tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
Tag yourself: Metal Gear version
Big Boss: - believes in Santa and fears vampires - smokes a lot - only likes the real things - is dead inside but doesn’t know yet - love triangle - has children he wasn’t aware of Revolver Ocelot: - kin with wildcats - meows a lot - owns 2 or more of the same object (preferably revolvers) - dresses like a cowboy - thirsty - doesn’t know his mom - follows too many people Kazuhira Miller: - accidentally invented McDonalds - loves to cook - always on his foot - would give a leg and an arm for his love interest - gets jealous a lot and also very quickly - doesn’t like to third-wheel Solid Snake: - uses “hmmm” and “uhhh” phrases a lot - quiet, but can talk alot if needed - owns a metric fuckton of dogs - secretly likes Anime - kinkshames people by accident - doesn’t like his brother Liquid Snake: - tattooed - has only one true friend - leader of his own squad - probably emo - hates to cut his hair - hates his brother - doesn’t know how social media works and never will Otacon: - had a terrible dad - loves his siblings - also loves Anime - had an accidental marriage with an ex-soldier - raised a child with said ex-soldier in a plane - eats a lot, probably Raiden: - noone likes him at first sight - steals the show whenever he can - occassionally hairflips his way through life - wields swords - has a child??? - sick beat drops whenever he enters the stage (RULES OF NATUREE) - loves memes and cats The Boss: - tells you to kill her - defects to the Sovjet Union - the mom of the squad - doesn’t like dirty floors - likes snakes EVA: - cosplays - can kick you with a motorcycle - likes to watch people eat snakes - disappears pretty fast - likes to give exposition - probably likes Marina and the Diamonds - has 3 sons and 2 of them are a disappointment Johnny: - has a sensitive stomach - annoys everyone in the squad - is usefull sometimes - pure child yet dangerous - Weeabo Meryl: - kicks ass before 6AM - lowkey afraid of getting real tattoos - cool earrings - doesn’t buy your bullshit - also had an accidental marriage - isn’t a rookie Quiet: - only speaks in languages noone can understand yet she knows english - hates clothing - loves rain - can break your neck with her legs - have you seen her legs Sunny: - the child of the squad - always happy - likes to cook - smol, pls protect her - makes new friends quickly
Huey: - noone likes him - he can fuck off - his texts get ignored - noone will ever love him - douchebag - pees himself and doesn’t change like wtf
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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Happy 5th Anniversary Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance!
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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↳ 雷 電  (♡®à±Ș`♡) ăȘぜăȘら、あăȘăŸăŻăšăŠă‚‚çŽ æ™Žă‚‰ă—ă„äșșだからです~
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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Ardyn-FFXV Windows Edition 125
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
FFXV in French - Archives Translations - Place 29 “Caestino Mine”
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« Autrefois trĂšs fructueuse, la mine de Caestino est dĂ©sormais abandonnĂ©e et envahie par des crĂ©atures sauvages. Cependant, selon Cor, le plus ancien des tombeaux royaux se trouverait au fond de la mine
“Once very fruitful, Caestino mine is now abandoned and invaded by wild creatures. However, according to Cor, the oldest of the royal tombs could be found at the bottom of the mine
Mine de Caestino
Une mine du Niflheim dont la qualitĂ© des ressources faisait la fiertĂ©. Depuis longtemps maintenant, les filons se sont taris et les lieux ont Ă©tĂ© envahis par les plantes et les mauvaises herbes. L’endroit est devenu une vĂ©ritable zone marĂ©cageuse au beau milieu d’une rĂ©gion aride, et il n’est pas rare d’y trouver des plantes singuliĂšres.
Cette mine a jouĂ© un rĂŽle important dans l’histoire du Niflheim, mais elle a aussi pour particularitĂ© d’abriter la sĂ©pulture d’un roi du Lucis. La lĂ©gende veut qu’il s’agisse mĂȘme du plus ancien des tombeaux royaux, mais les gens du coin ont tendance Ă  ne pas en croire un mot. Il y a aprĂšs tout de fortes chances pour que cette tombe ait Ă©tĂ© creusĂ©e par des ImpĂ©riaux dĂ©sireux de se poser en hĂ©ritiers lĂ©gitimes du Lucis.
La vĂ©ritĂ© est ensevelie sous le sable et la boue de la mine en ruines. Il se pourrait trĂšs bien qu’un mausolĂ©e ait Ă©tĂ© installĂ© lĂ , offert par le Lucis dans le but de protĂ©ger les mineurs en repoussant les daemons, Ă  une Ă©poque oĂč les deux royaumes entretenaient encore de bons rapports. Les vestiges des conflits passĂ©s sont exposĂ©s Ă  la vue de tous, mais ceux d’une paix oubliĂ©e sommeillent peut-ĂȘtre dans des lieux insoupçonnĂ©s.
English Literal Translation
Caestino Mine
A Niflheim’s mine taking a great pride from its ressources’ quality. For quite some time now, the veins has dried up and the premises were overrun by plants and weeds. The place has become a real marsh area right in the middle of an arid region, and it’s not rare to find singular plants in it.
This mine played an important role in Niflheim’s history, but it also has the particularity to shelter the burial of a Lucis’ king. The legend is that it even supposed to be the most ancient of the royal tombs, but local people tend not to believe a word of this. There is after all a good chance for this tomb to have been dug by Imperials desorous to arise as the legitimate heirs from Lucis.
The truth is buried under the sand and the mud of the ruined mine. It would be very possible that a mausoleum had been installed here, offered by the Lucis in the aim to protect mineworkers by repelling daemons, at a time where the two kingdoms were still maintaining good relationships. The vestiges from past conflicts are exposed for all to see, but the ones from a forgotten peace maybe slumber in unexpected places.
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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Ardyn-FFXV Windows Edition 125
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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it hurts to look at him
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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Final Fantasy XV → Ardyn + three emotions
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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(Before Ifrit Fight)
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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The first and the forgotten.
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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@maty-yami I had too much fun with this app TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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tramnguyenx-blog · 5 years
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“Good morning Mr. Izunia”
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