undexd-hero · 5 years
Can you fight god?
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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“I guess?! But Ken…I’d prefer you don’t use your quirk.” Dallas rubbed his knuckles together.
“Your brand of heroing usually ends with you really hurt!! Even when we were kids!”
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“Yeah but I got a high pain tolerance. I’m more than combat certified. You remember all the fights I got in. I have street smarts. I can’t really stay dead if the worst case scenario plays out. And if there’s one thing my Quirk gives me besides temporary death it’s a tiny boost in strength and how much shit I can take.”
“Besides...Let’s be real Dallas...America and Japan do have one similar flaw in their ‘hero’ system. And that’s basing people’s worth on their Quirk.”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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“Kenneth!! KENNETH!! You fucking…this isn’t Colorado!!! I want you to be not in prison you ding bat!”
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But consider this: If I die they can’t prove anything. And I’m not ‘using’ my Quirk in public.”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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“Ahaha nooooooo.” Kenny drawls out, making it obvious that he was lying. Technically, being a vigilante, he didn’t need a license since he was kinda breaking the law, but at the same time, he wasn’t. He wasn’t really able to use his ‘Quirk’ in combat, so he wasn’t really breaking the ‘No Quirk use in public’ rule.
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“Hey Ken…are you still doing hero shit because it’s not like back home…we need a license to hero work here…” 
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undexd-hero · 5 years
“You’re going to roast in this weather wearing that thing…is it part of your quirk or something.” To spare the kid some misery he lifts his right hand and drops the temperature a few degrees.
“Why tell me I remind you of someone then?”
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At the mention of a quirk even Kenny is unable to completely hide the dark look that crosses over his features before it fades away and he offers another large smile. “Nah, not my quirk. Just, back home it was pretty much always winter. Always had this thing to keep me warm so it’s more sentimental to me. Feel naked without it. Which doesn’t sound too bad but I’m pretty sure Japan is big on public nudity laws.”
Kenny shrugs at the last comment. “Felt I owed ya’ some reason as to why I was staring.”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
“Are you saying I remind you of your ex or something?”
Shouto sighed softly and rolled his eyes just a touch. “As far as pick up lines go it’s not the worst I’ve heard. Not the best either.”
He looked the other up and down a bit and finally pushed off the wall. “Dig?”
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“An ex. Not sure you’d call him that. But whatever...” Kenny shrugs, shifting a bit. He’s still unused to the warmer climate here than back at home, so his parka makes him a bit stuffy.
At the other’s questioning of his phrase, Kenny blinks before he realizes his mistake. “Oh sorry there Sho. It’s american slang. Basically just means shit like you get me or you understand.”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
Shouto’s head was cocked to the side as he regarded this blonde, a frown still written across his face. His expression was neutral and almost bored as he stared him down, reclined back against the wall as he tried to divine the motives of this grinning doofus before him.
“I remind you of someone?” Skepticism written over ever inch of him. He wasn’t stupid, he knew his candy cane ass was pretty distinctive.
“Shouto. You can call me Sho.”  
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“Shouto huh? Shouto, Shouto, Sho, Shotty. Sho. Yeah even I can remember that.” As if Kenny had bad memory in the first place. He definitely wouldn’t be forgetting this guy anytime soon. But those eyes and his demeanor...
A flash of blue rings through Kenny’s mind. A blue chullo hat. Black hair.
Yeah, this guy definitely reminded him of someone. Someone he had left behind in South Park. Along with his family, the rest of his friends, even the memory of his deceased first true love. Or whatever bullshit he had felt for that guy.
“Yeah, you kinda remind me of someone. Was kinda close to him. Before we parted ways. Or something like that. You dig?”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
@crxckedxce || X
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Once Kenny realizes he has been called out on his mindless staring, he offers a grin,one he distantly remembers Stan once calling his ‘mega watt smile’ as he rubs the back of his head sheepishly.
“Sorry man. Didn’t mean to offend. Was just a bit curious. And you kinda remind me of someone I knew.” He explains, fingers leaving his hair. Ever since his move and settling in with his new roommate, Kenny was afforded luxuries he didn’t have before. Regular showers with hot water, toothpaste and toiletries, and even able to do laundry, although he knew the effects of his childhood would remain, between the many scars and yellowed and missing teeth, even just the thinning of his hair.
It didn’t matter much anymore.
“I’m Kenny. In case you were curious. Man, I’m really sucking at this introduction thing heh.”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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“Cross my heart, hope to die To my lover, I'd never lie He said "be true", I swear I'll try In the end, it's him and I”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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‘It fucking hurts’ 
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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He was trying to get from the training field to locker room without running into some people. More like any people, no one really by name. The clear scowl on his face didn’t stop one new kid from running up with a one-word greeting on his lips. ….And this one was quirkless from the rumors. As interesting as that fact might be, now is not the time when he feels like he’s swimming in his boots due to sweat.
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“Just thought I’d drop by and say hi. It’s not everyday I get to meet a Sports Festival champ. Although it really looks like you could use a shower, no offense.” Kenny remarks easily, far too used to dealing with people with known short fuses. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? The guy would blow him up?
Kenny then adjusts his own ‘hero’ outfit in his arms, taking note of the teen before him. He’d definitely be one to watch out for when he started his vigilante duties, just to ensure he could keep this guy off his heels.
“Well you look like you don’t wanna be here, and I gotta start some training and I’d really rather be alone for this. So go on, shoo now.”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
“I’m in the hero course. My dad is in jail now. Uuuuuuhhh….” Dallas looked up at the sky and tried to figure out what was best to divulge to his friend. But it was Kenny.
“I live in a secret villain shed sometimes. Life is good.”
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Kenny quirked an eyebrow at the new load of information, but made no move to prod the other into explaining himself. They had just met back up after all.
“Yeah well I got all papers down and now I’m here. Of course I had to still register as ‘Quirkless’ considering...Well you know.”
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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Did this idiot seriously just come up to him in the halls and talk to him. With that opening line no less.
“And who are you extra?”
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“Ah no one you’d end up remembering. I just wanted a chance to say hi. Oh and collect a little friend of mine.” Kenny then kneels down to scoop the rat that had scampered down the hall and rested behind Bakugou’s shoe.
“Twinkles you know better than running off. Anyway, sorry about that firecracker. Better get going before you light my ass up eh?” The blond spares a wink at the other before letting Twinkles slide back into his signature parka,about to turn around and stalk off from the explosive teen.
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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Kenny ♡ New gif animation
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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I wanted to make a video with kenny. This is one of the parts of my work
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undexd-hero · 5 years
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“Holy crap, you’re the Bakugou Katsuki? The angry firecracker champ from the Sports Festival way back then? Gotta say you are a lot hotter in person. Pun AND compliment included.”
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