Hot take: I feel like people love "quirky" traits in characters that are also features of Autism/general neurodiversity, until that character is actually established as having Autism (or people suggest that this might be the case).
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I'm just going to go on the record and say that I think Wednesday is sapphic and also somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum :)
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Alone Time
Wednesday and Enid turn down friends to spend time alone, leading to them facing some difficult conversations about previously taboo topics.
“Wednesday, is it still cool with you to have everybody over for movie night?” Enid called, slipping her favourite, pink sweater over her head and smoothing her hair down in front of the mirror.
Across the dorm, her girlfriend paused her typing, turning around with narrowed eyes.
“You never mentioned such a gathering,” she responded, her voice as emotionless as ever. 
Still, the werewolf could see a glimmer of worry lingering on her face.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I must have forgotten to mention! I invited Bianca, Xavier and Yoko over a week ago. We were gonna watch scary movies.”
Wednesday sighed, standing up.
“I was actually planning on getting my evening writing done,” she said, “and then perhaps spending some alone time with you.”
The blonde’s eyes widened and she brushed her hair behind her ears, evidently flustered. “Oh…”
“But if you don’t want to hang out one on one, I can always withdraw to the library.”
Enid rushed to her girlfriend’s side. “No no, of course I want to hang out one on one. What’ll we do? Dinner and a movie, or maybe we could just, y’know, cuddle?”
Wednesday grimaced.
“We’ll burn that bridge when we come to it. But for now, there’s the matter of preventing your three associates from intruding upon our evening. Will you take care of them, or shall I?” She said, a ghoulish smile ghosting her face.
Her roommate laughed nervously, “I’ve got it. I think they’ll be a little mad, but I’m sure they will come around.”
The brunette turned in her place, marching over to her bed as Enid began lacing her shoes.
“If they are, I’ll burn them alive.”
Surprisingly, their friends were not, in fact, mad.
“It’s cool Enid, we understand,” Bianca quipped, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, “Say less. It makes sense that you want some alone time with your new girlfriend.”
Xavier coughed dramatically, whispering something to Bianca and Yoko, who giggled in response. 
The blonde stood in confusion for a second, before the recognition dawned on her face.
“Wait, you guys think I’m asking you not to come so Wednesday and I can have sex?” She whispered exaggeratedly.
“Or you could say, you’re asking us not to come so you can,” Xavier replied, before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.
A dull blush crept up Enid’s neck, slowly spreading across her cheeks. 
“Shh, don’t shame her,” Yoko said, slapping him gently on the arm, “Just remember to be safe and have fun, ok?”
“Guys, I’m serious! Wednesday and I are not-”
But the trio had already started to walk away, leaving a stuttering Enid standing alone in the courtyard.
“Use protection!” Xavier called over his shoulder.
The werewolf huffed.
As soon as she re-entered her dorm room, Enid flopped down onto her bed with a sigh, wriggling onto her stomach and releasing a short burst of a scream into her pillow as her delicately painted fingernails transformed unwillingly into claws.
She stayed in that position for a few minutes, before she heard footsteps behind her, followed by the feeling of her mattress sinking down on one side.
“I assume that your intervention didn’t go as planned?”
Wednesday Addams, as delicate as ever.
“Well they’re not coming, if that’s what you're asking,” she replied.
Enid rolled over to face her girlfriend, whose face she watched visibly relax. But surprisingly, her eyes still bore an emotion that looked shockingly like concern.
“Are they angry?” The brunette deadpanned, her fingers unconsciously fiddling with the fabric of her roommate’s fluffy sweater.
The werewolf sighed, her eyes fixed on the roof.
“No, they’re not angry,” she said in exasperation, “Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m upset about this! Maybe I’m just making a big deal out of nothing, like I always seem to do.”
Wednesday looked down at her girlfriend.
“You’re right. You do tend to unnecessarily dramatise the majority of situations, however if any of those plebeians said so much as one bad word to you, I will personally flay them alive and bury them in a shallow grave by the river.”
Enid wiped her eyes, a dull smile flitting across her face.
“It’s ok. Nobody said anything mean,” she responded, “It’s just… they keep joking about us having S E X. And it’s not that I don’t love you or anything, but I just don’t know if that’s something I want. Like, ever. And I guess that it’s just getting on my nerves?”
From the spot beside her, Wednesday stiffened. Her eyes remained fixed, unblinking on her girlfriend’s for a few moments, before she eventually cleared her throat and averted her gaze. It was the first time Enid had seen her off guard, and that threw her a little.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel-”
Before she could finish her sentence, the brunette cut her off.
“Me neither.” “What?” Enid asked in near disbelief.
“I said, me neither. I also don’t wish to have intercourse. It appears to be invasive and painful- and not the good kind of painful either; the kind that doesn’t even give you nightmares.”
And just like that Enid’s feelings of insecurity began to subside. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve, sitting up and leaning into her girlfriend.
“God Wednesday, I’m just so relieved. I thought I was broken or something!”
“Maybe we are, Enid. But as my uncle Fester always used to tell me, broken things make the best deathtraps,” Wednesday deadpanned, “Now do tell me, approximately how many of our classmates do I have to murder to prevent the spread of false information.”
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It might just be me, but I kinda like the concept of Enid still having trouble "wolfing out" post s1
Don't get me wrong wolf!roommate antics would be great too, but like imagine:
Enid goes home and she's over the freakin MOON cuz she's finally a real werewolf now, just like the rest of her pack! She tells her family and obviously her mom is relieved (and yet still critical of Enids other invisible flaws) and her Dads happy she's happy and her brothers are annoying and for some reason her scars aren't healing as quickly as a werewolf should be able to heal but it doesn't matter cuz at least she finally feels normal (even if there is a small monotoned voice that sounds suspiciously like her fav lil psycho somewhere in the back of her mind telling her she was "normal" just being herself)
Then a month goes by and its the night of the full moon and Enid's with her family and pack in the woods and everyone starts wolfing out around her and Enid's so excited to join in. But ten minutes go by, then 30 and Enid's excitement starts to dwindle. At the hour mark she feels like she's panicking bcuz why hasn't she turned yet?? and the other wolves in the pack are starting to get antsy waiting for the hunt. After another twenty minutes still waiting, the pack take off and Enid's left alone at the campsite, still human.
The next morning the pack come back and Enid comes out of her tent, keeping her head down as feelings of shame and embarrassment color her cheeks. Her Dad pats her shoulder, tells her she'll get the next one, but her mother refuses to acknowledge her until they get home, and even then its only to hand her another round of brochures before Enid heads off to go cry herself to sleep.
Fast-forward and Nevermore opens back up and Enid's scrambling to get out of her house bcuz she can't stand it any longer. At least at school she has friends who don't really care if she can't shift. She even gets a three-second hug out of Wednesday when they reunite!
A week later is the full moon and Enid's trying so hard to not let it get to her but it seems Wednesday can see through all her fake smiles and nonchalance cuz she corners Enid the night before the full moon and asks her to either produce an explanation or suffer Wednesdays interrogation methods. And Enid comes clean in a sloppy sobbing mess of "i thought i was normal now!" and "its not fair".
And she feels bad cuz Wednesday is obviously NOT the person you should be dumping your emotional blights upon, but surprisingly her roommate seems solemn (more so than per usual Addams fashion) and it isnt until Wednesdays gingerly patting her head that Enid realizes she's actually attempting to cheer her up. And Enid bursts out laughing bcuz its very sweet and caring and so unlike her dreary bff that it actually does the trick.
Thing puts on Jennifer's Body which is a little on the nose given what happened last semester but its something they can all enjoy and Enid nearly chokes on a mouthful of popcorn when Wednesday admits she finds Megan Fox attractive but only when she's covered in blood and devouring the foolish men who fell victim to her seductions. Then they put on Legally Blonde and Enid chokes on her popcorn again when Wednesday says she's seen it before, and they spend three hours playing and pausing it to argue and critique the plot points and "its a girlpower movie Willa!" and eventually they fall asleep and Enid forgets why she was even upset to begin with.
Well, until the next day when its the full moon and Enid's a lil disappointed but not terribly so bcuz her wolf friends invite her out to lunch for some food and a howl, Ajax and Yoko have been sending her silly memes all day, and Thing gave her a manicure this afternoon, but the cherry on top is Wednesday promising another movie night and she gave Enid full control over what they watch. By the time the moon starts rising Enid feels like she's on cloud 9...
Which is inevitably when everything goes to shit bcuz the pain kicks in mid-way through "Let it Go" and Enid has enough strength in her to at least push past a notably worried roomie and out onto their balcony before her bones start cracking and holy shit she's wolfing out! But shes freakin out and so disoriented, not used to her new body or the flood to her senses that are suddenly on blast, and shes panicking and panicking until she hears someone calling to her, coaxing her, and a scent she knows all too well. It calms her, centers her, and Enid comes back to her senses a little to see Wednesday out on the balcony with her, hand outstretched but not touching. And Enid gives a few cautious sniffs and whines and its then that Wednesday finally brushes her fingers along her snout, up to her ears, and begins to softly, soothingly pet her and its then that Enid finally feels like herself in that moment.
She wakes up the next morning on the floor of their room with a small mountain of blankets, stuffed animals, and pillows around her, and Wednesday on her bed beside her. There are claw marks along the floor and fur shed all over the place, but nothings broken and she doesn't smell blood (beside the usual aroma a la Addams). How her roomie managed to get a full blown werewolf back into their room is beyond her but Wednesday looks too peaceful curled up on her bright colored sheets to wake her and find out just yet.
What I'm saying is that Wednesday is Enid's anchor and she'll only wolf out when she's around.
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A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved
Wednesday x Enid. This is my first Wednesday fic, so please be kind <3 I also take requests, so feel free to send me an ask.
“Wednesday?” Enid called breathlessly, running into her shared dorm at full speed, “Are you in here? You’ll never guess what I just-”
She stopped in her tracks upon noticing the dark silhouette of a girl, curled up into a ball facing the window.
“Hey, are you-”
Enid cut herself off in shock when her roommate turned around, revealing her face. Wednesday’s eyes were slightly bloodshot— not obvious enough to be noticeable to most, but clear to her— and her usually flawless plaits had begun to come undone.
The brunette wiped her eyes with a black sleeve.
“It seems as though I am allergic,” she deadpanned, returning her gaze to a spot outside of the window.
“To what?” 
Enid slid to the floor beside Wednesday, crossing her legs and reaching over to brush her girlfriend’s bangs away from her eyes, only to be met with a murderous glare.
“Do you want to talk about it?” The blonde asked softly.
Wednesday shook her head fervently. 
“And what, give you leverage over me; share previously undisclosed information that could ultimately lead to my demise?”
Enid’s eyes filled with barely concealed hurt, but she tried to keep her voice from wavering.
“Wednesday, I hope you know that I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. And you don’t have to talk about anything you’re not comfortable with, but a problem shared is a problem halved, right?” the werewolf paused to catch her breath.
Wednesday stared, unblinking at a spot on the floor. Then slowly, as though entranced, she leaned over so that her head was resting on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Enid let out a little gasp at the unexpected gesture, but quickly recovered herself, reaching out to take the brunette’s hand.
“Tell anybody of this and I’ll impale you in your sleep.”
The blonde giggled. This was the Wednesday she knew.
“Noted,” she replied, “So…”
“I had a fight with my mother. A bad one.”
The way she said it sounded matter-of-fact, emotionless, but Enid could see the despair simmering just below the surface. She opened her mouth to speak, before deciding to hold her tongue and wait for her girlfriend to offer more information independently.
“She told me that I’m failing her,” Wednesday’s voice caught, and she angrily swatted at her tears, “And that I’m not her daughter anymore.” 
Suddenly, Enid found herself unable to resist her temptation, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulder and pulling her into a hug. And for once, Wednesday didn’t pull away, instead pressing her face into the crook of the blonde’s neck.
They stayed like that for what felt like hours, locked in a wordless embrace, before finally, Wednesday looked up at Enid, her face as expressionless as ever.
“I believe I have met my physical touch limit for today.”
Enid smiled warmly at her.
“I understand. So, what do you wanna do now? I could have someone bring dinner up for us and we could watch a movie- your pick, or you could write, if you wanted?” The blonde asked, nervously brushing a pink strand of hair behind her ear.
The brunette turned this over in her head. As much as the idea of working on her novel, getting lost inside the blissful world of brutal murder and agonising pain appealed to her, she couldn’t help but relish the idea of a few more hours alone with her girlfriend.
“Dinner and a movie sound… nice,” she admitted begrudgingly, “We may do that.”
Enid nodded enthusiastically, springing up in search of her phone.
“Enid?” Wednesday said suddenly, causing the werewolf to turn around.
She hesitated for a few seconds, clearly struggling to voice what she wanted to say.
Eventually, she managed to whisper, “thank you.”
The blonde beamed.
“Anytime, Wednesday.”
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☽ Hello ☾
✧ My name is Charlie.
✧ I am a minor! This means no NSFW, please.
✧ My other blogs are @sapphicserpentqueen and @risottoromance.
✧ I write oneshots and drabbles for Wednesday. I write Wenclair and Wednesday/Enid x Reader.
✧ My ao3 is PolaroidFangirl13 and my Wattpad is sapphicserpentqueen.
✧ My requests are currently open.
✧ Send me an ask! I look forward to getting to know you ✧
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