thresholdwomens · 6 years
What Is The Meaning Of Life? The Answer You’d Never Guess…
What is the meaning of life?
This age-old question, brings us to ask…
The deeper questions about life, existence, and why we are here.
In this article, I promise you, you will get more clarity on not only answering the question, “What is the meaning of life”…
But more so, what this means for YOU.
This is About YOU
I can share with you what I have Realized is asking, “what is the meaning of life…”
But it doesn’t really matter, unless YOU can apply it into your life, doesn’t it?
Before anybody asks this question, what is the meaning of life, we are often brought into challenging situations that force us to ask…
That force us, to look inside…
To find a deeper meaning, beyond that which our society has convinced us this life is about…
You know what I mean, don’t you?
It’s Time for CHANGE
No matter where you are in your life, no matter what situations or difficulties have brought you here…
There is one thing, that I KNOW you feel…
It’s time for a change in your life…
Isn’t it?
Something is happening, deep inside, that maybe you can’t explain, but you can feel…
A searching, a questioning and a desire to understand, on a deeper level…
Where Did I Get These Answers?
I understand what you’re going through so deeply, because I’ve spent so many years of my life, asking the very same questions…
What is the meaning of life…?
Why am I here…?
What is my purpose…?
Although this isn’t what this article is about, I want to let you know, the words that are being written on this page, come from a very powerful source…
This ancient shamanic plant-medicine, known as Ayahuasca, from the jungles of Peru…
Has allowed me to open my understanding of life, what “is real”, my purpose, the meaning of this all… Who I Really Am… and my infinite power to create in this world…
No matter what you’re going through, with all that I’ve learned with Ayahuasca, I promise… these words will shed light into your own life, your own deeper meaning, your own purpose, and who you really are…
“The Meaning of This Life Is To Remember”
We’ve come here, as Spirits, in a physical body…
We decided, before incarnating, our own purpose…
We knew, that through the process of incarnating into a body, we would forget…
The very decisions and choices that we made, for why we came to this planet… right here… right now…
And these words, are simply here, to help you remember.
Because the meaning of life, first and foremost, is…
To remember why you are here.
So, Why Are You Here…?
You are here, to learn. To grow. To be happy. To serve, and support the people around you, as you grow to be a brighter light, and stronger in Yourself.
As you understand, Who you are…
As you understand, your own tendencies, and negative potential traits…
You learn to overcome them.
You learn to stop letting them rule you.
And this is why we are here.
To master… ourselves.
To learn… What it really means to be ALIVE, in this day and age.
What it means to be a POWERFUL CREATOR…
Who can DO, BE, or HAVE…
ANYTHING that you want in this life…
So long that it uplifts the people around you.
Are You Ready For That…?
Before you can ever tap into this deeper, infinite, limitless power within yourself…
The very power of the Cosmos, within you…
You need to first get to a point…
Where you stop chasing the material.
Where you stop chasing the money, for the sake of money…
Where you stop chasing sexuality, drugs, alcohol, or the vices that corrupt our hearts…
How do you do this?
It’s a long answer, and even longer journey.
But I’ll tell you something:
There Is No Shortcut
Although Ayahuasca and these powerful shamanic rituals can drastically accelerate our journey into understanding ourselves, and our greater purpose…
The fact is:
YOU… and ONLY you…
Are in charge of your life.
Nobody to blame for your own shortcomings.
Nobody to point the finger to… for ANYTHING you have, or anything you’ve experienced in your life…
Self-Responsibility is the First Step
Before you can get the answer to, “What is the meaning of life”…
You need to earn it.
You need to SHOW that you are ready for it.
You need to demonstrate…
That you will not squander, or waste the answer, when you finally get it…
Spirit Waits…
Great Spirit, God, The Universe, Source…
Whatever words you use to describe the infinite beyond measure… that where we all come from, and return to…
The fact is:
Spirit waits…
Until you are ready…
Before you can finally See, and get the Answer… to YOUR personal meaning and your highest purpose in this life…
You Are Tested
Are you willing to live your purpose, when you actually find it out?
Are you willing to leave behind the familiar, the old concepts of “security” from a job, and let go of letting the thoughts of what your friends and family think of you, control you…
Are you willing to choose GROWTH over Fear…
Again and again?
These are the tests.
When you SHOW…
Not with your words, or your questions…
But with your ACTIONS… and how you live your life…
When you LIVE from a place, where Your Highest Truth… becomes your number one priority…
You will find out…
What is the meaning of life?
Don’t Want to Wait?
Tough luck.
There are no shortcuts.
But this is what you can do, today, to get closer to your highest purpose…
Choose GROWTH over FEAR
Choose EXPANSION over what’s “comfortable” or easy
Be clear in your heart… that NOTHING is more important, than finding out, and living… Your Highest Truth.
The Answer Is Simple
We have come here, to learn. To grow. To evolve. To expand…
To forget… the Source… that which we have come from and return to…
We forget… so that we recognize the importance… of coming back Home.
That means, all the pain, the struggle, the hardship, and the difficulties… are NECESSARY…
For us to come to the deep inner shift, where we recognize…
What is it that really matters in our lives?
And what really makes us happy…?
The System Is Strong…
The System has programmed us… to no longer think for ourselves…
To think small, and not believe in ourselves…
To believe we “need” them…
The job, the money, the security, the “things”, the pension…
All in a genius orchestration to keep us from Waking Up.
To keep us from finding our True Strength. Our True Power…
The Power of Love…
The Power of The Heart…
We Need Each Other
This is why… we gather…
Those of us, who ask… The deeper questions, and seek a deeper meaning in life…
Those of us, who want to WAKE UP… and live from our Highest Truth…
We gather…
Join the family.
And be a part of this Movement of Awakening…
Where, together, we remember…
WHY we are here…
And we LIVE this…
So as to uplift the entire planet around us.
Live For Service
If anything…
And all you take from this article, “What Is The Meaning Of Life”…
Is this one understanding… then my job is complete.
Live for service.
Live to uplift the people around you.
Live to contribute, and give something back to the world…
Make it a better place, than before you came…
How can you do that?
Ask yourself.
You’ll be amazed at the answers.
Beware of The Little Voice
If you have a little voice inside… that still tells you…
You can’t do that…
You aren’t good enough…
You aren’t talented enough, or whatever enough…
Or you can’t accomplish anything…
Then please, for yourself, and the collective whole…
Let us support you.
And you’ll be amazed beyond words or measure… at how much can shift, and how quickly…
Enjoy This Video
As I sat and asked, “What is the meaning of life?” on this breathtaking alpine lake in Switzerland…
These words came through:
Click here to learn more
Looking forward to sharing more again soon!
[To be continued..]
With SO much love, here for you in every way I can be, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
If you’re still asking… and still not clear…
What is the meaning of life?
Let me say it simply.
1. To GROW
2. To be HAPPY!
3. To SHARE & uplift others…
4. To LOVE…
5. To find your personal purpose and passion.
Everything I’ve shared with you here…
Is ultimately about waking up within you, the deep remembering of these answers…
And above all, lead you to ask even more questions…
For only asking better questions, will lead you to the answers you seek…
Let these words ring within your consciousness…
And pay attention to your thoughts and dreams over the days to come…
With SO much love, we’ll speak again soon!
The post What Is The Meaning Of Life? The Answer You’d Never Guess… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2x7VPc8
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
My Visit to Damanhur, Italy! (Europe’s Largest Community & Ecovillage)
Wow… I just got back from an amazing 5 day visit to Damanhur, Italy…
They are doing something AMAZING, and I had to see what is it that made them grow to be such a powerful leader in the vision of what conscious communities and ecovillages can look like…
Saving Humanity From Self-Destruction
I’m just going to say it exactly as it is taught there…
Falco Tarassaco, one of the head founders of Damanhur, Italy, and the lead Spiritual Guide and Teacher…
Was said to have come from another timeline, where human beings were unable to live in harmony with each other and our planet…
As a result, survival was threatened as a species. And in that, we lost any values for spirituality and harmonic living with one another…
Falco was asked to re-incarnate 600 years in the past (our modern day), in order to help create a new timeline for Planet Earth.
His mission:
Teach humans to live in harmony with each other, and the planet…
To stop ourselves from entering the future where we face our own extinction.
Time Travel and a “New Timeline”
There is so much that they are doing on the planet, in order to help humanity create a new timeline where, instead of going into a reality where war, and destruction continue to rule…
We open up into the potential where HARMONY and beautiful co-existant living, can truly be the values that guide our people and our planet.
How do they do this?
The Temples of Humankind
First of all, you need to see this…
(These are just 3 of the 8 Halls in The Temples of Humankind)
For over 40 years, since their inception in the 1970s…
They have been digging, by hand, this immense underground temple…
Now, over 8500 square meters, with over 600 citizens in the community of Damanhur… this demonstrates not only a work of art more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen…
But more so, the deepest commitment and dedication that I’ve ever seen a group of people come together to create.
The Purpose of The Temple...
The Temples of Humankind, and the process of creating it…
Represent the deep inner work that we have to do…
Going INSIDE ourselves. To clear away the densities, the programs, and the beliefs that no longer serve us. The very things that keep us in separation, from eachother and the True Self.
The people of Damanhur, Italy have created this Temple to uplift our Collective Humanity.
It is said to be like a homing beacon, to call forth advanced souls from around the Cosmos, to come to planet Earth, to assist in our Awakening.
And the immensity of the power of these Temples – and all the Temples they build – carry something so far beyond words…
But something I look to with such awe and inspiration, for FEELING them in real life, there is something I can say for certain, that is SO powerful about them… and what it is giving to the world, how it uplifts our planetary frequency, and what these people are doing…
Is something that inspires me so deeply, and shows me what is truly needed on our planet!
Conscious Communities as The Way of the Future
This is why we, The Ayahuasca Healings Family, are so passionate about creating conscious communities in the world…
If you’re reading these words, there is a part of you, that can sense, there is something off with the way we are living as a society right now…
Disconnected from each other…
Disconnected from our own hearts…
Disconnected from what we really want…
And what it really means to be of service in this world…
We write these words to INSPIRE you, to REMEMBER…
WHY you are here.
To uplift our planet!
And play your beautiful, special, unique role, in the uplifting and awakening of our humanity!
It All Starts Inside
As Ghandi says, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.
If you want to change the world, it all starts inside.
We need to start looking… deep inside…
And recognizing the patterns that keep us in separation…
The very things inside of us, that stop us from connecting deeply with others… or following our own heart…
We need to see..!
We need to understand, that in order to heal our planet, we have to heal ourselves…
There is no other way…
Than looking deep, and doing the work…
To let go of the pains, the wounds, and the traumas that we carry from a world that has hurt us as children.
Where we have been convinced to chase the material… and think that that is where we will find our joy…
But you know, deep inside, this isn’t true…
ASK the Right Questions…
If you are reading these words…
It’s time to start asking better questions, that can help you look at life in a different way.
One of the things that I loved hearing about Falco Tarassaco, was that he was such a huge proponent of teaching people to ASK better questions…
To SHIFT the way we look at the world, day by day…
This takes a commitment.
This takes a consistency.
And this takes a willingness to ASK better questions…
For all that we have in life, is dependent on the questions that we ask.
Want a better life?
Ask better questions.
If you could change ANYTHING in your life… what would you change?
We Are Here To Help You Make THAT Happen
And these words, all that we write, all that we share…
Even visiting Damanhur, Italy, to see what these leaders in conscious communities are doing…
This is all about being able to CREATE something for YOU.
The people of this world…
Who are still stuck in the system…
Who are still finding their way out…
Finding their way… back to the True Self…
Those seeking PURPOSE, MEANING, and to be of SERVICE in the world…
Meet: The Global Healing Family
Little by little, we gather.
We come together, to pave the path, and bring forth Heaven on Earth once again.
A world where Harmony, Peace, and Co-creative living, where we support each other through our own unique gifts and passions…!
This is what we are here to create!
Damanhur, Italy has shown me so much – far beyond what I can put in a single blog post – but above all, it shows me how POSSIBLE it is…
To live in harmony, and create a better world, together!
A Commitment for Life
After my visit to Damanhur, Italy…
I realize how much DEDICATION it takes, to be willing to create a world, on a practical scale, where we can escape the system, live our passions, and experience the beauty and freedom that life can truly offer us…
And this isn’t something that happens fast.
I used to love doing things fast.
But I realize, it happens only with TIME…
For life!
But it starts today. For our life is simply made up of the days that we live…
My Final Question To You
So I leave you with this –
What are you doing, in your life, on a daily scale, to truly improve how you live?
Ask yourself this.
And see what comes up.
What clarity can you bring to yourself…
That can truly help you improve how you live, and how you FEEL, on a daily basis?
Remember –
“Ask better questions, get better answers…”
Until next time, this is our prayer to the world…
May all being be Peaceful.
May all beings be Happy.
May all beings… everywhere… be Free.
With SO much love, inspiring you to live Your Highest Truth, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
Be sure to check out our community in Peru, and how we commit everything we are to sharing Love, Healing, Truth, and Awakening… to bring those who are ready, back to their deepest purpose…
With SO much love…
We’ll speak again soon!
  The post My Visit to Damanhur, Italy! (Europe’s Largest Community & Ecovillage) appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2wqkU2n
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
Why I Quit Smoking Cannabis
I’m writing this for anybody who wants to quit smoking cannabis, as I’m sure by sharing my journey letting go of this plant, that it will help many of you who are also struggling with letting go…
First, let’s give some background story:
My Personal Journey
I started smoking when I was 15, and from the age of 16 – 19, I was smoking a LOT.
I used cannabis to help me with bodybuilding (gaining weight), and learning online marketing, which is what these years of my life were dedicated to.
Since that period, I have had a relationship with it, on and off, where I would smoke every day for periods of time (weeks to months) and then take a break…
But the cycle would continue, and I would find myself smoking cannabis unconsciously and excessively (in my opinion), and ultimately seeing that it was taking away from my life…
It’s Not About Cannabis
Before we dive deeper, let’s clarify one thing:
“It’s not about the plant, it’s about the relationship we have with it”
As with anything, it’s not the plant/medicine/substance that is the issue… it is the RELATIONSHIP with it that matters.
So we need to see that cannabis isn’t the enemy, but it’s our RELATIONSHIP with it, that any conflict or difficulty comes from…
I Need To Take An Honest Look At Myself…
Before I decided that this is why I quit smoking cannabis, I realized something first…
There was this recurring pattern in my life:
No matter how long of a “break” I took from cannabis, something would trigger me, and I would start smoking again. Then I would smoke more… until it was daily. Often smoking from the morning until night.
I would find myself with lower energy, and a lower desire to do the things that were important to me. Like workout or meditate for example.
“But It Improved My Life!”
I had this ongoing theme with cannabis, thinking that it would improve my life, or make me more creative or focused, which is why I would come back to it whenever I did…
But when I really look at myself…
I would see that the overall net effect on my life was more negative or detrimental, than it would be positive.
Cannabis and Co-Dependency
One of the things that I realized the most, that really made me look at my relationship with cannabis…
Was seeing how whenever I would smoke, I would always want to smoke more.
There was never a middle-ground for me.
It’s like with cannabis, I had absolutely 0 capacity for moderation.
So, whenever I would smoke, even if it was just once, it was like clockwork:
The next day, I would have cravings, and want to smoke again.
Until I did, and the cycle repeated itself.
Now, I had to know more…
My Personal Experiment
In seeing this pattern, I then asked myself:
“I wonder if I could have a healthy relationship with cannabis?”
So I played around with testing different “rules” I would make for myself, to help me have a better relationship with cannabis.
I found it hard to completely stop smoking cannabis, especially when it is was such a big part of our culture…
And honestly, I didn’t want to give it up.
So I played around with seeing what would work for me…
“The 4:20 Rule”
Which is simple. I wouldn’t smoke until past 4:20pm.
Because if I smoke too early, I smoke throughout the day… and end up feeling really lethargic and tired by the end of the night.
And I find the contrast of time when I’m smoking and not-smoking makes my experience with the medicine always so much more insightful and opening for me.
Otherwise, if I’m constantly smoking, the deep expansion of awareness just diminishes… until all that’s left is a feeling of heaviness. Do you know what I mean?
“The 3 Day Rule”
Which would mean I would smoke only once every 3 days…
That would mean two full days before smoking. (3 sleeps)
In order to really emphasize the contrast of perspective that I just spoke about.
And also…
“The Once-a-Day Rule”
This one was honestly one of my favorites.
I would take time in the morning to set my intentions for smoking, honor it and meditate with it, and then only smoke once that day…
But To No Avail…
After years of testing out if I can have a “healthy” relationship with cannabis…
I have come to the conclusion:
I can’t.
I honestly don’t know what it is.
Past lives.
Whatever it is, there is this deep energetic tie that I have with this plant…
And whenever I smoke, I can’t help but want to smoke more.
This is one of the most powerful, rare, and LIMITED energies we have.
Imagine it this way –
You only get 10 points of “Will Power” every day.
How will you spend those points?
Once they’re spent, they’re spent.
To me, no matter what rules I set out for myself, I COULD follow them…
But it would take a lot of my will power.
And I realized, I would MUCH rather use my will power to CREATE amazing new habits, or powerful things in the world, rather than pushing away a desire to smoke cannabis…
Agitation and Irritability
Another huge factor for me, and why I stopped smoking cannabis…
Was because I noticed something else about myself…
Whenever I would smoke every day, for whatever length of time…
When I would “come off” of smoking cannabis, I would be incredible irritable and agitable.
I would be very easily triggered.
Things would bother me way more than they normally would.
I would find it really hard to let go of being upset.
And I would find that I wouldn’t treat everybody with love and kindness…
Yeah, it’s hard to say and admit, but this is what taking an honest look at myself has truly shown me…
Another Negative…
From lowered concentration, to cravings, to agitation, and even needing more sleep…
I found another big reason that made me want to stop smoking cannabis.
I call it “Instant Gratification Mode”.
When I smoke cannabis, I’ve found that all I really care about is what I want in that moment.
Rather than thinking long term, or what really supports me in the big picture, I just care about what I want instantly.
That’s led me to spend more money, eat unhealthy, and just “consume”…
“All We Are Is a Compilation of Our Addictions”
One of my mentors shared this with me, many years ago…
And it’s so true.
We are addicted to so many things…
Not that it’s a bad thing, because it’s true.
But let’s create HEALTHY addictions.
Like addictions to working out, eating healthy, uplifting others, or spreading joy…
What are YOU addicted to?
It’s Your Turn – Here’s Your CHALLENGE
After reading this story of why I quit smoking cannabis, I want to leave you with this:
Are you happy with your relationship with cannabis?
Do you believe you can have a healthy relationship with it?
If so, what would that look like?
Really look at yourself.
THIS is your challenge.
How HONEST can you be with yourself?
How does this plant effect you?
What are the positives? And most importantly, what are the negatives?
Do the positives outweigh the negatives…?
Really see… if this plant is making your life better, or not.
If not…
Choose wisely.
You know, deep down inside, what you know is best for you.
I pray that these words supports you in your journey, to live Your Highest Truth!
That’s all for now!
We’ll speak again soon!
With SO much love, from my heart to yours, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS – The Collective Energy of Cannabis
Personally, I believe the Spirit of Cannabis, and the root energy of this plant is extremely powerful, and can teach us so much…
This is why we are drawn to it in the first place…
But if we don’t come to this medicine with a positive intention for ourselves, it can very easily take us off of our center…
I believe that Man has tainted the pure essence of cannabis.
As it has been used hugely to generate money, profits, and to feed the deep-seeded greed of man.
Personally, if I am to come back to cannabis, I want to plant my own seeds (which I would germinate with my own saliva) and grow my own plant with love, care and attention… asking for it to heal me, and give me what will serve me in my highest, for the greatest good of all…
This I feel is an important step for me in my journey with this plant, and what I feel could really be a huge turning point for helping me have a healthy relationship with cannabis…
That’s all for now!
Praying this supports you in your journey of continued self-awareness!
We’re always here for you to take the leap and come to Peru, to receive the infinite gifts that Mother Ayahuasca can give you, to really help you transform your life in the deepest way possible.
So much love!!
The post Why I Quit Smoking Cannabis appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2viK2a7
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
Unfulfilled With Work…?
In 2011, I met one of my greatest teachers.
When we met, I just came from backpacking across Mexico and had nothing.
I barely had $50 to my name.
Just my backpack with a few clothes, after having everything stolen from me in Nicaragua.
(Yeah… I needed that to teach me a priceless lesson. You gotta hear this story!)
When I met my mentor, Ted McGrath, in San Diego, he saw something in me.
We continued to stay in touch, and very quickly, he invited me to move in with him.
The exchange was clear:
I would help him build his coaching company, with the skills I have online.
And he would teach me, house me, take me under his wing, and bring me into his million dollar lifestyle in San Diego.
He gave me everything.
But more important than the lifestyle and abundance in every way…
Was what I learned from him.
He is very gifted at helping thought- leaders and business owners make a bigger impact in the world.
I learned the very skills that have now helped Ayahuasca Healings be the international movement that it is.
The point is:
Near the end of our mentorship…
I had choice.
He offered me to be a partner in his company, which I KNEW would become a very successful multi-million dollar brand.
(And it now is)
I could leave with the information that he taught me and go my own way.
On one hand, there was guaranteed success and financial abundance.
On the other hand, was my purpose and true calling.
But honestly, I had no idea what to do.
I went through such an internal struggle.
My mind was telling me to stay.
My heart was telling me to go.
There was everything I thought I wanted, presented to me on a silver platter.
The money. The lifestyle. The security…
And on the other hand:
Was complete uncertainty.
I had no idea where the other path would lead me.
All I knew…
Was that staying with Ted and becoming a partner…
Just didn’t feel completely right.
Although it was 98% of what I wanted…
It wasn’t 100%.
So… I went inside.
Meditation was my saving grace.
I calmed my mind which was so anxious and unsure…
I found a stillness.
And was whispered the words…
“Never settle for anything less than what you really want”
I heard the voice of my Heart.
After calming the mind, which was telling me to choose the money…
It became so loud and clear.
I had to go.
I had to follow my heart.
I had to find what I was really here to do.
And fulfill my own purpose.
Was one of the hardest and BEST decisions of my entire life.
Because here’s the point:
If you’re stuck in an unfulfilled career, or finding yourself feeling trapped by society, bills or needing to make money…
There IS a way out.
And NOTHING is more important, than listening to your heart.
Even if that means making less money (or no money for now).
Most important, is your JOY and FREEDOM.
So the question is…
How do you listen to your heart?
Especially when the mind can be so strong…
And the mental programs, and societal expectations can make it so hard…?
This is the ONLY way I know, of how to calm the mind, so we can truly listen to the Heart.
And there is NOTHING more important.
Because the Heart is our compass, and our greatest teacher.
You need to calm the mind to be able to listen.
And this is meditation’s greatest gift to us.
When you learn to listen to your Heart…
And ignore the fear…
You’ve found the secret to the life of your dreams.
So, I share this story, praying it paints the picture of how important meditation truly is.
Especially if you want to find your deepest fulfillment in life.
It’s the only way.
[To be continued..]
With SO much love, here to point the way inside, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
By making the choice I did, and choosing to listen to my Heart over anything else…
I found my purpose.
And my deepest fulfillment.
You will, too.
If you make meditation a focus in your life.
But more important…
Is how to overcome the fears that get in our way.
More on this, in my next email!
Keep your eye out for it!
Much love!!
The post Unfulfilled With Work…? appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2LNixwF
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
Why We NEED To Meditate…
I just finished a 7 day intensive breathwork retreat, here in Guatemala.
I also just moved here with my beautiful beloved and our coming baby (Yay!!)
Life is…
Stressful. Hard. And intense.
Well, it is when I don’t meditate.
You see, as with any retreat where we really commit ourselves to healing, growing and evolving as individuals and souls on this path…
It always brings up and shows us what we need to work on most.
For me, it is really preparing me for what it means to be a father.
Particularly, I am seeing how I need to learn to really give to myself first, before giving to others.
What do I mean by that?
Most importantly, with how I start my day.
Having just moved to Guatemala, and with my beloved being pregnant, there is so much to do.
Everything from getting furniture, preparing our home, cleaning, daily household tasks, running this organization, and the list goes on.
You know what I mean. The endless list of things to do.
Where it seems like we cross one thing off our list, and two more are added.
So instead of starting my day with meditation like I’m used to, which is SO important to me…
I’ve been getting sucked into the vortex of “doing” right from the moment I wake up.
And it just takes me… throughout my whole day until night falls and I’m exhausted.
Rinse and repeat.
Fortunately, this retreat has shown me so clearly how I can NO LONGER do that.
How I NEED to start my day from a place of stillness. Filling my own cup first.
Or else, the stresses of life just become overwhelming to me.
And this retreat has intensified everything, forcing me to a place where the ONLY thing I can do… is go inside.
And when I do…
I see.
Life doesn’t have to be so stressful.
It doesn’t have to feel like I never have time for myself…
Yes, there is ALWAYS something more to do.
It doesn’t matter what’s happening in our lives.
There is always something else to do… If we let it.
But meditation is the key that ultimately shows us…
Life doesn’t have to be that way.
It doesn’t need to feel like you’re almost drowning, gasping for air, looking for a moment for yourself.
We don’t need to feel like machines, doing things just because we have to, not even enjoying them…
And most importantly:
Life doesn’t need to be so stressful or such a struggle!
Meditation shows us…
How to slow down.
How to take a breath and enjoy.
How to not get so stressed out about the little things.
How to stop being so run by our minds, constantly “doing,” thinking of the next thing we need to do…
And it really shows us the path to living in peace.
Right here. Right now.
Your unique journey to the inner peace your soul craves, is only available and shown to you when you go inside and listen.
Meditation shows you the way.
To the inner peace, love, joy, presence, and how to enjoy life more than you ever have.
No matter what you have to “do” or what your “responsibilities” are…
… this deep state of inner peace and JOY is truly available to you.
With meditation.
This is what it’s done for me.
And whenever I forget, or get caught up with all the things life demands…
I am reminded.
Life does NOT need to be so stressful.
And we truly can have balance in life.
So I share this message with you today!
Praying this inspires you to see a different way of living for yourself.
A life where you are NOT run by your mind.
And planting the seed, reminding you that life is meant to be ENJOYED.
Beyond Ayahuasca, there is nothing more valuable than meditation, to help you go from where you are… to where you want to be.
Especially when it comes to creating your dream life.
What do I mean by that?
I have a great story for you!
In my next email!
[To be continued..]
With SO much love, so grateful for this journey together, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
About 10 years ago, when I first started to learn about meditation…
I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.
I was brainwashed by society to think money was going to make me happy.
But it didn’t.
And I felt more lost and confused than ever.
I found meditation.
And everything changed…
Finding this gift was the first step in creating this life of love, joy, freedom, and service, that I now live every day.
You have to hear this story.
We’ll speak again soon!
Much love!!
The post Why We NEED To Meditate… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2IYjArA
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
My Biggest Struggle After Peru…
It’s December of 2013.
I just landed in Vancouver, Canada after living in Peru for 9 months.
I just had the most life-changing period of my life.
There is a joy, a fullness, a LOVE of life and an excitement for all unfolding around me.
But like a kid excited for Christmas, waking up to no presents under the tree, I went home…
By this time, it’s been over 3 years since I was last in Vancouver.
I was excited to see my family, but what happened to me, I wasn’t even close to prepared for.
I was just living in Peru, doing the deepest healing and medicine work.
I didn’t realize how open and sensitive I was energetically.
All of a sudden, when I was back in Vancouver, all my love, joy and excitement was clouded over by a deep sadness. Depression, even.
I didn’t know why.
I thought something was wrong with me.
But one day sitting in meditation, I saw:
The emotion I was feeling wasn’t my own.
It was the density – the heaviness – of the city.
It’s like I could feel everybody’s anxiety, sadness, depression, discomfort and even emptiness.
For an entire month, the only thing that helped me was meditation. I’m so grateful I had this…
It was my savior beyond belief, and if you don’t already have a meditation practice, I recommend it more than anything.
I’ll share more about this in my next email.
The point is –
I learned so much during this time.
Especially, how to protect myself from other people’s energies.
And I realized:
So many people go to Peru to experience Ayahuasca, I’m SURE I’m not the only person who has a hard time coming back to the “city life”.
And this is when I saw so clearly, how people NEED support after their Ayahuasca retreats.
So many retreat centers just send people off after their retreat and there is no follow-up.
This is irresponsible in my opinion.
And this is when I saw, as we were creating our first Ayahuasca center at the time, we HAVE to support our guests after their retreat.
This is why when you come to our healing center in Peru, we give you this much-needed and widely-forgotten piece to your healing:
Post-retreat integration and support.
This is even MORE important than having a good retreat.
And why many people choose our retreat over any other.
I just heard from Selina, one of the amazing leaders of our retreats, that a guest just came to our retreat for the third time.
That says a lot.
So join us.
If you feel our heart, our passion, and our commitment to providing the most valuable and transformational retreat possible.
This is for you.
We’ll speak again soon!
With so much love!
[To be continued..]
From the depths of my heart to yours, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
There is one thing that I am as passionate about sharing with others, as much as I am with Ayahuasca…
It’s Meditation.
What does it really do for us?
Is the goal to really silence our mind?
No, no…
Let me share more with you in my next email.
This one will be good!
Much love!!
The post My Biggest Struggle After Peru… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2LAvKbW
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
What I Learned After 30 Ayahuasca Ceremonies…
In 2013, I lived in Peru for 9 months.
I sat in ceremony almost every single week.
It was the most intense, powerful, challenging and transformational year I’ve ever had.
Week after week, ceremony after ceremony, I couldn’t help but keep coming back.
I didn’t do it because I “wanted to” exactly.
I did it because I knew I had to.
I didn’t do it because it was “fun”.
Because it wasn’t.
I did it because at the end of every single ceremony, I felt something unlike I’ve ever felt before.
There was a deep transformation happening.
Like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon, I could feel this year, 2013, was my time in the chrysalis.
I barely did anything that year but sit in ceremony, process, write, and share with others who were on the same journey.
People from all over the world were called to Peru for the same reason I was.
To heal.
To let go of all the layers that no longer serve us.
And to step into who we are really here to be in the world.
I learned only the serious come to Peru.
Those who are truly serious about their inner work and releasing our own blocks so we could get out of our own way.
I watched countless people – hundreds upon hundreds – come to Peru as one being, and leave as somebody else. More whole.
What did over 30 Ayahuasca ceremonies in one year teach me?
What was my greatest lesson from that all?
Ultimately, I saw that there are so many layers of unconsciousness, limiting beliefs, fears and self-sabotage that we all carry.
Pain, trauma, wounds and memories that are buried within our subconscious that effect us every single day.
In every situation.
Every time we react in anger or we get upset – our beliefs, perspective of the world and our PAST is what is behind it all.
And naturally, when we clean up our past, we become a completely different being NOW.
How we react to situations, changes.
We’re not as easily triggered or made upset.
The things that used to anger us no longer do.
And we could watch life unfold before us, even if things aren’t “going our way” and remain calm, centered, peaceful and happy.
When we heal the limiting beliefs that we picked up from our childhood…
And we really look at the value system that our society taught us…
Layer by layer, Ayahuasca unravels us like an onion.
Until eventually, you get to the Core. The Truth. Who You Really Are.
Layers of illusion, limiting beliefs and unhealthy thought patterns are purified.
The result:
We are so much happier. Present. Loving. Calm.
And following our heart, our deepest calling, and our purpose becomes automatic.
It’s like she showed me the blueprint out of suffering.
And now, with this blueprint, I live it in my every day life.
Equipped with the tools to handle any and every situation from a place of consciousness and love.
Is what Mother Ayahuasca has given me.
And after 30 ceremonies in one year, I learned:
This journey never ends.
This isn’t something we do once. And then we’re done.
This isn’t about coming to Peru, and then everything will be fixed.
No, this is about a life-long commitment to Truth. To Consciousness. And living as the most self-aware being that we possibly could be. Every day.
If this is the path you are on, then we are here for you.
We aren’t here for people who want a “quick fix”.
Because there’s no such thing.
So join us in Peru.
If you’re ready to really make this commitment to yourself. And let us, and this medicine, speed up your journey unlike anything else.
“It’s like 10 years of therapy in a single night,” I heard someone say in an Ayahuasca documentary.
We’ll speak to you again soon!
[To be continued..]
With SO much love, so grateful for this journey together, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
When I came back to Vancouver, Canada after living in Peru for 9 months…
It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.
What happened to me?
And most importantly, how does this apply to you after you come to Peru and return back home?
Very valuable lesson, I’ll share in my next email!
Much love!!
The post What I Learned After 30 Ayahuasca Ceremonies… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2xeBlSb
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
How Ayahuasca Shows Us Our Purpose…
Check out this video:
(Click the image below to watch)
After a beautiful Ayahuasca ceremony in Peru, I filmed this video, with so much love in my heart and so deeply connected to the teachings that were shown to me.
Mother Ayahuasca gave me Purpose after I had been searching, asking and seeking for so long.
Enjoy this video! And I pray that it inspires your journey forward, into your Self and your True Path on this planet.
With so much love!
We’ll speak again soon!
[To be continued..]
So grateful for you and this journey you’re on, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
When I was first living in Peru, I stayed there for about 9 months and sit in ceremony almost every week…
What did I learn?
What did that do for me?
And what is the greatest lesson from all of it?
I’ll share that with you in my next email!
Much love!!
The post How Ayahuasca Shows Us Our Purpose… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2x94e23
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
This, She Promises You…
He said, as we sat around in a circle:
“She doesn’t always give you what you want, but She will always gives you what you need”
Wise words from the Shaman who served me my first cup of Ayahuasca.
Back in 2013, when I first found this medicine –
I seemed to keep coming back to this question in the middle of every ceremony:
… “Why am I doing this to myself?!”
It is nowhere close to pleasant. Not something you do at all just because you’re curious.
Only if you have a deep desire to live as the brightest, happiest, most fulfilled loving version of YOU that you possibly could be – is this medicine for you.
During my first 5-10 Ayahuasca ceremonies, all I remember is vague memories of laying on the ground, crying, shaking, vomiting…
Releasing SO much there are truly no words that can summarize the depth of processing and liberation that was given to me.
I was called to this medicine.
And I was asked to dedicate my life to healing.
Ceremony after ceremony…
It never seemed to get easier.
I thought so many times:
“This is my last ceremony”
Or, “I’m never doing this again”
Despite how hard it would be in the middle of each ceremony, how much my ego held on and my mind resisted…
By the end of the night, I would always feel lighter than I’ve ever felt before.
More clear. More of ME.
Who I Really Am.
I would get a glimpse into the True SELF.
The infinite stillness and peace of the One I AM Presence.
And no matter how hard a ceremony was, by the end of it I was always happier and more filled with JOY than anything I’ve ever experienced before.
Mother Ayahuasca opened up a depth of LOVE and gratitude for life that no words could ever fully express.
So I could look back at all the challenges, all the things that have happened in my life, and I could feel nothing but gratitude for them.
Seeing how they all played such a vital role in my life, my evolution, and for me to grow to be who I am today.
All the things I’ve regretted.
All the things I’m not happy about in my life.
All the relationships that weren’t healthy…
Addictions. Self-sabatoge. Unconscious patterns.
She showed me all of it. Layer by layer.
And through seeing… the healing would be automatic.
My journey with Mother Ayahuasca was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.
And at the same time, nothing has ever been more valuable to me.
“She doesn’t always give you what you want, but she ALWAYS gives you what you need”
I pray this story inspires you to take this step forward and no matter what you need to do to make this happen for yourself, do it.
It will be one of the greatest things you’ve ever done for yourself. Period.
We’re here for you.
Whenever you’re ready. Come join us.
We’ll speak to you again soon!
[To be continued..]
With so much love, so grateful to share my story and inspire yours, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
I’ve been speaking about purpose, and I just remembered this amazing video that I filmed in Peru after a beautiful ceremony.
Sharing valuable insights from my ceremony and how this medicine truly helps us discover our deepest purpose in life.
I’ll share that with you in my next email!
Speak to you soon!
The post This, She Promises You… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2Lmg24e
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
How to Handle Other People’s Expectation of You
“And now I will do what is best for me”
I just read this quote, and it triggered something so deep inside of me.
I have someone very close in my life, who is having a really hard time…
And it’s so hard to see.
I love this person so much.
And I see her struggling, suffering, and not happy.
Because she is torn.
Between what she wants… the life that she desires deep inside…
And what her family wants of her.
She is pressured, every day. Judged and even mocked in a “loving” family way.
All her family expects of her, is to make money, and live a “normal” life.
They don’t care what makes her happy, or what she really wants…
All they care about is what THEY want FOR her.
It’s so sad to see.
And what’s even harder for me…
Is to know –
That so many of you are in this reality.
You want one thing.
You want to do ________ with your life, and whatever that may be, I’m here to tell you…
It’s AMAZING that you want to heal the world, or travel, or quit your job, or not go to school, or whatever!
I’m sure, so many people around you, when you tell them what you really want to do, or how you really feel…
They don’t understand.
They don’t hear you.
And you’re left feeling like, what’s the point? Why tell them?
So you stop opening up to them, and stop sharing what you really feel deep inside.
Leaving you alone, missing someone to open up to, fully.
And I know, for so many of you, there are but just a few people around you, who you can really share your deepest heart’s truth, and highest ambitions with.
But I am here.
We are here.
As your family.
As the community you’ve been looking for.
To remind you…
There are SO many people out there.
Living the exact life you want to live.
Because they stopped caring about what other people think about them.
They stopped letting other people’s expectations, rule how they live their life.
And they finally took the leap of faith, to follow their own heart, no matter what other people thought.
This is your chance.
In fact, every day is your chance.
To finally step into the life you’ve wanted to live.
Let this be your message of inspiration for today. And every day.
Don’t let other people tell you what is most important to you.
Only you can know.
And only YOU, can take the actions needed, to make sure you live the life you’re here to live.
Nobody else.
Your life isn’t going to change if you just “wait” for it to.
No, it takes your trust, your faith, and your ACTION to step into the life you know you’re here to live.
“When you are born in a world you don’t fit in; it’s because you were born to help create a new one”
So, what are you doing, to create the life you really want deep inside?
Stop waiting.
The time has come, to stop sitting around, hoping things change…
But to BE the CHANGE you wish to see in the world.
That starts with YOU.
Follow your heart. Follow your highest truth.
And finally do something, that you’ve wanted to do for so long.
In doing so, you give everybody else permission, to also follow their heart.
We’re here for you.
You’re not alone.
And remember, only together, is creating the New Earth possible.
So, keep walking this path, do the work to heal yourself, and together we’ll heal the planet.
Join us in Peru.
And we’ll speak to again soon!
With so much love!
[To be continued..]
Here for you, more than you could even imagine, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
One of the greatest ways to describe your experience with Ayahuasca is:
“It will be nothing like what you expect, but everything that you need”
A dear sister once said this to a guest who registered for our retreat, and I couldn’t have said it better myself.
My first 5-10 Ayahuasca ceremonies were nothing like I expected…
But they were the most powerful, life-changing thing I’ve ever experienced.
Many times I thought I’m never doing this again, but I kept coming back…
Why? What happened to me?
I’ll share more about this in my next email.
Much love!!
The post How to Handle Other People’s Expectation of You appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2rTyojW
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
How to Discover Your Purpose…
I didn’t always know my purpose…
And honestly, it wasn’t easy to find it out either.
But there was one thing that I later learned was the key to discovering my deepest purpose…
Back in 2010, I left my hometown of Vancouver Canada, after discovering that money isn’t what really makes me happy.
(Despite what we are brainwashed to think)
I traveled, I searched, I looked and I wanted nothing more than to really know… why I am here on this planet.
I knew I was here to make a difference. I knew deep down inside I was here to help people and make the world a better place, somehow…
But I had no idea how.
I had a sense – like we all do, deep inside – and for me, I got glimpse that I was here to teach.
But after learning from teacher after teacher, traveling the world discovering so much about myself, after years of searching, I didn’t feel any closer.
I was frustrated and disappointed. I put so much energy into asking the questions and seeking:
What is my purpose in life?
What am I really here to do?
Many times, I wanted to give up. I was honestly so close to just going back home and getting a job, living the life in a box that my parents wanted for me.
But I couldn’t stand the idea of living the same day, again and again.
And as frustrated as I was, I kept searching.
Until eventually, 3 years later, I ended up in Peru and found Mother Ayahuasca.
And this blessed teacher taught me and showed me exactly what I am here to do with my life to share and live my gifts in the world.
You know what was the KEY to discovering my purpose?
Yes, Mother Ayahuasca is so helpful…
But it’s something so much more than that.
It is the TRAIT:
Of never giving up.
Of prioritizing your purpose above ALL ELSE.
And never settling for less than what you really want, deep down inside.
So many of us…
Settle for a life that we are silently unhappy with. Whether that’s with a job, a relationship, or our own fitness, health and diet.
But if you really want to know your purpose –
You CAN NOT settle.
For anything less than what you really want.
When you show the Universe that this is the most important thing to you…
That is the only time you will ever know what your deepest purpose in life really is.
So, take this step.
Come to Peru.
And really LIVE the fact that there is nothing more important to you than knowing your life’s purpose.
If it isn’t that important to you…
And you’re okay with this silent voice inside that will never stop until you discover your truth…
Then you can put this off.
But, if you really want to know your purpose, and the deepest fulfillment and joy that that brings you, then join us.
We’ll talk again soon!
[To be continued..]
With so much love, here to help you discover your deepest truth, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
Sometimes, other people’s expectations of you can be the biggest obstacle to really living the life that you really want.
Whether that’s your family or friends, deep down inside we are programmed to care about what people think about us.
And more so, to “make people happy”.
As a result, so many of us live a life that someone else wants for us.
Sacrificing our own joy and deepest fulfillment.
How can you let go of other people’s expectations of you?
I’ll go into this in my next email.
Much love!!
The post How to Discover Your Purpose… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2rPRQyj
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
What is The Purpose of Life?
I didn’t always know my purpose.
One day, in 2013, during one of the most memorable Ayahuasca ceremonies of my life…
I was presented with this question:
What is the purpose of life?
And all I saw, was a big question mark.
This question mark, was the entire theme of my ceremony. And it was like a story was played out in front of me.
This question was answered little by little, one piece at a time, until it culminated to a final answer.
“What is the purpose of life?” I asked.
I was shown all these experiences from my past, and the first answer that arose was…
“To grow”
To learn and evolve, to be the best that we can be. Or more so, more of who we really are.
I saw a series of experiences in my life, all teaching me so much. And helping me to be the being that I am now.
Many difficult, painful moments and how when I was living them, they were so hard…
But on the other side, I can see how much they served me. How necessary they were for my growth and evolution.
And I felt like I figured it out. The purpose of life is to grow!
Then this question mark re-appeared.
And I asked again:
What is the purpose of life?
It was like the next chapter of a book being revealed. And I was shown many moments in my life where I was happy, joyous and perfectly content with what is.
The next answer came.
“The purpose of life is to be happy”
I saw, how if that is all I focus on, how perfect my life would be.
When being happy is what I prioritize most, I am led down the path where I experience exactly what I want and need.
And as long as I am happy, then that’s all that really matters.
I was shown so clearly that my JOY is my greatest gift to the world. And if I really want to make this world a better place, there is nothing more important than being HAPPY.
And I felt like I got it!
I am just here to be happy!
Such a deep peace grew within me.
And the movie continued…
The question mark re-appeared.
What is the purpose of life?
“To share,” came the answer.
And I saw so clearly, how I am here to grow and be happy, so that I can share this with the world.
So I can contribute and make a difference.
My growth and inner joy is the key to sharing my gifts in the world. To make a difference. And truly help people.
Because deep down, that’s all I want to do. I don’t know why.  I just can’t help it. There is nothing more important to me.
I was shown so clearly that the purpose of life is to share and help people, in any way I can, in every moment…
This went on, showing me so many moments from my past that were so deeply fulfilling.
And what is to come in the future for me.
Then the scene changed.
And the final answer was revealed.
This question mark burst. And behind it…
Was a massive, glowing golden-pink heart.
“To Love is the point of this all”
And instantly, it all made sense.
We are here to LOVE. Period. No matter what, at the end of the day, all that matters is Love.
When we die, it’s the loved ones we have that are by our side.
And I saw so clearly:
There is nothing more important than to Love.
To give love. To share love. To receive love.
And bring this love in the world, in any way we can.
By loving each and every person we meet.
THIS. Is the purpose of life.
And I was revealed the final piece for how to share my love with the world…
Ever since that day, I have been more in alignment with my purpose than I have ever been.
And it’s been the most amazing, beautiful journey of love, growth, joy, sharing, and all these elements that Mother Ayahuasca taught me through this ceremony.
Now, this is the foundation of all we do in the world.
Not only in my personal life, but through our organization and our Ayahuasca retreats.
Nothing is more important to us than bringing love into this world. And there is a feeling that we share with this love, that is so rare and palpable…
So join us.
Come be a part of the love.
Let Mother Ayahuasca open your heart like she has done for me and so many countless others.
If love is important to you… and you want more love in your life, in any way, then come to one of our retreats.
We are here for you.
To love you, exactly as you are.
And show you a whole new world that awaits you…
[To be continued..]
With infinite love beyond words, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
Like I said, I didn’t always know my purpose.
And to get to this point of truly discovering and living my purpose…
Took something that I see very few people actually have.
I’ll tell you what that is – the key to discovering your purpose, that goes beyond Mother Ayahuasca – in my next email.
Speak to you soon!
So much love!!
The post What is The Purpose of Life? appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2KuR2pZ
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
Video Training: The Secret to Manifestation
The secret to creating the life of our dreams lays in our ability to RECEIVE.
In this video training, I share valuable lessons which you can easily and immediately apply into your life, to expand your capacity to receive all that you really want in life.
(click the image below to watch the video)
I’ve taken the time to put as much value as I can into this, so it is about 30 minutes long.
Grab a drink, sit back, take notes, and most importantly, apply what I share with you…
And you’ll see instant improvements in your life.
Enjoy the video!
With infinite love, so grateful to share this with you, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
The post Video Training: The Secret to Manifestation appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2KVQeeS
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
How I Created My Dream Life…
It’s January 2011.
I’m living in a town called Leon, in Nicaragua, a small country just North of Costa Rica.
The weather is perfect, the food is incredible, and the people are the happiest I’ve ever met.
I just learned Spanish (in 2 weeks!) and I’m surfing, boxing and dancing salsa every single day.
There is somebody preparing all my meals, I live near the beach, and I’m paying only $150/month for all of this.
It’s my dream life. In every single way.
How did I get here?
How did I go from struggling so much in Canada…
To being able to enjoy everything that I ever wanted? (in such a short time)
The answer is simple.
I learned to follow my Heart.
I learned to trust my Inner Guidance.
And I learned how to not let my mind, fear, or what other people think about me… stop me from what want in my life.
I was willing to let go of the idea of how my life “should look” based on the societal pressures or “norm”.
I was willing to stop chasing money, and I learned that real happiness comes from something that no money can ever buy…
Because True Success is gauged not by how much money you have but how much joy you have in your heart in every moment.
When you start to prioritize your JOY over anything else…
You’ve learned the secret to creating the life of your dreams.
Don’t let materialism or the idea of what you “should” be doing with your life control you.
It’s time to stop caring about what other people think about you and to start prioritizing above all what is most important to YOU.
So, the question is…
What IS most important to you?
What kind of life would you really like to live?
And what do you think is holding you back from that..?
Sit and ask yourself those questions.
. .
Whatever your answer is…
No matter how “real” you believe the obstacle is…
It is an illusion.
Because there is truly NOTHING stopping you from creating the life that is most important to you.
I know it’s easy for the mind to disagree.
But slow down…
Take a deep breath.
Really feel into what I am saying.
You are Infinite Potential Source Energy manifest into physical form.
You are not a human with a soul, but a soul, having a physical experience.
You are capable of truly anything that you want in your life.
The Nature of your Being is infinite, endless, and beyond all measure.
It is time for you to return to this deep understanding.
Not just so you get these words from the mind.
But so you can experience this Truth.
Mother Ayahuasca… does exactly this.
She can show you so deeply, Who You Really Are.
Not just as something you understand from the mind, or words that you read on a monitor…
But so you can have this experience first hand.
To deepen the connection with your True Self.
And when you do…
When you understand the Source of Your Infinite Nature.
You start to see… that the illusions or obstacles that you thought were in your way… were exactly that: Illusions.
And taking action, stepping forward into what you really want in life becomes so simple. Easy. Almost automatic.
Because you see…
You are capable of anything.
And why live anything else other than the life that you really want?
These are the deep insights that Mother Ayahuasca can teach you and show you…
So join us.
Come to Peru.
It’s time to stop letting the mind or fear get in the way.
And time to really move forward on the life that you want most.
It starts by shifting your belief that it IS possible.
We’ll talk again soon!
[To be continued..]
With SO much love, as a servant to the Truth of Who You Really Are, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
I’ll be sharing a very valuable video training next week. Keep an eye out for it!
Much love!!
The post How I Created My Dream Life… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2wydk8e
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
The Key to Happiness…
It’s November of 2010.
I just sold everything I owned, and got on a one-way flight to San Diego.
I had no income, no job, and about $700 to my name.
My plan was to work at a hostel and live there for free while I surfed and setup a new business.
What happened, was nothing even close.
I expected beautiful, warm, sunny San Diego like I remembered it to be.
But when I got there…
There was a STORM.
Pouring, torrential rain, palm trees being blown over and flooding streets with water up to my knees.
My dream of the sunny San Diego surf-life quickly vanished.
And I knew I wasn’t meant to stay there.
I started to learn how to listen to my intuition.
And I asked:
“What am I meant to do now? Where do I go?”
Almost instantly, I got my answer.
In a very synchronistic conversation, I heard from a fellow traveler that his friend just got back from Nicaragua (Central America).
The weather is amazing, the surf is perfect and he was living there for only $150/month!
Yup! That’s where I’m going!
And I knew I could manifest the same. Or better!
With all that I’ve been learning from The Teachers –
The exact process of how to turn my thoughts and desires into a physical reality, life was a fun new game to me.
So I wasn’t upset that there was a storm.
Because I learned the importance of letting go.
And one of the most valuable traits we could all have, if we want to be truly happy in life…
Is the ability to let go of attachments.
And let go of what you think you want.
Especially, when life doesn’t happen the way you want it to.
(which is often)
So I have a question for you:
How do you react when you don’t get what you want?
Take a moment to really ask yourself that question.
And see…
How do you treat yourself and others, when you don’t get what you a want?
This is a place we all need healing…
Because we all have attachments. And as the Great Buddha says:
“All pain comes from attachment”
This is why Mother Ayahuasca is so helpful in our journey back to the deep inner peace we all seek.
This medicine can help you let go of the attachments that hold you back.
And let go of all the things that you need to let go of…
The past.
Emotional wounds, pain and trauma from others who’ve hurt you.
Unconsciously, we hold on to pain.
And Ayahuasca can help you let it all go.
So you can finally experience the deepest love, joy and peace in your heart.
Join us in Peru.
And discover how you can let go of so many things that are holding you back in your life, without you even knowing it.
We’ll speak again soon!
And I’ll pick up where the adventure takes us next:
… Nicaragua!
The life I lived there was better than my wildest dreams!
[To be continued..]
From the depths of my heart, praying my story inspires yours, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
The post The Key to Happiness… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2rxv4M5
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
How To Know Your Next Best Step…
“Sell everything you own”
They said to me.
“Buy a one-way ticket to San Diego”
With no income, no plan, and no idea what would happen…
I was proposed with this guidance, that went against everything I knew about the world.
I used to live my life based on plans, goals, the need for security, and “knowing” what was going to happen next.
And The Teachers shared with me one of the most important lessons that changed the way I lived forever.
Imagine –
A stairwell, that goes from the ground in front of you, all the way to the heavens above.
At the end of this stairwell, is everything you desire. Your dream life and all that you want.
But the only stair that you can see, is the ONE stair that is lit up in front of you.
And the only time the next stair lights up, so you can see it, is when you are standing on the one before it.
Can you imagine that?
This is exactly how life is.
You don’t need to know every step, of how to get to where you want.
You don’t need an A-Z plan that shows you exactly “how to get there”.
Because it doesn’t exist!
All that matters is the ONE thing you need to do now.
We all know deep inside, even if it’s just a slight feeling, what is most important for us to do next.
Call it your intuition, your inner guidance, a gut feeling.
Even if you’re not 100% sure that’s what you’re supposed to do, maybe there’s an idea that keeps coming up inside you.
Often, that little idea is the thing that scares you most.
And so many people, do not take that step, because of fear…
Fear of the unknown.
What will happen next?
What if this. What if that.
The mind that plays the “worst case scenario” in our heads.
Do you know what I’m talking about?
Can you think of one thing that you feel is calling you forward?
A change in your life.
Big or small.
Something you feel is really important… that you need to do.
Maybe it scares you.
“Quit your job”
“Move to a different city”
“End that relationship”
“Go to Peru”
Or in my case, “Sell everything you own”
Getting clear on this guidance is the key.
So, the question is…
How do you get clear on your next step?
In this free eBook I sent last email, there is a valuable technique that teaches you exactly how to know the “right” next step for you.
And how to take action on it, without letting fear get in the way.
(I really recommend you read this eBook if you havn’t already)
What happened next for me?
I took a deep breath and I leaped...
I trusted the guidance and sold everything I owned.
I put the few items I had left into a single bag.
And I left Vancouver.
Where did my trust lead me…?
To the greatest adventure of my life!
So I got on my one-way flight to San Diego…
And guess what?
[To be continued..]
With so much love, so excited to share more, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
The post How To Know Your Next Best Step… appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2FVWZJU
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thresholdwomens · 6 years
Free eBook – Secrets to Manifestation
Just like I promised:
Get the free eBook here (right click, “Save Link As…”)
I wrote this back in 2010, and the secrets contained in this eBook, have allowed me to create and live the most beautiful, fulfilling life I could’ve ever imagined.
It is actually a “channeled” book, are you familiar with what channeling is?
Back in 2010, I met The Teachers who showed me how to create my ideal life experience no matter what I was going through.
(The Teachers are the true authors of this eBook)
Following Their words, led me down a path more magical, beautiful, filled with joy, love and freedom, than anything I could’ve ever dreamt up.
Because they taught me how to truly follow my heart.
There’s no secret, following your heart, is the key to creating the life of your dreams.
The question is:
You know you want a life of freedom, but how do you get there?
The mind can be so strong in it’s fears and doubts.
We are so controlled by societal pressures and other people’s expectations of how we should live our lives…
So the question is, above all of that, how can you still follow your heart?
This is the key to your most fulfilling life, ever.
And this eBook gives you the answers. Showing you the exact steps of how to create the life that your heart and soul so deeply yearn for.
It’s time!
Enjoy this eBook and I’ll talk to you soon!
[To be continued..]
With infinite gratitude, so happy to share this, Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS –
Here are some beautiful comments from people who have read the eBook:
“Your eBook connects one back to the realization and discovery of their real self, period.
It illuminates why it is important to liberate the Soul from the animal body. I felt the energy generated from the eBook at the highest level. 
The wisdom within is transformative, in itself, if read with a sincere heart.  It is an experience of self-evolution and the possibilities of Man, the Soul.
I was able to connected to your consciousness and it resonated a bright light beyond time or space which do not exist in the reality of divine energy and divine consciousness. 
I love this journey and feel empowered when connecting to the brotherhood of light beings such as you.
Objectively speaking, the book appears to have many avenues, methods and components of achievements, but view from the inner plane there is only “oneness” or the experience of “wholeness”. 
If one read the eBook in a state of submission – giving up letting loose of false beliefs – to the divine energy it emits, they will experience a fullness and completion in all of life yet experience the law of inter-correlation to know difference in rates of matter.
My friend, I could write a book on your book but it is not necessary for I feel the connection with your energy veil of love and caring.
The eBook content connects one to and activates an awakening of the creative life force and the intelligent life substance which implodes a strong desire to return to the divine intelligence creative life PRINCIPLE.
Hope we can someday meet on the physical plane. You are a great Soul and you are manifesting the attributes in the eBook.
I am elated and grateful to have met you, my friend.
May the joy of love and harmony engulf you for eternity.”
“This ebook is an absolute testament of itself. The only thing that can dispute the information in this book is dispute itself.
Reading Trinity’s ebook was one of those instances where I couldn’t help but to laugh at the reminder there is no such thing as a coincidence.
Every moment in time leads to now. And now is always when your inner self is guiding us to be who we want and DESERVE to be. I am always grateful for holy encounters, like that with Trinity and his ebook.
When I get an over sense of a random encounter they seem less random, and more attracted.
You’ll read this book.
You already decided to before you knew it.
Positive Vibes sent from myself to all there is.”
“This book has definitely helped me within my inner transformation tremendously!
Where I can say these are techniques I am very fond of, reading this book has really added to my growing perception.
Thank you for all of your generous time it took to create this fantastic read! Peace & wholeness!”
Click here to get the eBook, “Would You Like to Wake Up?”
  The post Free eBook – Secrets to Manifestation appeared first on Ayahuasca Healings.
from Ayahuasca Healings https://ift.tt/2FOaGeb
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