theweedling · 9 years
Scott Cohen/Wolf from The 10th Kingdom was the beginning of my sexual awakening. Huff puff.
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theweedling · 9 years
Idk, maybe if every young adult novel with a female protagonist didn’t have to have a love interest that she of course knows she’ll be with for the rest of her life, maybe then women wouldn’t feel so desperate to get married at a young age. When you grow up knowing stories about 16/18 year olds, not only saving the world but also finding the loves of their lives…. man, pressure.
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theweedling · 9 years
Moving home...
Is without a doubt the one thing on my mind that I can't get to shut up. Everyday in the back of my mind, memories of last christmas, and my month spent with my family. I remember how the fog filters through the pines, creeping so slowly but surrounding you in an instant. The sounds of the gulls over the Lagoon, and the smell of low tide at City Beach. It's strange how even the bad sensitory memories can become good with enough longing. Also Deception Pass bridge is a perfect jumper spot, just in case I need a way out
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theweedling · 9 years
Old movies are underrated.
When you marathon a series that spans decades, you get to see the progress of private life, how clothes and hairstyles change each season, you witness once top of the line electronics, and giggle helplessly at the graphics. It's a snapshot into a different time without the interfering stereotypes.
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theweedling · 11 years
Outfit says emo kid, smug jerkass attitude says jock. He's like the embodiment of everything the geek stereotype would loath right now.
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theweedling · 11 years
Oooo Ba-Dum Tiss
My gay brother walks into the room without a shirt on Me: Hey topless Him: Well you don’t have to rub it in that I’m single
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