trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉ Tris
Owen: I did say usually.
Tris: You still shouldn't have to deal with all her drama.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
text ✉️ tristan
lola: hmm????!
lola: like what do U mean?
lola: idont think ive like, specifically thought about it
lola: but if it happens then it happens
lola: and i wouldnt know until it happens
tristan: you know like a girl liking a girl. like how I'm gay, but the girl version.
tristan: so you like wouldn't be opposed to it?
tristan: i mean obviously there has to be a connection. i'm not saying you're just going to go hook up with some girl.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
text ✉️ tristan
lola: thats what i try to do, i just dk how well its working
lola: you can totes rock a mean pantsuit instead
lola: and i can pretend!
lola: besides red is so close to pink anyways its basically My Color
Tristan: I'm sure it's working fine.
Tristan: yeah I suppose.
Tristan: if you say so.
Tristan: So this is a completely random question, but have you ever thought about a girl in more than just a friend way?
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉ Tris
Owen: She means well usually.
Tris: Does she? Because attacking you in a group chat definitely doesn't seem like meaning well.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉ Tris
Owen: Yeah, it might be me she wants to fight now. She texted me earlier, but I don't really have anything to say to her.
Tris: That girl has always been drama.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉️ Tris
Anya: oh they totally have. I dunno. at the party, when she was talking, i could tell there was /something/ there. call it woman's intuition.
Anya: thanks Tris
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉ Tris
Owen: She did something stupid and it pissed Bianca off. Not like she hasn't been waiting to all year.
Tris: Bianca seems like she's always ready for a fight. So are you and Anya like not talking anymore?
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
Text ✉ Zoe
zoe: you're the best
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
Text ✉ Zoe
zoe: i will be on high alert for hounds and puking
tris: probably for the best. i will try and help avoid it.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉️ Tris
Anya: she was like-- weirdly so invested in protecting him. like more than just a friend. I got a vibe.
Anya: I texted him. we'll see.
Tris: I mean they've been friends for a long time I guess and I don't really want to think about if they've hooked up before, but there's no way they're like dating or serious or anything.
Tris: I'm totally rooting for you two.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉ Tris
Owen: That was supposed to say she. Bianca tried to swing, and I pulled her back.
Tris: Why the hell was Bianca trying to fight Anya?
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
text ✉️ tristan
lola: i know hes awkward but thats like, how i can tell
lola: like he said i was his dream girl and stuff
lola: i mean i guess its just kind of , like,
lola: scary/awkward/both since im at his house so much???
lola: but all the best groups come in threes!!! heathers, powerpuff girls, i cant think of another example but i know theres one out there,,,!!
tris: you have got to be kidding me. maybe twins really do think alike.
tris: you could just like ignore him.
tris: i'm not wearing a dress or a skirt, sorry. Also neither of you are mean enough to be Heather Chandler or Heather Duke.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
late nights
Fitz: shrugged a little bit. "Um kind of. Something about boiling some water. We can go over it again later." He said and figured that pasta was better than nothing. And if he remembered correctly it was cheap to make a lot of. "Yeah, you're really lucky." He mumbled trying not to dwell on it, and hoped they could drop the subject now. "You sure?" he asked but didn't wait for a response before taking the plate and finishing Tristan's off as well. he moved to stand up. "Look I just have a lot of issues okay. And being a burden is one of them. So humor me by letting me think I am in the way or something." He told him and moved back into the living room trying not to hurt himself too much as he sat on the couch. "Got some blankets?" he asked and looked him over, glad that he was going to hang with him. He didn't really want to be alone.
Tristan: nodded as he repeated some of it. "Well at least you sort of remember. That's better than not paying attention at all." That was definitely better than nothing. Tristan opened his mouth to say more, but instead decided to drop it. He nodded when the other asked about his food and was glad that Fitz didn't question it more. Tris was glad that he ate the rest of it so he didn't have to try and explain anything. "Well that's pretty clear." He said, before looking at him. "I mean everyone has issues, you're not the only one. So like are you asking me to be mean to you?" He asked, trying to fully understand. Tristan put the plates in the sink and walked into the living room. "No, get your own damn blankets." He said, trying out the whole mean thing. He walked down the hallway to the closet, grabbing two blankets out of there and walking over to the couch, tossing one to Fitz. He curled up on the other end of the couch with his own blanket, tossing the remote to Fitz. "You can pick as long as it's not like horror."
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
Text ✉ Zoe
zoe: i guess they cant drink 24 hours before a game? makes sense actually
zoe: nobody will be puking in my house omg
tris: Oh yeah I think I remember Owen saying something about that before.
tris: i'm just saying.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉️ Tris
Anya: I think Bianca got her claws on him now.
Anya: doesn't change that I broke his heart.
Tris: I don't know that I believe that.
Tris: ok no, but it does make you single and show you're trying to fix mistakes and be a better person.
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
✉ Tris
Owen: Not really. We tried to fight Anya at the party and things just kind of snowballed.
Tris: Um excuse me? You and who tried? And what do you mean by fight Anya?
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
text ✉️ tristan
lola: feelings on the opposite ends of the spectrum for each of them
lola: totally warm w hunter, i think we both like each other
lola: and like ,, real REAL frosty with miles
lola: i cant even really look at him
lola: no us!!! we can be triplets
tris: are you sure? I mean Hunter's kind of awkward. nothing like Frankie.
tris: wait why does it matter if things are frosty with miles? like you don't really have to hang out with him right?
tris: oh. i think it would be cuter if you and frankie matched.
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