v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Roman: I want to kiss you
Virgil: Absolutely not!
Roman: Then can I at least compliment you?
Virgil: I—fine, I guess
Roman, softly: [leaning in] You have really nice eyes…
Virgil, flustered: [pushes him away] ALRIGHT THAT’S ENOUGH THAT’S ENOUGH
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Virgil: I made seventeen types of cookies, four cakes, seven types of pies, three types of brownies, and five dozen cupcakes!
Deceit, hiding behind Remus: Oh god, he’s stress baking again.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Virgil: You are a dead man walking.
Remus: Make like JD and love this dead man walking then.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 25
“What’s happened?” Deceit didn’t understand what was happening.
“I’ll show you.”
Remus and Roman reached out for each other’s hand. When they grasped hands, a flash of light blinded everyone.
Where Roman and Remus had stood, a singular figure now stood. 
Clad in a dark almost black navy blue outfit like Roman’s, Deceit did not recognize who it was, but apparently Patton and Logan did.
“You’re whole again!” Patton squealed.  
“It’s been years since I’ve been one person. I’ve missed being myself.” They stretched their arms out exaggeratedly in a stretch. Their voice was one that Deceit had heard a moment before, it was rich and melodic, like a Disney Prince, but somehow even better and more mature. No, like a Disney King as a protagonist.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 24
Virgil slumped over back onto Logan’s chest.
“Virgil, what is it, what happened? Are you hurt somewhere else?”
Logan brought Virgil face up to look at him again and though Virgil’s eyes were open, he knew Virgil wasn’t seeing Logan right in front of him. 
Patton exclaimed “Why are his eyes open like that? Is he-”
“No, Patton. I think he’s just, tired…” Logan wasn’t sure what he was saying was true, but he knew Virgil wasn’t dead or in distress, quite opposite that. Virgil was way too relaxed now.
“Look, his color’s coming back, he’s going to be fine Patton.”
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 23
Virgil couldn’t tell when he could think again, but once he was aware, he felt a warmth like he had never felt wrapped around him.
What is this? Heaven? 
No one would hold him this tight and with this much love.
He heard a muffled set of voices that he could tell from their tone were arguing.
Ok, not heaven. Who is holding me then?
Virgil tried to move, but his limbs would not cooperate and he only managed a small shift in his position. A groan escaped his lips involuntarily.
Everything went silent.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 22
Deceit and Remus looked surprised as they popped into their living room and were accosted by Roman.
“Wait. Virgil’s hurt? What happened?” Deceit looked utterly confused as he asked. Remus seemed distracted.
“I should ask you! One of you has hurt him enough to make him collapse, he has marks of being restrained by his arms and scratches from trying to get out of them. Who did this? FESS UP or I will KILL BOTH OF YOU” 
Roman was more angry than any of Thomas’s Sides had ever seen him.
“Roman, you know I am not a villain, I would never harm Virgil. I have sensed that he’s been hiding something through his lies about it, but he’s somehow hidden what it is from me. You know I can always tell that, but that doesn’t mean I’m at fault.” Deceit looked warily at Roman’s sword, knowing Roman was willing to use it.
“Just because you have that ability doesn’t mean you can’t be lying to us about hurting him.” Roman glared at Deceit, fury radiating in waves off of him.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 21
Virgil didn’t look good.
Logan could tell he was tired, but him collapsing was something he didn’t think likely.
“Virgil, you okay? We’ve been trying to get your attention for a little bit. It’s your turn to film.” Logan had been trying to get Virgil’s attention for a period of 10 seconds before Virgil seemed to register his voice.
Patton and Roman looked at Virgil with deep concern as Virgil seemed to get even weaker as he tried to say something and looked up from his feet.
Virgil was only able to say “I’m sorry…” before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 20
AMA is open now. Questions welcome.
Virgil squinted as their hallway light disoriented him.
“Hey, Virgil! I’m glad you got Patton’s note-” A voice in front of him startled Virgil  and its enthusiasm didn’t help with his pounding headache.
“Woah! Sorry, Virge! I guess I startled you. I got a little too excited.” Virgil squinted at who was talking to him and made out a Roman shaped object. Roman was furnace for Virgil’s freezing and hungry body.
“S’okies Princey, just a little more subtly next time.” Virgil put up his hood, which he stupidly didn’t put up before, ignoring how much he wanted to reach out. Not yet.
I hope I didn’t look too bad, I feel bad though. Don’t want them to worry too much until they understand. Just a little longer.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 19
Warning: Graphic nightmare
Virgil was lying on their couch when he heard a shout from upstairs.
“Virgil, help!”
“V, please!”
“AHHHH!!!” Patton let out a gut-wrenching scream. Virgil’s heart broke at how pain-filled and raw it was.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 18
Virgil was surprised at how easily he had dealt with Not Him. He thought Not Him would try to fight back or prolong their conflict, but it seemed he knew himself to much to be able to discourage him from dispelling his fears that easily.
He knew he couldn’t go down to his friends like this, even if he wanted to.
Not Him would try to do everything in his power to prevent that.
He just had to wait till morning.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 17
Patton, Logan, and Roman were concerned for Virgil.
He had been so scared of them, and they didn’t know why.
Logan especially did not understand such a violent reaction to his intended examination of Virgil’s hand. He even flinched away from Patton’s touch, and he had never done that before. Patton usually was a calming influence on him no matter how distraught he was, but for some reason this time was different.
One good thing was that Virgil did not seem angry or unwilling to cooperate with them. Giving him space was what they knew he needed when he got upset at them.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 16
Before Virgil did something drastic, he composed a note to his friends so he would have time to do this. 
Dear Roman, Patton, and Logan
Thank you for your concern about me. But need time to calm down, I can dress my wound myself if I had any supplies, so I need it from Logan. Regretfully, I do not think I can eat dinner with you all right now, but I will accept a plate of food at dinnertime so I’m not hungry. I know you still want me to be healthy.
Virgil hated he had to lie again, but it was best.
I will come down to film tomorrow, but let’s talk after that. I don’t want to distress Thomas with what happened by bringing him into it. Anything you want to give me can come through a ‘doggie door’ I have created in my door, but do not try to contact me verbally please.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 15
Virgil finishing eating first and started to get up to put his plate in their sink when his legs flew out from under him.
“Virgil!” “V!!” “Buddy!” A chorus of worried voices exclaimed.
Virgil had hit something hard with his foot and felt his friends hands grab onto him before he could hurt his head. His plate shattered as it hit solid ground, and managed to cut Virgil’s hand as he had instinctively tried to catch himself.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 14
Had a scare on this one, didn’t show up immediately in my Queue, so I’m glad I didn’t have to rewrite this one.
Like a breeze, Virgil got back into his book and before he knew it he was digging into a plate full of vegetables and rice Patton had made.
He still wasn’t up to par, but his stomach wasn’t giving him hell, so he called his endeavor to stay downstairs and read was a success.
Patton had called Virgil over and watched as Virgil dug into his lovingly prepared meal. Patton then called to Logan and Roman from their living room to come down to eat.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 13
Note: When this story is finalized I will be posting drawings of certain moments in this story, there are some good drawing inspiration moments for me. After Screaming Hunger’s final chapter look out for that. Hope you’ll like them.
Now to continue:
Before Patton knew it, lunch time was almost here. Patton was excited about getting Virgil one step closer to being healthy again.
He had planned to cook some asian inspired cuisine, they would all need less carb filled food and more vegetables today. He would limit any rice or noodles in this dish.
Patton exited his room descend into their living room to see that Virgil was still reading his book, looking like he hadn’t moved since Patton went upstairs. His position in his chair looked very uncomfortable. 
Patton would change that.
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v1rg1l-sanders-blog · 5 years
Screaming Hunger: Chapter 12
Virgil had gotten through about 50 pages when he noticed a note from Logan and Patton he hadn’t seen before on their table. He reached from where sat and grabbed it.
It read: We forgot to tell you at breakfast, but Roman has come up with an idea for a new Sanders Sides video and we’re filming it tomorrow! We also didn’t want to disturb you while you read, so we wrote you this instead!
Of course Roman would make it rhyme! And of course they would respect my boundaries even though that’s opposite of what I need right now. Virgil thought while chuckling and then sighing. He wondered what his arc would be after he confess his status as a Dark Side to video Thomas.
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