A Guide to Civil Court Cases
In civil litigation, businesses and individuals use the court system to resolve disputes. Unlike andy mayoras in which the state prosecutes someone for a statutory violation, a civil case is a private dispute in which parties typically seek a monetary judgment or an injunction to prevent further harm. In this guide, readers will learn more about the distinct types of civil cases. ginopolis and Personal Injury A person hurt because of another person or entity’s negligent conduct has the right to file a civil claim for compensation. A personal injury case might arise from an auto accident, a slip and fall event, a defective product, or another situation where negligence caused an injury. Family Law Cases Conflicts and disputes arising from familial relationships are a common type of civil case. Separation, divorce, child custody, domestic violence, and child support are some disputes that people go to court to resolve. Contract Law When a party fails to fulfill its obligations under a contract’s terms and conditions, the other side can file a claim for the breach. A plaintiff can sue to recover damages incurred, or they can ask the court to order the at-fault party to meet their obligation. Landlord/Tenant Disputes An eviction is one type of civil dispute that may arise between a landlord and a tenant. Disputes over a renter’s failure to follow lease terms or conflicts over services a tenant claims are insufficient can end up in civil court. Disputes Concerning Real Property Conflicts over ownership rights, disputes over property line locations, and property title claims are civil cases in which the appropriate remedy may be something more substantial than monetary damages. For instance, a property owner alleging the adjoining owner’s trespass may ask the presiding judge for an injunction that prevents future encroachments. elder law grand rapids mi s Not Possible to Force a Party to Pay In a civil case, especially one that’s made it to small claims court, it’s possible to get a monetary judgment and still have difficulty with collections. The court can pressure the payee with property liens and wage garnishments, but the litigant must proactively persuade the court to use its legal powers to force the issue. However, if the other party has no assets, payment may be impossible. Count on Civil Litigators for Help and Legal Advice Civil cases come in a variety of forms, and in some instances, they’re too complex for litigants to handle on their own. Those involved in civil cases can get litigation details and legal advice from BRMMLaw.com or they can call today to set up a no-obligation consultation.
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