Hoping to Grow
I am 31 a mother to 3 step-children and three belly ones with one more on the way!  I was an avid journal-er as a child and young adult. I went through some really traumatic life events right out of college in my early 20s.  I have continued to try to write but paranoia robbed me of my flow.  Now years later I want to start again.  
I had plans for this tumblr, I was going to have separate tabs for topics and be deliciously organized...now that I am looking at it I can see it is much more of a free flow experience.  I chose tumblr because my graduate school recommended keeping a learning journal on a tumblr.  I am trying to get as much enrichment and learning as I can during my time in graduate school. 
So here I am starting my first honest blog.  When they came out the thought of being “all out there” with my journaling was terrifying to me.  Now I feel being all out there in a honest way could be a positive thing for me and others.
So here it is my blog.  It is set to include a journal of my experience at Full Sail University while I complete my Online Master’s of Creative Writing.  It will also include poetry and life journaling. 
Thank you for being a kind audience.
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