tinytinygoals · 4 years
“Anorexia doesn’t mean that you don’t eat. We all would be dead by now.
Anorexia means that every time you eat, you suddenly feel fatter.
Anorexia means that every time you eat, you feel a voice in your head that says “you should’t have eaten that”.
Anorexia means that every time you see someone skinny you feel like dying.
Anorexia means wanting to weigh yourself every hour just to see the numbers going down down down.
Anorexia means wanting to weigh yourself but being afraid to because you know you shouldn’t have eaten that piece of cake yesterday.
THIS IS ANOREXIA. So please, if you don’t know anything about it, don’t come to me with your bullshit, because I don’t wanna hear any of that. “
- sum random ana blogger
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
being in your early twenties is like [grocery shopping alone] [having instant noodles for dinner] [remembering random details about that one friend you haven't spoken to in five years] [feeling overwhelming guilt for every purchase that isn't strictly "necessary"] [having midday naps] [finding out through facebook that the girl who was mean to you in high school has a husband and a baby] [falling a little in love with every stranger on public transport] [pretending you're not afraid of being alone] [wondering when you'll feel like a fully realized person] [listening to bands you liked in middle school] [blinking and it's suddenly december] [failing to imagine yourself ten years from now] [feeling like you're running out of time]
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
Me: I want to be so thin that people worry
Friends/family: *Starts worrying*
Me: No wait stop I’m not skinny yet
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
“No offense but you look more than 100lbs.” “120 pounds?! That’s how much i weigh and I’m a guy!” “Honey maybe you should have a salad instead.” “Oh you should come workout with me!” “You’re going to lose weight and be healthy? Thats a laugh!” “Oh my gosh your cousin is so thin, shes always been so pretty.” “Hey, what’s your friends number?” “Did you gain weight?” “Are you going to eat all that?” “I don’t think that dress would fit you.” “Wait if you have an eating disorder why aren’t you..thin?” “I would let you borrow it, but i just don’t want it to get stretched out.” “We don’t carry your, sizes here.” “Maybe you could try a sport.” “You look fat.”
To never have to hear these.
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
Think you eat too much to have a problem?
Many active people (women included) eat 3000+ calories a day and stay plenty lean.
The recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 for women and 2500 for men.
The recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 1500 for women and 2000 for men.
A 5-year-old needs about 1400 calories or more every day.
The minimum daily calorie intake for a long-term diet without medical supervision is 1200 for women and 1800 for men. Eating less than that eventually leads to starvation mode (a real–yes, real–state of biological stress characterized by decreased metabolism, increased cortisol production, and heart, brain, organ, bone, and muscle damage).
A 2-year-old needs about 1000 calories or more every day.
Most people can’t even imagine eating 1000 calories in a day. You’ll get 1,357 Google results if you search for the exact phrase “1000 calories is way too low” or “1000 calories is way too little”…but you’ll get even more results if you Google the same phrases for 1200 calories, because few people consider dipping below 1200.
A 3-digit daily calorie intake puts you at high risk for binge-eating, slowed metabolism, bone and muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal issues, infertility, hair loss, mood swings, and depression. Oh–and sudden death.
900 calories is less than what a completely sedentary, 5'0", 80 lb, 70-year-old woman burns daily (keeping in mind that your metabolism slows with age).
A very low calorie diet, also known as a starvation diet, is 800 calories a day or less. It is prescribed by doctors to obesity patients who need to lose weight quickly, is specially formulated to be nutritionally complete, and is monitored by medical professionals to prevent sudden cardiac arrest and death. It is considered an extreme diet.
600 calories a day or less is literal starvation.
500 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average 1-month-old.
400 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average newborn.
300 calories is less than what the adult brain alone burns every day.
-Mod Lia
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
Me eating 1,300 calories in a day: I am the fattest of fat people. My 600 pound life is my future now. I can’t eat for two days. Somebody save me.
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
Exercises for weight loss
Exercise is extremely important when it comes to keeping healthy and losing weight. For adults it is suggested that you should do at least 1 hour of exercise per day.
1. Cardio
-Swimming provides a great total body workout, while burning a high number of calories (around 600 calories per hour). The common freestyle stroke works well for most people, but using a variety of strokes places emphasis on different muscle groups - the change of intensity will burn more calories.
-Running is a good way to lose body fat as well as improving your fitness. Running burns around 600 calories per hour! It is recommended for beginners that you run at least 3 times a week for around 20-30 minutes per session.
-Cycling involves the same muscles as running, but has the advantage of lower impact of injuries, therefore making it ideal for everyone. Cycling also burns around 600 calories a per hour!
2. Working out at home
You can also work out at home if you feel more comfortable rather than going to a gym. You don’t necessarily need weights but it can be more beneficial to help tone up faster (Bottles of water or cans of beans can be just as good!!)
-15 sit-ups -20 squats -30 second plank -20 walking lunges (10 each leg) -10 push ups
-Repeat this 3 times.
-Each day try and increase the number of reps you’re doing, for example after 2 days try and do 20 sit-ups, 30 squats and so on.
-Take at least 1 rest day per week!
Remember it’s important to do stretches before and after your workout to reduce muscle pain.
Please message me if you have any suggestions!!
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
Gain control, lose weight.
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
I don’t want to be thin to satisfy the male gaze or to be attractive, I want to be thin because some deeply fucked up part of my brain wants to achieve the aesthetic of looking like I'm on the verge of death. 
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
You could have: • thin arms • a cute butt • a flat tummy • slim calves • boney hands • visible collarbones • no double chin • thin legs • hipbones • (slightly) visible rips • a thin body
Don’t binge.
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
Workout/Health Tips
I’ve watched PLENTY of videos, read TONS of articles, and visited a BUNCH of blogs. I’ve compiled some tips that have helped me on my journey; I hope they help you as well. 
-Use chop sticks (when & if you can). The idea behind this is tip that eating with chop sticks makes you eat slower. The slower you eat, the more time your body has to begin the digestion process AND it becomes easier for you to tell if you’re full or not. When you’re scarfing down your 4 plates - even if they aren’t high in fat & are your healthy foods, you’re just eating on a probably already full stomach. *another way to eat slower that doesn’t involve chop sticks is to eat snacks with your non-dominant hand.
- Lemon & cucumber water. This one really doesn’t need much explanation - so many fitness bloggers and youtubers have sworn on this cleanse. Living at college it can be difficult, but my school does have fruit infused water sometimes which is great. If you’re living at school and your dining halls don’t offer infused water, here’s a tip - the lemons are most likely by the tea & the cucumbers are at the salad bar; it’s all about searching. Also, drink ice water as soon as you wake up and wait 5-10 minutes before eating; it boosts your metabolism.
- Smaller plates & bowls –> BLUE. Now this tip is all about our dear friend, Portion Control. If you decrease the size of your plate/the surface you’re eating off of, your body will be like “hey, that’s a whole plate of food, when the plate is empty, I’ll be full.” I included “BLUE” in this tip because it’s scientifically proven that the color blue suppresses appetite, making you eat less. Whereas red has the opposite effect - it makes you hungrier. (Why do you think McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, & Chik-fil-a all have red in their logo?)
- Wear your gym clothes & sneakers around the house. This one sounds weird but when I’m wearing my workout clothes & sneakers, I tend to be less lazy and more productive. It’s sounds insane, I know, but it works! Try it for a few days - you’ll probably spend less time in front of the TV and more time on your feet. Whether you’re cleaning around the house, going for a walk, or doing meal prep, anything is better than being plopped in front of the TV with a bag of chips.
- Green tea before bed. I’ve been doing this for the last 2weeks and it’s great. Green tea is proven to boost your metabolism, calm your nerves, and it prevents to flu and cold by 60%.  I recommend drinking your hot tea about an hour - two hours before you go to bed. Also, try to stop eating food 3-4hrs before bed.
- Eat healthiest part of meal first. This goes without much explanation but let’s say you’ve just finished a great High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout and you’ve gotten lunch. On your plate, you have your protein, a salad, & a small serving of carbs. The first thing you’re going to want to eat is not going to be the carbs - no matter how good that pasta looks. This is because if you eat your healthy portion first and happen to get full before finishing your entire meal, you’ve avoided the unhealthy portion. If you ate the unhealthy portion first and got full, you just missed out on the protein and nutrients your body needs after a HIIT workout. Also, when eating salads, try to get your dressings and sauces on the side.
If you’re interested in more tips I’ve found helpful, feel free to message me!
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
meal planning:
water (0)
monster (10)
riced cauliflower (20)
tofu (35)
mushrooms (20)
hot sauce (0)
fruit pop (45)
total: 130
goal net: 75
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
“I’m going to control myself, build my discipline and not give in every time I have a craving.”
— Affirmation of the day.
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tinytinygoals · 4 years
the amount of people on tumblr that don’t understand water weight actually stresses me out
drinking water doesn’t make you gain water weight
it’s water retention mainly from high salt intake. if you eat high sodium food, drinking water will help prevent gaining water weight
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