thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
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son of the dawn by @cassandraclare and @sarahreesbrennan
Because he was always James Carstairs when he spoke of what was dearest to him.
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
Jem: Will get up
Will: I am not sleeping. I am dead. Leave flowers, say something about my perpetual beauty and leave.
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
just imagine..
- Tessa helping Kit come to terms with who he is because she once had to go through it herself. Tessa’s kind and encouraging words help Kit realize that his blood does not define who he is or who he should become.
- Jem training Kit and teaching him about shadowhunter history. Even after years in the silent city, Jem is still an incredible Shadowhunter.
- Jem and Tessa telling Kit stories of the Herondales to keep their memories alive in him.
- Jem and Tessa encouraging Kit to be involved in the mundane world, the downworld and the shadow world. They assure him that he does not have to pick just one.
- Jem and Tessa showing Kit the true downworld without any of Rook’s lies.
- Kit holding Jem and Tessa’s newborn baby staring at it in awe and feeling an overwhelming need to protect it.
- Kit waking up in the middle of the night to change or rock the baby so Jem and Tessa can get some sleep.
- Kit helping out with mundane tasks like cooking, cleaning or watching the baby.
- Kit showing so much love to the baby in whatever ways he can. He’s constantly kissing it’s head, tickling it or reading it a story.
- Kit watching this kid say his firsts words and take his firsts steps, always right there to catch it when it falls.
- Kit finally understanding what it’s like to have a family that loves him as much as he loves them.
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
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Emma and Julian Simon and Clary Jace and Alec Will and Jem
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
Jem: *Sees stranger doing something stupid*
Jem: What an idiot.
Jem: *Realises it’s Will*
Jem: Wait, that’s my idiot.
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
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Jem Carstairs // Brother Zachariah
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
TSC characters as of 2019
In honour of the new year here are the ages and years of events/characters in the TSC:
Clary, Jace and Izzy are: 28
Alec is: 30
Simon is: 29
and has been a Shadowhunter for: 11 years
Max has been dead for: 12 years
Sebastian has been dead for: 12 years
Jocelyn and Luke have been married for: 11 years
Magnus and Alec have been married for: 7 years
Will has been dead for: 82 years
Tessa is: 157
Jem is: 158
Emma is: 24
Julian is: 24
Helen is: 30
Mark is: 28
Cristina is: 25
Ty is: 22
Kit is: 22
Dru is: 20
Livvy has been dead for: 7
Tavvy is: 14
the Jessa baby is: 6 (most likely)
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
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over the divide of death, down through whatever generations may come.                                         Forever.
happy birthday julie, @ghansey!
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
Things Will would probably be pissed off about in modern times
- the lack of reading habits
- disrespect towards women
- donald trump
- harambe
- the fucking persistency of the herondale descendants on denying his bloody family name
- facebook
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
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Some more Jem (getting closer to a face shape I like for him)
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
queen of air and darkness snippet
The pyres were still burning as the procession turned and headed back toward the city. It was customary for the smoke to rise all night, and for families to gather in Angel Square to mourn among others.
Not that Emma thought it was likely the Blackthorns would do that. They would remain in their house, closeted in with each other: they had been too much apart all their lives to want comfort from other Shadowhunters who they barely knew.
She had trailed away from the rest of the group, too raw to want to try to talk to Julian again in front of his family. Besides, he was holding Tavvy, who was cried out and almost asleep.
“Emma,” said a voice beside her.
 She turned and saw Jem Carstairs.
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
Jem: Tessa, I’m worried about Kit. He’s listening to Adele on a loop for hours at a time. He keeps doodling “Kit Blackthorn” on all of his notebooks. The other day he called me “Not-Ty”
Tessa, who has already been a mother to an angsty love-sick teenage Herondale and knows when to just let things run their course: *looks up from her magazine* just eat your Cheerios not-Ty
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
Tessa, after learning Will also speaks Welsh: Does Will think in English or Welsh?
Jem: Bold of you to assume Will thinks.
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
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my bby boys 😭
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
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A drawing I did of Will, Tessa and Jem! 
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
I would die for Jem Carstairs and so would you
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thenicetoeatyou · 5 years
Baby Carstairs [Cordelia]: *Sneaks into the Carstairs manor wearing a huge coat*
Tessa,Jem and Kit: What’s with the coat?
Baby Carstairs’s [Cordelia’s] coat: [Barks]
Baby Carstairs [Cordelia]: Drugs.
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