What to do if witchcraft suddenly gets way too intense
► DO NOT walk away from an uncompleted ritual
► DO NOT walk away in the middle of a spell
Grab your notes and close everything down. Dismiss any spirits or entities you are working with. Close down the circle. End the ritual. Diffuse the energy of the spell and close it down. If you were enchanting an item, announce over it that it is closed and nothing more may come in or out.
Spells and rituals are little portals of power; if you leave one open without closing it, all sorts of things could get screwy and come through.
2. End any spooky/witchy atmosphere immediately.
Blow out all the candles.
Put out all the incense.
Turn on all the lights.
Turn off spooky chanting music. Turn on some happy music or better yet, a non-supernatural television show or movie you love.
If you were enchanting an item, immediately put it in salt.
3. Don’t destroy the items/notes you will need later.
Trust me, do not throw away the spell you wrote or the objects you were working on. If things go wrong in the future you will need these to fix the problem.
► Immediately write down exactly what happened. Write down every deviation from the spell that you did. Write down exactly what you said and saw during any visualizations. Write down exactly when things started to get freaky.
► If you were enchanting an item, keep it in a black bag filled with salt until you are ready to deal with it.
4. Cleanse.
Use an energy cannonball to purify the space you were working in. Burn rosemary and bay leaves to fumigate the area, or spritz a premade water solution if you can’t have smoke. Pay special attention to all ritual tools.
If you feel the need to, cleanse yourself by visualizing the power of the smoke enveloping you and driving away any bad vibes; or take a shower if you really feel something has gone wrong.
5. Get out of the area you were working in.
Go to another room. Leave the house if possible. Seek the company of others or turn on the television if you are alone.
6. Do mundane things for a while.
Eat a nice meal. Drink a big glass of water. Go for a jog. Do some chores. Put anything magical totally out of your head. Absolutely do not focus on how weird things just got.
7. When you are ready, return to the area you were working in.
Relax yourself and judge the energies within the room. Are things still ‘creepy’? A heavy-duty cleansing is in order. Do you feel as if someone else is there? Open a window and command it to leave - if it does not, more fumigation or a banishing is required.
Judge your ritual tools and determine if they will need additional cleansing. If you were working on an object, determine if it has been corrupted or if anything is wrong with it. If so, put it back in the salt and deal with it as soon as you can.
8. Take a break from witchcraft for a couple of days.
9. Figure out what went wrong.
Fear is never a good thing. There is a difference between embracing the darkness and being afraid.
► Fear can be caused if an entity showed up you were unprepared to deal with.
► Fear can be caused if your intuition (or perhaps a spirit ally) was warning you that what you were about to do was a really bad idea.
► Fear can be caused if you tap in to powers that overwhelm you.
You need to figure out what went wrong. It isn’t a situation where you can say “oh well” and try something else later - because you screwed up, and next time you may not get an adequate warning before things go to hell.
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Tips for Hexing & Cursing
Anything Hot, Spicy, or Sour can inflict physical pain, heat, agitation, or “sourness” to the individual.
Anything you normally use for divination, dreams, or astral can be used for Illusions, Delusions, & Nightmares
Anything you use for spirit work can be used to send unhappiness, restlessness, or spirits to someone
Anything poisonous/toxic can be used to create either illness or even death.
Any number or color association you may have can be used in opposition against them.
Anything with positive aspects can be used to siphon those aspects from your target.
Personal Recommendations:
Amethyst - Nightmares, illusion, paranoia
Jet - cloud their vision, blind them
Serpentine - Sickness, illness, make their ground unsteady
Smoky Quartz - Delay them, cloud their vision, make them be late
Lead - weigh them down, make them be late
Malachite - Anxiety, fear, cowardice, nausea
Green Obsidian - Siphon/steal energy
Obsidian - Cloud judgement, block energy
Jade - give yourself control over aspects of their lives
Amber - get them stuck, cause obstacles
Bloodstone - Nausea, chaos, frailty
Carnelian - Rage, anger
Hematite - Attract negativity into their lives
Peridot - Confusion
Petrified Wood - Ruin, abandonment
Garnet - Steal their loved ones, others wide with you
Nightshade - Anxiety, nightmares, sickness
Rosemary - Taint their dreams, nightmares, cloud their vision
Mistletoe - Attracting serious harm
Gardenia - Steal their love life, break someone up
Ivy - Binding, standstill
Roses - Tempt them into cheating, cause cheating in their life, make them attracted to you (especially good when you want to hurt them)
Mint - Visions, nightmares, paranoia
Lavender - Depression, lack of sleep, restlessness
Lotus - Depression, sadness
Catnip - Distraction, loss
Dahlia - Bad luck, loss
Violet - Nervousness, Anxiety, Paranoia
Valerian - Nightmares, Anxiety
Foxglove - Nausea, nightmares, obsessive vanity
Ginger - Bitterness
Sandalwood - Block, prevention, aids in astral cursing
Dragon’s Blood - Cause unwanted attention, spotlight, destruction
Frankincense - Can be used to control, subconscious actions to your bidding
Myrrh - Reflect back hexes/curses
Lavender - Anxiety, fear, depression, delusion, lack of sleep
Patchouli - Cause unwanted attention, push away loved ones
Nag Champa - Cause tunnel vision, over-focus, fussy, over-critical 
Musk - Temptation, authoritative interference
Sage - “Cut that shit out”
Red - Unwanted attention, aggression, anger, divide, agitation, burning, itching, emotional/personal obsession, impulsive, temptation
Pink - Anxiety, nervousness, unease, fussiness, over critical, discrimination, bias, error
Blue - Sadness, anxiety, depression, loss, mourning, grief, loss of money and valuables, distance, emptiness
Light Blue - Anxiety, detached, cold, loss of control, slipping, time manipulation (cause lateness or earliness), vague, cloud judgement, obscure visions, dream manipulation
Dark Blue - Nightmares, dream manipulation, fear, terror, darkness, manipulation
Purple - Nightmares, anxiety, dreams and visions altered/tainted, material obsession, confusion, constant change, manipulate variables, influence
Lavender - Lack of ambition, distraction, confusion, lack of motivation, easily distracted, restless, dissociation, indecisive
Green - Stubborn, forceful, rash, obstacles, getting nothing from work, blocking, inability to reach milestones, halt, stop
Orange - Expenses, not enough money, blocking flow, material obsession, yearning and getting nothing, distractions
Yellow - Siphon money/fortune/good from them, leech from them, lack of energy, lack of control, constant annoyanes
Gold - Financial ruin, siphon money, narrow-minded, tunnel-vision
Silver - Financial ruin, lying (to them), reveal truths, loss, mourning, departure
Black - Death, loss, mourning, depression, obscure their vision, bring out the worst, drama
White - Lack of ambition, blank their mind, disappear, make them (or yourself to them) invisible, push away their family
Ego, selfishness, loneliness
Discontent, not enough, divide
Imbalance, obstacles, hurdles
Hard authority figures, brutality, dominated
Lack of reason, lack of logic, lack of common sense
Unwanted attention, steal love, take away passion
Lack of ability, taken advantage of, gullible
Blocking knowledge, not thinking, clouded judgement
Shadow, unwanted memories
Forced change, starting over, ruination
Lack of energy, siphon strength and courage
Over-sacrifice, sensitivity
Ending, regrettable actions
Restraint, discomfort
Dissatisfaction, lackluster, anti-climatic
Destruction, violence, catastrophe
Hopelessness, lack of courage, blocking
Anxiety, delusion, nightmares, trouble with discernment
Lack of expression, trouble expressing, you have influence over them
Absolution, resolve, forced ending, loss, limitations
Note: Adding salt to certain herbs or small spells (such as bay and/or basil mixed with lemon for money) can siphon that thing to you from them for a simple small hex. 
Whatever you do with information is on you. Do with it what you wish.
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~This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Tumblr.~
Please read thoroughly before entering!
Hello lovely Tumblr folk! It’s that time again- I have a giveaway for you all. Summer is quickly approaching, and I know a lot of you are getting ready to relax and vacation! So in celebration, I’m giving you the chance to win this large collection of items.
All these items came from my shop (minus the sage!).
What you get:
(Handmade by me) Clear quartz and copper necklace
(Handmade by me) “Full moon” rainbow moonstone hairpins
$25 credit that can be applied to anything in my shop.
amethyst cluster with calcite
selenite wand
tourmalinated quartz wand
black & blue kyanite crystals
polished petrified wood slice
four polychrome jasper hearts
an amethyst stalactite slice
baby amethyst sphere
rose quartz sphere 
large rose quartz chunk
labradorite sphere
fluorite obelisk
labradorite point
golden calcite point
ocean jasper marble
Dominican amber cabochon
rutilated quartz point
amethyst pyramid
spirit quartz crystal
a black sparkly candle (because why not?!)
a sustainably harvested California white sage piece, picked by me (sadly if you are outside the US I cannot send this to you)
This has a retail value of $260 in addition to the $25 shop credit!
You must be 16 or older. (If under 18 you MUST have parent’s permission)
You don’t have to live in the US
You must be following me, so you can get updates if anything about the giveaway changes.
Please check out my shop and if you’re interested, you can sign up for my email newsletter here. (Totally not necessary or required, it’s just an option!)
DO NOT tag this post as giveaway. That will risk the notes getting messed up, and this will be ruined for everyone. Please don’t argue about this- for some reason people have said really nasty and mean things to me over this.
Reblog this post to enter. Likes count, too. No giveaway or spam blogs. If you reblog on a side blog, let me know in the tags what the name of your blog is that you’re following me with.
Please don’t spam people with reblogs- you can reblog however many times you’d like, but please be courteous.
Each entry will be assigned a number and the winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
The giveaway ends Wednesday, July 26th at 6 pm Pacific time.
The winner will be messaged and must respond with their full name and address within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.
Please respect me and my rules, and have fun!
41K notes · View notes
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~This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Tumblr.~
Please read thoroughly before entering!
Hello lovely Tumblr folk! It’s that time again- I have a giveaway for you all. Summer is quickly approaching, and I know a lot of you are getting ready to relax and vacation! So in celebration, I’m giving you the chance to win this large collection of items.
All these items came from my shop (minus the sage!).
What you get:
(Handmade by me) Clear quartz and copper necklace
(Handmade by me) “Full moon” rainbow moonstone hairpins
$25 credit that can be applied to anything in my shop.
amethyst cluster with calcite
selenite wand
tourmalinated quartz wand
black & blue kyanite crystals
polished petrified wood slice
four polychrome jasper hearts
an amethyst stalactite slice
baby amethyst sphere
rose quartz sphere 
large rose quartz chunk
labradorite sphere
fluorite obelisk
labradorite point
golden calcite point
ocean jasper marble
Dominican amber cabochon
rutilated quartz point
amethyst pyramid
spirit quartz crystal
a black sparkly candle (because why not?!)
a sustainably harvested California white sage piece, picked by me (sadly if you are outside the US I cannot send this to you)
This has a retail value of $260 in addition to the $25 shop credit!
You must be 16 or older. (If under 18 you MUST have parent’s permission)
You don’t have to live in the US
You must be following me, so you can get updates if anything about the giveaway changes.
Please check out my shop and if you’re interested, you can sign up for my email newsletter here. (Totally not necessary or required, it’s just an option!)
DO NOT tag this post as giveaway. That will risk the notes getting messed up, and this will be ruined for everyone. Please don’t argue about this- for some reason people have said really nasty and mean things to me over this.
Reblog this post to enter. Likes count, too. No giveaway or spam blogs. If you reblog on a side blog, let me know in the tags what the name of your blog is that you’re following me with.
Please don’t spam people with reblogs- you can reblog however many times you’d like, but please be courteous.
Each entry will be assigned a number and the winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
The giveaway ends Wednesday, July 26th at 6 pm Pacific time.
The winner will be messaged and must respond with their full name and address within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.
Please respect me and my rules, and have fun!
41K notes · View notes
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
~This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Tumblr.~
Please read thoroughly before entering!
Hello lovely Tumblr folk! It’s that time again- I have a giveaway for you all. Summer is quickly approaching, and I know a lot of you are getting ready to relax and vacation! So in celebration, I’m giving you the chance to win this large collection of items.
All these items came from my shop (minus the sage!).
What you get:
(Handmade by me) Clear quartz and copper necklace
(Handmade by me) “Full moon” rainbow moonstone hairpins
$25 credit that can be applied to anything in my shop.
amethyst cluster with calcite
selenite wand
tourmalinated quartz wand
black & blue kyanite crystals
polished petrified wood slice
four polychrome jasper hearts
an amethyst stalactite slice
baby amethyst sphere
rose quartz sphere 
large rose quartz chunk
labradorite sphere
fluorite obelisk
labradorite point
golden calcite point
ocean jasper marble
Dominican amber cabochon
rutilated quartz point
amethyst pyramid
spirit quartz crystal
a black sparkly candle (because why not?!)
a sustainably harvested California white sage piece, picked by me (sadly if you are outside the US I cannot send this to you)
This has a retail value of $260 in addition to the $25 shop credit!
You must be 16 or older. (If under 18 you MUST have parent’s permission)
You don’t have to live in the US
You must be following me, so you can get updates if anything about the giveaway changes.
Please check out my shop and if you’re interested, you can sign up for my email newsletter here. (Totally not necessary or required, it’s just an option!)
DO NOT tag this post as giveaway. That will risk the notes getting messed up, and this will be ruined for everyone. Please don’t argue about this- for some reason people have said really nasty and mean things to me over this.
Reblog this post to enter. Likes count, too. No giveaway or spam blogs. If you reblog on a side blog, let me know in the tags what the name of your blog is that you’re following me with.
Please don’t spam people with reblogs- you can reblog however many times you’d like, but please be courteous.
Each entry will be assigned a number and the winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
The giveaway ends Wednesday, July 26th at 6 pm Pacific time.
The winner will be messaged and must respond with their full name and address within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.
Please respect me and my rules, and have fun!
41K notes · View notes
I am kicking myself over how much leftover was from scent tarts I've thrown away. I could have made hundreds of colorful tealights. :(
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Reblog if you've ever done a spell and it didn't work the first time.
I want people, especially newer witches, to understand that magick and spells take time and practice no matter the number of years you’ve been practicing.
3K notes · View notes
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~This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Tumblr.~
Please read thoroughly before entering!
Hello lovely Tumblr folk! It’s that time again- I have a giveaway for you all. Summer is quickly approaching, and I know a lot of you are getting ready to relax and vacation! So in celebration, I’m giving you the chance to win this large collection of items.
All these items came from my shop (minus the sage!).
What you get:
(Handmade by me) Clear quartz and copper necklace
(Handmade by me) “Full moon” rainbow moonstone hairpins
$25 credit that can be applied to anything in my shop.
amethyst cluster with calcite
selenite wand
tourmalinated quartz wand
black & blue kyanite crystals
polished petrified wood slice
four polychrome jasper hearts
an amethyst stalactite slice
baby amethyst sphere
rose quartz sphere 
large rose quartz chunk
labradorite sphere
fluorite obelisk
labradorite point
golden calcite point
ocean jasper marble
Dominican amber cabochon
rutilated quartz point
amethyst pyramid
spirit quartz crystal
a black sparkly candle (because why not?!)
a sustainably harvested California white sage piece, picked by me (sadly if you are outside the US I cannot send this to you)
This has a retail value of $260 in addition to the $25 shop credit!
You must be 16 or older. (If under 18 you MUST have parent’s permission)
You don’t have to live in the US
You must be following me, so you can get updates if anything about the giveaway changes.
Please check out my shop and if you’re interested, you can sign up for my email newsletter here. (Totally not necessary or required, it’s just an option!)
DO NOT tag this post as giveaway. That will risk the notes getting messed up, and this will be ruined for everyone. Please don’t argue about this- for some reason people have said really nasty and mean things to me over this.
Reblog this post to enter. Likes count, too. No giveaway or spam blogs. If you reblog on a side blog, let me know in the tags what the name of your blog is that you’re following me with.
Please don’t spam people with reblogs- you can reblog however many times you’d like, but please be courteous.
Each entry will be assigned a number and the winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
The giveaway ends Wednesday, July 26th at 6 pm Pacific time.
The winner will be messaged and must respond with their full name and address within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.
Please respect me and my rules, and have fun!
41K notes · View notes
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🐝 🌸 Buzzzzz…
Today is national ‘Don’t Step on a Bee Day’. Good advice all year round, we think. This little bee is buzzing around the cherry blossom on a 19th-century Chinese fan painted by Chen Fen. Chen Fen was a specialist in bird-and-flower painting from Guangzhou, Guangdong province. To see the full fan painting, and to search our Eastern Art collection, just click here.
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Crash course on fake stones/misrepresentations
Because I have been too lazy to type this all up.
If your quartz has teeny air bubbles it’s glass.
If it’s got a fruit name it’s dyed. End of story. (strawberry, cherry, lemon, pineapple, blueberry) yes there may be some very rare exceptions-fire quartz being dubbed strawberry- but due to the rise in fakes with that name it’s generally called fire quartz now.
Aura quartz is a regular quartz that’s been bonded with another material. (man made)
Cinnabar Infused Quartz usually reconstituted and mixed together to make a red crystal.
Green quartz can be grown in a lab and anything that forrest green color is
Magnesite and howlite look very very similar to turquoise when they’ve been dyed, magnesite will have very deep cracks in it though.
No there is no white turquoise. 
You can do a uv test to see if it’s real
Often faked with Copal. They look nearly identical.
Amber will float in salt water-copal will not.
Irradiated/dyed stones:
Very vibrant colors!!
Irradiated: (they irradiate the crystals to get a deeper or more vibrant color)
deeply pigmented topaz or kunzite
dark (almost black) smokey quartz 
very deep pink or red tourmaline 
colored diamonds 
some cultured pearls 
vibrant yellow heliodor 
other stones may be dyed as well, generally if it looks fake..it is.
Heat treated stones: (really not a bad thing but if you’re going for natural)
Amethyst-lighten color+remove brown
Citrine-heat treated amethyst.
Aquamarine-remove green
Ruby-clearer stone 
Sapphire-clearer stone
Rainbow Cal-Silica
Nope, completely fake 100%
Literally just car paint layered with calcite and resin.
Citrine: (im so sorry)
Much of the citrine on the market is lab made.
If it’s lab made it’s usually amethyst that’s been heated until it changes color
The bottom of these stones will be white with more color at the tips.
Lapis Lazuli:
High quality is vibrant blue, hard to come by, and very expensive.
Low quality howlite, jasper or sodalite is dyed blue, and passed off as lapis.
Acetone will remove the dye but damage the stone.
The clear green obsidian you see all over ebay is slag glass.
Natural green obsidian has been found but it is opaque and is more gray than green.
there is red obsidian as well but again, it’s not a vibrant red and is more brick colored.
Wikipedia is not always right.
it’s glass it’s legitimately just glass
also glass. 
real opalite exists but it’s green and not commonly found
once again, don’t believe everything on wikipedia.
Doesn’t naturally form in the crystals, lab made!!!
rlly pretty though
Not naturally magnetic!
Magnetic hematite is 100% man made!
I’ll add more as I come across them~
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Finally broke down and ordered some candles on Amazon. My belief that beeswax candles are blessed candles will be the death of me. Lucky I'm going to learn to make my own!
0 notes
I miss my boyfriend. I don't want to interfere with his free will, but I want to remind him of the positive times since he has a tendency to super-duper on the negative. I'm preparing, learning, taking notes and hopefully he will want to come back to me soon.
0 notes
I've always been drawn to the idea of witchcraft and I was wondering if you had any tips for starting out?
First off, its awesome you feel drawn to the craft!! You’ve come to the right place. Simply feeling drawn to the craft is such an amazing thing that us witches have the privilege of experiencing, and its the first step on an awesome journey. 🖤
There’s a million things I could say, but before you do anything, research. Research like crazy. Read everything you can. Research spells, materials, types of magick and witches, everything and anything you may be interested in. Now I know the next question is usually “Okay, but.. Where do I research? What do I research?” So to get you started, I’m going to give you some of my favorite links!
🖤 Here’s some nifty history
🖤 Important tips for beginners
🖤 Some great do’s and don’ts for beginner witches
🖤 Things we all wish people had told us when we started
🖤 Some misconceptions
🖤 My post on advice for new witches in secret
🖤 A list of types of witches to give you an overview
🖤 A post on finding your personal craft
🖤 Things to research/practice
🖤 A great list of terms and tools
🖤 My own post on meditating and visualizing for new witches
🖤 A basic color correspondence list
🖤 A post about your book
🖤 A little Witchcraft 101 masterpost
I wish you the absolute best of luck!! If you ever have any specific questions, my ask box is always open.
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Acorn moon candles
• Harvested acorn shells • Wax bits from old candles • Old incense stick bottoms • Lavander flower (optional)
》 Melt the wax (wax burner or old tin can and an old pot full of water on the stove works well for this), pour into shells, stick the wicks in and blow softly for a few seconds… wax will harden and the candle is done! Repeat for as many as you’d like to make!
☆ These candles are wonderful for small or short spells AND they float on water which makes them extra fun! Enjoy! ☆
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The Signs at their Best / The Signs at their Worst
Aries at their best: Full of life, adventurous and with a bright light in their eyes - a light bright enough to make all darkness disappear. Challenging, caring and with a big smile on their face. Admiring all beauty they can see, their head filled with plans. Nothing could ever bring them down, nothing could come between them and whatever it is that they want.
Aries at their worst: Doubting themselves in a very destructive way. They think it's all their fault and that they can't make anyone truly happy. Reckless. Cannot be reached by anyone, no one knows what's going on inside their head. Harsh. Don't care if they hurt someone's feelings or not. Don't care at all.
Taurus at their best: Absolute sweethearts with a great wits. Their heart is only open wide for people they choose carefully because they know it's for their own good. They know what's good for them and they're confident because they know what they're capeable of. A true and fair winner. Caring, charming, funny, intelligent, affectionate.
Taurus at their worst: They seem cold and careless. They know how to use words when they want to cause pain with them and they do that. Doubting themselves, suddenly lost all their confidence. Can't really control their feelings and tend to explode. Not looking after themselves and their loved ones because they're busy being stuck in a bad mood but deep down they're very very sorry for it.
Gemini at their best: A head full of ideas, a chest full of life. Up to something great, smiling, laughing, telling jokes, telling the greatest stories. Caring, motivating and inspiring. Freedom-loving, passionate about life, creative. Helpful, knows how to cheer you up. They don't run out of energy, they keep going.
Gemini at their worst: There is no sparkle in their eyes. Their hands are cold and their look is empty. Everything bores them, bothers them or sucks the life out of their bones. They don't see or hear anything, they're lost in thoughts. Get mean easily, say things they don't mean. Hurt others on purpose but end up hurting themselves. Self-pitying, over-emotional or not showing any emotion.
Cancer at their best: Brave people of good heart. Kind and caring, spreading love and good vibes. They fight for what they want, they always have something to say. Generous, understanding, shining as bright as the sun. A smile that makes others smile. They are very strong and handle their emotions wisely. Not to be underestimated.
Cancer at their worst: Say or do things they regret immediately. Forget to take care of themselves. They don't talk to anyone, don't reply. They tend to put themselves under an enormous emotional pressure. May manipulate others or completely lock themselves away.
Leo at their best: The literal sun. They shine so bright even when they're not smiling. Their laugh echoes, everybody hears it. Very proud, ambitious, kind, fair and loving. Bring happiness wherever they go, bring light into the dark. Full of dreams and very intelligent. The one that makes a boring evening a perfect one. Protective and they have a great sense of humour.
Leo at their worst: Believing themselves to be not good enough, doubting themselves and suffering from it. Harsh and kind of cold. Their look is still powerful and you dare not to speak to them. They drift away, may get mean or change their mind really quick because they just don't know what they want and it frustrates them so much.
Virgo at their best: Really good at doing what they love to do. Happy to spend time with people they like, generous and gentle, wise, gives great advices. Takes hints, makes great surprises and knows how to comfort people. Full of life and they have a great wits. The one that keeps you grounded. Honest and fair.
Virgo at their worst: Causing pain or worries to others to release themselves from it. They may be manipulative and self-pitying, exaggerating and not really speaking up. They tend to make decisions they will regret later. They forget how clever they are or they doubt their skills and their intelligence and make themselves smaller than they are.
Libra at their best: A great supporter. Someone with an eye for beauty, a charming smile and an amazing aura. They are funny, full of ideas and spontaneous. Remember little things and can easily make others happy what they love to do. Very creative, honest and they have a wild soul.
Libra at their worst: Moody, not seeing themselves as the masterpiece they are. Letting everybody know how they feel. Cold and feeling incredibly bad about it. They just hide away from the world and won't let anything come close to them. In pain just because they see all the flaws in their lives although there may not even be some.
Scorpio at their best: Passionate, strong, strong-willed, skilled and loving. They are full of secrets which is why they can keep secrets like no one else. An entire universe for themselves. They don't care about limits but in a good way. They share their ideas and dreams and cheer others up.
Scorpio at their worst: Neglecting their friends, their family, their duties and themselves. Reckless and not saying much about it. Things that usually fascinate them do not fascinate them anymore and they feel like nothing could ever make them smile again. Everything they love starts seeming so irrelevant to them.
Sagittarius at their best: Funny, uplifting, full of life and good energy. They don't care what anyone thinks of them, they will dance to loud music whenever they feel like it. They are open minded and interested in things, prepared to stand up for what they believe in at any time.
Sagittarius at their worst: Feeling depressed and not able to explain it, express it or talk about it. Over emotional and hot tempered, about to explode although they don't always know why. About to yell at someone for little things although they don't want to. Tired of everything.
Capricorn at their best: A guardian angel. Always there when you need them, glad to help. Caring for themselves and really moving things. Know how to use words and what to say in any situation. Working on something great, motivating others, taking care of people.
Capricorn at their worst: Sarcastic and they just shut everything down. Maybe bitter over something, maybe making others upset, too. Seem to have given up. Not sure what to do or what to say. Doubting themselves deep down but not willing to admit it. Not showing any emotions.
Aquarius at their best: An actual source of energy. Always have the greatest plans and ideas, dislike boredom. They love communicating and meeting new people, seeing new places. Curious about life, wanting to explore the world. Lift others up with their presence only.
Aquarius at their worst: Complaining over everything and annoying others with it. They don't care about anything anymore, reckless. Do not care anymore and do their own thing even though it might not be good for them. Ignoring others and feeling empty deep down. Like they ran out of energy.
Pisces at their best: Supporting others, taking care of others but also of themselves. Very clever, know what to say, funny. Their fantasy knows no limits and they're very productive. Do art or listen to music. Make others smile and fascinate them. Playing their own little games. Inspired.
Pisces at their worst: Feeling incredibly sad because of how the world is. Manipulative and stubborn. Actually dangerous because you just can't tell what they're up to. Revengeful. They have no energy and feel powerless, underestimated and not treated how they think they should be treated.
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Setting Up Your Altar: Litha
Litha is June 21st (2017). 
Crops and most flowers are full bloom, or are about to bloom, and spending as much time outdoors is a must. 
If you cannot put your altar outside, place it as close to a window as possible.
Here are some ways you can decorate your altar.
Colors of the Season
Brighid’s Cross
Swastika (before it was ever the symbol for Hitler and the Nazis, it was a symbol of hope, and used widely in Asian religions and cultural mostly in Hindu and even used in Scandinavia)
Other Symbols of Litha
Gods Eyes
Trees (oak and acorns)
Sandalwood, Saffron, Frankincense and Laurel
Litha is also about the battle between light and dark. Although light (the sun) is strong now, in another six or so months the days will become shorter once more and darkness with win. Light and dark must battle for supremacy or who will rule as the change of seasons come about. You can decorate your altar with symbols of triumph of light versus dark. That includes using other opposites such as fire and water, night and day.
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moon healing ritual
this is a long-ish ritual that involves using the moon’s energy for helping someone who, emotionally, needs help getting back onto their feet (it can be either you or a friend, etc.)
long post ahead!
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 you will need: 
1. a candle (white, your person’s favorite color, or if you want to be fancy, the color or their zodiac sign (correspondence table here)). 
2. something to light the candle with (if it’s a match, you also may want to bring a small dish to put it in while you’re outside, to avoid any fire hazard).
3. something to write on/carve the candle with. 
1. anoint the candle with a peace or healing oil, such as chamomile or lavender.
2. write the name of the person you want to help on the candle.
the ritual: 
1. go out with your candle when the moon is shining (monday and or/a full moon is strongest, but don’t feel obligated to do it then).
2. choose a spot to perform the ritual. cleanse it and draw your circle.
3. light the candle.
4. channel the moon’s energy. visualize a sort of “energy rope” and attach it to the moon’s.
5. holding up the candle in the direction of the moon, request that its healing energy be put towards the person whom you’re doing the spell for. 
6. meditate with these energies as long as you’d like.
7. thank the moon, visualize the energies being separated, and close your circle. 
8. blow the candle out, or if you want the spell to last long-term, let it burn out.
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