Under Siege (22/10/1992) - ‘it’s not a job, it’s an adventure!’
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Lol, mine is apparently, Maximum Risk (1996)  “Welcome to the other side of safe.” 
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I think I might throw up 🤢 this is one of worst ideas I’ve ever heard, nearly as bad as capitalism itself!! Billionaires shouldn’t exist…
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The latter would be a much better headline!!!
the headline i got:
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the headline i wanted:
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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Woah wtf???? I completely understand that tumblr is not the right place to voice something if you actually want people to listen and for action to be taken, I’m not an idiot, I’m aware this is an echo chamber... but that doesn’t mean that I can’t have a rant about something that really pisses me off (i.e. people being ignorant and denying stuff, even when they’re aware of what this country has done.)
Also, to say that we are purposefully kept in the dark, while true, is a massive scapegoat for anyone who cba to educate themselves (I wasn’t taught any of this shit in school but I still know that the UK has a horrendous past and that we should do something to rectify that.) I feel like anyone who doesn’t know even a little bit about our past is lying or is a child or doesn’t want to admit it because, come on, we have the internet now, there’s not really any excuse to not self educate... but that’s part of the problem, most people that I’ve come across don’t want to know any more about it cus they want to continue the facade that we are the best and we can do no wrong, and people absolutely hate being told to rethink their world view, especially from someone younger than them, they find it patronising, and I know this from personal experience.
I also know it’s very difficult to brush off years of conditioning, our media and government and monarchy all contribute to keeping us ‘in the dark’ and I didn’t mean to aim my hate at any individual British person, bloody hell, all I was trying to say is that this country is not as good as it likes to think and a lot of people who live here will defend it vehemently, and when questioned on their beloved country’s faults, they will deny deny deny!!!!!
Also, I’ve tried all of that crap (emailing mps, signing and even starting petitions) but, surprisingly, nothing ever comes of it. Like I said before, I was NOT aiming any of my hate at any individual British person (especially not those from marginalised/oppressed groups!!) I was literally just having a rant about how it feels like every time I bring up anything negative associated with Britain/the royals that people just jump down my throat and tell me how wrong I am and how unpatriotic I am and ‘how can you hate your own country?!’ and ‘think about all the good things Britain has done for the world’ etc etc etc...
I just find it pretty rude of you, whoever you are, to say that I’m not doing anything or trying to help the situation when you don’t even know me and don’t know what I’ve done to try and help (which is not as much as I would like, due to being poor and not having a lot of influence.) I’m allowed to have a rant on tumblr, despite that fact that I know it won’t do much good. I’m aware that tumblr is not a direct link to 10 Downing st. and that me moaning about the ‘average citizen’ is not going to change anything. But what else can I do jfc...
And yes well done for being smart. I’ll make sure to send you a gold star in the post.
people that act like Britain’s colonial past is ancient history, here are some facts:
Afghanistan’s independence was in 1919.
Egypt was in 1922.
Iraq was in 1932.
Jordan was in 1946.
India and Pakistan were in 1947.
Myanmar and Sri Lanka were in 1948.
Libya and Oman were in 1951.
Sudan was in 1956.
Ghana and Malaysia were in 1957.
Singapore was in 1959.
Cyprus and Nigeria were in 1960.
Cameroon, Kuwait, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone were in 1961.
Jamaica, Uganda, and Trinidad and Tobago were in 1962.
Kenya was in 1963.
Malawi, Malta, and Zambia were in 1964.
The Gambia and the Maldives were in 1965.
Barbados, Botswana, Lesotho, and Guyana were in 1966.
Yemen was in 1967.
Eswatini (Swaziland), Nauru, and Mauritius were in 1968.
Fiji and Tonga were in 1970.
Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates were in 1971.
The Bahamas was in 1973.
Grenada was in 1974
Seychelles was in 1976.
Dominica, Tuvalu, and the Solomon Islands were in 1978.
Kiribati and Saint Lucia were in 1979.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were in 1979.
Vanuatu and Zimbabwe were in 1980.
Antigua and Barbuda and Belize were in 1981.
Saint Kitts was in 1983.
Brunei was in 1984.
In addition to that: Northern Ireland is still a British territory. So are the Falkland Islands and Bermuda.
This is in the lifetime of ancestors we have that are still alive. Many of these countries were left in financial ruination after colonization with their resources drained. Many of these countries have been repeatedly bombed by the UK and their allies since independence as well. The very act of independence often resulted in massive loss of life (see the partition of India and Pakistan which resulted in 2 million people dead, 20 million people displaced, and countless others never recovered). Calling it ancient history or underplaying the sheer cruelty of what the British empire did is such a slap in the face to the people who suffered for centuries.
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Hell no!!!!!!!!!
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no. next question.
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I’m ashamed to be British because of our disgusting (and very recent) past, we have a lot to answer for...
Even now, in 2021, British people on the whole think we’re better than everybody else and still won’t admit to the horrific things our country did to so many others...
Most British people are very selective when talking about what the British empire did. They try to sway the conversation to make colonialism sound like a good thing, idk how anyone can actually think that, when you look at the evidence and all the people who were displaced, robbed or killed!! For fucks sake British people, why can we not admit to our country’s faults????????
Fuck the monarchy. Fuck the British.
From a (very reluctant) British person.
people that act like Britain’s colonial past is ancient history, here are some facts:
Afghanistan’s independence was in 1919.
Egypt was in 1922.
Iraq was in 1932.
Jordan was in 1946.
India and Pakistan were in 1947.
Myanmar and Sri Lanka were in 1948.
Libya and Oman were in 1951.
Sudan was in 1956.
Ghana and Malaysia were in 1957.
Singapore was in 1959.
Cyprus and Nigeria were in 1960.
Cameroon, Kuwait, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone were in 1961.
Jamaica, Uganda, and Trinidad and Tobago were in 1962.
Kenya was in 1963.
Malawi, Malta, and Zambia were in 1964.
The Gambia and the Maldives were in 1965.
Barbados, Botswana, Lesotho, and Guyana were in 1966.
Yemen was in 1967.
Eswatini (Swaziland), Nauru, and Mauritius were in 1968.
Fiji and Tonga were in 1970.
Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates were in 1971.
The Bahamas was in 1973.
Grenada was in 1974
Seychelles was in 1976.
Dominica, Tuvalu, and the Solomon Islands were in 1978.
Kiribati and Saint Lucia were in 1979.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were in 1979.
Vanuatu and Zimbabwe were in 1980.
Antigua and Barbuda and Belize were in 1981.
Saint Kitts was in 1983.
Brunei was in 1984.
In addition to that: Northern Ireland is still a British territory. So are the Falkland Islands and Bermuda.
This is in the lifetime of ancestors we have that are still alive. Many of these countries were left in financial ruination after colonization with their resources drained. Many of these countries have been repeatedly bombed by the UK and their allies since independence as well. The very act of independence often resulted in massive loss of life (see the partition of India and Pakistan which resulted in 2 million people dead, 20 million people displaced, and countless others never recovered). Calling it ancient history or underplaying the sheer cruelty of what the British empire did is such a slap in the face to the people who suffered for centuries.
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if i see one more person say yeah he was apparently racist :/ when asked what prince philip “did” im gonna go insane lmao it’s not a matter of one-off problematic™️ moments from some random old white man — this dude presided over the most powerful, brutal, and racist colonial power on earth for decades. thats why we’re celebrating now and thats why we’ll continue to celebrate every time one of these crusty little british royals finally kicks it. read a book im begging
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Old man insults are wild. "Slut", "Whore", "Dumb Bitch"..... Sir, those are respectable occupations. Call me a landlord
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The 2021 Gender Census is now open!
[ Link to survey ]
The eighth annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is now open until 10th March 2021.
After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.
If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, retweet this tweet, boost this Mastodon post, check out this post on Reddit, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks like Facebook. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 24,000 responses last year.
Survey URL: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/gendercensus2021/
The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.
Thank you so much!
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Hell yes ;) 
what some people think “you don’t need dysphoria to be trans” means: anyone can choose to be trans and trans people can just choose to be cis.
what “you don’t need dysphoria to be trans” actually means: trans experiences are extremely varied and trans people define dysphoria in multiple valid ways. there are multiple valid ways to be trans other than the “true transsexual” narrative popularized by cis people. distress about your birth assigned gender or sex characteristics is one way to be trans. discovering that you suddenly feel more authentic when living as a new gender, after no discernable distress that you’d call dysphoria, is another. if your gender is different from the one you were assigned at birth, you can call yourself trans.
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Here it is: Best stuff first
Extremely handy if you follow a lot of people and hate missing anything good. 
Best Stuff First moves the best stuff on your dashboard—mhm!—right up to the top. 
It’s rolling out this week on iOS and Android, and comes with this Help Center article.  
Thanks! ✌️
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“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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IM SO TIRED OF RACIST PEOPLE. SO TIRED. Do you know HOW MANY cultures have non-binary genders?? BINARISM IS RACIST because it was IMPOSED by most EUROPEAN cultures. The Incaic cultures my country had natively were FULL of third-genders which were, of course non binary. And yet your america/euro-centrist white asses on this site tell me my gender does not exist? Lmao what about the literal thousands of people with native third gender identifications? People like me? Native people from the Americas, Africa, Asia, Oceania?? Bullshit. Anyone who says we invented non-binarism this century is a RACIST.
if you’re not native and/or not nb you SHOULD reblog this. let people know we are tired. Even non-native nbs. we are all tired.
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