tideinwhalesnorth · 8 hours
ok to clarify
jewish gay pride flags, not associated with israel in any way and should be allowed to be flown by jews:
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israeli gay pride flags, associated with the colonialist state of israel and should not be flown:
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notice how the second set have the white bar in the middle like the israeli flag, or contain the israeli flag themself, while the first set is simply a pride flag with the star of david.
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tideinwhalesnorth · 8 hours
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Konya Sukiyaki Dayo (2023) episode three
+bonus: for every aromantic person who needs to hear it
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tideinwhalesnorth · 23 hours
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Bear Selfies Captured By Camera Traps
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tideinwhalesnorth · 23 hours
The moment a residential tower was targeted in the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza City
Covering events is not an easy job. We are exposed to difficult situations while reporting the news to you
You can donate for my family
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tideinwhalesnorth · 23 hours
Just because it's digital art, doesn’t mean it has to look fake. Now more than ever, it’s so important to show that what we create is made by a human being ♥️
This is a preview of my latest patreon tutorial - find it here!
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tideinwhalesnorth · 3 days
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"The Parade" 2023 - Joe Eason
patreon | shop | instagram | twitter | ko-fi | commissions
Another chapter in my "Illustrations From A Gay Fantasia" series
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tideinwhalesnorth · 4 days
On The Subject Of Bots: A Former Bot Farm Operator Speaks On The Process (Also spread this video all over this website. I mean it. Spread it. For a whole set of reasons-one of them being antiblackness)
ID [ Close up of a woman in a car wearing a green shirt. She has a dark brown ponytail. She says: 'I'm a a former tech employee that created and sustained a bot farm between 2015 and 2018 in California USA.
Wanna give you guys some information because American bot farm operators are pretty rare. Most bot farms operate oversea. I don't know if there's anyone like me in the US that can tell you this stuff is what I'm saying.
I'm typically way secretive about this but it's gotten so bad I need to talk about it
So what is a bot farm ? Something that an individual or a company purchases. You get a set amount of bots that look like normal people, go out, and spread your message. And here's the work that goes ino that:
I as a operator have to create each individual fake person. I have to create a bio. I have to create a username, a real name, then I have to generate content that has to be supportive of the message the client is paying for.
Positive opinion of the company or the individual. If anyone has ever tried to create content (you know that) that takes time and also that takes ideas; it's not easy.
Finally you need to program these bots based on activity. Bots respond to what you do.
You think that you going around and liking things is invisible. It's not. You're leaving a footprint across the app. That footprint is tracked by people like me. So based on what other people like or comment on, I program my bot to go and search for those people, find them, and then interact with them with my content that supports the message that I created.
This programming also includes research to find the people that are the most susceptible to believing the message that you're selling, and targeting those people. This is just a scratch on the surface of what it takes to program one of these. And people are buying hundreds of them.
Now here's the interesting part. The software to run all these bots is not free. And the time that it takes to create all the things that I just told you about also not free. All of this stuff costs money.
And it represents money when you see it. If you're seeing non stop videos posted with a certain agenda, someone's paying for that. So when you see a dump/ a ton of media that's telling you all the same message, do not say wow what a thing happening right now.
Please instead say wow who's trying to buy my opinion on this topic ?
End of the video ] End of ID
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
Verified Palestinian gofundme’s Masterlist
Rightfully so, I have gotten messages worrying if everything I post is legit (I try my best to make sure the answer is yes), but here’s a masterlist of ones that one or more people have confirmed are legit Palestinians. Most are from the blogs @el-shab-hussein, @ibtisams, @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc ,@90-ghost, @nabulsi and @palipunk
I will also be making individual posts for most of these
Help Khaled and his family escape Gaza
Help lara and abdalla Family to be safe in Gaza
Emergency: Help Ibrahim's Family Find Safety - $50 is 500kr
HELP Ezzideen & his Family to EVACUATE Gaza
Your help is the only hope to save us from war.
Hope : Help Little Elen Fetch a brighter Future
Help Aseel’s family evacuate from Gaza.
EMERGENCY: HELP evacuate Bashar from Gaza
Help Mohammad Hammad evacuate his family from Gaza
Help Madleen's Family From Gaza
Help Jehad Evacute From Gaza
Help a med student & his family evacuate to safety
Help Fadi's Family Rebuild Their Life Amidst Crisis
Help Us Safely Evacuate a family from Gaza
Help child with Cerebral Palsy evacuate
Protect an open source engineer and his family
Help Bring Ayah’s Family in Gaza to Safety
Call to Action: Keep Gazas Talent Alive
Help Belal and His Family Escape the War in Gaza
Urgent Rescue Mission for the Mortaja Family
Save my family from the war in Gaza
Urgent: Help Evacuate My Family From Gaza War
Urgent help to evacuate my family out of Gaza
Help evacuate Safi’s family from Gaza in warfare
emergency : Help Support the Khalaf Family in Gaza
Help AbdulAziz and his family
Help Yousef escape Gaza and treat his cancer
Help my family rebuild home und evacuate Gaza
Please Help Me Evacuate My Children To Safety
Escape From War Nightmare: Support Gazan Family
Help my family in Gaza
Salaam Animal Care, find a safe home for animals
URGENT HELP help my family to evacuate Gaza
Help me & my Family Evacuate from Gaza
Urgent Appeal for Support: Help a Photographer
Help Jana's Family Find Refuge and Peace
Help me to save my family from the war in Gaza
Help evacuate my brother and his family from Gaza
Urgent apeal to help Elzomar family leave Gaza immediately
Help my mum to travel to a safe place
Help Afnan to find safety and to complete her education
Support getting Linda and her family out of Gaza
Support Mohammed and His Family Affected by the Gaza War
Help Ala's Family Overcome Crisis in Gaza
Freedom and home repair for Aesha an family
Help us evacuate and rebuild what's left of our lives
Help Tamer and his Family in Gaza!
Help my family escape death and reunite with me.
Help me and my family escape the Genocide in Gaza
Help rebuild Ahmed's family life in Gaza .
Emergency : Saving My Mother and only brother From War Zone
Rescue Mahmoud's Family: A Call to Escape Gaza's Devastation
Help Mohammed & His Family To Safety
Help Almoghrabi family to evacuate Gaza strip
Urgent Appeal: Help Save Ruba & Muhammad in Gaza!
Urgent help to evacuate my family from Gaza
Help Alia's family and their children get out of Gaza
Urgent Appeal: Save Little Yusuf and His Family Amidst Gaza
Support My Family Escape War in Gaza
Help me get my family out to safety
Help my family out of Gaza
Help me get my family out to safety
Help my children and family from the Gaza war !!
Please Help Evacuate Fadi's Family from Gaza
URGENT: Help Hayam and her Family Escape the Genocide
For what remained in us من أجل ما تبقى فينا
Please Help Restore The Sharifs home & Help Leave A War Zone
Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt
Help Mahmoud’s family evacuate from Gaza
Donate to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza
Fatima’s Journey to Restore Artistry in Gaza
My family under fire, help them evacuate Gaza.
Help me to evacuate from the genocide
Help Mahmoud to evacuate from Gaza to continue education
Help my family evacuate from Gaza
Help Sana’a and her family evacuate from Gaza
Haytham needs your help to support his family
Help my family survive and evacuate from Gaza
Help me rebuild a shelter for my family in Rafah
HelpYoussef and his family get out of Gaza for a better life
Let my family be safe and live in peace!
Relief Appeal: Secure Evacuation from Gaza War
Please Help Tahani save her children and husband
Urgent Help Appeal: exit the war of Gaza"
Help My Family Get Out Of Gaza
Vegetables, food, and water for Palestinian families
HELP Muhammad evacuate his family out of GAZA
Secure a Safe Future for Youssef’s Family - Act now
Support My Journey to a New Start
Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt
Help Me and my Family to evacuate from Gaza ASAP
Saving My Family from the Horrors of War in Gaza
Help the Allahawani family escape genocide
URGENT - Help Azzam evacuate his family from Gaza
help my children get out of gaza safely
Emergency: Help Evacuate My Family from Gaza
Help Safaa secure her children‘s lives after war
Help Kareem get his family from Gaza to safety
Help Karim and his family get to a safe place
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
Okay so I've been informed that this is super cool and should be shared so please behold my Great Grandfather's helmet from WWI (my OTHER great grandfather, not the one who was mustard gassed and had perminant laryngitis as a result)
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This helmet was painted in 1918 by a French woman for my Great Grandad before he went into the trenches. It's an oil painting, and the woman who did it probably only charged about 50¢-$1, just as a way to make some money and as a way to send the men into battle with something beautiful and unique. The kicker is, my great Gramps caught Spanish Flu before he could actually see any action, and was sent home to either recover or die. He survived, but because of his short deployment the helmet and the painting done to it survived in near perfect condition too.
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Whoever the woman was who painted the helmet was a master at her art, and not only is it incredibly detailed but she used the three dimensional surface to full effect, taking the brim of the helmet to make a horizon line for the sunset over the water. And she gave it texture and details that would make Bob Ross proud.
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It's 103 years old this year :)
(and yes, the impasto (texture) of the painting feels EXACTLY like how you think it does lol)
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
If anyones interested in learning about the first black vampire short story, published in 1819, heres a link to the wiki, its called The Black Vampyre, and its about a former slave turned vampire who seeks revenge on his slave master. Its actually a first in many categories!
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
As pride month begins, let us not forget our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
Seriously if you can’t financially help or go to protests wrt palestine the second best thing you can do is learn history and talking points by heart and be ready to bring it up with people you know. There’s never “nothing you can do”. There’s no shortage of books and documentaries made by Palestinians you can find for free on the internet you have no excuse to not educate yourself especially if you actually want to help
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
UPDATE: Dangers in North Gaza!
Our friend, journalist and photographer Mahmoud Abusalama, gives us an update about the dangers in the north of Gaza in the weeks long attack on Jabaliya refugee camp. There has been constant, brutal bombings and no water has been allowed in the North as part of Israel’s starvation campaign they induced on the people of Gaza. He himself was targeted by Israel for documenting the truth about what happens on the ground.
The situation keeps getting worse and worse for the people of Gaza and there’s no hint of stopping anytime soon. Everyday, we’re worried for our friends in Gaza and pray for this vicious onslaught to stop. Please, if you’re able, take to the streets and protest your governments for aiding and abetting the Gaza genocide, and do everything you can to help them.
Gazans continue to require basic necessities, and prices for things have only gone up. If you donate to HelpGazaChildren, Hussam sends a portion of the funds to the North to Help Mahmoud Abusalama find ways to feed the starved community of Jabaliya.
Please keep donating to HelpGazaChildren! This grassroots effort is helping so many people in Gaza when the world has abandoned them!
Donate to our GoFundMe which goes directly to Hussam, who manages camps in Rafah, with NO middleman in between!
HelpGazaChildren Notion Site || #helpgazachildren tag
GoFundMe Link
[ID: video of mahmoud abusalama speaking towards the camera as he walks through the ruins of Jabaliya refugee camp in north Gaza. There are subtitles to the video.]
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
How do you feel as you look at your house burning in front of you? You do not know what this feeling is and you will not know because you have never lived like it before. We are dying here in Gaza. Every day our homes and loved ones are burned 😭💔
Maybe 10$ save my life and make different 🍉‼️
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tideinwhalesnorth · 6 days
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The situation is getting more serious, please help. My children wish for a happy life, nothing more. They want to play like the .children of the world
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tideinwhalesnorth · 7 days
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Look at this mug I got
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