uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
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This photo is for the Film Review entry
Works Cited
Boren, Jade. “Emily Ratajkowski Is An Angelic Goddess In Shimmery Gown & Crystals At Met Gala 2019.” Hollywood Life, Hollywood Life, 7 May 2019, hollywoodlife.com/2019/05/06/emily-ratajkowski-dress-met-gala-2019-photos/.
“Clash Of The Titans - Trailer (2010).” YouTube, 28 Dec. 2009,youtu.be/5VRqk7yESnw.
“Dionysus.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 31 May 2019, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysus.
“Hollywood Life.” Hollywood Life, 31 Dec. 1969, hollywoodlife.com/.
Kedia, Megha. “'Aquaman': Jason Momoa Talks Training Process For Filming Fight Scenes.” Pursue News, 13 Nov. 2018, pursuenews.com/aquaman-jason-momoa-talks-training-process-for-filming-fight-scenes/.
“The Perks of Being Son of Poseidon.” Rebloggy!, rebloggy.com/post/gifs-edits-2k-percy-jackson-the-lightning-thief-sea-of-monsters-pjoedit-pjoedits/71547181619.
Vos, Cornelis de. “Apollo Chasing Daphne by Cornelis De Vos.” Pixels, pixels.com/featured/apollo-chasing-daphne-cornelis-de-vos.html.
Zerobonus. “Mythology Movies.” IMDb, IMDb.com, 7 May 2018, www.imdb.com/list/ls062932267/.
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uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
Development as a writer
Development as a writer
I chose my theme with great difficulty, being the indecisive person I am, I toyed with topics of Romance, celebrities, travel, fashion, Greek Mythology. In the end a person at my table suggested Greek Mythology and how celebrities are looked as the modernized gods. I loved the idea instantly. I like Greek Mythology, credit to Rick Riordan and his amazing writing. Medusa, Minotaurs, demigods; half god half human, I’ve always fantasized about being one. This theme simply relates to my existing interests.
My writing has changed in a way that reveals the voice of my piece, explicit with authenticity. I take pleasure in reading those words in the feedback sections of my written works. I’ve also seen a change in the way I embed rhetorical devices. It comes with less strain and research.
The piece I take most pride in is my love/hate assignment. A day ago I would’ve said my Slam Poem piece because it screamed me. When I saw my mark, the comments, and re-read what I wrote for my love/hate-I unfortunately didn’t proofread before submitting- I really liked what I said. When I wrote the piece the words zipped by quickly, gushing out of my pen like a waterfall. The reasons I like this assignment are the same as how I’ve seen my writing change. Truthfully I would rate my summative a 89 or 90 out of 100, I struggled with trying to make wordpress look good as well as my tumblr so it didn’t succeed in my vision of aesthetically pleasing. I wouldn’t say anything higher than a 90, only if deem fit to a marker but I feel like my first imagist poem wasn’t rhe stronger but at the same time when I sat down and knew what the base of what I wanted my poem to be the words flew out of my mind and onto the paper. It’s short but I didn’t want to change anything. My sonnet, I’m quite proud of it’s my first time doing a sonnet and I believe strongly that I took the words of what Dionyseus would say and placed it in my writing. That also goes with my imagist poem with Apollo and Daphne. Apollo from every book I have read is kind but can be cocky and I relished in that for my poem. Also for the two photos that I love, I took the point of view of the characters and tried to convey, how they would feel and taking from the movies and book what would happen. Entirely, I am proud of my work and this summative.
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uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
Conventions for a film review must contain percentage/score by going to Rotten Tomato or IMDb. Have the film name/film Percentage/score go to Rotten Tomato or IMDb. Film name/film release date, Film genre. Director, screenwriter, cast, stars. Begin with a tagline, quote or reference from the actual film-as a brief intro. First paragraph to have a brief summary (timeline, location, narrative, cast, performance) of the film, leading for the audience to want to watch the film. Preceded by a personal view, featuring positive aspects, to create a personal opinion, which then looks at different aspects of the film: mise-en-scene, set scenes etc. Then negative aspects: review and focus on the protagonist, personality, qualities. Focus: Plot Zeus said: “you may not want to be a god, Perseus, but after feats like your, men will worship you. Be good to them.” Released in April 2, 2010, Clash of Titans is an action and adventure Greek Mythology film. Directed by Louis Leterrier and the screenwriters: Travis Beacham, Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi. Sam Washington, the protagonist as Perseus, Liam Neeson as Zeus, and Ralph Fiennes, the antagonist as Hades. Clash of Titans similarly embodies the true myth of Perseus, the son of Zeus and his challenges. After looking at the actual Myth of Perseus it is seen that like any film adaptation, there are tweaks and not the full story is enlisted in the movie. The movie starts off the same except for the fact that Perseus mother dies in the movie and she lives in the myth. The challenges he faces are the same: retrieving the head of Gorgon Medusa and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus(in the movie the kraken). Although the villain in the story is Poseidon in the film it is Hades. Overall a 3.5/5 star rating. It really pinpointed the general plot of what happened mythologically and placed it in the film chronologically. The reason for a 3.5 and not a 5 is because the steps that Perseus took were not carried out the same way. The reason behind the journeys are also different. The logic with Hades coaxing Zeus to release the kraken on the village of greeks are unreasonable and Zeus takes over a territory that is meant for his other brother Poseidon. The plot is in comparison to the actual myth a rushed mess. If they simply took the original plot and made it into a live motion picture it would be ten times better.
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uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
Blog Creation
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uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
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Conventions of a sonnet consist of English Shakespearan with a rhyming scheme of abab, cdcd, efef, gg or Petrarchan (Italian) with a rhyming scheme of  abba, abba, cdecde or cdcdcd. The Petrarchan is divided into two stanzas, the octave (the first eight lines) followed by the answering sestet (the final six lines). As for a Shakespearan sonnet there are three quatrains and a couplet. 
No Praise or Glory 
They say I am the most worthless god
But who gives them the wine and entertainment
Do you think drunken actors was a quick nod
Theatre is a gift, not a refrainment
You Filthy mundanes try to act like gods
Rambunctious thiefs, lazy peasants, I glare
I could take my thyrsus, as Bacchus, cause bombs
I can show them madness, cause another warfare
Love is a fine wine, a thrill ride altogether
A grape vine of wonders and curiosity
Who embodied you to become a mother
Say I who claim thy religiosity
Alas, I have been with your obnoxious kind
Only chaos is thine unless put behind
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uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
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Two photos I love and a brief story.
I knew that I’ve never fit in. With my ADHD, the only place I felt safe was in the silky water. The place I could run my thoughts with. It was the half missing from my whole. Suddenly my mother is rushing me to elsewhere. Out into the country, a place that I knew nothing of, a place where I lost her, I hated it. A camp, surrounded with people who were all battle and no friendship bracelets. Although, I was beyond petrified someone would nock their arrow in my arm, I felt a welcomeness. Now I’m playing capture the flag and I’m freaking the heck out, no way in all the gods am I going to live through this game. These people are ruthless and cruel, maybe they are the children of gods and goddesses. Facing off a ferocious dagger, a girl spinning and whipping, it’s a miracle I am still alive. I lay outstretched on the ground. The water whispers wondrous words. My hand reaches and claims the wisp of water, it glides in and against my skin clearing me of injury. I stand rejuvenated, the glow of Poseidon, a trident, above my head. I am a demigod, the first son of the sea god.
2. The venomous voice advises me to run no one has ever stood against them. Piles of belittling bones and dishonourable dust lay at my feet. The creature wraps around my throbbing aching body. I speak to it, I am not just anyone, but someone here because of their mother and father. The creature surprised I could speak its language, frees me with warmth in its tone. Astonished, I clasp onto the trident of my ancestor, taking forth my claim to the throne. For I am worthy, it will be known to the rascals who dare try to murder my mother. I stand embraced with new armor and confidence. A mighty godly glow to my aura. Enclosed with boisterous nature and gushing fresh water. I am Aquaman, son of to the forbidden; a human and an Atlantean. 
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uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
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Imagist Poem
Capturing a moment/feeling
Convey mood or feeling at the moment
Parallels can be drawn between impressionist art
Powerful image through precise words
Direct treatment of a thing (no larger meaning) whether subjective (personal) or objective (tangible)
No metronome but, for the phrase to be ‘musical’
Title direct indicator of the content
Stop & Stare
Every eye knows that body
Caressing slowly as lights twinkle and snap
Bustling wanderers, model-like grins and
jewelry finer than no other
Placed on the finest sculptures
she struts, she swerves, she turns and stares
Flirtatious Dash
Your body, your voice
Couldn’t sing louder to me than my Lyre
We could dance around play leer
I’m a god there’s no stopping me
Come along my sweets so I can feel you here
Beneath my touch you’ll shine brighter than the sun
I relish in a lively game of frolic
But now i’m done, do not resist Daphne dear
Embrace my warm glowing touch
Why are you so far yet near
Do not string me along like my bow and arrow
There isn’t no one finer than thee
A deity like me
Come Daphne don’t run don’t flare
I’ll savour thy inch, you’ll see
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uniekarbacchuschapbook ¡ 5 years
Uniekar Elizabeth Charlotte Bacchus. 32 letters. 4 words. 11 syllables. The flow of my full name always brought a smile to my face. My name always had many commentary questions and mistakes. Unicorn? Why Elizabeth? Charlotte, that has a nice ring to it. Bacchus, like the god of wine? My favourite was always the fact that people knew of Greek and Roman Mythology. I’d grin excitedly, nod and say “yes god of wine” or “yes I did know my name was tied to that god. I’ve always took fancy in Greek Mythology, all thanks to Percy Jackson, one of my favourite books in Middle School. When I was little my mother would read to me, buy me books from the Scholastic or we’d get it in one of those Christmas boxes. Every time the Scholastic flyer would roll around I’d be excited picking books after books. A fan affair I was addicted to tremendously. Reading is a passion of mine and there was no surprise when I started writing. It began in fifth grade, my friend face me the idea to write fan fictions, 2010, One Direction was the buzz. I finished my first ‘book’ that year, handwritten and passed onto my friend to read, I never saw it again. Since that day I never stopped writing, my love for it was too strong and one day I aspire to become an author.
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