tothineownself · 2 months
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kurt vonnegut, being good at things is not the point of doing them.
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tothineownself · 3 months
If you've ever been disappointed by dragonfruit, especially if you felt like it tasted like nothing, then I'm like 90% sure you had unripe dragonfruit, which tastes like nothing. There's a small window of time where it tastes amazing. You must have the patience of a hunter. Do not strike until your prey is at its most delicious
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tothineownself · 3 months
Hello, world!
Let me start out by saying I don’t really expect anyone to read this. I’m still debating whether or not I’m going to tag my posts here with anything. Things notoriously get lost in the Tumblr ecosystem and what I really want for this place to be is somewhere where I can think about myself and my sense of style and my frustrations with the fashion industry, effectively out loud, while also being forced to put my thoughts in an order that will make sense to other people. Hopefully this will help me to clarify things to myself too.
I did create this blog thinking that I wish there were someplace online that collects all the things I’ve been searching for over the past few weeks in one place. Things like how to figure out what style of clothes you like and shopping while fat and deciding what you want to invest in and how to choose clothes that you love that you will also be able to launder to last even though you have ADHD or some other mental health issue that makes doing laundry an insurmountable hill you have to climb several times a week. And don’t even think about dry cleaning. If I don’t tag it with anything, will it really serve this purpose? (I’ll ponder it.)
Okay, let’s pull back and talk about me a little bit. I want to remain as anonymous as possible here while still talking about my body and the clothes I wear or want to wear. I yearn for the days of Web 1.0 when your parents told you not to tell anyone online your A/S/L (age/sex/location for the young’uns), or even your first name. Yes, even if it’s a nickname. And certainly don’t send anyone a picture of yourself.
So. I’m a millennial librarian from the American South. (Whoops. I just told you my age AND my location, and my blog description tells you my gender. Huh.)
I am not a fashion expert. I did not study fashion design or merchandising or costuming or anything like that in school. I am just a normal person with an office job who has to wear clothing on her body to keep from getting arrested out in the world, and as I’ve gotten older I’ve decided that I want my clothing to reflect who I am inside. I want to wear clothes that I love, not clothes that I settled for, or clothes that my in-laws gave me. (There are three items of clothing they buy us for the holidays every year without fail. Socks, underwear, and a cardigan. As a result, I have not bought socks, underwear, or a cardigan in a very long time, even though they aren’t buying clothes for me with my input.)
I want to be intentional about what I wear. I want to put thought into it. I want it to reflect who I am.
And oh boy, do I want to talk about it.
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