uniskytechnologies · 1 year
How can a synthetic monitoring service help website hosting companies?
Synthetic monitoring services can help website hosting companies in several ways:
Proactive problem identification: Synthetic monitoring services can simulate real user interactions with a website and identify any issues before they affect actual users. This allows hosting companies to proactively fix problems and minimize downtime, which can improve customer satisfaction and prevent loss of revenue.
Performance optimization: Synthetic monitoring services can help hosting companies identify and fix any potential bottlenecks in their systems, which can improve overall performance and user experience. By regularly monitoring website performance, hosting companies can ensure that their customers' websites are running smoothly and efficiently.
Compliance: Website hosting companies are responsible for ensuring that their customers' websites comply with various regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Synthetic monitoring services can help hosting companies demonstrate that they are taking the necessary steps to protect customer data and comply with regulatory requirements.
Scalability: As hosting companies grow, they need to be able to handle an increasing number of websites and visitors. Synthetic monitoring services can help hosting companies ensure that their systems can handle the increased load and scale up as needed.
Cost-effective: Outsourcing synthetic monitoring services can be more cost-effective than using in-house tools. Monitoring companies can provide services on a pay-as-you-go basis, which can help hosting companies save on costs associated with purchasing, maintaining, and updating expensive in-house tools.
Overall, synthetic monitoring services can help website hosting companies ensure that their systems are running smoothly and effectively, improve customer satisfaction, and comply with regulatory requirements. It can also help them to be more cost-effective, scalable and proactive in identifying and solving the issues.
Unisky Technologies synthetic website monitoring tools proves to be best monitoring partner for web hosting companies.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
The Impact of Website Monitoring on Cyber security
Website monitoring plays a critical role in maintaining the cyber security of a business. By monitoring a website's performance, businesses can identify and resolve potential security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals. Here are a few ways in which website monitoring can impact cyber security.
Identifying vulnerabilities: Website monitoring can help identify potential security vulnerabilities, such as outdated software or weak passwords. By identifying these vulnerabilities early on, businesses can take steps to fix them and prevent them from being exploited.
Monitoring for malicious activity: Website monitoring can also help detect and prevent malicious activity, such as SQL injection attempts or cross-site scripting attacks. By monitoring these types of activity, businesses can take steps to prevent them and minimize the risk of a security breach.
Compliance: Website monitoring can also help businesses comply with regulations and standards such as PCI DSS and HIPAA, by ensuring that their website is secure and meets the required standards.
Protecting customer data: Website monitoring can help protect sensitive customer data, such as personal information and credit card numbers, by ensuring that the website is secure and free from vulnerabilities.
Detecting and preventing DDoS attacks: Website monitoring can detect Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which are a common method used by cybercriminals to take down a website. By monitoring for these types of attacks, businesses can take steps to prevent them and minimize the risk of a security breach.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Why Website Monitoring is Critical for SEO ?
Website monitoring is an essential aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) because it helps ensure that a website is always running smoothly and providing a good user experience. Here's why website monitoring is critical for SEO:
Downtime can hurt SEO: When a website is down, it can't be crawled by search engines, which can negatively impact SEO. By monitoring website uptime, businesses can ensure that their website is always available to be crawled by search engines.
Slow load times can hurt SEO: Slow load times can also be detrimental to SEO. Search engines take into account website load times when ranking websites, so a slow-loading website can result in a lower search engine ranking. Website monitoring can help identify slow load times and make the necessary changes to improve website performance.
Broken links and errors can hurt SEO: Broken links and errors on a website can be frustrating for visitors and can negatively impact SEO. Website monitoring can help identify and fix these issues, which can improve the user experience and help maintain a high search engine ranking.
Monitor user engagement: Real-time website monitoring can also help businesses monitor user engagement by tracking metrics such as page views and bounce rate. This can help businesses identify areas where the user experience can be improved, such as by providing more relevant content, which can lead to a better SEO.
Monitor the competition: Keep an eye on the competition by monitoring their websites. This can give you valuable insights into what is working well for them and can help you improve your own website's SEO.
Monitor mobile performance: With the increasing use of mobile devices to access websites, it's important to monitor the performance of your website on mobile devices, as well as on desktops, to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices and to maintain a good SEO.
In summary, website monitoring is critical for SEO because it helps ensure that a website is always running smoothly and providing a good user experience. By monitoring website uptime, load times, broken links and errors, user engagement, the competition and mobile performance using Unisky Technologies synthetic website and mobile app monitoring tool , businesses can improve their SEO and increase their visibility in search engine results pages.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
How to Choose the Right Website Monitoring Tool for Your Business
Choosing the right website monitoring tool for your business can be a daunting task, with so many options available. However, by considering the specific needs of your business and the features offered by different tools, you can make an informed decision and select a tool that is the best fit for your business. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a website monitoring tool for your business:
Scalability: Consider the scalability of the website monitoring tool. As your business grows, you'll likely need to monitor more websites and web pages. Make sure the tool you choose can scale to meet your growing needs.
Features: Consider the features offered by the website monitoring tool. Some tools offer basic features like uptime monitoring, while others offer more advanced features like performance monitoring, error detection, and real-time alerts.
Integration: Consider whether the website monitoring tool can integrate with other tools and systems your business is using. This can help you automate workflows and improve the overall efficiency of your business.
Cost: Consider the cost of the website monitoring tool. Some tools are free, while others require a monthly or annual subscription. Make sure the tool you choose is within your budget and offers the features you need.
User-friendly interface: Consider the user-friendly interface of the website monitoring tool. Make sure the tool is easy to use and understand, so you can quickly and easily monitor your website's performance.
Support: Consider the level of support offered by the website monitoring tool. Make sure the tool you choose offers the support you need, whether that's through email, phone, or live chat.
Customization: Consider whether the website monitoring tool can be customized to your business's specific needs. This can be especially important if your business has unique requirements that need to be met.
In summary, when choosing a website monitoring tool for your business, consider the scalability, features, integration, cost, user-friendly interface, support, and customization options offered by the tool. By considering these factors, you can select a tool that is the best fit for your business like Unisky Technologies synthetic monitoring service and can help ensure that your website is always running smoothly and providing a good user experience.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Rethink your eCommerce app with Live Monitoring
e-commerce has accelerated the online retail industry to a whole new level. The top digital players have fully integrated e-commerce and digital sales to adapt to shifting consumer behaviours. The recent pandemic has opened floodgates for online retailers to introduce new products and services, and deliver them to customers faster than ever. While the competition seems never-ending, application performance monitoring is instrumental for e-commerce companies to sustain growth.
Monitoring your e-commerce application is as essential as the application’s availability itself. Numerous challenges are addressed all the time when it comes to handling the traffic, cataloguing, third party integrations and more importantly, the performance errors across different functionalities within the app. All these issues can be solved in real-time when you have a live monitoring strategy for your e-commerce application.
Statistics based on e-commerce application performance monitoring Real-time monitoring enables a 52% faster response rate on technical issues. – Chartio Slower page response time leads to an increase in page abandonment, with around 40% of users stating that they abandon a page if it does not load within three seconds. For online retail giants, like Amazon, a similar delay would be catastrophic, resulting in estimated lost sales of USD 1.6 billion per year. – Mordor Intelligence Mobile accounts for more than half of e-commerce traffic - Yotpo Considering the above facts, it’s quite clear that performance monitoring is critical to your e-commerce success. You’ve invested in improved digital infrastructure, creative cataloguing, content and marketing but without a monitoring strategy, everything can fall apart.
The performance of your web application can make or break your growth efforts. It has to be real for a good shopping experience which in turn affects your revenue, loyalty, and reputation. Organizing a live monitoring mechanism helps to balance risks and deploy an error-free app that exceeds customer expectations. Live Ecommerce Monitoring is a useful tactic to enhance your ecommerce website and app efficiency. Let’s dive deep into what you get from it.
End-user experience monitoring User-driven monitoring is more efficient and reliable than an automated one. A real user perceives your target audience. Hence, end-user monitoring can provide you with valuable insights by studying and capturing technical issues critical to customer’s journey.
App Exception/Error Detection There can be different types of errors leading to interruptions while your customer goes through your app. Live monitoring detects it instantly and enables your IT team to provide a real-time response for the customer to continue shopping.
Bottleneck Diagnosis Before you solve the technical error, the key is to understand it first. Few technical errors can also be driven by third-party. A consistent app monitoring method can easily help your IT team to categorise the bottlenecks and deliver problem-solving responses.
Application Troubleshooting Live monitoring for e-commerce applications is central to the whole troubleshooting process. Once you’ve diagnosed the error, it’s time to troubleshoot the API to detect similar issues and ensure they don’t arise again. Thus, live monitoring is absolutely important for confirming every app function.
Performance Optimization Technical enhancements in the app code and their impact across the application components can be easily understood by live monitoring. This will help your IT management department to optimize the app’s performance making the brand achieve a significant competitive advantage.
App Data Analytics Resolving issues and implementing improvements isn’t the only benefits of live monitoring. The data gathered and stored during the live monitoring process is what defines the future compatibility of your application. You can study the app performance data to make better decisions.
Time to rethink your Application Performance The consistent performance of your e-commerce app is dependent upon monitoring and diagnosis. Technical issues adversely affect your e-commerce sales. Outsourcing your app monitoring to a reliable monitoring partner can bring the change you’ve always wanted for your app performance.
Also, check our article on End-user Monitoring to Improve Banking Customer Experience, that will help you attain stability.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
5 Essential Metrics for Website Performance Monitoring
Website performance monitoring is essential for any business that wants to ensure their website is running smoothly and providing a good user experience. In order to effectively monitor website performance, it's important to understand the key metrics that should be tracked. Here are 5 essential metrics for website performance monitoring:.
Load Time Load time is the amount of time it takes for a web page to fully load. A slow load time can lead to a poor user experience and can even cause visitors to leave the site. To keep track of load time, you can use Unisky Technologies synthetic website monitoring service.
Up Time Uptime is the percentage of time that a website is available and accessible to users. Downtime can cause frustration for visitors and can negatively impact a business's bottom line. To keep track of uptime, you can use Unisky Technologies End user website monitoring service.
Page Views Page views is the number of times a webpage has been viewed. This metric can be used to measure the popularity of a website and can also indicate how well a website is performing in terms of user engagement.
Bounce Rate Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave a website after only viewing one page. A high bounce rate can indicate that a website is not providing relevant or engaging content.
Error Rate Error rate is the percentage of requests to a website that result in an error. This metric can be used to identify issues with a website's functionality and can also indicate potential security vulnerabilities.
Tracking these 5 essential metrics for website performance monitoring will give you a good understanding of how well your website is performing and where improvements can be made. Regularly monitoring these metrics will help you identify issues early on and make the necessary changes to improve the overall user experience of your website.
It's worth mentioning that these are the most common and basic metrics for website performance monitoring, But depending on your business and website you may need to measure other specific metrics and use specific tools, for example, if your website has a lot of traffic you may need to use more advanced monitoring tools to measure the performance.
Also, check our article on End-user Monitoring to Improve Banking Customer Experience, that will help you attain stability.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Website Monitoring Best Practices for Small Businesses
Website Monitoring is an essential aspect of running a small business, as it can help ensure that the website is always running smoothly and providing a good user experience. However, for small businesses, it can be difficult to know where to start with website monitoring. Here are some best practices for small businesses when it comes to website monitoring:
Start with the basics Start by monitoring the basics, such as website uptime and load time. These metrics can be easily tracked using website monitoring tools and can provide a good starting point for monitoring website performance.
Set up alerts Set up alerts so that you are notified immediately when an issue is detected. This can help you take action quickly to resolve the issue and minimize downtime.
Use analytics Use analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and Unisky Technologies, to track metrics such as page views, bounce rate, and conversion rate. These metrics can provide valuable insights into how well the website is performing and where improvements can be made
Test and monitor regularly Regularly test and monitor the website to ensure that it is functioning properly. This can help identify any issues early on and prevent them from becoming bigger problems.
Monitor the competition Keep an eye on the competition by monitoring their websites. This can give you valuable insights into what is working well for them and can help you improve your own website.
Keep an eye on the budget As a small business, you need to keep an eye on the budget. Look for cost-effective website monitoring tools that can provide the features you need without breaking the bank.
Monitor mobile performance With the increasing use of mobile devices to access websites, it's important to monitor the performance of your website on mobile devices, as well as on desktops.
In summary, Synthetic Website Monitoring is essential for small businesses, but it can be difficult to know where to start. By starting with the basics, setting up alerts, using analytics, testing and monitoring regularly, monitoring the competition, keeping an eye on the budget and monitoring mobile performance, small businesses can ensure that their website is always performing at its best and providing a good user experience.
Also, check our article on End-user Monitoring to Improve Banking Customer Experience, that will help you attain stability.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Why big enterprises prefer outsourcing synthetic website monitoring services instead of in house monitoring tools?
Big enterprises often prefer outsourcing synthetic website monitoring services instead of using in-house monitoring tools for several reasons.
First, outsourcing synthetic website monitoring services can provide access to a wider range of expertise and experience. Monitoring companies specialize in providing these services and often have a team of experts with a deep understanding of website performance, as well as experience with various industries and technologies. This can help ensure that the monitoring is thorough and accurate, and that any issues are identified and resolved quickly.
Second, outsourcing synthetic website monitoring services can be more cost-effective than using in-house tools. Monitoring companies can provide services on a pay-as-you-go basis, which can help businesses save on costs associated with purchasing, maintaining, and updating expensive in-house tools. Additionally, outsourcing can help businesses avoid the costs associated with hiring and training additional staff to manage and maintain in-house monitoring tools.
Third, outsourcing synthetic website monitoring services can provide businesses with more flexibility. Monitoring companies can often provide services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of a business, and can scale up or down as needed. This can be especially important for big enterprises, which may have complex, multi-faceted websites with a large number of visitors and transactions.
Finally, outsourcing synthetic website monitoring services can also help businesses stay compliant with industry regulations. Monitoring companies can provide services that are compliant with regulations such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) which can help businesses avoid potential penalties and fines.
In summary, big enterprises prefer outsourcing synthetic website monitoring service s over in-house monitoring tools because it provides access to expertise and experience, cost-effectiveness, flexibility and compliance with industry regulations. By outsourcing these services, businesses can ensure that their websites are performing optimally and that any issues are identified and resolved quickly.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Synthetic vs Real User Monitoring: Which is Right for Your Website?
Website monitoring is an essential aspect of ensuring that your website is performing well and providing a positive user experience. Two common methods of website monitoring are synthetic monitoring and real user monitoring. While both methods have their own advantages, understanding the differences between them can help you decide which one is best for your website.
Synthetic monitoring involves simulating the actions of a user on your website, such as clicking links and filling out forms. This method allows you to detect any issues or errors that may not be visible to real users. It also allows you to proactively identify and fix problems before they impact the user experience.
Real user monitoring, on the other hand, involves collecting data on how real users interact with your website. This includes information on load times, browser and device types, and geographic location. This data can be used to optimise website performance and improve the user experience.
One of the main advantages of synthetic monitoring is that it can be scheduled to run at specific intervals, allowing you to identify issues on a regular basis. This can be especially useful for detecting problems that only occur at certain times of the day or week. On the other hand, real user monitoring provides a more accurate picture of how users are actually interacting with your website, providing valuable insights into user behaviour and website performance.
Another advantage of synthetic monitoring is that it can be used to simulate different user scenarios, such as testing the performance of your website on different devices or browsers. Real user monitoring, in contrast, can only provide data on the actual users that are visiting your website.
In conclusion, both synthetic and real user monitoring have their own advantages and can be used to improve website performance . Synthetic monitoring can be used to detect issues proactively and schedule tests regularly, while real user monitoring can provide valuable insights into user behaviour and website performance. The best approach for your website will depend on your specific needs and goals. It may be beneficial to use both methods in combination to get a complete picture of your website performance. Unisky Technologies synthetic monitoring is one of the best available in the market.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
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uniskytechnologies · 1 year
How can synthetic monitoring tool help websites having OTP and CAPTCHA
Synthetic Monitoring Tools are a valuable resource for websites that use OTP (One-Time Passwords) and CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) to secure their online transactions and user data. These tools can help website owners and developers to ensure that their website is functioning properly and that users are able to access their accounts and complete transactions without any issues.
One of the main benefits of synthetic monitoring tools is that they allow website owners and developers to test their website's functionality in a controlled environment. This means that they can simulate different user scenarios and test how their website responds to different types of traffic and user interactions. For example, they can test how the website responds to multiple users trying to access their accounts at the same time or how it handles high traffic periods.
Another benefit of synthetic monitoring tools is that they can help website owners and developers to identify and fix issues with their website's OTP and CAPTCHA systems. For example, if a synthetic monitoring tool detects that users are frequently encountering errors when trying to enter their OTP or complete the CAPTCHA, the website owner or developer can investigate the issue and take steps to fix it. This can help to improve the user experience and reduce the risk of users abandoning their transactions or accounts due to technical issues.
In addition, synthetic monitoring tools can also help website owners and developers to optimise their website's performance. For example, they can help to identify areas where the website is slow to respond or where there are bottlenecks in the user flow. By identifying and addressing these issues, website owners and developers can improve the website's overall performance and ensure that users are able to complete their transactions and access their accounts quickly and efficiently.
Overall, synthetic monitoring tools can be a valuable resource for websites that use OTP and CAPTCHA to secure their online transactions and user data. They can help website owners and developers to ensure that their website is functioning properly, identify and fix issues with their OTP and CAPTCHA systems, and optimise their website's performance.
24*7 human support by Unisky Technologies synthetic website monitoring service to enter OTP and CAPTCHA solves hurdles of many businesses having OTP and CAPTCHA on their websites and Apps.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
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uniskytechnologies · 1 year
The Importance of Website Monitoring for E-commerce Businesses
E-commerce businesses rely heavily on their websites to generate revenue, so it's essential that these websites are always running smoothly and providing a good user experience. Website monitoring is a crucial aspect of ensuring that an e-commerce website is performing at its best. Here are a few reasons website monitoring why is so important for e-commerce businesses:
Downtime can cost money When an e-commerce website goes down, it can result in lost sales and revenue. Website monitoring can help identify and resolve issues before they cause prolonged downtime, which can save the business a significant amount of money.
Slow load times can drive away customers A slow-loading website can be frustrating for visitors and may cause them to leave the site before making a purchase. Website monitoring can help identify slow load times and make the necessary changes to improve website performance.
Identify and fix errors Website monitoring can help identify and fix errors on an e-commerce website, such as broken links or missing images. These errors can be frustrating for visitors and can also negatively impact search engine rankings.
Improve user experience Website monitoring can help identify areas where the user experience can be improved, such as slow load times or confusing navigation. Making improvements in these areas can lead to increased conversions and revenue.
Security concerns With e-commerce websites, there is a need to keep sensitive customer data secure. Website monitoring can help identify security vulnerabilities and take the necessary steps to protect customer information .
In summary, website monitoring is an essential aspect of running a successful e-commerce business. It can help identify and resolve issues that can negatively impact revenue, improve the user experience, and keep customer data secure. With regular monitoring, e-commerce businesses can ensure that their website is always performing at its best.
It's worth mentioning that there are various website monitoring tools that e-commerce businesses can use to monitor their websites. Unisky Technologies can monitor the website's availability, performance, and also can notify you when there's an issue so you can take action as soon as possible.
Unisky Technologies synthetic website monitoring service is best fitted monitoring partner for big enterprises businesses.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Real-time Website Monitoring: How it Can Improve User Experience?
Real-time website monitoring is a powerful tool that can help businesses improve the user experience of their websites. By monitoring website performance in real-time, businesses can identify and resolve issues as they occur, which can lead to a better user experience. Here's how real-time website monitoring can improve the user experience:
Identify and resolve issues quickly Real-time website monitoring can detect issues as they occur, allowing businesses to resolve them quickly. This can prevent downtime and slow load times, which can be frustrating for visitors and can lead to lost sales.
Improve website performance By monitoring website performance in real-time, businesses can identify areas where the website is performing poorly and make the necessary changes to improve performance. This can lead to faster load times and a more responsive website, which can improve the user experience .
Enhance security Real-time website monitoring can help detect and prevent security breaches , which can protect sensitive customer data and improve the overall security of the website.
Monitor user engagement Real-time website monitoring can also help businesses monitor user engagement by tracking metrics such as page views and bounce rate. This can help businesses identify areas where the user experience can be improved, such as by providing more relevant content.
Proactive maintenance Real-time website monitoring can provide early warning signals of potential issues, this allows businesses to take proactive maintenance steps to prevent them from happening and avoid any inconvenience for the users.
In summary, real-time website monitoring is a powerful tool that can help businesses improve the user experience of their websites. By identifying and resolving issues quickly, improving website performance, enhancing security, monitoring user engagement and taking proactive maintenance steps, businesses can create a better user experience and increase the chances of retaining and converting visitors into customers.
It's worth mentioning that there are various website monitoring tools that can offer real-time monitoring. Unisky Technologies real-time website monitoring tool can monitor the website's availability, performance, and also can notify you in real-time when there's an issue so you can take action as soon as possible.
Unisky Technologies synthetic website monitoring service is best fitted monitoring partner for big enterprises businesses.
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
0 notes
uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Uniskytechnologies | Whatsapp Monitoring Services
WhatsApp Monitoring
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WhatsApp has become a popular platform for businesses to engage with customers, and several industries are making use of it to enhance their customer experience. Banks, NBFCs, broking firms, and e-commerce companies are no exception. Here's a closer look at how these industries are leveraging WhatsApp, and why synthetic monitoring is necessary.
Banks are using WhatsApp to offer quick and easy access to banking services. Customers can inquire about their account balance, check transaction history, and make fund transfers through the messaging app. Banks can also use WhatsApp to send payment reminders, transaction alerts, and notifications about new products and services.
NBFCs are using WhatsApp to offer customer support, process loan applications, and send reminders about loan repayments. Customers can apply for loans, submit documents, and get loan approvals through the messaging app. NBFCs can also provide information about their products, services, and promotions through WhatsApp.
Broking firms are using WhatsApp to offer trade alerts, market updates, and research reports. Customers can get real-time updates on their investments and make informed decisions based on market trends. Broking firms can also provide customer support through WhatsApp, enable trading through the messaging app, and offer information about customer accounts.
E-commerce companies are using WhatsApp to offer customer support, send order confirmations, and provide order tracking information. Customers can inquire about product details, place orders, and make payments through the messaging app. E-commerce companies can also use WhatsApp to send personalized recommendations and promotions to customers.
WhatsApp Monitoring
While WhatsApp is a convenient way for businesses to engage with customers, it involves sensitive customer information and critical financial transactions. Therefore, there is a need for synthetic monitoring to ensure that the messaging app is always available and responsive, and that customers can conduct transactions securely and efficiently. Synthetic monitoring can help businesses to proactively detect and resolve issues before they impact real customers. It can also help to ensure that customer data is protected and secure. By using synthetic monitoring for WhatsApp, businesses can provide a better customer experience and ensure the security and reliability of their messaging platform. In conclusion, WhatsApp has become an essential tool for businesses to engage with customers. Banks, NBFCs, broking firms, and e-commerce companies are making use of it to offer quick and easy access to their services. However, businesses must ensure that the messaging app is always available and secure, and that's where synthetic monitoring comes in. Synthetic monitoring can help businesses to offer a seamless customer experience and ensure the security of customer information.
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uniskytechnologies · 1 year
Why Proactive Synthetic Monitoring Services are Essential for Monitoring WhatsApp Banking?
With the rise of digital banking, more and more people are turning to their smartphones to manage their finances. WhatsApp banking has emerged as a popular way for people to conduct banking transactions on-the-go. However, with the increased usage of WhatsApp banking, it's important to ensure that the service is working properly and securely. The more efficient, the better the experience.
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 This is where proactive synthetic monitoring services come in. Proactive synthetic monitoring services use software robots to simulate user transactions on a website or mobile app. These robots are designed to follow predefined scripts that mimic user behaviour. By doing so, synthetic monitoring can identify performance and security issues that may affect end-users. Here are some ways in which Unisky Technologies’ proactive synthetic monitoring can help you monitor Whatsapp-banking
1. Ensuring uptime and availability:
WhatsApp banking relies on an internet connection and servers to function. Any downtime or service interruption can affect the user experience. With synthetic monitoring, you can test WhatsApp banking's availability and uptime from different locations and devices. This helps you identify any performance issues and ensure that the service is available to the users 24/7.
2. Testing functionality and user experience:
Synthetic monitoring can test the functionality of WhatsApp banking, including account creation, login, balance inquiries, money transfers, and bill payments. This helps you identify any issues that may impact the user experience, such as slow load times, broken links, or error messages.
3. Identifying security vulnerabilities:
With synthetic monitoring, you can simulate different types of attack scenarios, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and brute force attacks. This helps you identify any security vulnerabilities in WhatsApp banking and take appropriate measures to mitigate them in real-time.
4. Monitoring third-party services:
Many WhatsApp banking services rely on third-party providers for functions such as identity verification, payment processing, and data storage. Synthetic monitoring can help you monitor these third-party services and ensure that they are performing as expected.
5. Providing insights for improvement:
Technical enhancements in the app code and their impact across the application components can be easily understood by live monitoring. This will help your IT management department to optimise the app’s performance making the brand achieve a significant competitive advantage.
6. App Data Analytics
Synthetic monitoring can collect data on WhatsApp banking's performance and user experience. This data can be analysed to identify trends and patterns, such as peak usage times and popular features. This can help you make informed decisions about how to improve the service and meet the needs of your users.
Time to rethink your Application Performance
In conclusion, WhatsApp banking is a convenient and popular way for the users to conduct banking transactions. However, it's important to ensure that the service is working properly and securely. Proactive synthetic monitoring can help you identify and mitigate any performance or security issues, and provide valuable insights for improvement. By using synthetic monitoring, you can ensure that WhatsApp banking is a reliable and secure service for your users.
Also, check our article on End-user Monitoring to Improve Banking Customer Experience, that will help you attain stability.
Synthetic website monitoring, 
website performance monitoring, 
application performance monitoring, 
cloud monitoring, 
network monitoring, 
real user monitoring, 
remote monitoring, 
API monitoring, 
automated testing, 
monitoring tools
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uniskytechnologies · 1 year
What is Synthetic Monitoring and how it maximises your App Performance?
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Businesses are becoming increasingly digital-focused in today’s market environment. The online ecosystem is the new normal for providing services, selling products and more importantly, successful online transactions. For a smoother flow of such transactions, synthetic monitoring (STM) is essential to ensure the application’s performance and generate value outside of your digital assets.
What is Synthetic Monitoring?
Synthetic monitoring is a method for analysing the performance of business applications by simulating a path across the application functionalities. It is enabled by defining a route that has several checkpoints. When an end-user goes through the route, each checkpoint indicates the performance metrics to ensure the functionalities are working.
As a result, you have all the KPIs to make alterations to the application code. The paths are consistently monitored for regular improvements to enhance uptime. End-user synthetic monitoring has now become a common practice for business applications with transactional traffic. Thus, it is one of the most crucial IT components for banking and financial apps.
It is also known as directed monitoring as well as active monitoring.
Here are some stats related to application performance and synthetic monitoring.
45% of respondents indicated IT service recovery in 2019 took greater than 12 hours. – Uptime Institute Report
Globally, $126,000 per hour is the average revenue lost due to downtime. – Digital Enterprise Journal
The Synthetic Monitoring market was $838.5 million in 2020. It is growing at a CAGR of 15.2% from 2021 to 2026. By 2026, it can reach $1944.705 million. – Mordor Intelligence
Online businesses worldwide are considering synthetic monitoring as a significant impetus to advance their applications and solve IT issues to maintain a robust uptime. In particular, banking and finance companies are taking a keen interest in investing more in monitoring services to make the most out of their digital assets.
How does STM maximise application performance?
Synthetic monitoring proactively watches over your APIs, websites, web, mobile and SaaS applications, even during low-traffic periods, and alerts your operations team in case of performance degradation or availability issues.
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STM also plays a key role in understanding the performance limitations of your application. Your customers have realistic expectations and automated monitoring techniques fail to deliver real-time resolution. Synthetic monitoring by an end-user may be complex but it surely maximises your application performance by providing real-time data so that you deliver active responses to solve technical issues.
Managing Compliance and Third-Party Integrations
Despite your digital infrastructure, your business app requires third-party integration to serve transaction requests from multiple sources. This is where synthetic monitoring ensures the reliability and compatibility of the third party. For your application to perform smoothly, you need consistent observation of third-party apps, follow the compliance and get real-time alerts.
Preventing Transaction Failure
Synthetic monitoring helps to prevent an unsuccessful transaction like no other technique. Analysing the previous errors along with accurate incident data in hand, resolving any transactional error is quicker when you have a monitoring partner specialising in STM and end-user analytics. It also includes constant API monitoring with a real user perspective, instant reporting of technical issues, and rechecking the applied measures to prevent transaction failure.
Why should you outsource Synthetic Monitoring?
Unsuccessful transactions due to app failure adversely impact your bottom-line growth. Most of the business applications in the BFSI sector are outsourcing monitoring to a reliable partner with both automation-driven agility and real user analysis to stay one step ahead.
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With a significant rise in investments for monitoring globally, businesses are keen to explore new opportunities by understanding application capabilities and error patterns. Your synthetic monitoring strategy should be a blend of rich data analytics and real-time responses to streamline seamless transactions.
Unisky Technologies focuses on Synthetic Monitoring, API Monitoring, Web Performance Monitoring, 
App Performance Monitoring, Cloud Monitoring, Network Monitoring, Real User Monitoring, 
Remote Monitoring and Automated Testing.
Visit www.uniskytechnologies.com to know more.
Also, check our article on eCommerce apps with live monitoring that will help you attain a smoother customer experience.
Synthetic website monitoring, website performance monitoring, application performance monitoring, cloud monitoring, network monitoring, real user monitoring, remote monitoring, API monitoring, automated testing, monitoring tools
Synthetic website monitoring,
website performance monitoring,
application performance monitoring,
cloud monitoring,
network monitoring,
real user monitoring,
remote monitoring,
API monitoring,
automated testing,
monitoring tools
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uniskytechnologies · 1 year
End User Monitoring to Improve Banking Customer Experience
End User Monitoring to Improve Banking Customer Experience
Consumers are completely shifting towards a digital-driven banking environment. Paper-less transactions have exponentially increased since the past decade. Financial institutions must leverage the digital advantage and provide exceptional customer experience to stay ahead in the competition. One thing central to this whole process of digital transformation and application management is – Monitoring.
Monitoring is the key to make your application perform to its full potential. From back-end developments to customer touch-points, banks and financial businesses can meticulously observe the bottlenecks and understand their application weaknesses that are affecting the customer experience. A consumer-first monitoring strategy can enable finance companies to gain a strong market hold with the technology advantage.
Consider the following mobile banking statistics
The total value of payments made using mobile devices reached $503 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $693 billion in 2021. - Dataprot
By 2021 there will be 7 billion mobile users, with 3 billion of them promising to utilize mobile banking. - Vxchnge
88% of Financial Institutions have rigorously worked upon lagging digital capabilities post-Covid 19 pandemic. - Mckinsey
While millennials prefer everyday transactions online, age is no longer a differentiator for digital retail banking. People are more inclined towards the agility a mobile banking app has to offer. Although, there are certain security issues as mobile app fraud transactions have increased by over 600% since 2015. Thus, monitoring is undeniably a fundamental component for banking service providers to upscale their digital offerings in a more secure manner.
Banking Application Monitoring requires a 360-degree approach towards studying, analyzing and improving the performance of your digital systems. The data gathered through real-user monitoring is highly valuable for making decisions regarding performance consistency and user experience. While there is a wide range of monitoring methods, end-user monitoring is the most recommended one for banking and finance apps.
One of the most important aspects of end-user monitoring is to reduce downtime while conducting a transaction. For Indian banks and financial institutions, it’s highly critical to managing the downtime as RBI has issued guidelines for the same. Your bank may get penalized if your digital transaction downtime is higher. Thus, end-user monitoring is the key to follow the consumer mindset and streamline services according to their expectations.
Why is end-user monitoring better?
End-user monitoring enables you to detect and rectify API issues like never before. You get accurate performance data and alerts in real-time that helps your IT team to recover it quicker than ever. Gathering device-specific errors across any browser, third party service like payment gateways, captchas, OTP, SMS, Email etc. using end-user monitoring significantly helps in tracking and resolving technical issues with ease and flexibility.
Benefits of End User Monitoring for banking and finance applications
Reducing Monitoring Noise - While there are a lot of factors associated with monitoring analytics, end-user monitoring highlights the key issues and separates them from technical bottlenecks of less concern.
Enhancing App Capabilities - By rectifying the errors through end-user monitoring, you can consistently upscale the programming of your application to ensure optimum performance, including third party services.
Recovering Performance Slowdowns - Analyzing and studying the user’s journey for a successful transaction enables you to perfect the digital mechanism and exceed customer expectations.
Configuring Synthetic Transactions - End-user driven synthetic monitoring helps you to overcome performance-related issues specific to transactions. You can gather real issues to resolve and enhance the transaction speed.
Maintaining Compliance - Complying with the terms and guidelines of RBI, Application Platforms as well as user-expectations is much easier when an end-user monitoring strategy is on the move.
Getting ahead with End-user Monitoring
End-user monitoring facilitates data for Banking CIOs to understand API limitations and optimize apps to exceed customer expectations for both user-friendliness and operational efficiency. Hence, end-user application monitoring is what you need in the first place to manage your banking digital experience.
Synthetic website monitoring, website performance monitoring, application performance monitoring, cloud monitoring, network monitoring, real user monitoring, remote monitoring, API monitoring, automated testing, monitoring tools
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