theveryfirst · 3 years
what do I have to do to get a Norman Jayden + Connor working together as good Techno Detecto boys sketch? (💋)
I don't know but by the gods I'm gonna work on it. Can you shoot me some reference pics of Norman Jayden?
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theveryfirst · 3 years
One of those days! Sign up for presents!
Send a 📖 (book) for a poem
Send a ❤ (heart) for a mood board
Send a 🖊 (pen) for a sketch
Send as much as you want!
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theveryfirst · 3 years
Not dead yet. Mun will post with life update soon, but I miss Chloe and I miss all of you
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theveryfirst · 4 years
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I present to you: the shippiest ship things that ever shipped.
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theveryfirst · 4 years
Unexpected hiatus happened, coming back soon I swear.
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theveryfirst · 4 years
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I just really know the Kara fam is gonna be a wholesome family,, The recipe to my art are mostly : Warm colors, close proximity and yearning, let’s go XD !!
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theveryfirst · 4 years
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theveryfirst · 4 years
Sinday Fun
How Would Your Muse Seduce Mine?                                            
Send in their plan and my character will react to it!
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theveryfirst · 4 years
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theveryfirst · 4 years
I am 33.
That is all.
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theveryfirst · 4 years
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theveryfirst · 4 years
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If you are a member of the D:BH (Detroit Become Human) fandom and would like your blog linked on an RPC Database reblog and/or like this post. Your blog will be listed along with your muse. Specify the name of your muse in your tags if multimuse or OC.
The list will gradually be compiled over time by the Cyber Staff!
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theveryfirst · 4 years
Mayson is wearing a paper hat with hand-drawn lemons on it. He clearly colored it himself. He's wearing a matching apron. However, all the lemons are blue instead of yellow. "Hi, Miss Chole would you like some Thirium-ade? Only a dollar a cup!" Thirim-ade as in lemonade but with Thirium. Cole was selling lemonade and Mayson wanted to get in on the money-making action. Even if he was just reselling plain Thirium in cute little lemon cups.
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Chloe opened her mouth to say something, but she saw a cup with its cute little lemons and its simple charm and its bright blue thirium inside and something about it all just looked crisp even though she knew that the temperature might not have made the biggest of differences in terms of flavor. 
If, you know, she had the ability to discern flavor. She wondered if Mayson had a sense of taste for a moment, but shook it away in favor of putting up a hand and rifling through her purse before- 
She plopped a Sacajawea in his palm, all shiny and gold and cool in his hand. 
“One cup, please.”
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theveryfirst · 4 years
🔥 bashing female muses
Send 🔥 and receive an unpopular opinion - accepting!
People hating on female muses and people fetishizing same-sex male relationship have the same root: internalized misogyny. Think of the unending mire of bullshit female protagonists get and how hard of a sell it is to write a strong female character that is celebrated. *Ripley is not the norm, she is the exception.*
But, on to the real hot take of this:
Now, I believe it is up to us to analyze as authors (and for me as a female writer) to explore femininity as a spectrum and embrace the strength and diversity of it. We often equate strength to things that society tells us are masculine traits.
Female characters are shunned for being sexual ("you're only here to write a self insert for cyber sex") or seductive (see above). As much as we praise being soft and sweet, these traits are seen as boring and after awhile the scenes dry up. We pigeonhole "acceptable" female muses as the ones who fall into the "I'm not like other girls" vein which is, in my opinion, just a misogynistic cloud that hangs over the feminine experience. We must distance ourselves from things seen as "girly" and be quick to shun things that fall into that mold because we've been socialized to believe those traits are weak and bad.
In our best attempts, we feel like we harm other women and female characters by having them embrace these aspects because it feels too much like oppression.
So, we shunt these traits off onto male muses where we can enjoy them without the weight of feeling like we are perpetuating sexist stereotypes or undermining feminine struggles. Think about this for a second: how many female muses do you see doing their thing on Sinday? How many female muses send thirsty prompts and thirsty asks? How many female muses are drowning in Sinday content?
(Cue crickets)
Does the idea of sending thirsty asks to a consenting female muse make you uncomfortable?
I know the idea scares me to post it, not because I have a problem with it, but because I'm afraid of my fellow RPers thinking I'm "that girl"; I am a grown adult. I know who I am. I know this is part of the problem and my fear of expressing sexuality and sensuality in a female character is based out of decades of being socialized that feminine sexual content is bad. I keep from breaking out of that mold for fear of judgment from my progressively-hearted writers that I'm a Fake Feminist if I don't check all the right boxes. Forgetting entirely that being a woman doesn't mean that I have to fit in ANYONE'S neat little box.
Purity culture, man.
Anyway, this turned into a weird rant. I think people bash female muses because of internalized misogyny and their desire to assert that they're not like one sexist stereotype while then becoming a completely different sexist stereotype.
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theveryfirst · 4 years
Send 🔥 to get an unpopular opinion - accepting!
A lighthearted one: neither Connor nor Gavin are useless, floppy bottoms.
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theveryfirst · 4 years
Send 🔥 for an unpopular opinion - accepting!
I will unfollow an RP blog if they post too much OOC content. Yes, this even includes incredibly important, pressing commentary/signal boosts about current societal issues.
I treat role playing like an act of collaborative fiction. Imagine that you are reading a book and every fourth page you get a note from the author stating that they ate Oreos for breakfast for the fifth time this week. Or that they think parking tickets are dumb. Or something that ACTUALLY MATTERS. After awhile, you get sick of it and you put the book down.
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theveryfirst · 4 years
send me a 🔥  for an unpopular rp opinion !! 
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