timediverge · 5 years
If the sun burns out
and the world grew cold
And the rich took off to their planets of gold
If our sweat and tears turn to crystal form
I would hold you again until you were warm
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timediverge · 5 years
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  For a moment, she loses all composure. She covers her face with her hands. She doesn’t want him to see her like this! She doesn’t want to appear weak! She can’t! Is she this weak? Seeing a friend, a friend she tried SO HARD to dislike, die was difficult but… It’s almost harder to see him alive again. To know that in just a few hours… He’ll be… What if she can’t change it? 
  For a few moments, she falls silent. She bites her lip so she doesn’t make noise. She’s still on the ground, her face in her hands. Her palms getting soaked from her tears. She can’t even remember the last time she cried like this. When Okabe got shot, it felt too unreal. Like a dream. A nightmare… She didn’t cry until… She wished she could rely on him. Okabe is so unreliable and immature. She wants to trust him, but she can’t. She just can’t. Even if she wants to more than anything. Even if she cares about him…! She just can’t!
  She lets his questions remain in the air. Eventually, her trembling stops. She takes a breath. Her eyes feel dry, her chest feels heavy, her head hurts… But she forces herself to find her composure. She didn’t get this far in her life to fall apart. If she did that, she couldn’t save him! Or any of them!
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  She moves her hands away from her face. Instead she grips her own arms and attempts to keep herself steady. She can’t fall apart. She can’t fail. She can’t… Run away from things when they’re hard. That’s what her father did, right? She said before she didn’t want to repeat his mistakes. 
  She opens her eyes, still misty but she’ll just ignore it. She looks down, her red hair falling into her face. She knows he’s worried. They always tease her by calling her tsundere but… He’s basically a textbook example! A tsundere chuunibyou. How the hell did she get involved with this guy? How the hell did she start to care about him so much? 
  “Okabe…” Her voice is shaky, hoarse from crying. She swallows hard, letting her arms fall to her sides. She’s still on her knees, but she’s afraid she’ll lose her balance if she tries to stand. For the amount of composure she’s managed to regain, she’s still far from stable. 
  “I know you probably won’t believe me but I… I’m from seven hours into the future.” She swallows again. Her mouth is dry. This is too hard to say but it feels wrong not telling him the truth. Letting him dance right to death’s door while she tries to stop him… How could she do that? It’s more logical for her to tell him… But the way it comes out is wrong. She knows that he’s always going on about Reading Steiner, or whatever. She she has no choice! This is her first time doing… this sort of thing…
  “I… I need your help.” She’s not a good person. It feels like pulling teeth, saying it. Her pride hurts. Even though Okabe’s… No, ALL of their lives are in danger. She really is a selfish bitch. 
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Okabe holds totally still. For a moment, he doesn’t even breathe. When he finally takes a breath, his throat feels raw. He tries to swallow, but he can’t. It’s as though he’s floating outside of his body. Like a captive audience who wants to plead with the characters on his screen to get out of there. 
He had no idea what would happen in 7 hours. He had no way of knowing. All he knew for sure was that this wasn’t the same Makise Kurisu who’d left him just a moment ago. He closes his eyes for a moment and collects himself. Despite everything, this is an incredible moment. The first time leap in human history happens in 7 hours. He was talking to someone from the future. Even if it was terrifying, it was a bit exciting, too.
He opens his eyes and lurches forward, gripping Kurisu firmly by the shoulders. In truth, his nerves were eating him alive, but he was still Lab Mem 001. He had to be prepared to guide his subordinates in trying times. He’d have to use Houhouin Kyouma.
“Assistant,” He began, his tone serious. “Of course I believe you. Tell me everything.”
Was he really prepared? No, not really. At the moment, all he cared about was convincing her that things were going to be okay. He didn’t want to see her look so desperate ever again.
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge replied to your post: //Irons bought the ff xiv expansions for me, and I…
//Pray, take a break to prevent thine burnout, Warrior of Light. Mayhap a stint of thy creative outlet will offer sufficient succor for your plight. \
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timediverge · 5 years
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“As if I ever denied my own aura of insanity!”
Where does she get off chastising him? She was possibly the most self-assured arrogant girl he’d ever met. So what if she was a published scientist, a prodigy, and a verified genius? That doesn’t give her the right to look down on him. Well, technically it wasn’t arrogance if you can back it up. Kurisu certainly had the talent to carry herself confidently. If you look at it that way, it only made sense she thought she could look down on a humble mad scientist like him.
Only figuratively. though. He was the one looking down on her because he was so much taller. Take that!
@timediverge said:  “Even I’m not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality.” (x)
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  “You really are arrogant.” it takes a special sort of person to be like Okabe Rintaro and STILL put other beliefs down. She doesn’t disagree with him, per se. But she still can’t believe the fact that he–
Wait did he say he was crazy? By god, some self awareness. Where the hell did that come from? She’s almost proud of him. Actually, it’s a little worrying. Is he feeling okay? Did something happen? 
  “Where did this self-awareness come from anyway? At least you finally are admitting you’re crazy…” 
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timediverge · 5 years
Mr. Robot: Season 2 Sentence Starters
“We are definitely not the same.“ “I don’t know what’s gotten into you. We’re supposed to be gods together, yet you want to destroy our destiny?“ “This is where we get into trouble. You’re meant to know only as much as you can handle.” “___, you did what needed to be done.” “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.“ “Believe what you want, but neither you nor I are special. I’ve already learned that lesson.” “They all think it’s me. They all think I’m the ringleader. The one in charge. And I have no idea what it is.“ “I wanted you to feel what I felt. I wanted to give you hope that I could step on.“ “I know it’s hard for you to believe this right now, but trust me – by the end of this day, you and I are going to be best friends.“ “I believe in fate. There’s a reason we met. There’s something between us. I can see it.“ “You’re only seeing what’s in front of you. You’re not seeing what’s above you.“ “You, like an annoying penny, keep turning up. Everywhere I look, you’re there.” “That’s because I wasn’t asking a question, you dumb bitch.“ “How long have you been pressing this pedal? How long have you been plotting against me?“ “I don’t give a shit about you. So please, don’t hold a personal grudge just because you lost.“ “I’m not special.” “Do you really want to say no to me?“ “Is there a pocket of the world you don’t have a hand in?” “Politics is for puppets.“ “How can I return to normal when the SUV belonging to the man I murdered is parked outside my apartment?“ “Normal. I have no normal.” “It began as a failure. Everything. My existence. I should recognize that. Accept it. For me, there’s no such thing as normalcy.” “I don’t play fair. I play what I want.“ “Order will not protect you anymore, my friend. I will rain chaos, even if it hurts me. Because I would rather see you lose than win myself. “ “You don’t say much, do you?“ “I’m here to provide you with anything you may need. I can pretty much find anything. And I mean anything. Smokes, pills, hard shit, porn, grandma porn. Some of these guys like that shit. Gay porn. I don’t judge, man. Whatever you need.“ “ No, that’s the thing. I don’t feel bad. I always knew there was a part of me that wanted to do this to her/him for what she/he did but I figured when the time came, something would stop me. But it didn’t.” “This is some traumatizing shit, you know that?“ “I love that song. You really have a desire to rule the world?“ “Please don’t be mad too long. This will be the last time I keep things from you. I promise.“ “It will feel good if you let it. Believing it’s real makes it so.“ “I’m never gonna leave you. I promise.“ “Masters. We all have them. Every relationship is a power struggle.“ “Now that the worst is behind you, it’s time we get you back.” “Killing a man instantly robs him of explanation. He has no time to process his final moments.“ “We let him die with answers. Otherwise, we’re nothing but ruthless murderers.“ “I want to help them.” “We have other battles to fight.“ “You’ve surrounded yourself with a constant reminder of mortality.“ “I live for this shit.“ “Well then maybe I need him right now because what I’m seeing in front of me, is not helping.“ “You wanna know who’s crazy? Those wall street psychos.“ “Jesus, I don’t normally say this, but I have got to Instagram this. People need to know this movie exists.“ “I think about you a lot. I think about that night. When we became gods.” “Control is about as real as a unicorn taking a leak at the end of a double rainbow.“ “If I don’t listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours?“ “He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone.“ “I will not be owned.“ “What? What will you make me realize?“ “I have value, and even though you don’t see it, they do.“ “If we’re going to pay these bastards, I want to be the one that faces them.“ “We are in a war, and we are on the losing side of it. We are on our knees with guns to our heads, and they are picking us off one by one.“ “How do I take off a mask when it stops being a mask? When it’s as much a part of me as me?“ “It’s almost as if something’s come alive.“ “Why this mask? It’s a bit silly, isn’t it?“ “I still don’t understand why people like sports. They get emotional over the weirdest things.” “ I do see the beauty in the rules. The invisible code of chaos hiding behind the menacing face of order.“ “I tell you, the human condition is a straight up tragedy, cuz.“ “You might not think it’s a way to live, but why not?“ “When you look closely at the seams between order and chaos, do you see the same things I see?” “I’m too broke to be superstitious.“ “I have burrowed underneath your brain. I am nested there. I am the scream in your mind. You will cooperate. I will make you, because I own you.” “Even I’m not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality.” “The minute you remove emotion from this, you’ll do just fine.” “You know that bullshit people say about how when you fall you gotta get up? I reject that shit, man.” “It’s not about getting up, it’s about stumbling, stumbling in the right direction. It’s the only true way to move forward.“ “You wanna unburden yourself, go jerk off. This is a road paved with your dead friends and family.” “Annihilation is always the answer. We destroy parts of ourselves everyday.“ “ We’re past fragile. The shit that we’re in is fucking shattered into a million little pieces.“ “You wanna help? Be a man and let me be upset.“ “Dream. You gotta find out the future you’re fightin’ for. Sometimes you gotta close your eyes and really envision that shit, bro. If you like it, then it’s beautiful; if you don’t, you might as well fade the fuck out right now.“ “I was…I am disgusted by the selfish brutality of the world, but at the same time I am utterly fascinated by it.” “Don’t we all protect our evil secret agendas?“ “You don’t want to be alone in a place like this, cuz.“ “In my life, as I was making my way, I always asked the question: “Am I the most powerful person in the room? And the answer needed to be “Yes”.” “Is this the future I was fighting for?” “We can’t beat them, but we don’t have to lose to them either. Maybe there’s a way to keep them from winning.“ “Fear. How easy a quicksand of time people let that become.“ “I don’t want your proof. I want your belief.“
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
“i feel like i know you. like we’ve met before.” - Phi!
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“It’s not impossible. It wouldn’t be the first time the Organization tampered with memories!”
Of course, he had no idea who she was. However, he couldn’t discount the possibility that she might be useful in his experiments. What kind of mad scientist would he be if he turned away a potential living sacrifice? 
“I-impossible! Could it be you, Agent Snow White? I feared the worst after we were separated in Berlin!”
He took out his phone and placed it to his ear.
“It’s me. I’ve made contact with someone who appears to be Agent Snow White. What? An imposter? I’m not sure… I’ll have to run tests to make sure. If it’s the will of Steins Gate, I’ll dispose of the imposter. El Psy Kongroo.”
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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timediverge · 5 years
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