uclsafespace-blog · 5 years
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This is for all the newcomers in UCL - Welcome to a place that’s home for some but hell for others! You might not have any friends right now. You might run into the same people over and over again but not have the courage to say hello. You might not want to mingle with the rest of the new people. We’ve all been there, and it’s absolutely okay. You do not have to try hard to fit in here. You do not have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You don’t want to be with the wrong people. You’ll find your tribe very soon(the campus being small really helps at this point). Every person you see is in the same situation and wants to experience the ‘university life’. You have your next 3 years to experience it - don’t rush into things, let it be swift. If not people, you always have Bhatti ki chai and roll to cheer you up. It’s where all the guys hangout too. Maybe you’ll find someone there to rant about the campus’s size. Deans will be overcrowded these days, pretty intimidating too in that way. It’s more of a common room for A levels, so you might not have any luck there if you’re here for undergrad. The library is legit the COOLEST(🥶) place on campus. The best possible place to relax. Also, our library isn’t a typical library full of nerds. We all go for AC yaar, so nobody’s going to judge you if you sit idle there. We understand. Promise. Sometimes, the max amount of entertainment we have here are the football matches. There’s not much to do here, but hey! Emporium is 10 minutes away, so you can always head over there and see your batchmates doing the same thing. We’re all in this together. Some of us are happy being alone while some of us feel alone in groups. Don’t be afraid to approach anyone - seniors, AL gang, Irshad bhai - ANYONE! This journey is going to be weird at times, but you’ll leave the place with memories and (hopefully) good friends. Don't feel the need to compromise your values or change who you are just to make friends and fit into a group.  Always stay true to who you are.
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