transgenderuwo · 3 hours
what the actual fuck
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we did it everyone. we’re no longer allowed to talk about the CISGENDER MALE CHEST because it’s sexually explicit
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transgenderuwo · 3 hours
honestly, the weirdest thing about being a detransitioner and embracing femininity is that it was drag queens and trans women who made me realize womanhood can be accepting and FUN instead of a social expectation. Sitting in the drag bar with a hard whisky, beard, and jean jacket was great, heeled cowboy boots are great, being addressed as "Sir" and the ability to safely enter a men's bathroom and be assumed cisgender was a hard earned one. I got lucky on the genetics lottery, and I'll admit that. Being a long-haired, pretty cowboy was my gender ideal, and I achieved it!
But then I saw how much fun the girls were having and kind of missed it. Don't get me wrong, I'm mostly friends with women and effeminate queers.
Now I've fully detransitioned the other way, I got to trans my gender THREE TIMES NOW. Medically. [I didn't get top surgery] I'm not really sure if this has to do with growing up in a very bigoted and unaccepting environment (the south), but I feel beautiful and confident lately. Currently, I identify as a bisexual woman with a masculine personality.
I just want to tell all the struggling boys, men, and queers out there that you're seen and your emotions are real. Someone loves you, and if it needs to be me, then I'll love you too. Keep your heads high kings. 💕🌻💖
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transgenderuwo · 3 hours
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like are you kidding me
[credits: @/butchhmolly on instagram]
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transgenderuwo · 3 hours
In the spirit of "I'd rather you just called me a slur" I'm beginning to become so fucking infuriated with how many people have started treating the word transandrophobia itself as a fucking punchline. "Wow isnt me using it as if it was a real thing so funny? Isnt it so funny how I'm insinuating that its not real and you're all whiny little kids who just want to be oppressed so bad?" Like no it actually isnt but I'd rather you say that shit outright instead of hiding behind "oh no it's just jokes" or whatever
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transgenderuwo · 3 hours
have you made a baeddel blocklist yet?
I recommend getting comfortable with the fact that you will encounter people who suck on the internet, developing your ability to understand why certain things suck and why certain ways of thinking are harmful, and committing to simply blocking people you do not want to interact with as you come across them. instead of relying on strangers to tell you who you should or should not talk to.
I say this with as much compassion as possible, knowing I have used blocklists in the past: you do not know what my standards are for categorizing someone as a "baeddel" (as opposed to, say, a random trans woman who has some unpacked baggage about masculinity). You should not trust that I will be sufficiently diligent and discerning when placing people on such a list. Maybe you're willing to take that risk when blocking people on your own blog, but you definitely shouldn't be comfortable seeing that kind of list posted publicly to a blog with thousands of followers. Particularly when trans women are facing a lot of unprompted harassment as it is, and are coming under fire from tumblr staff themselves.
Baeddelism is harmful, and I don't think it's a bad idea to block anyone who proudly- with full knowledge of what that word means- calls themselves one right now. I'm not going to circulate a list of trans women with bad opinions, though, and I really caution you to think about what that ask really means.
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transgenderuwo · 3 hours
have you made a baeddel blocklist yet?
I recommend getting comfortable with the fact that you will encounter people who suck on the internet, developing your ability to understand why certain things suck and why certain ways of thinking are harmful, and committing to simply blocking people you do not want to interact with as you come across them. instead of relying on strangers to tell you who you should or should not talk to.
I say this with as much compassion as possible, knowing I have used blocklists in the past: you do not know what my standards are for categorizing someone as a "baeddel" (as opposed to, say, a random trans woman who has some unpacked baggage about masculinity). You should not trust that I will be sufficiently diligent and discerning when placing people on such a list. Maybe you're willing to take that risk when blocking people on your own blog, but you definitely shouldn't be comfortable seeing that kind of list posted publicly to a blog with thousands of followers. Particularly when trans women are facing a lot of unprompted harassment as it is, and are coming under fire from tumblr staff themselves.
Baeddelism is harmful, and I don't think it's a bad idea to block anyone who proudly- with full knowledge of what that word means- calls themselves one right now. I'm not going to circulate a list of trans women with bad opinions, though, and I really caution you to think about what that ask really means.
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transgenderuwo · 3 hours
Why are y'all still using the word 'Middle East'. We've had this conversation already.
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transgenderuwo · 3 hours
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this honestly just came out of left fucking field i would have never expected to hear anything like this in this show. consider me Pleasantly Surprised tbh
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
sometimes u will be the only person fagging it up. sometimes it'll be hard. but u gotta do it. u gotta show all the fags that fagging it up is the way. u must strive to fag it as much as possible. u have a limited time. fag it up and dyke it out
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
Just watched a cis woman argue for banning trans men from birthing wards because, and I quote, "some women have been SAed"
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
people are cool with he/him lesbians until he's also a man and then suddenly there's a problem. obviously pronouns do not = gender, but i wonder why this is.
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
Tips for Spotting Bad & Bullshit History
There's no way to make sure you never fall for historical misinformation, and I'm not expecting anyone to fact-check every detail of everything they read unless they're getting paid for it. But you can make an effort to avoid the Worst Takes.
Ask yourself – if I wanted to verify this, where would I start? If you look at a statement and can’t actually find any facts to check, then you already know it’s bullshit.
Read the Wikipedia article on weasel words. Some experts say it’s very helpful!
Look for specifics: a who, a what, a where, a when. If one of those is missing or very broad, that’s a red flag. Statements need to be rooted in a time and a place. “People in the past have always…” Nope.
Vague is bad. Unless you’re looking at a deliberate large-scale overview that’s being broad and generalizing on purpose, you want names and dates and places and primary sources, pictures and quotes and examples.
But an example is not a trend. There’s a difference between what’s possible and what’s common, and history is full of exceptions and outliers. Extremely unusual people and events are overrepresented in the historical record (because nobody writes down what’s normal,) and they can tell us a lot about history, but they’re not directly representative of their place or time. Imagine a historian trying to reconstruct the 21st century based solely on Kiwifarm.
If a historian is competent or even just trying, you won’t have to go digging for sources, they will be shoved right into your face. Not out of mere academic rigor, but because a person who found them, either first- or second hand, is proud to have found them. People who have proof want to show you the proof, people who figured something out will want to show you their work, walk you through it. If they don’t, ask yourself – how do you know this? And - why won’t you tell me how you know this?
Someone might have a legit historical source, and then try to stretch it to cover times and places where it no longer applies. What’s true of 12th century England may not be true of 14th century Venice, even though both are “Medieval Europe,” so watch for those stretches.
Anecdotes are fine, they reveal a lot about people’s values and perceptions, pro historians often use them for context, but what anecdotes are not is factual truth. Notice when someone is feeding you cute anecdotes.
If someone attributes a large-scale social or cultural transformation to a single person or event, yeah that’s usually bullshit. Chances are, that person was part of a larger trend, a small link in a long chain. You can still appreciate their contribution, just put it in context!
Second-guess anyone who acts like they possess secret knowledge that the Media or Academia (or somebody) is hiding, they’re usually bullshit. Remember, if something has a Wikipedia article, it’s not actually a dark secret.
Remember that if it happened in the past sixty years, tons of people will still remember it, and you can literally just go and ask them.
Learn to recognise a smear tactic. Did this person really fuck dogs, or was their posthumous biography written by their worst enemy? Should we take it at face value? Also learn to recognise overt propaganda in the opposite direction: is the king that great or does he have a court historian on retainer? Remember that people sometimes *lie* in their autobiographies.
It’s fine to speculate about what “could” or “might” have happened, professional historians also fill the gaps in the sources with the occasional educated guess. But failing to differentiate clearly between fact and speculation is a huge mistake.
Do not seek validation in history. It's not there. I’m not saying you should approach history in an impersonal, apolitical way, of course not. Our present situation influences our interpretation of history, and it should. What I’m saying is, try not to hang too much of your individual or group identity on a historical narrative. Especially if it’s bullshit. You’re worthy and human because you’re worthy and human today, not because of the deeds and misdeeds of people in the past.
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
my living and food situation is quickly becoming a lot more unstable, help me order some food for this week:
cashapp: $ajbkow
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
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deal me in one more time jimbo just one more run
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transgenderuwo · 4 hours
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the sea horses, gerhard munthe
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transgenderuwo · 5 hours
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we are not getting out of the plant blog allegations with this one
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