn in health care institutions. There’s a lot at stake here and the public is hoping that whatever the result will be, they won’t be on the losing end.
The Senate’s Health Care Bill: Pass Or Fail? is courtesy of TNI Blog
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thenewinfluencers · 7 years
Activism Takes Over Social Media
Social media is the hottest thing to hit the planet these days. Everyone is glued to their screens, busy browsing through various social networks. If you think about it, social media has become an obsession for many – addiction to selfies among other things. Who would’ve thought we could all become stars in our own rights. After all, it is our wall and we are free to post whatever we want.
And considering how widespread social media is the world over, it has also served as an effective platform for different causes. Businesses take advantage of search engine optimization including social media to promote and grow their brand in the digital world. Even world leaders and news organizations utilize social media to reach the people and deliver important news and updates that involves the state and the welfare of its people. No wonder we also see a rise in social media activists who voice out their opinions and influence the public by posting through various social media channels.
Last week, The Cavalier Daily’s Editorial Board argued in favor of social media as a way to make causes visible for social activism. The board asserted that social media “expediently disseminates information and effectively unites people for a single cause.” This argument is valid, but the board greatly overestimates the impact of social media as a singular tool for change. Though it is a tool that can bring citizens together, it is not an omnipresent way to automatically start a social movement. Additionally, the board championed social media as a way to turn “local news into global news.” By presenting an overly broad argument about the effects of social media on activist movements, the board undercut the complexity of activist movements and overestimated the ability of the average person to make change using social media.
The assertion that social media can turn local news into global stories, while valid, is grossly overestimated. Social media websites can reach large groups of people — particularly when posts are actively spread — but they can also be a wasteland where interesting news and important issues are hidden amongst memes and cat videos. Social media is also rendered ineffective without active users sharing posts from person to person. Though the platforms represent a way for citizens to assert their beliefs and advertise for events, movements can be stunted before they get off the ground if they do not inspire immediate interest from users. One of the biggest misconceptions about social media platforms is that they reach all users around the world and are the easiest way to unite all citizens for social movements.
(Via: http://www.cavalierdaily.com/article/2017/03/the-reality-of-social-media-activism)
However, it has its drawbacks like any other thing on the planet. While we assume that the majority of the population are into social media in our tech-craze world, a big number of people still don’t have access to the Internet or even have social media accounts. And as such, it is not fair to think that whatever is shown on social media is really the sentiment of everyone when many others don’t actually have an idea what is going on over the World Wide Web. So, how can activists utilize social media properly?
 In this age of internet activism, there have been moments, Kony 2012 or the Ice Bucket Challenge, that have painted the public’s understanding of activism in the digital age. Was their success purely random chance? Or is there a formula for starting a movement? While generating heaps of online attention is admirable, much valid criticism stems from the notion that such one-offs generate little tangible impact in the “real world”.
While the ability to instantly reach thousands if not millions of people online has opened entirely new possibilities for organizers, building and sustaining a movement requires more than does a viral one-off.
Identify achievable goals
Honor your volunteers
Understand the (social) media
(Via: https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabrickman/2017/03/22/three-commandments-for-online-activism/#1a95bc4d2f4d)
Activists no longer raises up their placards on the streets, shouting until their throats run dry or having to endure the heat of the sun. Social media is a more convenient option to make your voice heard by more people with just a few clicks.
 When you type be ready to act too. The power of words can transform into action. The power of social media as activism is simply an amazing thing. If you have a strong enough message you can use it for the benefit of others; reaching those who have the same voice, to drive awareness and charity campaigning. When news needs to travel fast there is nothing like Twitter. An idea can spread in minutes. Some friends and I wanted to help the refugees in Calais and in two weeks, purely through the power of Twitter and social media, ‘Help Refugees’ aid arrived in Calais.
But we have to be careful that we don’t replace activism with a status update. It’s so easy to make a bold statement online and feel like you’re actively adding to a cause, movement or view. But moaning on Facebook to 500 people you haven’t seen for 10 years isn’t being socially minded, it’s having a rant to people who don’t really care. Typing your feelings is a temporary relief; getting a ‘like’ can be an instant way to salve your conscience, but it’s not changing anything. If you’re experiencing sexism in the work place, then walk in and confront it. Don’t anonymize it online.
(Via: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/dawn-porter/social-media-power_b_15687486.html)
In a world that is continually in conflict, we get to enjoy the benefits offered by social media not only in uniting people with the same interests but in showing the world what causes really matter to the public. When used right, social media can help mobilize people to help achieve a bigger goal, whether it is during an electoral campaign or an important fundraising. But social media activism isn’t all about just posting something on social media, it is so much more.
Everything posted on the Internet stays forever. Whether you delete a post, chances are someone already took a screenshot of it that may be the reason for your undoing. But even if not, you can get into a heated argument because of an insensitive comment or a poorly typed status update consisting of all 140 characters. For social media activism to work, your posts should reach the people and organizations who can help you fight for your cause, perhaps with the help of using the right hashtags or more.
Activism Takes Over Social Media was first published on https://www.newinfluencers.com/
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