thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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Happiest Season (2020) - Abby’s gray suit
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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lit rally sterling:
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she likes it when april's being bossy to her, oh well 🙈
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
me flirting: which layer of hell do you think you’re going to?
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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Actors of color often get typecast. Two photographers asked them to depict their dream roles instead.
How Hollywood Sees Me … And How I Want to Be Seen
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
🌻 little habits/things to do more of 🌻
make your bed. (no, really.)
set your top 3 to-dos for the day.
do your top 3 to-dos for the day. (heh)
unpack your bag when you get home.
prepare your things for the next day before sleeping.
skincare. (your basic cleanse and moisturize)
sweep the floor of your bedroom.
talk to your plants. (if you have plants)
update your financial report/expense tracker.
take a good photo.
hug at least three people. (seriously.)
polish your school shoes.
mop your bedroom floor.
dare i say, laundry. (don’t put it off!)
take a leisure walk.
review your past week and plan your next week accordingly. (a part of your routine may not be working–try something new)
make a piece of art. (a sketch, a collage, a quote in pretty lettering, a god-awful poem..)
sanitize your gadgets. (whip out the wet tissue and wipe away at your phone, your laptop, your mouse, your earphones–just don’t forget to IMMEDIATELY follow that up with a dry cloth to prevent fogging and short circuits)
watch a TED Talk.
make a new playlist.
wash your bag.
wash your shoes.
change the sheets of your bed and your pillows.
clip your nails. (honestly)
wax/shave. (if you want. i just really like how fresh my skin feels after i torture it with razors and wax strips)
wipe your shelves/the tops of your furniture clean. (try to avoid dusting. it just scatters the dirt everywhere. use a damp cloth instead)
see if there’s anything in your storage that you don’t need/want anymore and give stuff away or sell them.
review your month and plan the next one accordingly. (just like your weeks. remember to refer to your Life Goal/Year’s Goals page)
finish reading at least one book. (and review it!)
discover new songs.
- 🍂
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
How to start again ✨
delete apps and social media that lowers your mood 
wear a new scent, throw away things you don’t need, delete contacts of people who make you feel unworthy, unfollow social media that makes you feel bad in any way
make a new playlist that makes you feel confident and happy 
in a journal, write down why you want to change, the traits of the person you truly want to be, the places you want to go and people that make you feel inspired
write down the things that stop you and bad habits you have, and replace those with new mindsets and habits 
before you sleep, make a detailed, achievable routine for the next day, that includes everything you want to do, including activities that genuinely make you happy
try new hobbies, like baking/cooking, playing a musical instrument, making art, learning a new skill, a sport, or a new language. you can easily get free resources online 
think about the ideal version of yourself. you can be like that, if you try your best and work hard. 
do not overwork yourself or set overly lofty daily goals and forget to do things like drink water. make your sleep and health your number one priority.
spend less time on your phone scrolling through social media. have a method of focusing on other things, like Pomodoro method or using the Forest app. 
if you can’t concentrate, commit yourself to doing it for 5 minutes. once you get into the flow it’s much easier to concentrate.
be patient and kind with yourself. it’s hard to change overnight. you’re the only one who can help change you, so be a friend to yourself.
once you start something, promise yourself you will finish it. 
have new weekly routines, like going to a cafe every Wednesday afternoon or indulging in your favourite tv show every Friday night.
do not deny yourself of good things; there needs to be a balance. similarly, do not be too generous and overdo it too much. 
dedicate a day to clean your room and organize your things if you feel stressed out. 
it may feel scary to change, as you may feel like it’s not the real you. but you’re still you, just the best version of yourself.
have a relaxing morning routine to look forward to, like making a nice breakfast, having a skin care routine, stretches, journalling, or thinking about nothing for a few minutes
have a mental image that makes you excited to do something. visualize yourself completing the goal and concentrate on it every morning.
however, learn not to rely on motivation because your brain will often turn off motivation, especially when you first begin something. have a routine, a specific time to do something, and do it. 
notice the places and people that drain your energy, and try to avoid them. find people who make you feel energized and places that calm you.
think about an enjoyable part of something. for example, when studying you can look forward to learning new things and when exercising, listening to calming music or using nice stationery. it’s actually more fun than you think. 
even though it’s hard, don’t compare yourself. you’re on your own path, and it doesn’t matter if people are better than you, because there will always be someone better than everyone. don’t be afraid to suck. so draw badly, write bad poems, run slowly, make embarrassing mistakes and fail everything. you can’t be good at something unless you’re terrible at something first. and doing anything badly is so much better than doing nothing.
don’t tell anyone about your new beginning, just start and let the results speak for themselves.
you can change and be your ideal self. but it will be hard to do that if you don’t believe in yourself. so make sure you challenge negative thoughts telling you can’t do something. tell yourself firmly that you can do it and then prove your negative thoughts wrong.
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
So I have a theory that Linda Cardellini is a mytical entity that comes out of her nest once in a while to help girls from every generation have their queer awakening and she just reached her final form on season 2 of Dead to Me.
Female heterosexuality is now extinct
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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#gay/jock solidarity 
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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Katie after doing her own stunts in Jurassic World
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thevirginityslayer · 4 years
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