urmummegagae · 5 months
Actively despise liars if u lie to me my veiw on our friendship or relationship will change instantly and i will hold a grudge about it and remember till it builds up and i no longer want you around idc how small the lie is if u lie to me u dont veiw me as trustworthy so why be my friend or be in my life.
And also idk why but its a big thing i hate hate hate people who talk behind my back like why? say it to my face I’m gonna find out eventually womp womp I’ve been lied and back talked tm to try and figure out why i will just drop u and stop talking to you and or make it known my opinions changed about you.
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urmummegagae · 6 months
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urmummegagae · 8 months
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urmummegagae · 8 months
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Me when i wear my best outfit just to go to the grocery
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urmummegagae · 8 months
we have to start ridiculing climbing mount everest the way we've ridiculed diving to the titanic there's no reason to be dying up there why dont you do a nice normal sport
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urmummegagae · 8 months
LMAO or the fact that people think trans men are abusers and cant be abused in a straight relationship.
The fundamental argument that trans people, specifically trans women, are just men that want to abuse women, is so flawed that I immediately know your brain has been rotted by an echo chamber more toxic than New York City's main sewer line.
Men can do that without pretending to be women, lol.
I can smell your brain rot from forty miles away.
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urmummegagae · 8 months
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(by kraut_kopf)
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urmummegagae · 8 months
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urmummegagae · 8 months
there's a certain amount of privilege and naivety that comes with the people who truly believe in the phrase "you can't fight violence with violence".
What exactly are the oppressed supposed to do to protect themselves and their families and their land that's acceptable for you?
Are they supposed to sit down and write love letters?
Are they supposed to sit down and wait for the world to pressure Israel into no longer oppressing them? I mean it's been more than 70 years, how much longer should they wait for nonexistent International aid?
How many more years of western media acting as though "those Arab terrorists" and one of the most advanced militaries in the world protected behind an iron dome funded by western nations are on the same level and that it's an equal conflict, are we supposed to witness?
How many international war crimes do Israel have to commit without facing a hint of consequences before it becomes clear that the majority of western nations do support Israel and do not want Palestine to be freed because it would be inconvenient for them?
How did you think we were gonna fight for Palestine?
by trending hashtags? by simply preaching "decolonisation" without physically doing anything? By voting? (lmao) be serious.
This is a war that's been going on for decades. Not some playground shit. Palestinians have been oppressed for decades. Hundreds of innocent Palestinians are murdered every year in cold blood. Hundreds are displaced. The people of Gaza have been trapped in one of the biggest open air tightly controlled prisons for a very long time.
Realistically speaking, this horror and this war is not gonna end by Palestinians sitting down, twiddling their thumbs and hoping the state that's shown no mercy and stopped at nothing to try and erase them will show them kindness and mercy all of a sudden.
This is the same state full of civilians that go around chanting "death to Arabs" on their own holiday. The same state who's soldiers and civilians make it a tradition to attack people simply praying every ramadan.
You think those people will stop trying to gain more land and wipe out Palestinians with treaties, kind words and gifts?
When will it be acceptable for Palestinians to defend themselves and for those in Gaza to try and break free from their prison?
What exactly were you expecting?
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